Poetry competition CLOSED 19th April 2012 8:51pm
skinnyjean (Llamaliscious)
View Profile Poems by skinnyjean
RUNNERS-UP: firedaughter and PoetryPicasso

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It still hurts

Thought Provoker
New Zealand
Joined 13th May 2011
Forum Posts: 207

Poetry Contest

Write about how you felt when your ex is in a new relationship!!!!
We have all been there, still hurting, still wanting them to come back, but then they meet someone new and it makes you torn inside.
So write how you felt, make me cry, or laugh whatever.
You have one month
Up two 5 poems each
Have fun :)

Mad Girl
Thought Provoker
United States 19awards
Joined 25th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 183

"What's New?" (A Conversation That Never Happen)

"Oh hi, how are you?
What's been happening recently?
What's knew?
Not allowed to see that one.
That girl. . .
Her name escapes me.
Isn't it like the form of something she's not.
Right, an angel.
Because I thought she was the anti-Christ,
for just the longest fucking time.
And that guy?
That one. . .
Right the one that was pretty stupid,
to take you to a concert.
How long did you toy with him?
Did he see it coming?
Did you say those three words to him. . .
No he said them moments before,
you broke him right?
Nice blue hair. . .
It looks,
Nice. . .?
I think. . .
So now you want to be guy.
That's something new,
yeah-- Not really.
I guess no one's made you feel beautiful,
down there.
You know what I mean right?
Of course you do.
I was just saying. . .
I'm not looking for a fight.
I just thought that we should catch up,
on old times,
sees what's new in the other's life.
Valentine's Day was awesome.
He got me a promise ring.
Remember when you promised me,
that you would get me one.
Right you got me a necklace. . .
Something you already owned.
Who has it now?
The Psycho Chick?
Or the Boy Toy?
Oh and he didn't JUST get me a ring,
it's shaped like two hearts.
One holding the other.
Like he does with me.
But I'm sure that someone holds you too,
when you're alone & are going to cry.
He got me a necklace too.
It's shaped like a key.
And it's really pretty.
Looks like a Victorian styled skeleton key.
It's beautiful really.
But enough about me. . .
I was wondering,
do you still read my poetry?
How do you feel about my words?
They haven't been about you for a while.
And it's saved me a lot of headaches.
But I just thought that we should,
you know. . .
catch up?
I'll be going back to school soon.
When I'm done being sick.
I only have to go to one class though.
Lucky me, huh?
And the best part, I won't have to see you all day.
That's the best part of it all.
At least I think so.
I stopped cutting by the way.
He got me to stop.
It'll be one month as of tomorrow.
I think that it's an accomplishment
worth celebrating. . .
I think I'll treat everyone,
out to the eat.
Olive Garden sounds good. . .
Oh right--
That use to be OUR place.
But you ruined that tradition,
months before we ended
our anything.
I went there with my mom recently,
and the bill wasn't so much.
And we didn't have you eating a few bites,
then saying that you were full.
Still trying to lose weight?
When are you going to realize that you're
not fat?
You're so skinny.
If you get any skinnier,
you just might. . .
"Keep up the good work then.
I hope I'm not upsetting you.
I have no reason to.
I'm not even angry writing this poem.
I'm smiling.
So happy. . .
So FUCKING happy. . .
And I'm not even be sarcastic when I say that.
I'm just sickly amused by your new problems.
Your old problems.
And can you please explain
your weird poems,
they don't make any sense.
Not to me,
Or anyone for that matter.
Can you ease up on the metaphors?
The similes?
They're annoying.
It's sickening.
Oh well.
I have to go.
Things to do.
People to see.
Stories to write.
Oh yeah,
didn't you here?
My Love and I,
are writing a story.
A book.
And it's going to be amazing.
I'm writing my own story too.
And I'm even going to be able to publish it.
I'm going to be a writer.
It seems that all my dreams are coming true.
What were yours again?
Oh and I'm going to be going
to college.
Even if I don't graduate,
because they're going to
look at what I've done for
Now what I did in high school.
Oh well. . .
I just thought it would be nice to catch up.
So see you around?
I guess?
Maybe. . .
Have a nice
(whatever you depict as being a)
life. "

