Poetry competition CLOSED 27th March 2012 00:57am
braggman (Steve Bragg)
View Profile Poems by braggman


No sympathy for the living, and the dead

Fire of Insight
United States 8awards
Joined 30th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 187

Poetry Contest

Write anything your want about the bullshit sympathy for self pity people, and never ending closure of the dead
No reposts
Sympathy must be for the weak
Dead without grieving
Let it all hang out and leaving nothing untouched.
Good luck

Steve Bragg
Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 27th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 1850

Sorry, just editing out stuff that was not so good. It could only have won due to a lack of participation. Thank you Atropabelladonna for your vote of confidence. I do appreciate it.

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 6th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 578

Pity Fuck 

When I die, don't feel sorry for me
Don't give me your unsettling pitty 
I didn't want it when I was I was alive, which by the way I never got
So, don't put it off on me now when you want my fucking money, or any other shit deal 

When I'm old, and nobody gives a damn about me and my drying shit-pile life, I'm going to be an asshole to all the people that take care of me; 
Just because I can

As they watch me whither away, and my libs get as saggy as my dick, I'm going to be the one who has the last laugh 
And when I finally die off, like everybody secretly wants me to, but won't admit; I won't have all kinds of motherfuckers looking at me in my final peace 

And yet, The cunts still decide to bring cheap flowers as they put me into the ground, what a fucking joke 
The morgues painting me up to be some kind of beautiful image in my now non-existing life 
Only so people can stare at me one last time, and take another disgusting look at my all but wanted death 

poet Anonymous


You pathetic envious person

Who thinks everybody had it easier than you

When will you stop thinking of yourself?

When will you stop complaining?

You envied people who were married

That was when you were single!

You envied other women's husbands

You thought you could have done better

You nag your husband and your children

In their light you want to shine

You have been riding everyone's tailcoats

You have lied and cheated your way up

You got to where you are by luck

So fortune has been good to you

Yet you do not see

Most of the world

Have only ten percent

Of what they need!

Fire of Insight
United States 8awards
Joined 30th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 187

Great start at them theme behind it. More more more

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 24th July 2011
Forum Posts: 1744

Look so good in red..

Remember when there were
white turtle doves?..
Remember when poetry.
Just wasn't this tough..
And the vomit I wrote..
Just wansn't eough?
To get me through times..
when someone else came up?
How do I live on?. What do I do?..
Tell me oh faithfuls that you love me too!!!
I need to be recognized!
Instead i'm left to just fantasize..
On old times..
And homemade ryhmes...
Back alley story for all the glory.
Can't you see me? I'm up here..
Deaf dumb and blind..
Dare I say queer...
Don't get me wrong i'm gay myself..
But let you tell it..
It's bad for my health..
Bitch you look so good in red..
Resting your head..
It's the greatest news..
Your finally DeaD!!!!  

poet Anonymous

All the scared (est) people-
Are on the same old path-
Used to make me angry
I now sit back and laugh-
can't help it
I resent their shit-
Always putting others down
To climb on top-
attempting a death that's free
Cause your Jesus love's you
better than me-
Well good, okay
You patriarchal shit
So he died
for your mysogyny,
I trip!!!!
I am Hip-
To your shit-
Apathetic luck-
Is the only thing saving you-
from a dooming hellish existence
You source his sense on your lips.
I see how much you've missed it-
Truth. Truth. and yet-
You!! I see you
all hanging out in your little box now-
All tucked in-I wonder if you hear it loud..
But, I detest this
You lived in a box-
and rest eternal in these digs?

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