Poetry competition CLOSED 25th November 2012 2:13am
View Profile Poems by Dr_Zues
RUNNER-UP: lulumydog

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Best of the Best

Lost Thinker
United States 8awards
Joined 12th July 2012
Forum Posts: 82

Barron Eclipse

His lips were like poison
just one kiss too much
his skin was like fire
I just couldn't touch.

Just one kiss too much
I must tear away
I just couldn't touch
my heart fell astray.

I must tear away
I have to hold on
my heart fell astray
with his hypnotic song.

I have to hold on
its so hard to try
with his hypnotic song
our worlds collide.

It's so hard to try
with each dying note
our worlds collide
and together we float.

With each dying note
my pain lingers on
and together we float
to you I am drawn.

My pain lingers on
so I must say
to you I am drawn
but I can not stay.

So I must say
with a hole in my heart
I can not stay
and we move apart.

with a hole in my heart
my love still is strong
and we move apart
I start missing your song.

My love still is strong
this can not be
I start missing your song
you start missing me.

This can not be
each word a lie
you start missing me
as I start to cry.

Each word a lie
from his poison lips
as I start to cry
on this Barren Eclipse.

Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 5awards
Joined 4th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 149

IF …

When seeking to create
Some recondite allusion
Frivolous, decorative
Serious, naïve
There are good reasons
Why the yeast rises  
From shadows within
It’s a personal view

When asking
Look stranger
Should I profess when I write
To certain omissions

The glory fascinations
Of distinguished moments
The grit on the lens
The fly in the ointment
Some crushing miscegenation
In the red shift of hindsight
When we never saw the enemy
Slices of time
When the world we wanted
Turned so wrong

Regarding the democratic process
The guide and control
Of words in the head
What justification
These manifestations
Of private image
Under the influence of what we rebel

I ask, what can I say  
What riseth
From this writer’s page to readers eye
What matters so?
Which words will find
That flicker of some nuance
That other minds might recognize?

Harlequin Writes (Jan 2012)

Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 1awards
Joined 29th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 154

starfly -- with a hole in my heart
my love still is strong
and we move apart
I start missing your song.

great.x karen

C. R. Powers
Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 3rd Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 170

Hold Me (Hold Me in Your Mouth)

We huff.
We pant.
With you on your knees.
And, I standing there.
The ooze dripping down your lips, and chin.
The hot liquid cooling as it slides down your neck.

We huff.
We pant.
I cannot help to grin.
You giggle back licking your lips.
Providing a sight that has melted my heart before.
You know I'll remember it, and I know it turns you on.

We huff.
We pant.
You rest there.
With me in your mouth.
You wait, just wanting to feel me in your mouth.
Oh how I love that about you.

We huff.
We pant.
I collapse to the bed.
Yet still you hold me in your mouth.
I am so sensitive now.
If you move your mouth a little, I'll jerk and squirm.

We huff.
We pant.
You look so cute as you wrap your legs around my leg.
Still you hold me in your mouth.
Your eyes drift closed.
My eyes drift closed.

Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 1awards
Joined 29th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 154

Everything to me
Although we never met you were everything to me
for you were growing inside me I wanted you to BE...
I dreamt about you every night waiting for you to arrive
never really thinking you wasnt to be born ALIVE

I imagined you as a little girl too grow up with long dark curls
I pictured your lovely dark brown eyes your smiling face my head a whirl...
for only four months I carried you and cannot believe your gone...
How can someone take you away what ever did i do wrong?

I know your alive and well in heaven my joy and pride
making someone happy taking life in your stride
your mum and dad still love you and wish you were here with us
to see you for just one moment we'd promise not to make a fuss

Although I know you visit me nearly every night
In my dreams I can not wait It feels so real it feels so right
I lie in bed thinking of you Imagine you in my arms
Is this just a dream i think I dont care It does me no harm

At one time i was frightened of dying going to heaven on my own
But now I dont care or worry as i know i wont be alone

This poems for you I hope you can see
That I love you with all my heart Your everything to me......

