Poetry competition CLOSED 25th November 2012 2:13am
View Profile Poems by Dr_Zues
RUNNER-UP: lulumydog

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Best of the Best

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

Sitars And Stars   (SP Summerscales)

The Indian Sitar
sounds its sliding neck
the yellow star
burns the viking deck
did I somehow
remember now
that I did know
to forget  .
balancing my mind
a constant rhyme
ageless in time
to mesmorise
closing of the eyes
I visualise
colour cloud sighs
Emerald inset  .

In control
I balanced on a pole
high up from the earth
Violins in a church
waiting for the dearth
life the phoney show
sat upon the perch
if only you could know
more candles glow
for sure .

Sitars like stars
go up and down
musical clouds
buzz around
a cerebal recall
multiple times do fall
all big in space
is small
you dig
you  retrace
your haul
this life is a race
for all
to be etched
on a floating balled
two faced
revolving wall .


alon aLion
Dangerous Mind
San Marino 10awards
Joined 1st June 2012
Forum Posts: 346

in THIS Expanse  
the sheep  
deal in expense  
lost in the maze  
of contrived density  
slathered over and over  
by primal greed  
in all its intensity  
century times century  
I float here  
adrift in alien cemetary  
where souls go to die  
long before biology  
treading headstones  
rubbing their shoulders  
I never feel  
as if these are my borders  
what was that itch  
that couldnt be matched  
with another Spirit  
why constantly detached?  
ignorance is bliss  
personally, i was never able to enjoy this  
ancestral molecules  
grasping at straws  
building upon those straws Laws  
to serve one cause  
a sleight of hand  
mutated diversion  
from the TRUTH  
that ALL are entitled Excursion  
NONE should be served  
ALL should be burdened  
by self-determination  
not enslavement  
by culture  
or amortization  
not dragged down  
by "civilization'  
Hailed if born Tudor  
Cursed if born Hatian

poet Anonymous


I took a walk down to the old oak tree today  
And saw the forgotten swing  
I had made as a child  
With my muddy shoes  
And filthy hands  
I climbed to the branch that held the rope  
To notice how ridiculous the knot was  
It was a simple tie  
That could have come loose with an adequate amount of weight.  
I examined the rope itself  
Saw that it was frayed and crusty,  
Just waiting to break its grip.  
I made my way back to the ground  
To take a look inside the tire
It was filled with spiders  
And sticky cobwebs  
Stagnant water rested at the bottom  
Along with decaying oak leaves
My once playful friend  
No longer seemed so lovely,  
It no longer made me happy.  
I was just a child when I created it  
Not even knowing how to tie a proper knot,  
Or how to check to make sure of its safety  
I reminisced on the sunny afternoon I had made it  
Remembering how proud I was  
To construct such a wonderful new friend
I didn't care at the time  
That the tire was used, was worn and dirty  
Or that the rope was weak and old  
Now that I am grown  
I realize just how unsafe  
And poorly made my swing was
I must admit that I was rather tempted  
To sit inside the tire  
Just to see if it could still hold me  
Keep me from the damp ground  
As it once did  
Many years ago...  
But in fear of getting a bruise  
Or perhaps breaking a bone,  
I will let it remain  
To hang  
And to sway  
In the wet and heat of the passing seasons.

poet Anonymous


For years I've wanted to throw the little yellow clock
next to my bed, across the room  
If I threw it hard enough then maybe  
it would pass through my window  
constant ticking is close to    
what I imagine Chinese torture to be like  
each second stands alone  
But I've contemplated for years    
Throwing this damn clock    
never acting out further than picking it up  
Doubt that I'd be able    
to make it through the glass due to the lack of strength
in my arm    
allows the little yellow clock to remain, sat    
with the reins in its hands    
The constant reminder of hour-less minutes and minute-
less seconds keeps me aware  
That it is still there    
And I. I am still here

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd June 2012
Forum Posts: 2408

