this should be easy
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Forum Posts: 2808
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
Joined 15th Sep 2011Forum Posts: 2808
- Time and Blossom -
A Meditation on My Existence
If thou thought to waken in me, some far recollection,
Then know that all the old memories, in me, are total.
Complete and whole, as approaching unto perfection,
The entirety of my being, and the core of my vast soul…
Which recalls those things thou could not hope to see.
Like the blossoms of the trees, by the ziggurats rough,
When the ancestors of the Babylonians, in true dignity…
Raised the sacred altars of the goddess, ne’er enough.
For the gods are insatiable, even I in maddest manner!
I who was in the past days, the mouth of my goddess…
When I sat in the temple atop the steps, by her banner.
When I walked with her, I recall her with all fondness!
“A queen with no crown swore an oath to the gods…
The day her world was engulfed in flames of conflict.
She swore that her people would conquer the odds,
And she held herself to her oath with a will so strict!
That queen I knew, and I stood by her side of old…
Even unto perdition, and beyond, into times passing.
We conquered death, but were conquered so bold,
Becoming mortal, whilst the gods were busy laughing.”
But below those storied stones, of her blessed temple,
There lay secrets unknown, kept by those in shadow…
Passed down through the ages, complex yet so simple.
Yet, to me, those are but one portion of what I know!
For those times, though ancient, were more recent far,
Than, the time before history had yet begun its’ march.
It is no idle fancy that I beheld many a hot distant star,
And on other worlds than this I began my mad search.
What had I hoped to find, that I did not possess once,
When on high I soared, and stood beautiful and bright?
Would thou understand if I told thee and realize thence,
The boundlessness of passion: in darkness and in light?
“None can conquer fate, for destiny is unique to each,
With every soul walking the path that is theirs alone…
I too swore an oath of old, as to Heaven I did reach!
But now I dwell on a world far from my ancient home.
That old life seems alien now for once human so long,
You forget what it was like to walk in celestial glory.
Sometimes you remember, and the memory is strong!
It inspires you to write and share an interesting story.”
If the cosmos could stretch forth its’ hand in pointing…
To the place where all life so began, that first paradise,
Whose waters were most clear, so blessedly anointing:
That world would be familiar to me, and its’ vast skies.
For, this too is mine to remember, and to pass down…
That the old secrets may not perish, but persist always!
There were cities and palaces built beneath the ground,
On that distant planet whose glory faded with the days:
Until what lay above ground fell into decay ceaseless…
And in the dark places, lurked evils that eternally haunt.
Some sins are too great even for the gods to confess…
I cannot speak of some, even had I so wicked a want!
“I often think of that queen, and I wonder after her so!
Does she ponder the things that I do, wisdom to bestow?
Of the ancient oaths we both swore, we kept our vow,
We endure throughout all time; we survive, even now.”
Better to speak of fair things, of roses and spring rains,
Than to dwell upon the fates of places long forsaken…
For any world can become lost, and fallen its’ domains.
Look not too deeply to Heaven lest faith grow shaken!
I once sought knowledge and I learned far too much…
Until I could not contain the things some see in dreams.
For my vision was cosmic and through it I did watch…
The ebb and flow of time and all of its’ infinite streams!
Is this what mortals seek to learn, and hope to fathom?
Then I pity them, for in discovering such, no joy exists.
Look instead, unto the simple flower with its’ blossom!
Hold it in thy heart, for that is where all beauty persists.
A Meditation on My Existence
If thou thought to waken in me, some far recollection,
Then know that all the old memories, in me, are total.
Complete and whole, as approaching unto perfection,
The entirety of my being, and the core of my vast soul…
Which recalls those things thou could not hope to see.
Like the blossoms of the trees, by the ziggurats rough,
When the ancestors of the Babylonians, in true dignity…
Raised the sacred altars of the goddess, ne’er enough.
For the gods are insatiable, even I in maddest manner!
I who was in the past days, the mouth of my goddess…
When I sat in the temple atop the steps, by her banner.
When I walked with her, I recall her with all fondness!
“A queen with no crown swore an oath to the gods…
The day her world was engulfed in flames of conflict.
She swore that her people would conquer the odds,
And she held herself to her oath with a will so strict!