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 23rd Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 93

dis is me best pome evaa
yolo 2k12

[Alive Enough For Now]

I throw my heart through the next somersault;
Cartwheel in the rougue-vert grass blades
From a storm eye in the sky I see
I seem so young
From crying for youth bound to be lost
I fling tears from the nearly-heaven
Like throwing salt hailstones
But I can not stop myself turning
All on my own axis, into something
Doesn't need a voice to prove it is alive
Only a stretched and beaten canvas to inscribe
And under assault of lightning-light stabs I
Laughed from the electric soil all the way to my toes
Because of the fizzing static imaginations I had at the time.
I spun through the thunder
Feeling like a sheer-edged silver frisbee
In a game with Olympus
In the garden of Gesthemane eating pomegranate seeds from poisoned trees
Faceless and beautiful in delight
Hands whirling like a fast-forward clock
I am, yes I will be a firework
Flaying an indulgence in punishment from my finger-tips
Bursting bubbles in new dimensions
No never run if you can but travel any other way
Never sink but if you can dive and search for black pearls
Never stop for the world if you can only stop the world
And in the rain-slick-black Tarmac slap of hands and feet
Is a small girl who wants to stay so forever.
The lines on the road are only gauze tape
Where the green-grass blades have hurt
So be cautious to peel away from staring at
The eyes of cats and monsters
And tear yourself up again
For there is always one more revolution
Turn the hourglass over and start again
Wind up the clock; flip the coin and roll the dice
Spin the wheel and cartwheel yourself through
Invisible infinitude and inconceivable tomorrow
While the bright blinding flashes
Are screaming tongues at the underworld
The blinders hit for attention
I go past it all for I
Am simple heart in loop-the-loops
Beating protest in my throat for word choices
That only tie up your thoughts and bring you up short
Round and round the gardens under midnight sun.
Because this is the summer of somersaults
I will bypass the bypass I will
Bridge myself a break
From being fixed
In broken bridges I see loss and hope of beauty
And these circles and circus rings circumferencing
May stretch the usual boundaries for darkness
But it is worth the jaw-drop wonder
For these
Imminently bright-blue
Sundance cartwheels of mine

Thought Provoker
Puerto Rico 5awards
Joined 13th May 2011
Forum Posts: 317


Now when you see me, you're amazed.
When I've been stepped on, all over the place.
When I've been humilliated, like a slave.
And hammered more than a nails' face.


Strange Creature
Joined 17th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 2

So many times, so many rhymes, go to sleep, luck never shines

At the spot, you talk but nothing comes out
Your existence is a void, just a price for clout
Hold the glass, and swirl it around
My patience swirls like the spirits on your breath.
I love you to death, and death is your cab ride home.

Streaming lights, jaded sidewalks, and swaying shadows in store.
Perhaps this might even the score. You’ll be back for more. …back for more.

So many times, so many rhymes, go to sleep, luck never shines
So many times, so many rhymes, go to sleep, luck never shines

I’m twenty records deep, enough to let the spirits seep.
I will admit I am like you, except for that word we call truth.
I’m sure you’ve heard of it, although the concept is new….For you.

So many times, so many rhymes, go to sleep, luck never shines
So many times, so many rhymes, go to sleep, luck never shines

Look down as the black mask swirls, from your eyes
Round and round it goes till it catches your lies.
Make friends with the rest, and miss out on what’s best.
Just another consequence, pull it in to your chest.

So many times, so many rhymes, go to sleep, luck never shines
So many times, so many rhymes, go to sleep, luck never shines

Strange Creature
Joined 11th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 7

I like the story


In your rear view mirror, flashed red and blue lights
Evoking that instinct of flight or to fight
Seat-belt fastened, a mint for your mouth
Skirt tugged down over your panty-less south                
You are intoxicated of that you're aware
Only moments ago you were with me without care
Now drunk from love, lust or drink you can't tell
One minute was heaven, the next could be hell

You pull your car over hoping not for arrest
It could be a night of disaster or at least great distress
As he pulls in behind you on that crisp autumn night
You look to view your accused but are blinded by light                

He exits his squad car and approaches unseen
Disguised by the glare of a flash light’s high beam
You open your window and ask with masked fear
"Is there a problem officer? I had only one beer"                

The clues of your crimes are quite clear to see
Intoxicated by passion, reeking of sex and of me
Looking disheveled, eyes glazed, hair a mess
You would make the priest blush if you were to confess                

"License and registration ma'am and step out of the car
I assume dressed like that, you just came from the bar"
"Oh no, with my boyfriend" you nervously say
“I'm a good girl officer, from the law I don't stray”                

"Well we'll see about that with some tests such as these
Now lift up one leg and count back from fifty by threes"
That damn light in your eyes still concealing his face
But the way of his voice rings familiar a trace                

You raise up your leg, wishing your skirt weren't so short
You worry your flower might make his report
Your fear and adrenaline interfere with your head
Your English feels  foreign, your numbers have fled                

