Joined 20th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 18
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 18
Poetry Contest Description
There are many views on life be they positive negative light and dark what are your feelings and thoughts of life yours or the worlds
Be creative honest as graphic as you wish come up with your best thoughts and remember may the odds be ever in your favor.

Joined 4th July 2012
Forum Posts: 33
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 33
Thoughts And Dreams
Inside my empty room
there's only pictures in the dark,
I'm thinking in my solitude
because thoughts are what we are.
Outside in the darkness
faintly I hear a distant car,
now I'm dreaming in my solitude
because dreams are what we are.
Inside my empty room
there's only pictures in the dark,
I'm thinking in my solitude
because thoughts are what we are.
Outside in the darkness
faintly I hear a distant car,
now I'm dreaming in my solitude
because dreams are what we are.
Joined 12th July 2012
Forum Posts: 82
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 82
Dare to dream
Dare to dream
dream to die
if it's your wish
You'll start to fly
Rolling clouds
of blue and white
a storm of snow
has stopped your flight.
Dare to dream
dream to die
beauty is not held
within the eye
your weights not thin
you dye your hair
you're born this way
life isn't fair.
Dare to dream
dream to die
the things you love
have said goodbye
friendship left
love is gone
you dream alone
you don't belong.
Dare to dream
dream to die
think of your own
feel the pain
it's setting in
take a breath
your head will spin.
You dare to dream
but you dream to die.
Dare to dream
dream to die
if it's your wish
You'll start to fly
Rolling clouds
of blue and white
a storm of snow
has stopped your flight.
Dare to dream
dream to die
beauty is not held
within the eye
your weights not thin
you dye your hair
you're born this way
life isn't fair.
Dare to dream
dream to die
the things you love
have said goodbye
friendship left
love is gone
you dream alone
you don't belong.
Dare to dream
dream to die
think of your own
feel the pain
it's setting in
take a breath
your head will spin.
You dare to dream
but you dream to die.
Katelyn Michelle
Joined 25th May 2012
Forum Posts: 43
Katelyn Michelle
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 43
I don't see the point in life
For we're all bound to die
We are all the same,in a sense
For we all have tendencies to lie
Whether it's to save our asses
Or spare another's hurt
We've all stretched or denied the truth
Buried or smudged it in the dirt
We're all bound to die
But where do we go?
Heaven? Hell?
Or some river's eternal flow?
Life to me is pointless
I'm just "living" day to day
Not wondering what will happen next
This is just a game I play
For we're all bound to die
We are all the same,in a sense
For we all have tendencies to lie
Whether it's to save our asses
Or spare another's hurt
We've all stretched or denied the truth
Buried or smudged it in the dirt
We're all bound to die
But where do we go?
Heaven? Hell?
Or some river's eternal flow?
Life to me is pointless
I'm just "living" day to day
Not wondering what will happen next
This is just a game I play
Golden Bird
Joined 6th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 119
Golden Bird
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 119
Someone help me I am fading,
Life is losing it's alreadyfewperks,
I wake up every morning hurting,
Desperate forsome trace oflove,
Misunderstood and heartless I trudge,
Singing ballads of woe never gone,
Barely saneI stay this way,
I'm tired of this life I live.
I never get past these things in my head,
Things I've done wrong,things I should of did,
Punishment I always give to myself,
Inside my mind, a jumbled mental mess,
I am the immortal in Hell and past is my torture,
One small sin repeatedover and over,
Lies fill my soul of darkened shadows,
Why do I sit and wait for help that will never come?
No one understands mymind,
Not the sweetest people nor the doers of crime,
My life is a foreign language to all,
They all shrug, say move on, there's no need to cry,
The things theysay are easier said than done,
They know nothing ofmylike,
But no mattermy spirit's beenbroken,
I've given up this fight for life.
Life is losing it's alreadyfewperks,
I wake up every morning hurting,
Desperate forsome trace oflove,
Misunderstood and heartless I trudge,
Singing ballads of woe never gone,
Barely saneI stay this way,
I'm tired of this life I live.
I never get past these things in my head,
Things I've done wrong,things I should of did,
Punishment I always give to myself,
Inside my mind, a jumbled mental mess,
I am the immortal in Hell and past is my torture,
One small sin repeatedover and over,
Lies fill my soul of darkened shadows,
Why do I sit and wait for help that will never come?