Lighter,  for a change

Lighter for a change,
My disposition is betraying me
Making me a fool
Pleasantly mocking my judgement  
This is happiness
A suiting word.
For a coward like me.
If there was a warm honeyed thought
reverberating with kindness
that would be me
Who would have ever thought?
Following the passage to the ocean
I'm contented with possibilities
Satisfaction a step away
Did you know that you could find
the moon in the sea?
I heard that lyrically uttered,
Hit me, made curiosity flow.
For I am gleeful, joyous,
I won't hold this in skepticism
I'll free my mind to explore
For there is not a darkening malice
Clouding in my mind
A change from me, I know,
How confusing
How uplifting to my mood
Back to the moon.  
If the moon is in the sea,
Then I'd like to find it.
Good-natured that I am
With brimming content
I think that in that event
nothing can go wrong,
I will step into the cold waters.
How refreshing as the caressing undertow
pulls me in for an embrace.
It is all good to me because,
for once I am happy,
which makes me immortal
In a sense?
I'd like to think so.
The sky becomes a distant memory  
the current sweeping me away
It's ok
I want to find the moon,  
though lack of oxygen
could affect me
if I believed in such dark consequences
For now I think I'll just see  
where this leads.
As my mind becomes
lighter for a change,  
light headed?
I see bursting sparks.
These should be stars, they're beautiful
as stars should be.
I want to see the moon
At the bottom of the aphotic zone,
surely it would be hidden
Where light cannot penetrate?
Well I'll make it there,  
for I see the stars,  
and I'm sinking,  
Down to the abyss
Sinking in regards to myself.
I realize I cannot breathe
This would be alarming,
If it wasn't such an intriguing thought
To embrace outer space  
in the comforts of your own bottomless pit
I always wanted to be an astronaut
Now I'm living the dream
How lucky am I?
My lungs are searing
My thoughts blurring
But if only I ride the current deeper
I'm not often this careless
It feels good
To cast aside my hardened shell
In search of gratification
In the wanderings of my psyche
I'm so glad that I decided to let go,  
To embrace bliss
To allow myself that one glimpse  
Of something that could truly
Render me obsolete
It will be all right
For even a 1000 feet of water
weighing down on me
stealing my breath
cracking my lungs
freezing my blood
Couldn't kill me
could it?
not in this new found cheerfulness
Nothing could go this wrong
As to die under the waves
Searching for the moon
At least let me see it once
Before I succumb
There's so much pressure
Constricting me
Just let me see it
Just once.
I want to say I discovered something
Something astonishing
The universe unfolding around me
But I can't
I just can't...
There's no pattern
no process
Only cold
bitter, treacherous realization
How could I have been so stupid?
To allow myself contentment?
To believe that it could exist?
If there is a moon in the sea
It has lead me astray,
Condemning me
Punishing me as it tightens it's grip
For having hope
It wrenches from my lungs
The last feeble breath I had left
Simultaneously crushing me  
Without remorse.
Blackness settles in,
My heart struggles, in denial  
The sun is too far away
Too much water overhead to rise
Out of this grave.
This is the most painful thing I've ever felt
Betrayed by the moon
I close my eyes,
I never saw anyway, no point now
I know the end is coming
I can feel the damnation spreading
All is gone

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 6awards
Joined 13th Feb 2011
Forum Posts: 2523

A clear mind

I'm just listening        
The composition of beaded notes          
dive at an angle aimed at my calves        
Clear projectiles implode on my skin          
slinking down toward my ankles        
The rhythm is constant          
Solid patterns          
A humming opus composed by the grey          
leaving translucent tones around my feet    
I could listen forever      
The drenching sound      
makes me      

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 24th July 2011
Forum Posts: 1744

Hushhhhhh lil baby...

the wolves
Flash backs..
Movements of
hard times
nursery rhymes
Mommies crimes
Those men in masks
I can hear footsteps
and voices
"So Where is she?"
"Probably in her room
hiding in the closet"..
"Who gets er' first?" ..
where's my belt?
She's a screamer!
Come here little girl
You should be used
to this routine..
Its the pussy I enjoy..
And a must
I hear you scream..
To the point
I couldn't breathe
The rhythm
my heartbeat sang
Hush lil baby
don't you cry..

