Poetry competition CLOSED 15th April 2012 1:46pm
firedaughter (StayAwayFromTheNutcase)
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Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 24th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 93

maikeru555 said:

I somehow feel like my intelligence has been insulted. I opted for the latter instead, well because, I am not a hopeless romantic...blah.

The thing with broad statements is that they don't apply to any specific person. Feeling offended and actually being insulted are two very different things. My post was simply stating that I hope people know their stuff. If they don't, so be it. There's any number of reasons why people might not know about those types of literature. It doesn't make them any more or less intelligent.

But if people opt for the first and they don't know something pertaining to what they're working on, isn't it pertinent to learn? I was never on the offensive, and all this jabber is making me feel like I derailed a perfectly fine thread without that intention. So chillax and get to posting peeps

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 7awards
Joined 6th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 193

The moon’s enthralling glare lashes out at my once devout heart,
Sincere to you, to your hunger and despair.
I allowed such ravenous needs to be satisfied by my skin,
Such thirsts to be quenched from within my veins.
I felt your pain as you relished the sentiment,
Of my being your slave and adherent.
You unceasingly severed my heart, I would lie willingly,
Convincing myself of my need for such an aching.

And yet, looking within my resonating depth,
I see that still, I would give you all this again.
I will take your torture every tomorrow that is yet to come.
Come back to me and finish this, continue your purpose,
It is now my purpose also; your absence has shown me that.
Further strip away at my being, my core, tear apart my hope for anything else.
Bury me in your mind’s whim, your twisted illusions,
Enact your desires to be cruel to me, to prove your bind to me.

As the night’s wailing voice carries through the trees around me,
You appear before me, you knew I wanted you, you felt my call for you.
Guide me upon your body, permit me to present you with a cure for your longing.
My eyes follow your lips as you speak, each word compels me,
I hear beyond your command,
I hear your craving once again, you are undeniably mine again.
Take what you wish, and I will offer you more and more,
As we show our love in our private way, our way of near-death and passion.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 2122

Niflheim said:[quote-73080-opheliac]
are you studying literature?

I am, I also love the Romantic era and the Gothic

same here. Nothing beats the Gothic though.

Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 14th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 808

The Gardener (my twist on the Tell Tale Heart)

We hired a new gardener
She seemed so plain..
Thats why I was surprised
When I had saw where she had lain..

My husband untrusting
A the gardener no better
Maybe it fits best..
If I just behead her..

So I stayed up all night
Plotting my revnege
And I sat
As my plan unhenged..

I thought it out
I'll go in diguise
And wait for the moment
And take her by surprise!

I plotted and planned
For the next couple of nights..
Til finally, FINALLY
The time was just right...

I followed her home
and quiet as a mouse
I tiptoed quietly
right into her house..

When she asked me what I was doing
I replied "just taking some off the top"
And once I started...
I couldn't stop..

I couldnt until
Her body was a mess..
I took my prize home
and hoped for the best...

My husband woke up
about and waltzed into the room
The first question he asked
" Wheres the gardener? She's usually here by noon.."

Oh how that burned me up
How it just set another bomb
and pretty soon..
His head will be gone..

So again I found myslef waiting
For yet another to sleep
And I will admit
I almost did wheep..

But I cant turn back now
From all that I have done
There's only one left
and the job needs done...

I crept inside
quiet as a mouse
I dont know why I did
For it was my own house..

But I found it calming
So I went and found an axe..
I always save the best
for very, very last...

I raised it up
high above my head
and brought it down hard
On him and the bead..

He never even knew!
I could tell by his eyes!
This came as a shock
and equal surprise!

I had finally laid down
From a long days work
when I saw the light
and heard the sirens jerk....

I didn't know what to do!
I had no place to hide!
Where do I put them?!
Somewhere they cant find..

I went to the door
after I heard a stern knock
They were asking about her..
It was the cops..

I told them the best lie
Probably one for the books
Words can be just as decieving
As those of looks..

They are all gone
And I finally rest my head..
And I look over
They are both in bed..

I scream and scream
as loud as I can!
I wake up to shaking..
From my husbands hand..

I look around the room
and ask "Wheres the Gardener?"
"Oh don't worry, " he says,
"I fired her..."

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 24th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 195

Dude this poem amuses me:3
I think I'll read it about a million more times

Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 14th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 808

Loveless_Lifeless said:Dude this poem amuses me:3
I think I'll read it about a million more times

YAY!! XD you liked it!!

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 24th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 195

Of course dude it reminds me of this picture....but um even I think one part of the picture is disturbing.....and it doesn't have any part in your poem so....

Dangerous Mind
India 17awards
Joined 25th June 2011
Forum Posts: 682


crystal mountain of death
soaring through placid skies
overshadow me, invigorate me.

scream from dimensions mystical
conquering reality and the real
subtle and quiet, it’s stand is just.

in the middle of infinity
in endless limbo
rape my destiny, come bleed sense.

revive the sin and malice
the painful septic lesion
your fateful cliffs, your maddening heights.

take me there to the void
where time stands still
kiss me gently, let me fall.

lay ruin to one and all, oh trertye!
your roads bound with defeat
where ravens flock, come swallow the weak.

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