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 19th Dec 2010
Forum Posts: 92

i feel like my eyes have shattered into pieces
every happy memory of us feels like im being stabbed to death
i cant get your voice out of my head
you laugh echos inside my brain
the walls of our room feel like they are so much closer to me
my pupils have grown wide
like the darkness has become my new home
my new way of seeing
that picture of us lying on my chest stairing at that moment frozen in time
that place i would give anything to relive
but that moment is gone only held inside a still frame plate glass
mocking me with its beauty
wishing i could just die
and never feel like this again
so many days i looked past the fact that you left me
hoping and begging
trying yo convence myself that things could change
that maybe just maybe you might miss me
and i could see you eyes look at me in that same what they always did
but that is just a dream
my reacouring nightmare even though im wide awake
my mind feels like its bleeding
from all the nights ive lyed awake
no amount of alchohol can numb this feeling
like ive been gutted and left for the vultures to pick clean
girl my tears have soured
ive cryed so much that the salt has scared my face
ive become broken
broken beyond repair
and i dont know what way to turn
becouse no path i take will lead to you
youve stolen my heart
stole my heart and ran away
and all my attempts to chaise you have failed
you are just that rare bread that rafuses to be caged
rafuses to take the easy way
and i think that is what i love most about you
i want what i cant have
i want you
you and that is it
but now i sit here cold and broken with my head craddled in my arms
begging to myself to figure out a way to fix whatever has gone wrong
baby you were my angel with severed wings
that dirty face and crooked smile
god i fucking love your face every freckle every shade of grey around your eyes
the taste of your lips and smell of your perfume
god i love your face
but the only reminder of it will have to be this picture you left face down on the dresser in my room

Thought Provoker
New Zealand
Joined 13th May 2011
Forum Posts: 207

very nice stepintomywinter:
and well done Paige Rider

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

What's Coming  Around      (SP Summerscales)

So what do you want
from me ,
you got each eye
so that I can't see ,
I try to look
kind of jolly , happy
I'm blind and I'm struck
by impossibility ,
the kind bestowed
upon , unwantedly ,
my ride you towed
the one you rode
for free ,
now I'm alone  
for your hilarity ,
the break
of my bones
a responsibility ,
to take but you don't ,
though my soul
you squeeze ,
such audacity
is attoned with ease ,
a flea's mentality
is at home , with you it seems .

An ignoramous ,
a blood swigger
you're so shameless ,
a truth rigger ,
your totally blameless
so how do you then figure this
a little miss painless ,
a gold digger
who makes no sense .

Reality devoid ,
depravity you employ ,
you're a cavity ,
who strips me of all joy .

Self obsessed
and mercenary ,
your husband , a press
for the money you bleed
you're a self centered mess ,
you think that you're the best
but I know
as I don't guess
you've got it coming , from me .


Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 596

.:eye got the blank stares:.

kid -
eye(s) slept

right through it
the whole bit  
a lullaby
given a less than - grand goodbye

the gift - the last rift

a non - soothing display of
artful persuasion - empty words
by me  
they got taken

yet when received
they felt

not to be mistaken

caught short - very red handed
eye was upset - so then eye demanded

but eye got the - blank stares
the bitter task of unmasking her - unseen affairs
my subsequent stares
added - the glares

added a bit about parting affairs
pulled outta place - replaced
encased by pressure
by any measure - she was made to feel like

she defined what was all my treasure

now the new nomenclature –
pierced & broken
fractured - covered up by - a dutiful smile
an unexpected - trial

style empty of any genuine - feeling
eyes could see
in her voice - all
all - that it wasn’t revealing

just words worth - not mentioning
nothing - describing
not a picture of well being  
the ear now - here now
that's not what I was hearing

my - reading
wasn’t what she’d been saying - without words
her smile – her curves

where?  to?
to whomever they now serve

poet Anonymous

So you got a new girl,,,
that's great-I'm thrilled-
you might wanna tell her-
you've got an issue with pills-
Or maybe about your secret denials?
Oh, let HER go through the trials!
Maybe just tell her- what an ass-
you  can be-
Tell her all the lies-
you used to waste on me.
I hope she isn't expecting
much from the heart-
or any true emotion-
or you to do your part.
don't forget to mention
how I evolved from loving you-
Because I really hope in future
that she can make it too.
And last but not least-
mention how you manage-
to always leave a girl-
with complete and utter

