Poetry competition CLOSED 25th October 2012 1:51pm
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sences of love

Party Poison
Twisted Dreamer
United States 3awards
Joined 30th July 2012
Forum Posts: 226

Changed me

Before I met you
I loved life
Cherished every day
Had friends
Then I met you
And you changed me
I was in love
You broke my heart
I no longer have friends
I hate life
I wallow in self pity every day
Because of what you did to me
I will never love
As deeply as before
I'm not the same person
Because you
Changed me

poet Anonymous

Accounting of the Heart

You’re worth all of the tear drops
and every fallen petal that dies
not in vain, in search for your hands
Your worth exceeds human wonderment
and dreams only begin the sentence
that defines you, love
You're worth standing for hours in the rain
only to be sopping wet
and bathed in translucent hope
Your  value cannot be determined
by a glance or a sound
or the intensity of a redeeming hug
Collect my bones and bury me whole
because by the time your worth is lost
I’ll care not of life, nor age, nor love
Let me be an actuary of the heart
trust my judgment, that it does not fail
in attributing immeasurable worth to your name
For what you are worth, is my adoration
that it may endure beyond when the last eye shuts
and the final inscription is made upon your mark
It shall read, “Here lies the woman
whose worth was seen as unblemished
by the man who gave himself to her, in life and in love.”

Lost Thinker
Joined 27th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 20

Ive found my world
theres only you in it
i fell in love in just 1 minute
always & forever i'll be true.

Because whats me without you?
Its like a night without its moon
summer without its sun
Stopping a flower from blooming when its almost done

its like a dalmation without spots
piglet without pooh
its like dory never being in nemo

its like romeo telling juliet he never cared

so imagine what we would be if we had never met?

Your one thing i'll never regret

your my sun
your my moon
shinning on me no matter what
im going through

you make me smile
you make me cry
you make me laugh
but no matter what your always there for me as i for you


whats you without me?
Whats me without you?
We complete each other

Twisted Dreamer
Philippines 4awards
Joined 31st May 2012
Forum Posts: 79


I am stirred by my obsession
Sweet delusion gone with love and possession
I am dreaded by my fervour fiery
Thrashing beneath my still sanctuary..
Though I fear myself’s illusions
I will surmount each solitary grieves
You will witness and savour my sweltering love
You are my soul, my luscious, my veracity of love and possession.

Twisted Dreamer
Philippines 4awards
Joined 31st May 2012
Forum Posts: 79

Diversity of LOVE

Loving you is BLISS and PAIN,  
    It is LIFE and DEATH...  
   a DREAM come true  
       and a living NIGHTMARE...  
    It is my FATE,  
       and a CHOICE...  
  You put me in HEAVEN,  
       and suddenly dropped me to HELL...  
  Your love is PURE,  
       but rather DECEIVING...  
    The sweetest DEPICTION of my soul  
       a CONTRAST to my consciousness,  
Loving you is FOREVER,  
     but when love is lost it has to END.

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 30th May 2012
Forum Posts: 481


I. Sight

Cream and birch skin
Mistletoe lips

Fill my sight
in the bog of your eyes
The lazy rivers that stretch in the palms of your hands

II. Smell

Musk and

and boy

Your scent

Rise from your neck to my head

III. Sound

The simple sounds

Melodic rise and fall of your heartbeat

The curved slip of sweet everything

The rolling waves of "I love you"
from your golden throat

IV. Taste

Tangy slate

The salt and sugar of
the skin beneath your chin

V. Touch

Of your stubble pricking my shoulder
hands on my back

lips on lips
noses and chins twisting and curving

the way your corners fit into my empty spaces



Lost Thinker
Joined 27th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 20


I dont think youll ever understand
How youve touched my life.
And made me who i am

I dont think you could ever know just how truly special you are.
That even on the darkest nights your my brightest star.

I dont think youll ever comprehend how youve made my dreams come true or how youve opened my heart to the love i have for you.

Youve allowed me to experience something very hard to find.
Unconditional love that exists in the mind,body & soul.

I dont think you could ever feel all the love i have to give and im sure youll never realise your my reason to live.

