One minute...

Poetry Contest Description
In poetic format, break ONE MINUTE into increments -more details below :-)
A lot can happen in ONE minute, thoughts and feelings are processed..everything can change-or seem to.
I am looking for a poem that breaks that minute down and describes all that is being processed..
This can be as a reaction to news, a sudden reality check, or anything else that would greatly affect the minute after.
PLEASE inbox any questions, I will randomly check the thread but RANDOM is the key word. ONE WEEK-ALL new submissions only
2 entries per poet-and due to the subject matter, I advise against co-write's but if you feel it's something you can do-please do
ONE week, I never extend-if there is one entry-that is the winner..Peace and thank you for your interest, Miki
I am looking for a poem that breaks that minute down and describes all that is being processed..
This can be as a reaction to news, a sudden reality check, or anything else that would greatly affect the minute after.
PLEASE inbox any questions, I will randomly check the thread but RANDOM is the key word. ONE WEEK-ALL new submissions only
2 entries per poet-and due to the subject matter, I advise against co-write's but if you feel it's something you can do-please do

ONE week, I never extend-if there is one entry-that is the winner..Peace and thank you for your interest, Miki

Hakim abdi
Joined 18th June 2012
Forum Posts: 22
Hakim abdi
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 22
we as a people look for hope at the darkes of moment
i found mine stuck in prison at first i didn't feel no-way
about it leading up to it every body that i once knew
told me you goin to fuck your life up big time i didnt
wanna hear it a day before my arrest i was kicking it
with one of my female friends and she tells me something
bad real bad is going to happen to you and yet again i aint
listening :walking through the prison was a surreal moment
in my life caause i always told myself I will never be another
black Statistic but i was in the middle i never saw it just
in the one minute of walking chained up from the Van to the
prison gates was one the the biggest eye openers i needed in my
life to start doing the right things in life and started self-
education to improve my chances in life
i found mine stuck in prison at first i didn't feel no-way
about it leading up to it every body that i once knew
told me you goin to fuck your life up big time i didnt
wanna hear it a day before my arrest i was kicking it
with one of my female friends and she tells me something
bad real bad is going to happen to you and yet again i aint
listening :walking through the prison was a surreal moment
in my life caause i always told myself I will never be another
black Statistic but i was in the middle i never saw it just
in the one minute of walking chained up from the Van to the
prison gates was one the the biggest eye openers i needed in my
life to start doing the right things in life and started self-
education to improve my chances in life
Joined 27th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 5152
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5152
it couldn't be true
my thoughts starting racing faster than I could keep up
Was it me fault?
I should have never been so cruel
I was such a fool
He couldn't be dead
He was all I had left
The only reason to try
What about the song?
My knees wobbled and I felt the breath knock out of me
Tears came in buckets
They blurred my vision
This cold floor was almost comforting
In a split second a life was taken
And for the rest of my life, I was miserable
it couldn't be true
my thoughts starting racing faster than I could keep up
Was it me fault?
I should have never been so cruel
I was such a fool
He couldn't be dead
He was all I had left
The only reason to try
What about the song?
