Poetry competition CLOSED 23rd July 2010 1:36am
rayheinrich (Death Plane for Teddy)
View Profile Poems by rayheinrich

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Love Poem Contest

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

No problem.

poet Anonymous

Two more days until the deadline.

poet Anonymous

Ray wins. I was reluctant to award him top marks at first, because his piece was only ten words long, but the fact remains that it affected me the most, so to deny him the prize would be rather churlish. I enjoyed the other poems as well, though, and this has been an interesting contest. I now open the floodgates for all love poems to be posted here without judgement (well, not mine, at least).

Death Plane for Teddy
Tyrant of Words
Canada 32awards
Joined 4th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 4409

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and valued, especially from you  :)

love poem:

< salvation >

heard it on the news
after somebody or other's brother
did something or other
to his sister

and after the three lives
(river flooded and all)

the cat

animal shelter
asking for salvation
and finding it

the news ends

and for the others
asking for salvation
the gas of peace
doesn't take long

- - -

Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 2122

congrats ray =]

poet Anonymous

No problem Ray; glad my giving you the prize held some value!

Sonnet For the Confirmed Bachelor

a bachelor hoarding tissue boxes,
the emptiness of his landscape,
where the rooks laugh from the trees
and water's song has long since dimmed,
leaving behind his lonely moaning,
and the absence of shadows
which the forest once rimmed.

now he's the only life form left
to face the tree bark's fortitude,
clearings dryer than a rehab clinic.
where once he knelt by burning logs,
he and his lover, both in white vests,
there now remains the pale sun,
and levies stuffed with damp tissues.

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