Your an amazing person
Without you i dunno where id be.
Having you in my life completes & fulfills every part of me

Fire of Insight
United States 6awards
Joined 14th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 596

"What it feels like"

Allow me to clarify how I feel inside

What I see when I picture her and I

The beauty she instilled within my life

How for once everything seemed alright

Living movie scenes and farfetched dreams

Just staring at her was more than comforting

From falling to flying, crippled and running

To give her everything she has given me

Happiness that blocks out the madness

Love erasing any trace of sadness

It was real and there was no question about it

Unrealistic almost, but who could judge an angel

Glowing with ever glance, leaving me in a trance

Soft eyes and bright smile to match

Quirky never failing to make me laugh

She was all I cared and thought about

Feelings of emptiness bloomed when we were apart

Jealousy creeping its way into my heart

Worried and scared of losing her

Yet her words branded me with a sense of trust

And as if all of that wasn’t enough

We were deeply infected with a curse of lust

Unparalleled sex instilled with pure love

So what does it really feel like to be in love?

To feel a substantial amount of worth

To have something and someone to believe in

To want to live and feel free

To be happy and understand what it means

Truthfully it’s all so unexplainable to me

But if you find it you will be able to understand me

To know whatever it may it feel like

Love is the only thing to ever feel right

Strange Creature
Joined 11th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 7

Of Micha and Jason

So cunning this one
Her ways of the dance
Just a little for now
As she tests for romance

First just a taste
Her lilting soft voice
"You must do it my way
My love is my choice"

My instinct commands me
Rush in and explore
But when i insist
She threatens, no more

Her way is enchanting
Of This I'll admit
I'll turn this around
I'll make her submit
She knows not who she deals with
Or the lessons I took
If the dance is her wanting
Well, I wrote the book

And so it began
hunter and prey
But who's stalking who?
I hear myself say

Masters of steps
We come close then back off
Tis the waltz of the ages
Both ridged and soft

But I notice it's different
The rhythm we've set
Most intense we've both known
I'll wager to bet

And then it sets in
She's the one I've long sought!
The stakes are too high!
She invades every thought!

Now frantic my mind,
Gone composure and cool
My heart is in peril
I may well play the fool

No matter I say
This chance is so rare
Now reason's forsaken
My heart does't care

The declines are so steep
But such thrills at the peak
She's not for the timid
Slow witted or weak

My head is dismayed
what my heart makes me do
I've one consolation
She's lost control too

And now with no brakes
The ride hurtles through space
It's become it's own mind
Neither hunt nor a chase

Where will it lead us?
How could We know?
But it's power controls us
With fate we must go

Strange Creature
Joined 11th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 7

This is why i love you Micha

The sun, the moon, and stars are all jealous    
For they know that they cannot compete    
Your beauty and grace outshines them all    
The heavens lie down in defeat    
Like the morning dove, wild and free    
Your sweet song beckons to me    
Flowers bow down as you pass by    
Your beauty is what makes the clouds cry    
To know you is to love you    
This is what the others all see    
But I know you all the way to your core    
You're my perfect match made just for me    
You're gorgeous, so brilliant and bright it is blinding    
Obscuring your beauty's not only skin deep    
But I see though into the essence you keep  
Your soul pure, your heart true    
These are your greatest harvests to reap    
No smile is quite as delightful as yours    
Soft and pure as the fresh falling snow    
That I am the cause of your radiant glow    
Is the most glorious thing I could know    
All of this I know, yet physically we have not been together    
That this is so clear to me now; I know our love is forever    
The way this has been, I think fate played a hand    
The most perfect way we would never have planned    
Oh, but the day that my eyes fall upon you    
When at last our hands touch and lips meet    
The earth will move and the heavens will sing    
We will both finally know we're complete    
Until now we've been only terrestrial beings    
each dragging round one useless wing    
Now together we soar through the heavens on high  
United as one with two wings joined we fly    
You are my goddess descended from heaven    
My warmth through the coldest of nights    
If I had created you myself just for me    
I could never have made you so right    
You lifted me up from my depths in the dark
It was a prison I didn't know I was in    
You are my salvation, my direct gift from God    
You showed me how to dream once again    
You are my angel, my love, and my life    
A life new gone from wild to tame    
Old hopes reborn, I'm thinking again of a wife    
If I could change you I'd leave all the same    
Save one small thing, perhaps your last name    
You sent to me something I thought was profound    
"One day you'll find someone who will show you why it never worked out with anyone else"    
This magic between us that can't be captured by words    
We can only say now we are found

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 24th July 2011
Forum Posts: 1744

MrAlptraum said:*senses
You're taking the blind to watch the sunset.

and offering them matches instead of water.
amputating the already legless
wanting to show them how to do their make up while their already painted real.
we could go onnnnnn and onn.. lol

Travis McMahan
Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 9th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 19

great job everyone!!! the winner I have chosen is pika-girl26. great job

Lost Thinker
Joined 27th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 20

Wow.....didnt expect to win lol thankyou :-D

Fire of Insight
United States 6awards
Joined 14th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 596

you have to give her the trophy

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