poet Anonymous

Child Of Mine

In my belly I felt you grow
The whole nine months I loved you so

When you were born we shared the best love
I knew you were sent from heaven above

As a young child you were such a cutie
and as you have grown, you've turned into a beauty

But with that beauty came the teen years
and with the tension, I knew trouble was near

Your mind was your own, rules you heard no longer
the reigns I tried to pull, only made your anger stronger

Troubles with the law, things became much worse
but no matter what had happened, you knew my heart was yours

You've gotten older now, the behavior is still not gone
The time you spend away from home...honey it's far to long

No matter your age, no matter the distance
I Love You with all my heart
I just wish you would have listened

Your sisters miss you dearly
they hate when your away
We love to come and see you
But they always want to stay

I wish I could save you, you have to believe
But actions have consequences, as hard as it may be
but control I have lost
and this time the one to save you cant be me

You are my oldest daughter  
a Beautiful young lady
Even now when I look in your eyes
I cant help but to still see my baby

I Love you and miss you my Dearest Angel

Dangerous Mind
India 17awards
Joined 25th June 2011
Forum Posts: 690


this city's a curse.
foul and vile, rotting.
decaying and bleeding into the gutters.
clogging the life and draining the essence of the place we call home.
for too long have these streets cried and moaned.
calling out to the naked ear.
for too long has the wind howled and screamed for solace.
for too long have the wealthy grinned and the wicked reaped.
fancy the fire while it still burns.
only a few know how to light it up again.
I'm tired.

this body aches.
a distress call for help.
puncture my wounds and bleed out the pain.
its been too long in vain.
lust lost in disdain.
erotic dreams and savage pleasures only humble a violent mind.
but when the hatred is gone, in the darkest doldrums you lie.
no light shimmers on your window.
no heavenly ray of hope.
not the holy spirit himself cares, if he even knew how to cope.
I'm angry.

I live for the heart of another.
not a persona of contentious sorts.
amongst the black and the gray, smeared is the shade of blood.
while the birds kiss and throb their tongues,
pulling boners to calm their lungs, the signs of life dim so brightly.
but feelings that burn and scar the soul, fill the gaping hole.
blind to the ambiguity of the insane, becoming one with the mindless.
lost in the emptiness of your life as all reason falls apart
in the heart of this hell that sucks you dry.
twisted in the vines of disgust.
this city still throws its gloom over the broken.
I'm pale.


Dangerous Mind
India 17awards
Joined 25th June 2011
Forum Posts: 690


Welcome back sobriety,
constant hell of insecurity.

Drenched in sweat, reeking
of envy and desperation
shaking in my shoes
nervously unsure.

Sleepless nights pursue,
with memories of you
amidst fingers and lips
amongst others but me.

The cruel mistress
of poisoned perception
now abandoning
the eyes of red.

Enter- reality,
the world unseen,
through saner eyes
sight will see.

The flowers and the bees,
the birds and the trees,
the tides and the breeze,
that pleasantly please.

But her lure is inescapable
and soon I'll be free.


Fire of Insight
United States 14awards
Joined 5th July 2012
Forum Posts: 230

Taurus and Virgo

While this is no "Death in the Afternoon", she will slay him in the end  
Silky lace, turning and spinning like no matador ever could, endless legs and tippy toes

Brutal, rippling strength, filled with animal passion, and still he is out matched
Her elegance and poise, gentle yielding softness entraps in blissful feminine capture

Sure, he is used to total domination, his power eclipsing the very sun  
But her willing submission distracts, deflects, and disarms him, adorned in the color red

Backed against the wall, it seems she has met her match, pouting, and then luscious wicked smile  
Suddenly, stealth and rolling reversal, again she is on top, him pinned beneath, foiled