No one understands mymind,
Not the sweetest people nor the doers of crime,
My life is a foreign language to all,
They all shrug, say move on, there's no need to cry,
The things theysay are easier said than done,
They know nothing ofmylike,
But no mattermy spirit's beenbroken,
I've given up this fight for life.
Forum Posts: 204
Thought Provoker
Joined 3rd Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 204
The Key to Life
Live for others,
for even though you will cry with pain that isn't yours
and shake with rage that isn't yours,
even though you will constantly live
under the crushing weight of sadness that isn't yours
and feel dejected at failures that are not yours,
it will all be worth it when they succeed.
When they smile in triumph
and laugh with new found joy,
when they fall in love
and achieve the goals you have been helping them pursue,
every moment of pain will be unimportant
in the face of such a pleasure.
Gratitude and thanks are not demanded or needed here.
Nor are acknowledgment or even knowledge of your involvement.
All that is required is that when they leave you
they are in a better place than when you met.
And yes, it will sometimes be difficult,
sometimes wearing,
and sometimes feel like more than you can take,
especially when in a situation where you can genuinely do nothing
but if you are steadfast, if you are strong,
if you refuse to let it break you,
you will live the most rewarding life imaginable.
Live for others,
for even though you will cry with pain that isn't yours
and shake with rage that isn't yours,
even though you will constantly live
under the crushing weight of sadness that isn't yours
and feel dejected at failures that are not yours,
it will all be worth it when they succeed.
When they smile in triumph
and laugh with new found joy,
when they fall in love
and achieve the goals you have been helping them pursue,
every moment of pain will be unimportant
in the face of such a pleasure.
Gratitude and thanks are not demanded or needed here.
Nor are acknowledgment or even knowledge of your involvement.
All that is required is that when they leave you
they are in a better place than when you met.
And yes, it will sometimes be difficult,
sometimes wearing,
and sometimes feel like more than you can take,
especially when in a situation where you can genuinely do nothing
but if you are steadfast, if you are strong,
if you refuse to let it break you,
you will live the most rewarding life imaginable.
C. R. Powers
Joined 3rd Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 170
C. R. Powers
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 170
New Day
Waking in the midnight.
Walking in the blue.
The shadows are so deep,
And they hunger just like you.
The sweet chill morning dew is in my hair.
The sun is creeping up.
The hours pass so quickly,
But I cannot get enough.
The new day is here.
Bring it on...!
Waking in the midnight.
Walking in the blue.
The shadows are so deep,
And they hunger just like you.
The sweet chill morning dew is in my hair.
The sun is creeping up.
The hours pass so quickly,
But I cannot get enough.
The new day is here.
Bring it on...!
Joined 16th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 7
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 7
Life is full of mysteries, itself is an enigma of great magnitude. Second by second, it’s inevitable to barry ourselves deeper in the chain of events that will lead to our destiny. To the beat of our hearts, we explore the depths of our souls. Ideally, we strive to achieve self-equilibrium: balancing the harmony of ourselves emulating with surrounding energies. We sway to our own rhythms hoping to discover answers. The sweet intoxication of burning passions within us adds aromas to our cartesian logics. It procures spice, who marks the beginning of ambition. Presently, we are only conscious of this state that we baptized as living. This is nothing but a chapter in a journey. We must immerse ourselves in it without alienating other unknown steps of this stroll through time.
A writers first sentence, a poets first rhyme, a druggies first rush, an artists first creation, it all starts at the first heartbeat. As of it, we develop physically, intellectually and spiritually. Like a growing trees leafs reaches the heavens, a growing heart wanders towards understanding. I feel the first beat. I think I skipped the second. My heart is pounding. It’s a concerto lead by a percussion that seems to echo forever. The sounds I produce are but a calm lullaby of the unknown. Gently, my body awakens. Awareness erupts from within me and, I feel the necessity to study this newness like a wave discovering an untouched shore, caressing the hot sand. I tremble as blood rushes through my veins and pumps through the smallest capillaries. Every pulsation spreads my consciousness as well. The flow gently rocks me as I bathe in this peacefulness. Drifting into my music, I could fall asleep. It feels like a divine dream. Fresh as the new morning, until now, cool from the dusks mist and drizzles, still tingling off mother nature. I am purified and clean, uncorrupted and pure. Warmth is felt as if I were wrapped in a blanket made out of the suns rays. I know nothing. I am empty, blank and meaningless. As long as I glide tenderly, it doesn’t matter. Nothing is real. No reason could enlighten me. I can only rely on my feelings because they move me to my cadence. My senses aren't developed yet but I know that I am surrounded by love. How I know this confuses me but, why question this serenity pouring through me as a waterfall into a small creak?