My knees wobbled and I felt the breath knock out of me
Tears came in buckets
They blurred my vision
This cold floor was almost comforting
In a split second a life was taken
And for the rest of my life, I was miserable
Forum Posts: 17122
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17122
One Minute
Eyes meeting across the room
A look exchanged
A smile replied
With a raised eyebrow
Fingers on lips
Love sets to bloom
A look exchanged
A silent wave
Eyes averted
Smiles tremulous
Touches of fingers
Breakups in process
That one minute
Of acts given away
Decides the path
Of come what may
An over-bright smile
A look, a sigh
In one Minute
They give it away
Eyes meeting across the room
A look exchanged
A smile replied
With a raised eyebrow
Fingers on lips
Love sets to bloom
A look exchanged
A silent wave
Eyes averted
Smiles tremulous
Touches of fingers
Breakups in process
That one minute
Of acts given away
Decides the path
Of come what may
An over-bright smile
A look, a sigh
In one Minute
They give it away
Joined 27th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 5152
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5152
His eyes held something he wasn't speaking
I could smell apple cider and pumkin spice
The warm steam rushed to my face
I felt relaxed and safe there with him
I knew I wanted to tell him then
I love you
But those words wouldn't emerge
My tongue was held down by a weight
No angel born in hell
Was gonna let me tell
Not today at least
I could smell apple cider and pumkin spice
The warm steam rushed to my face
I felt relaxed and safe there with him
I knew I wanted to tell him then
I love you
But those words wouldn't emerge
My tongue was held down by a weight
No angel born in hell
Was gonna let me tell
Not today at least

Great entries so far, I felt a certain haunting from each one-Thank's so much for entering! Keep them coming, Peace-Miki
Naked Satirist
Joined 5th May 2012
Forum Posts: 496
Naked Satirist
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 496
Squirting streams of blazing greek fire
Aqueous flames riding in my liquid chamber
Fresh serene air invoking latent stimulus
Bold lithium scent of the nonchalant
Shackled when sober these unchained flavours
Subtle sweetness from bitter recollections
Crackling electric threads in quagmire
Ingenious harmony in deranged offbeat rhythm
Romantic potent colon, does monotone digestion
Pulsating rays of bipolar neon colors
Aqueous flames riding in my liquid chamber
Fresh serene air invoking latent stimulus
Bold lithium scent of the nonchalant
Shackled when sober these unchained flavours
Subtle sweetness from bitter recollections
Crackling electric threads in quagmire
Ingenious harmony in deranged offbeat rhythm
Romantic potent colon, does monotone digestion
Pulsating rays of bipolar neon colors
Naked Satirist
Joined 5th May 2012
Forum Posts: 496
Naked Satirist
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 496
my shallow gasp
getting faint
your mellow whisper
in crescendoes
tears you see
love's love
flowing conscious
your memoirs
grief you suffer
the span
of a falling leaf
to earth
pollens travel
jubilee birth
a flower withers
a cycle served
mors inevitabilis est,
et hora ejus incerta
vigor afterglow
the sun had past
let it go
sleep to my lullaby
curious stallion
galloping with grace
stumbles upon a lovely view
her stride slackening
da-dap da-dap
the sound
slowing down
it was yester now
getting faint
your mellow whisper
in crescendoes
tears you see
love's love
flowing conscious
your memoirs
grief you suffer
the span
of a falling leaf
to earth
pollens travel
jubilee birth
a flower withers
a cycle served
mors inevitabilis est,
et hora ejus incerta
vigor afterglow
the sun had past
let it go
sleep to my lullaby
curious stallion
galloping with grace
stumbles upon a lovely view
her stride slackening
da-dap da-dap
the sound
slowing down
it was yester now
Joined 29th May 2012
Forum Posts: 711
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 711
One Minute: Kick In
1 second. That's nothing I can survive one.
Second second. Hmmm funny.
Third. Inhale, puff out. Step out.
Hmmm walking about.
This is nice, it's bright out here.
I like the clouds
I wish they didn't have to go.
Twenty seconds. Fidget just a little bit more
Touch up the bottoms of my pants
And my laces.
42 seconds. Skimmed a high five to a junkie
Passed the stash
Put the twenty in my bra.
49 seconds. Just keep walking.
52 seconds. Kill a bee
That's time in hell.
54 seconds. Trip into the street
56 seconds. BANG.
One Minute. Closer to my death.
1 second. That's nothing I can survive one.
Second second. Hmmm funny.
Third. Inhale, puff out. Step out.
Hmmm walking about.
This is nice, it's bright out here.
I like the clouds
I wish they didn't have to go.
Twenty seconds. Fidget just a little bit more
Touch up the bottoms of my pants
And my laces.
42 seconds. Skimmed a high five to a junkie
Passed the stash
Put the twenty in my bra.
49 seconds. Just keep walking.
52 seconds. Kill a bee
That's time in hell.
54 seconds. Trip into the street
56 seconds. BANG.
One Minute. Closer to my death.
