Poetry competition CLOSED 29th March 2012 10:07pm
Page_Writer (Mad Girl)
View Profile Poems by Page_Writer
RUNNERS-UP: diddi and Atropabelladonna

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Magic poemz
Fire of Insight
Kenya 8awards
Joined 24th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 171

I  wake  up   early  in  the  morning  to  do  mt  best
Each  prayer   is  dedicated  for  my   success
When  results  come  I  always  suck  and  fail
Why?am  I  passing  this  horrible  tests.

Im  tired   of    living  in  imagination
My  joy  has  no  hope  of  ressurection
Lord  u  are  the  only  one  to  remove  me  from  this  situation
But  why  am  I  getting  these  temptations.

I  have  no  p[lace  to go  no  one  to  adore
Everyone  seems  to  be  ruthleess to my  goals
What  wrong   thing  did  I  do   LORD
Why  are  this   people  hateful  of  my   choice.

This   world  is   so   wicked  and  unfair
And  things  seem  to  get  ridicolus
Whatever  big  thing  I  do  no  one  cares
All  they  love  is  my   failure,to  se  it  they  are  curios.

WHY  why  why  and  I  repeat   again   why
Shpw  me  a sign  im  tired  with  life
I  hate  it  when   I  write  this  poem  when  I  cry
Lord  I  need  u  COME  AND  CLEAR  MY  WHY?

Fire of Insight
United States 6awards
Joined 14th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 596

Page_Writer said:Why? (A Thought Process of Questioning My Life)

Why. . .


Was I born as the person that I am right now? Why not someone else? With a father that didn't drink? And a mother that didn't let her past problems get in the way of taking care of me? Why did my best friend leave me? Why did a guy that never met me fall in love with me? Why did my mother have to remarry an asshole that ruined my life? Why did that guy I never met break my heart? Why did my step-father hate me? Why did I try to kill myself? Why didn't anyone save me from him? Why did I quit school? Why am I afraid of school now? Why I am living in a hotel? Why did I get evicted from my apartment? Why did I fall in love with one of my friends? Why did I date her for a year and three months and then cheated on her? Why did I bring my best friend, now boyfriend into my problems? Why did I start cutting? When did all of these problems start? Why couldn't my father just be a dad? Why did my grandparent die? Why did my dog die? Why did my dad abandon my cat? Why do bad things happen to good people? Why did I love two people for the longest time? Why are there more questions than answers in the world? Why is it so hard to answer these questions, though I know the answer to all of them...

Why did I write this rant?
Why would anyone care?


And if they did,

Winner, really good poem about to add to my reading list

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