This warm humid cavern is my new home. New sensations emerge. I am wrapped in a silk wave, as soft as a mermaids air, oscillating in all direction, without predetermination like the tunes of a wild violin. To this new touch, I also oscillate from fear to bravery, not knowing what to do of this new wisdom. It has reshaped the dogma, previously centering my life and directing my understanding of it. It has changed the frequency to which I am aware. What other dimensions of my perceived world are not distinguishable from my point? I am innocent, but to what extent? It is safer to say that I still know nothing even if I have taken a step towards enlightenment. This delicate area in which I’m immersed tickles my sensitivity causing me to shiver. Curiousness floods my skin. I occupy space; a manifestation of a corporeal reality. The need to give meaning overthrows the shyness and the fear I originally felt. Audacity invades me and I let go of my fright. My cheeks bloat and blush as I acknowledge the space i occupy from chest to shoulders, arms, knuckles and fingers. My extremities brush the core of my body. The lower part of my figure is impossible to ignore. Two limbs tucked in softly against my stomach, folded over themselves at the joints. My whole is soaked in this hydrating moisture pressing against me making it difficult to know what is a part of me and what isn’t in this tangled puzzle. This area becomes claustrophobically comforting. I am more than a thought. I am.
As my concentration wanders from area to area, the consolidation of effort dances onto every inch of my body. My tongue explores my lips. It’s the most sensitive area yet. Like the bedroom arts, the intimate contact binds me, not to another soul, but to my own soul; connecting body and mind. The exploration is the expression of feeling through my bodies desire. I want to know myself. Who am I. I need to be unified to open my mind. I am illuminated, feeling my way through life.
I savor this moment. Fluids rush inside of me. The currents, just as water slipping through rocks in rapids, sooth me. The continuous flood pours in and out; a symphony quenching my thirst, easing my hunger, assuring my quietude. Suddenly, vibes penetrate my body and my spirit trembles. I am evacuated by the seism.
Something hurts my eyes. Sight hurts. I could shut my eyes and go back to darkness but isn’t that what all humans hope for? As soon as they take off those pink glasses and see the world as it really is they are petrified and beg for a permanent eclipse. They close their eyes and imagine a world where all that live smile and all that smile love. Yet, living in their imagination hasn’t helped in any way. They are conscious of that. Consequently, they should try building up their courage and take a peak at the raw truth enlaced with our faiths as human beings. We are not happy, we are not loving; that is, presently. If instead of living in our imaginations and closing our minds to the world, we try to see authentically, we can change things. Instead of living in fear and denial, we can live in truth and in reality. If we change humanities false certainties, and we unite, we will experience true happiness, better than any materialistic, imaginary or pink glassed happiness. We will feel genuine, communal happiness. I am new to this world, and I am more courageous than anyone already here. This light blinds me, but at least I now see it. Hopefully, I will never shut my eyes.
In the tender arms of my loving caregiver my hysterical cries turn to sobs and my attention diverts to the rain outdoors. When acts of love and kindness are performed, God’s tears of joy trickle upon us blessing us with the sent of wonderment and renewal. This is his form of deliverance, nourishing earth to bring forth the sweet taste of fruits. We are the product of these acts.
A writers first sentence, a poets first rhyme, a druggies first rush, an artists first creation, it all starts at the first heartbeat. As of it, we develop physically, intellectually and spiritually. Like a growing trees leafs reaches the heavens, a growing heart wanders towards understanding. I feel the first beat. I think I skipped the second. My heart is pounding. It’s a concerto lead by a percussion that seems to echo forever. The sounds I produce are but a calm lullaby of the unknown. Gently, my body awakens. Awareness erupts from within me and, I feel the necessity to study this newness like a wave discovering an untouched shore, caressing the hot sand. I tremble as blood rushes through my veins and pumps through the smallest capillaries. Every pulsation spreads my consciousness as well. The flow gently rocks me as I bathe in this peacefulness. Drifting into my music, I could fall asleep. It feels like a divine dream. Fresh as the new morning, until now, cool from the dusks mist and drizzles, still tingling off mother nature. I am purified and clean, uncorrupted and pure. Warmth is felt as if I were wrapped in a blanket made out of the suns rays. I know nothing. I am empty, blank and meaningless. As long as I glide tenderly, it doesn’t matter. Nothing is real. No reason could enlighten me. I can only rely on my feelings because they move me to my cadence. My senses aren't developed yet but I know that I am surrounded by love. How I know this confuses me but, why question this serenity pouring through me as a waterfall into a small creak?