"That's quite enough miss. Now let's try another
This test requires that your eyes will be covered"
From his pocket he produces a satin blindfold
“For your own good ma'am, please do as you're told”                

For a moment you question, “This can't be standard” you say
"Just do what you're told Miss, I'm not here to play"
His voice stern and harsh, you're forced to comply
You feel the tears welling, but he won't see you cry            

You feel helpless and blind as he lifts up your chin
"Touch your finger to nose when I say begin"
Your body is trembling as you feel his breath near
You can't tell if the cause is excitement or fear                

Now blindly you reach your finger towards nose
it lands on your cheek and he says "well now we know"
"You're under arrest, put your hands behind your back"
Still blindfolded you hear the cuffs lock with a crack                

He forces you forward bending you over his hood
"I must search you now, please stand still if you would"
With his foot he kicks your feet apart with ease
In that skirt so short you feel naked in the breeze                

He starts with your shoulders, arms and chest
Then his fingers slide gently under your breasts
Patting you down, now he lingers too long
Pats turn to caressing, you're getting turned on                  

He moves to your feet and ankles as you grin
His hands feel warm against the cold air on your skin
As his hands make their way slowly up your thighs
Your lips start to quiver releasing accidental sighs
His hands explore under your skirt with no panties on
As his fingers enter your wetness your inhibitions are gone
As he presses against you, you feel the swell of his gun
But unlike a fugitive you feel no compulsion to run                

You feel the warmth of his breath on your neck
He’s giving new meaning of "to serve and protect"
Your pussy now throbbing as he unzips his fly
"There's another way to do this"  you hear him sigh                

"And what would that be officer?" You lustfully ask
"That's up to you" he whispers while removing your mask
You turn now to face him, you're met with a smile
Your suspicions confirmed, it was me all the while                  

I lifted you up and sat your ass on the car
I parted your legs and let my tongue be your star
I tasted your juices like the nectar of the gods
I took you to climax right there without pause                  

Like an expert detective I found your g-spot
You’re enjoying this fantasy, your body runs hot
Your pussy has become a dripping moisturizer
And my hard device the perfect breathalyzer                  

Like champagne, cognac, and the finest of wine
Our erotic love making was intoxicating and divine
In those moments the world all around us ceased to exist
Your body my drug and mine yours, in our bliss                

Our moans broke the silence of the crisp midnight air
A union of love and of lust beyond all compare
In rapture I fiercely violated your body and rights
Intoxicated or not, we would remember this night                  

Our lust and desire that night lives on in history
Orgasms so intense and so many, pure ecstasy
When our bodies were exhausted and reached their limit
I pulled out my pad and wrote something in it
It read "A life sentence of passion" and I gave you your ticket

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14608

I like this one a lot

Don't wake me now

Given the chance  
he would choose eternal sleep    
but not death    
death would end the affair    
or at the very least cast doubt    
on the continued rendezvous    
sleep would be far more real    
and eternal sleep would by definition    
go on and on forever    
sleep being the only viable portal    
where his dreams are obtainable    
a tangible reward spread even    
through the towns and cities of the world    
it's just the waking up part that's a drag    
the slow withdrawal of intimate image
oh he would try to cling on    
to lock dreams into memories    
before they slip the mind    
to become more a nagging question    
asked and asked all the waking hours    
given the choice    
he would choose eternal sleep    
but not death    
people tend to move on after death    
sure they might hold affection    
or place tear stained carnations    
for an appropriate amount of time    
though moving on is hardly a crime    
sleep would be far more real    
a walk on the silver sands    
warm to the touch of bare feet    
the ocean filled with clear water    
splash a while and flash a smile    
onward then towards the place    
where proud palm trees offer shelter    
given the chance  
he would choose sleep eternal    
but not death.    

Thought Provoker
United States 15awards
Joined 9th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 276


Survival tatics
Haunt me like a banshee in the woods
Causing me to tremble like autumn leaves
Falling to the ground to decease
Then resurrect myself
When the spring thaw takes place
And I observe the vernal equinox
Signifying change in its natural form
I sprout like a cherry blossom
After budding for a while
Wildlife landscaping my environment
Only to ruin my garden
Where the dominant species find refuge
Their leash made by links of the food chain
Devouring every bit of my joy
For their survival
But somehow I still remain on top of the pyramid
Bite marks and all
War scars as a reference
A reminder of the struggle
To remain humble

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