Back and forth it goes, this sensual dance, the sexual battle, desire building, lust denied  
Alternating tenderness and rough affection, nibbling, biting, scratching horns and nails

Finally, she relents, her struggling ceases, allowing him to pin her down by her slender wrists, delicious helplessness  
Eyes locked, heavy breathing, bathed in sweat, he takes his prize, forceful rhythm, musky control

Her eyes roll, then close, lips purse and then spill forth moans of pleasure  
Massive arms shake and tremble, hardness swells fulfilling, kisses muffle ecstasy, simultaneity

Collapsing into her arms, he becomes docile, nestling upon her bosom, naked taurine vulnerability  
Quietly, she runs her fingers through his mussed up hair, kissing him softly on the head, La estocada de la muerta  

Tyrant of Words
Joined 1st Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 3273

I always had a soft spot for this one..

Sea Mother

I go for solace,  
to descry the infinity.  

She dresses herself
in a myriad of robes,
glittering gold of balmy airs,
frothing whites of exhilaration
or rolling grey rumbles
defiant of murderous gales.

Below the surface,
where the liquid lull nourishes,
her heart pulses

I immerse myself
in her infinite embrace.  
I forgive the salty assail,
forging persistent tendrils of memory.

Months later,
stranded on the shore,
I cling to the whispers past,
reluctant to suffer her icy clinch.

Still she comforts me,
feeds me,
celebrates and mourns with me.
She waits enduringly.

Her greatest gift is
a mirror, held patiently.

I gather kissed pebbles,
gaze at the spray of rejoicing.
I feel the pull to the deep,
wrapped around my core.

poet Anonymous


Riddle me this, O harrowing demon.
Possess me with a sickness thick with words
that curdles my blood with fatality.
Laugh, with a tourniquet for a tongue
and paralyse speech where emotion once flowed,
the hideous sins of power blossoming on my skin
And I caressed you, holding you safe within,
this murderous confession ripping at my flesh.
The lies, like lice crawling in packs
looking for the empty salted cracks
where knowledge lay blissfully untapped.
I concealed an arsenal of truths for you,
looked for lessons of the heart in every hidden clue,
destroyed myself in futile bitterness
and dragged you down, down, down,
to my level of hell that revolved firmly beyond the ground
and yet, you still speak to me in secrets.
Marring me with a signature, the ritual of a saviour,
sexualising your fantasy driven behaviour
to the throbbing orgasm of mutilation to control
the screams inside my soul.
Riddle me this, my sweet, sweet demon.

(Audio reading of this can be found here: http://deepundergroundpoetry.com/poems/44117-amaranthine/)

Mr A
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 17awards
Joined 24th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 1878

(no favourites, but this deserves attention, if nothing else)

"Before the Last Volcano Spits Us Out"

There's no emotion involved
in taking people apart,
just instinct, an unknown pressure
and a human eye
to skin all that wavers before it.

Been skinning people
since I first saw bones protrude
from spines of almost innocent children.

It's different when death gets on your hands,
soaks through your weak conscience
that has been pulped
by every hallowed mutt
that walked with enough flamboyance
for you to take notice.

We've become ingested by intelligence
and its unrelenting hunger:
it's when your heart beats
that couple of times more than usual
and your brain pisses
down your spine, and you think:
this is love,
this is true fucking hatred.

We are not monogamous creatures
or herd or pack animals.
We get attached to people because
they are everywhere
and we like having us around.

Men start growing this caged look behind their eyes
shortly after puberty opens its savage legs.
Women all start looking the same
with soft and hard dicks in their mouths
and the poor fucking kids are doomed
right from the beginning,
as were the billions before them.

Love, hatred, jealousy, sodomy,
all products of an over-developed brain
and the primal instinct to procreate.

We are a swarm of locusts
in a very old, small town
and there's a banjo player who's been watching
since long before forever playing the same chord
with two notes,
these notes are in harmony:
creation, extinction
and we're all dancing to it
whether you here him or not.

Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 1awards
Joined 29th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 154

Loved your poem, fire of insight.x

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