This warm humid cavern is my new home. New sensations emerge. I am wrapped in a silk wave, as soft as a mermaids air, oscillating in all direction, without predetermination like the tunes of a wild violin. To this new touch, I also oscillate from fear to bravery, not knowing what to do of this new wisdom. It has reshaped the dogma, previously centering my life and directing my understanding of it. It has changed the frequency to which I am aware. What other dimensions of my perceived world are not distinguishable from my point? I am innocent, but to what extent? It is safer to say that I still know nothing even if I have taken a step towards enlightenment. This delicate area in which I’m immersed tickles my sensitivity causing me to shiver. Curiousness floods my skin. I occupy space; a manifestation of a corporeal reality. The need to give meaning overthrows the shyness and the fear I originally felt. Audacity invades me and I let go of my fright. My cheeks bloat and blush as I acknowledge the space i occupy from chest to shoulders, arms, knuckles and fingers. My extremities brush the core of my body. The lower part of my figure is impossible to ignore. Two limbs tucked in softly against my stomach, folded over themselves at the joints. My whole is soaked in this hydrating moisture pressing against me making it difficult to know what is a part of me and what isn’t in this tangled puzzle. This area becomes claustrophobically comforting. I am more than a thought. I am.
As my concentration wanders from area to area, the consolidation of effort dances onto every inch of my body. My tongue explores my lips. It’s the most sensitive area yet. Like the bedroom arts, the intimate contact binds me, not to another soul, but to my own soul; connecting body and mind. The exploration is the expression of feeling through my bodies desire. I want to know myself. Who am I. I need to be unified to open my mind. I am illuminated, feeling my way through life.
I savor this moment. Fluids rush inside of me. The currents, just as water slipping through rocks in rapids, sooth me. The continuous flood pours in and out; a symphony quenching my thirst, easing my hunger, assuring my quietude. Suddenly, vibes penetrate my body and my spirit trembles. I am evacuated by the seism.
Something hurts my eyes. Sight hurts. I could shut my eyes and go back to darkness but isn’t that what all humans hope for? As soon as they take off those pink glasses and see the world as it really is they are petrified and beg for a permanent eclipse. They close their eyes and imagine a world where all that live smile and all that smile love. Yet, living in their imagination hasn’t helped in any way. They are conscious of that. Consequently, they should try building up their courage and take a peak at the raw truth enlaced with our faiths as human beings. We are not happy, we are not loving; that is, presently. If instead of living in our imaginations and closing our minds to the world, we try to see authentically, we can change things. Instead of living in fear and denial, we can live in truth and in reality. If we change humanities false certainties, and we unite, we will experience true happiness, better than any materialistic, imaginary or pink glassed happiness. We will feel genuine, communal happiness. I am new to this world, and I am more courageous than anyone already here. This light blinds me, but at least I now see it. Hopefully, I will never shut my eyes.
In the tender arms of my loving caregiver my hysterical cries turn to sobs and my attention diverts to the rain outdoors. When acts of love and kindness are performed, God’s tears of joy trickle upon us blessing us with the sent of wonderment and renewal. This is his form of deliverance, nourishing earth to bring forth the sweet taste of fruits. We are the product of these acts.
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14608
Guardian of Shadows

Forum Posts: 14608
Blood and concrete dust
I saw life today on the tv
three young girls:
one in Gaza
holding mum's hand
standing beside
what used to be her father
her face and arms
covered in that mix
of blood and concrete dust
that seems to be
too regular a sight these days
her big black eyes
watching the jet-fighter
screaming back
to where it came from
so it can refuel
the fear was palpable
even through the glass of the tv
another little girl
in Tel Aviv
holding mum's hand
staring skyward
at the rockets that got through
the safety of the iron dome
soon to land somewhere
and paint somebody
with that mix
of blood and concrete dust
her big black eyes
were shining with anger
and one in New York
holding mum's hand
eagerly waiting
for the mall to open
[hardly even digested the turkey
before they packed a lunch
put gas in the car
drove into town
and pitched a tent on the sidewalk]
so they'd get into the mall
ahead of the stampede
her big blue eyes
fixed on the window display
the lust was palpable
even through the glass
of the tv
Isn't that life in a nutshell?