That queen I knew, and I stood by her side of old…
Even unto perdition, and beyond, into times passing.
We conquered death, but were conquered so bold,
Becoming mortal, whilst the gods were busy laughing.”
But below those storied stones, of her blessed temple,
There lay secrets unknown, kept by those in shadow…
Passed down through the ages, complex yet so simple.
Yet, to me, those are but one portion of what I know!
For those times, though ancient, were more recent far,
Than, the time before history had yet begun its’ march.
It is no idle fancy that I beheld many a hot distant star,
And on other worlds than this I began my mad search.
What had I hoped to find, that I did not possess once,
When on high I soared, and stood beautiful and bright?
Would thou understand if I told thee and realize thence,
The boundlessness of passion: in darkness and in light?
“None can conquer fate, for destiny is unique to each,
With every soul walking the path that is theirs alone…
I too swore an oath of old, as to Heaven I did reach!
But now I dwell on a world far from my ancient home.
That old life seems alien now for once human so long,
You forget what it was like to walk in celestial glory.
Sometimes you remember, and the memory is strong!
It inspires you to write and share an interesting story.”
If the cosmos could stretch forth its’ hand in pointing…
To the place where all life so began, that first paradise,
Whose waters were most clear, so blessedly anointing:
That world would be familiar to me, and its’ vast skies.
For, this too is mine to remember, and to pass down…
That the old secrets may not perish, but persist always!
There were cities and palaces built beneath the ground,
On that distant planet whose glory faded with the days:
Until what lay above ground fell into decay ceaseless…
And in the dark places, lurked evils that eternally haunt.
Some sins are too great even for the gods to confess…
I cannot speak of some, even had I so wicked a want!
“I often think of that queen, and I wonder after her so!
Does she ponder the things that I do, wisdom to bestow?
Of the ancient oaths we both swore, we kept our vow,
We endure throughout all time; we survive, even now.”
Better to speak of fair things, of roses and spring rains,
Than to dwell upon the fates of places long forsaken…
For any world can become lost, and fallen its’ domains.
Look not too deeply to Heaven lest faith grow shaken!
I once sought knowledge and I learned far too much…
Until I could not contain the things some see in dreams.
For my vision was cosmic and through it I did watch…
The ebb and flow of time and all of its’ infinite streams!
Is this what mortals seek to learn, and hope to fathom?
Then I pity them, for in discovering such, no joy exists.
Look instead, unto the simple flower with its’ blossom!
Hold it in thy heart, for that is where all beauty persists.
Forum Posts: 9
Lost Thinker
Joined 20th Sep 2009 Forum Posts: 9
i grabbed "me"by the neck of my shirt and
tossed myself out, a self night out. mr. dashboard,
you are my company tonight
my companion, my sidekick
along with the night sky
the radio is ignoring me
I'm sorry lady radio
you have my blood on you
you'll be ok
a little minor damage
but then suddenly once again, your playing what i want
to hear.
the city lights turns into
strips of orange
shooting stars trying to race
ill beat you, sure ill win something tonight
baggy eyes
4:36am, i only dozed off for an hour
i sit and continue,
i feel like i own the night
but for what cost?
an argument?
bloody knuckles?
i learned tonight that radios don't hit back
everything she said was true
my head is heavier that usual
i took too much in tonight
we took too much in tonight
and its all weighing forward
and with all its fed
my dreams and nightmares had
an orgy into the night
Magic poemz
Forum Posts: 171
Magic poemz
Fire of Insight
Joined 24th Jan 2012 Forum Posts: 171
Its now 16 years since u left
Why did they pull the trigger to see u dead?
These other rappers cant even reach close to your name
Yet u left with only 25 years of age.
Im a die hard fan thats why I wrote this letter
LIFE GOES ON but not like the way u left us
We try to SMILE KEEP OUR HEADS UP but never
Have we found a replacement like u never.
Good news LL SNOOPY and DRE still in the game
DMX took control in the mid 90s but now its LIL WAYNE
Im sure v u heard of PAUL WALL,WALE and EMINEM
They are a witness of RAP spreading to every place and race.
The game hasnt changed much its corrupted and dirty
These fake rappers cant do it without ILLUMINATI
Hip Hop has gone commercial big in every country
But the spirit of rappers is weaker I say that loudly.
