Poetry competition CLOSED 2nd April 2012 6:21am
View Profile Poems by lightbaron
RUNNER-UP: Atropabelladonna

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Let's See what you have!

poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest

A description of the feeling of it all fading away-100 words or less. Freestyle.
Okay, so lets see whats out there, no real rules other than word count-and By Fading Away-It could be anything-time, love, life-get deep on me!

Fire of Insight
United States 8awards
Joined 30th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 187

A month

4 weeks ago I felt whole;
Feeling one with my soul. 
Getting lost inside my mind;
Wondering what I would find inside!
3 weeks ago I could not grasp anything at all;
I just continued to fall. 
Loosing a thought one by one;
I slowly became undone. 
2 weeks ago I can't do this shit no more;
I can't even go outside; even to the store. 
Trapped inside my hell;
My skin made cell.
Last week I could no longer speak;
As I became sick, and awful week. 
Couldn't stand on my own two feet;
This fate I could not beat. 
Today they increased my morphine;
Nothing no longer to be seen. 
Im dead to the world now;
Lost and confused; not knowing how!

poet Anonymous

Atropabelladonna said:A month

4 weeks ago I felt whole;
Feeling one with my soul. 
Getting lost inside my mind;
Wondering what I would find inside!
3 weeks ago I could not grasp anything at all;
I just continued to fall. 
Loosing a thought one by one;
I slowly became undone. 
2 weeks ago I can't do this shit no more;
I can't even go outside; even to the store. 
Trapped inside my hell;
My skin made cell.
Last week I could no longer speak;
As I became sick, and awful week. 
Couldn't stand on my own two feet;
This fate I could not beat. 
Today they increased my morphine;
Nothing no longer to be seen. 
Im dead to the world now;
Lost and confused; not knowing how!

Thank you, and Wow! What a start.

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

To Come My Way          

As time does slip
the colour , loses grip ,
old memories , in mind
when loved , when happy shined .

A song , gets played
the once , is strong , again
love gone , I see your face
the pain , I just can't take  .

As time elapses
we bury hatchets ,
what I had
I hope to catch it ,
sometimes I'm sad  
then I get past that ,
it drives me mad
opening caskets .

Life of today
becomes the played
time will not stay
it just creates ,
more happiness
to always fade ,
or a new love
to come my way .

poet Anonymous

Another great entry! Keep them coming-thank you so much.

poet Anonymous


I am your servant

You are my master

You have taught me

To humble myself

So the ego in me

Has faded away

I only do or say

When permitted

Naked I sit

Not thinking

The me in me has gone away

poet Anonymous

somelikeithot said:FADING AWAY

I am your servant

You are my master

You have taught me

To humble myself

So the ego in me

Has faded away

I only do or say

When permitted

Naked I sit

Not thinking

The me in me has gone away
Thanks so much for entering-this is intense.

Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 21st Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 983

I have
away yet again I am
disappearing on the breeze.
Time is such a
word and concept
and it's
how it makes me think.
Why, sweet time, can you not just
pause momentarily
and let this fading
like my soul and mind into

poet Anonymous

Cinny said:I have
away yet again I am
disappearing on the breeze.
Time is such a
word and concept
and it's
how it makes me think.
Why, sweet time, can you not just
pause momentarily
and let this fading
like my soul and mind into
This is a great read and write-thank you for entering.

poet Anonymous

Grey dust left on the horizon
All gritty and textured fine
hot burning sultry land
human life has left our world
wrecks of metal rusty
no oxygen for souls to breath
mother nature broken
inhabitants stole this earth.
Ashen bitter burnt out
Fading to nothing at all
If only people could see what
damage they have done !!

poet Anonymous

Amazing entries so far-Thank's so much everyone-great reads from ALL

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 19th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 2374

fade away
is a way too heavy a term
for a

dreamer a
junky a
many a time lost lover
and a dead head
to take lightly

fade away is my failed god

oh ive worshipped and felt grace
between nods
but here again today
fade has
fell short in
so many ways

sweet oblivion teased
and taken without
the rites to stay

Mad Girl
Thought Provoker
United States 19awards
Joined 25th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 183

Faded (A Pint-Sized Poem)

I thought I was whole.
A solid matter.
But then I faded.
Becoming smoke and disappearing.
Only to reform as someone else.
Now I have refocused.
Now you may see me.
Less blurry than I was before.
When I was defined as so many things.
Now I am defined as one.
And only one.
And I will never fade away again.

poet Anonymous

amazing talents here-all entries astound-thank's so much, please continue-shine on!

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 7th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 2808

Fertile Soil

History repeats
Dredged up from the mire behind our eyes
In faith of fingerprints left in the mud
below the deep waters of our wants

Each Savior a symbol
of the need and hunger of the system we feed
A fallen tree reclaimed by soft earth
First Mother feeding her young to her young
As the vibrant colors of snakes come slithering our way

The vicious and opaque thoughts of these ignorant gods
Taken back into the deep
To where history repeats
Until each life has its chance to live and die
in service to the gods of the swamp

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