I saw life today on the tv
three young girls:
one in Gaza
holding mum's hand
standing beside
what used to be her father
her face and arms
covered in that mix
of blood and concrete dust
that seems to be
too regular a sight these days
her big black eyes
watching the jet-fighter
screaming back
to where it came from
so it can refuel
the fear was palpable
even through the glass of the tv
another little girl
in Tel Aviv
holding mum's hand
staring skyward
at the rockets that got through
the safety of the iron dome
soon to land somewhere
and paint somebody
with that mix
of blood and concrete dust
her big black eyes
were shining with anger
and one in New York
holding mum's hand
eagerly waiting
for the mall to open
[hardly even digested the turkey
before they packed a lunch
put gas in the car
drove into town
and pitched a tent on the sidewalk]
so they'd get into the mall
ahead of the stampede
her big blue eyes
fixed on the window display
the lust was palpable
even through the glass
of the tv
Isn't that life in a nutshell?
Mr A
Joined 24th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 1878
Mr A
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1878
one thing that is everywhere
and will outlast every blaze and shimmer
is the foe of light and life
and I can't see any sensibility
in its neglecting or failing evasion
I bury my every squinting eye
far from the aches of a swollen pupil
it's the only place to be knighted
the only way my name can be heard
echoing through every temple's whisper,
sigh, mutter and wince of denial
or indifference
the dark will always transcend light
a black flame with an eternal glow
never flickers or wavers
as long as I accept the fate
of all things
I am dark
I am existence.
one thing that is everywhere
and will outlast every blaze and shimmer
is the foe of light and life
and I can't see any sensibility
in its neglecting or failing evasion
I bury my every squinting eye
far from the aches of a swollen pupil
it's the only place to be knighted
the only way my name can be heard
echoing through every temple's whisper,
sigh, mutter and wince of denial
or indifference
the dark will always transcend light
a black flame with an eternal glow
never flickers or wavers
as long as I accept the fate
of all things
I am dark
I am existence.
Forum Posts: 93
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 23rd Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 93
oh k i have had many thoughts about this lately
[route 1 to nottingham]
rains fall outside, coursing over the windows
outside is unimportant
darkly cold and coldly dark
lights blur under the water.
she has a thin line
like cotton thread
circling her dark neck
pink like a cat's tongue.
what's that from?
cheese wire?
(the seat in front of me
has burnmelt marks from
some faggot's lighter
0 θ θθ 00 θ)
thing of beauty
he has a cross on his hand with three
sunbeam lines jutting out
from where christ's crown would be
blue, faded
letters on his knuckles
blurring in the creases of tan skin
when did he get those?
the kid's got a black eye
quite the shiner
holds his chin up though
good man.
what he's proud of is the blood on his fist.
wish i could
paint them like a photograph
now forever framed
hang them in the tate
(hang everything in the tate)
they leave separately,
to their separate
(optional: you can skip this part)
got up
wrote with my finger in the fog on the window
something i believe in
not trying to be an artfart
(that comes naturally)
not all art is good art but
i'm watching lives worth living
prod my heart remind it
life is art
[route 1 to nottingham]
rains fall outside, coursing over the windows
outside is unimportant
darkly cold and coldly dark
lights blur under the water.
she has a thin line
like cotton thread
circling her dark neck
pink like a cat's tongue.
what's that from?
cheese wire?
(the seat in front of me
has burnmelt marks from
some faggot's lighter
0 θ θθ 00 θ)
thing of beauty
he has a cross on his hand with three
sunbeam lines jutting out
from where christ's crown would be
blue, faded
letters on his knuckles
blurring in the creases of tan skin
when did he get those?
the kid's got a black eye
quite the shiner
holds his chin up though
good man.
what he's proud of is the blood on his fist.
wish i could
paint them like a photograph
now forever framed
hang them in the tate
(hang everything in the tate)
they leave separately,
to their separate
(optional: you can skip this part)
got up
wrote with my finger in the fog on the window
something i believe in
not trying to be an artfart
(that comes naturally)
not all art is good art but
i'm watching lives worth living
prod my heart remind it
life is art
Genesis Sutcliff
Joined 4th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 70
Genesis Sutcliff
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 70
Simple enough
It is the passing of time.
It is the beating of your heart.
It is the passion in your vains.
It is the desire in you soul.
It is the loss of innocence.
It is the breaking of your heart.
It is the sorrow in your veins.
It is the hatred in your soul.
You want to know life?
It is moments spent in strife,
It is moments with that knife.
You want to know life?
It is moments with no possible price.
It is moments spent oh so nice.
It is the passing of time.
It is the beating of your heart.