The WEST COAST EAST COAST feud is no longer strong
I wish u see the video of DIDDY and SNOOP DOGG
East Coast rappers believe BIGGIE SMALL is the king of hip hop
But the rest of the world still know u own the crown.
Send my greetings to SCARFACE and NATE DOGG greatly
Marven Gaye BIG L and all of them MAKAVELI
We miss u ask the OUTLAWS TI and SLIM SHADY
Goodbye PAC this is the end of my letter MAKAVELI.
Its now 16 years since u left
Why did they pull the trigger to see u dead?
These other rappers cant even reach close to your name
Yet u left with only 25 years of age.
Im a die hard fan thats why I wrote this letter
LIFE GOES ON but not like the way u left us
We try to SMILE KEEP OUR HEADS UP but never
Have we found a replacement like u never.
Good news LL SNOOPY and DRE still in the game
DMX took control in the mid 90s but now its LIL WAYNE
Im sure v u heard of PAUL WALL,WALE and EMINEM
They are a witness of RAP spreading to every place and race.
The game hasnt changed much its corrupted and dirty
These fake rappers cant do it without ILLUMINATI
Hip Hop has gone commercial big in every country
But the spirit of rappers is weaker I say that loudly.
The WEST COAST EAST COAST feud is no longer strong
I wish u see the video of DIDDY and SNOOP DOGG
East Coast rappers believe BIGGIE SMALL is the king of hip hop
But the rest of the world still know u own the crown.
Send my greetings to SCARFACE and NATE DOGG greatly
Marven Gaye BIG L and all of them MAKAVELI
We miss u ask the OUTLAWS TI and SLIM SHADY
Goodbye PAC this is the end of my letter MAKAVELI.
Magic poemz
Forum Posts: 171
Magic poemz
Fire of Insight
Joined 24th Jan 2012 Forum Posts: 171
I swear that is the beautiful flower
A natural scent that gives me power
Beauty that glitters at every second and hour
Among the lilies it stand high like a tower.
I adore it shining in the long grass
But what makes me sick Im not the only one
Its beauty attracts every sexy eye
Everyone wants to take it home to shine.
Covered with thorns that bite
Take it make it your own then cry
U see it beautiful but when rain doesnt come by
It shrinks and dies so u need to cater it so high.
It hurts me to see it in the wild forest
I want the rose to brighten my moment
I love the scent so sweet and foreign
I will take it home but I will cater it more and more often.
My troubles just doubled in fatal
I''m a curse for loving something sweet with passion
I''m ready though so this is my sermon
I will keep this rose flower forever to serve more.
I swear that is the beautiful flower
A natural scent that gives me power
Beauty that glitters at every second and hour
Among the lilies it stand high like a tower.
I adore it shining in the long grass
But what makes me sick Im not the only one
Its beauty attracts every sexy eye
Everyone wants to take it home to shine.
Covered with thorns that bite
Take it make it your own then cry
U see it beautiful but when rain doesnt come by
It shrinks and dies so u need to cater it so high.
It hurts me to see it in the wild forest
I want the rose to brighten my moment
I love the scent so sweet and foreign
I will take it home but I will cater it more and more often.
My troubles just doubled in fatal
I''m a curse for loving something sweet with passion
I''m ready though so this is my sermon
I will keep this rose flower forever to serve more.
Forum Posts: 44
Lost Thinker
Joined 11th Aug 2012 Forum Posts: 44
Kou_Indigo said:
I love it! Especially the truly ironic twist at the end which comes on the reader like a classic mind-frak. That is skillful writing, masterfully put together! One of the best poems to do with irony that I have ever read on this site.
Thank you! i was afraid no one would understand it! its so nice to see someone appreciate it too. Tank you again
I love it! Especially the truly ironic twist at the end which comes on the reader like a classic mind-frak. That is skillful writing, masterfully put together! One of the best poems to do with irony that I have ever read on this site.
Thank you! i was afraid no one would understand it! its so nice to see someone appreciate it too. Tank you again
Forum Posts: 711
Fire of Insight
Joined 29th May 2012 Forum Posts: 711
sorry it took me so long to pick a winner guys, my computers been on the fritz,
and it was a really hard decision
and it was a really hard decision