Joined 6th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 2026
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 2026
it couldn't be true
I shot at him
and hit you
I watched you fall
ever so slow
My heart breaks fast
as you now go
I turned the gun around
and fire another bullet
I died the day you did
in the same minute
it couldn't be true
I shot at him
and hit you
I watched you fall
ever so slow
My heart breaks fast
as you now go
I turned the gun around
and fire another bullet
I died the day you did
in the same minute

In the space of a frozen heartbeat
simple people become
gods and goddesses,
a look becomes purpose,
an average day finds a lifetime.
One humble minute
spewing chroma across
a newly formed universe
of passionate mystery;
twin souls reunited
as chaos gives birth to fire.
simple people become
gods and goddesses,
a look becomes purpose,
an average day finds a lifetime.
One humble minute
spewing chroma across
a newly formed universe
of passionate mystery;
twin souls reunited
as chaos gives birth to fire.
Joined 25th June 2011
Forum Posts: 690
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 690
Point Break
the final puff
smoke inhaled
then exhaled
through nostrils
and mouth!?
aurora over memory bank
children underneath
The Leg Is On The Chair
a masquerading cloud,
the circus is in town.
with every head-
get a -bang
cough for the cigarette
eyes closing
reboot pending
conscience goes AWOL
start up lag
insidious devise
body without mind
minute strikes again
awareness returning
the final puff
smoke inhaled
then exhaled
through nostrils
and mouth!?
aurora over memory bank
children underneath
The Leg Is On The Chair
a masquerading cloud,
the circus is in town.
with every head-
get a -bang
cough for the cigarette
eyes closing
reboot pending
conscience goes AWOL
start up lag
insidious devise
body without mind
minute strikes again
awareness returning
D. Jordan
Joined 4th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 703
D. Jordan
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 703
60 Seconds In The Bad Part Of Town
Second 1: He throws her to the ground. I ball up my fists. It's my sister, he's a bully.
Second 2: I'm running towards him, he hears me approach and turns around. His hand moves for his pocket.
Second 3: I'm on top of him. He's scuffling under me. I knock the knife away and it skids under a parked car.
Second 5: A hard sock to the face. Instant black eye.
Second 6: He begins unleashing a flurry of punches on me.
Second 8: My sister gets up, rushes in our direction.
Second 10: I break away.
Second 11: I tell my sister to get away
Second 12: I hear a shot. I turn around.
Second 14: Bully is on the ground, limbs tossed askew, hole in the back of his head. I stop, look around.
Second 17: I see him and duck just in time to save my bleeding nose from being blown off my face.
Second 18: It's a rival gang member. I turn and run.
Second 20: I've take cover behind the apartment building. My sister is there too.
Second 22: He fires another shot. The brick chips.
Second 23: I tell my sister we should sneak away.
Second 24: He starts walking our way.
Second 25: We start running and so does he, shooting at us the whole time.
Second 28: His clip is empty, he tosses the gun aside and picks up speed.
Second 30: He grabs my shoulder, kicks in my knee, and just like that I'm on the ground.
Second 31: He puts his hand on my neck.
Second 32: I can't breath. I thrash against him.
Second 34: It's to no avail, my kicks get weaker, my bucks all but stop.
Second 38: I am immobile. My vision is getting fuzzy.
Second 39: I'm almost unconscious, but I feel a thump, and the pressure on my neck is gone.
Second 40: My sister drops the lead pipe she used to bash in the thugs head and helps me up.
Second 41: We start to walk back.
Second 45: A horn blares from the street. Someone calls out for a "Tyrone."
Second 46: We run back behind the building. The thug saw us.
Second 47: He follows us, just walks doesn't run.
Second 50: Thug 2 rounds the corner just in time to be met with us, Tyrone's immobile figure, and my lead pipe.
Second 53: We've dragged our latest victim behind the apartment.
Second 55: Someone opens a window on the second floor.
Second 56: It's a woman. She screams.
Second 57: We make a break for our assailants' car.
Second 58: We find the key under the seat.
Second 59: We start the ignition.
Second 60: The car bomb detonates.
Second 1: He throws her to the ground. I ball up my fists. It's my sister, he's a bully.
Second 2: I'm running towards him, he hears me approach and turns around. His hand moves for his pocket.
Second 3: I'm on top of him. He's scuffling under me. I knock the knife away and it skids under a parked car.
Second 5: A hard sock to the face. Instant black eye.