poet Anonymous

We thought we were in love
We married in a hurry
We did not date that much
How could I have missed it?
Why did he do it?
It is hard to be left for another woman
But my love left me for a man
He claimed he did not know
But being gay is still a stigma
So maybe he thought
I would be the cure
The marriage went on
Somewhat like Arianna Huffington’s
We parted as friends
But he found someone fast
I was left holding the bag
As we were the same age
And women age fast
Not in reality
But in sexuality
A woman is most desirable
In her twenties
Whereas my husband found his spouse
Oh, yes, they are married
I went for a long long time not trusting any man

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17163

Left behind

My love
It still hurts
as it was
when you left

My love
I still yearn for you
as I did
when you were in the room

My love
I still dream
of the love at dawn
and in the midnight hour

It still hurts
like the day you left
me for her
I miss you!

The worst hurt
is when you left
this world with her
in that house fire

I wanted you to survive
and hurt as much as I do
I set the fire
to kill her, not you

I still hurt!

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 246

It still hurts
I gave you 10 years  3 kids
And this is what you did?!
you got a new chick
Who you call your boo
I wonder if you're going to beat on her too?
Your homeboys are laughing behind your back, calling you wack and giving you no slack
You say this chick is the love of your life and she's going to be your wife
I'm happy for you hopefully you don't leave hear black & blue
She don't have a clue what she's getting into
Its only been 3 months not enough time for her to get out of line
I wish her luck, shit really I don't give a Fuck!

Thought Provoker
New Zealand
Joined 13th May 2011
Forum Posts: 207

Very good people keep them coming :)

KayLa Marie
Strange Creature
United States
Joined 18th Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 3

Sitting here
these thoughts in my head,
you leaving me
the one thing I dread.
I didn't believe them
Or what they said,
"He'll hurt you one day,
you will see..."
They were right,
and now you're gone,
I know some day I will move on.
I contemplate suicide,
but you're not seem worth it,
to waste myself over you,
no-one deserves that
not the least bit...
I wish I could have you
just for one more day,
so that I could be
the one to walk away
But here I am,
lost in the darkness,
no place for my head,
I can't believe this,
These thoughts I dread.
I used to stay with you,
In times so hard,
In times so sad,
Some of the things you do,
Make me feel so bad.
If only I could take back,
All the things I said
and all the things I did,
only one thing you lack,
Is the promise you hid.
The one you still hold,
Somewhere inside,
It wants to be told,
Yet you gaurd it with pride.
Lost in the darkness,
I hate it,
I dont need this,
You were the one,
I'll never forget...

Strange Creature
Joined 22nd Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 1

Baby I'am broken

Maybe the world isn't how I once thought
maybe I'am broken and fallin' apart
cause everything I touch turns cold
and I can't figure out what I am doing wrong

baby I'am broken...
and I can't fixed
no matter how hard try, I make you cry
baby I'am broken....
and I don't know the reason why
maybe, just maybe...maybe am broken

maybe I fallin' to hard
maybe my heart doesn't recognize love
because every time you try, I stay up late at night cry
and I don't know what's wrong

baby I'am broken
baby my heart can't be fixed
because in the end we both can't win
and we both had wished for how things should have been
baby I am broken.....

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Thought Provoker
New Zealand
Joined 13th May 2011
Forum Posts: 207

NightFall_Nielsen1 said:
Baby I'am broken

Maybe the world isn't how I once thought
maybe I'am broken and fallin' apart
cause everything I touch turns cold
and I can't figure out what I am doing wrong

baby I'am broken...
and I can't fixed
no matter how hard try, I make you cry
baby I'am broken....
and I don't know the reason why
maybe, just maybe...maybe am broken

maybe I fallin' to hard
maybe my heart doesn't recognize love
because every time you try, I stay up late at night cry
and I don't know what's wrong

baby I'am broken
baby my heart can't be fixed
because in the end we both can't win
and we both had wished for how things should have been
baby I am broken.....

Very nice well done

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