It is the passion in your vains.
It is the desire in you soul.
It is the loss of innocence.
It is the breaking of your heart.
It is the sorrow in your veins.
It is the hatred in your soul.
You want to know life?
It is moments spent in strife,
It is moments with that knife.
You want to know life?
It is moments with no possible price.
It is moments spent oh so nice.
Joined 25th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 1
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 1
Their laughs are taunting me.
Their joy is my pain.
They drink away their sorrow.
I cut away my shame.
Black is my heart.
Red is my blood.
I am the shadow,
The one from above; Fallen Angel
Your smile is my joy.
Your kiss gets me drunk.
Your eyes filled with fear.
Fallen from above.
Black is my heart.
Red is my blood.
I am invisible,
To all but one.
You are my laughter.
You're true joy.
You are my life,
My Fallen Angel.
Their joy is my pain.
They drink away their sorrow.
I cut away my shame.
Black is my heart.
Red is my blood.
I am the shadow,
The one from above; Fallen Angel
Your smile is my joy.
Your kiss gets me drunk.
Your eyes filled with fear.
Fallen from above.
Black is my heart.
Red is my blood.
I am invisible,
To all but one.
You are my laughter.
You're true joy.
You are my life,
My Fallen Angel.
The White Rabbit
Joined 12th June 2012
Forum Posts: 64
The White Rabbit
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 64
On The Fence With a Smile
Courage and cowardice,
Giving up and strength,
Contradiction at its best,
While sitting on the fence.
Strong enough to let go,
Weak not to continue,
Brave to face the world,
Afraid to be the fool.
What to do,
What to do,
Human hearts,
Brave but few.
The world is cruel,
And so we fight,
But when face to face,
We choose flight.
Bravery and stupidity,
Safety and foolishness,
Should effort be wasted?
Or we be sent to the furnace?
Sloth is bad,
Passiveness is cowardly,
When left no choice,
To whom do we have loyalty?
To chance and hope,
To assurance and despair,
We can't choose both,
That wouldn't be fair.
Labels and looks,
Glares from all around,
No matter which we choose,
Rumors will always surround.
So much to worry,
So little we lived,
So blinded by our world,
Neglected was our greatest gift.
What to do next,
That's left on the list,
Or look up above,
And remember your wish.
To live happily,
With no regrets,
Nothing you'd change,
Every second your best.
Every morning's an extra,
Another present from God,
If its not valued,
Our story might reach its full stop.
Live like its you're best,
Enjoy while you can,
The wonders around you,
In this beautiful land.
So when the time comes,
You'd have your fill,
Not asking why or what if,
Or paying another bill.
Life is too short,
You've heard time and time again,
But it really is true,
It'll be too late to regret, then.
Courage and cowardice,
Giving up and strength,
Contradiction at its best,
While sitting on the fence.
Strong enough to let go,
Weak not to continue,
Brave to face the world,
Afraid to be the fool.
What to do,
What to do,
Human hearts,
Brave but few.
The world is cruel,
And so we fight,
But when face to face,
We choose flight.
Bravery and stupidity,
Safety and foolishness,
Should effort be wasted?
Or we be sent to the furnace?
Sloth is bad,
Passiveness is cowardly,
When left no choice,
To whom do we have loyalty?
To chance and hope,
To assurance and despair,
We can't choose both,
That wouldn't be fair.
Labels and looks,
Glares from all around,
No matter which we choose,
Rumors will always surround.
So much to worry,
So little we lived,
So blinded by our world,
Neglected was our greatest gift.
What to do next,
That's left on the list,
Or look up above,
And remember your wish.
To live happily,
With no regrets,
Nothing you'd change,
Every second your best.
Every morning's an extra,
Another present from God,
If its not valued,
Our story might reach its full stop.
Live like its you're best,
Enjoy while you can,
The wonders around you,
In this beautiful land.
So when the time comes,
You'd have your fill,
Not asking why or what if,
Or paying another bill.
Life is too short,
You've heard time and time again,
But it really is true,
It'll be too late to regret, then.
Thabang kgale phakwago
Joined 14th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 8
Thabang kgale phakwago
Strange Creature

Forum Posts: 8
Life is a journey enjoy the ride
life is fruitfull and dreadful
life is rich an poor
life is your breath on mouth and
on skin
life is priceless -thanks to God.
Life is a journey enjoy the ride
life is fruitfull and dreadful
life is rich an poor
life is your breath on mouth and
on skin
life is priceless -thanks to God.