Second 6: He begins unleashing a flurry of punches on me.
Second 8: My sister gets up, rushes in our direction.
Second 10: I break away.
Second 11: I tell my sister to get away
Second 12: I hear a shot. I turn around.
Second 14: Bully is on the ground, limbs tossed askew, hole in the back of his head. I stop, look around.
Second 17: I see him and duck just in time to save my bleeding nose from being blown off my face.
Second 18: It's a rival gang member. I turn and run.
Second 20: I've take cover behind the apartment building. My sister is there too.
Second 22: He fires another shot. The brick chips.
Second 23: I tell my sister we should sneak away.
Second 24: He starts walking our way.
Second 25: We start running and so does he, shooting at us the whole time.
Second 28: His clip is empty, he tosses the gun aside and picks up speed.
Second 30: He grabs my shoulder, kicks in my knee, and just like that I'm on the ground.
Second 31: He puts his hand on my neck.
Second 32: I can't breath. I thrash against him.
Second 34: It's to no avail, my kicks get weaker, my bucks all but stop.
Second 38: I am immobile. My vision is getting fuzzy.
Second 39: I'm almost unconscious, but I feel a thump, and the pressure on my neck is gone.
Second 40: My sister drops the lead pipe she used to bash in the thugs head and helps me up.
Second 41: We start to walk back.
Second 45: A horn blares from the street. Someone calls out for a "Tyrone."
Second 46: We run back behind the building. The thug saw us.
Second 47: He follows us, just walks doesn't run.
Second 50: Thug 2 rounds the corner just in time to be met with us, Tyrone's immobile figure, and my lead pipe.
Second 53: We've dragged our latest victim behind the apartment.
Second 55: Someone opens a window on the second floor.
Second 56: It's a woman. She screams.
Second 57: We make a break for our assailants' car.
Second 58: We find the key under the seat.
Second 59: We start the ignition.
Second 60: The car bomb detonates.
Joined 3rd June 2012
Forum Posts: 230
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 230
One Minute
The phone rings
taking my attention.
The horrible news
stole my breath.
Realization that he was gone,
wounded my spirit.
Tears flowed
but no screams....
just silence and turmoil.
I stared into the darkness
that invaded my space.
I was there in the physical
but my soul was gone.
The world and all I knew...
had become unfamiliar.
In just one minute~
Uncontrolled emotions,
that couldn’t be contained...
cause my body to shut down.
Skin burned,
My bones ached,
Nausea plagued me,
Regurgitating inward pain,
had become my physical response.
Only tangible memory that he existed,
was our son he left behind.
In just one minute~
My world was crushed
and my life had changed forever.
The phone rings
taking my attention.
The horrible news
stole my breath.
Realization that he was gone,
wounded my spirit.
Tears flowed
but no screams....
just silence and turmoil.
I stared into the darkness
that invaded my space.
I was there in the physical
but my soul was gone.
The world and all I knew...
had become unfamiliar.
In just one minute~
Uncontrolled emotions,
that couldn’t be contained...
cause my body to shut down.
Skin burned,
My bones ached,
Nausea plagued me,
Regurgitating inward pain,
had become my physical response.
Only tangible memory that he existed,
was our son he left behind.
In just one minute~
My world was crushed
and my life had changed forever.
Billy Waise
Joined 10th June 2012
Forum Posts: 63
Billy Waise
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 63
Same old busstop
So here we are again
the same old bus stop
I look down, you look up
awkward thoughs coming by
over me
over her
I'm just willing to be.
I step down the sidewalk
my nerves breaks my patience
and I looked you again
and again look the floor
there she is
here you are
whistling some stupid song.
I may know how it feels
like you were caring me
I dream up of a time
where we look the same sky
can be his
won't be her
but in the end I regreat
while my look fall to the floor again.
So here we are again
the same old bus stop
I look down, you look up
awkward thoughs coming by
over me
over her
I'm just willing to be.
I step down the sidewalk
my nerves breaks my patience
and I looked you again
and again look the floor
there she is
here you are
whistling some stupid song.
I may know how it feels
like you were caring me
I dream up of a time
where we look the same sky
can be his
won't be her
but in the end I regreat
while my look fall to the floor again.