Poetry competition CLOSED 24th March 2012 8:46am
raorrick (Rachel O.)
View Profile Poems by raorrick
RUNNER-UP: wanderer

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Crossing the Rubicon

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17117

We have a couple of days for this competition. Friends and Families of DUP: would be lovely to hear from you.

Rachel O.
Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 17th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 1590

Long ago I was much too young
to not fall for your silver tongue
Sweet as honey the words you sang
every word from your lips I'd hang

Perfect for me is what you seemed
you were everything that I'd dreamed
I fell so hard so very fast
I said yes as soon as you asked

That very day we tied the knot
without a care what others thought
I was so happy so in love
you had to be sent from above

Time has passed now your colors show
Words once sweet now insults you throw
Gone are the day's you noticed me
or tried at making me happy

You barely see me stay withdrawn
Go out drinking to morning dawn
Strange perfume in the wind that blows
as you walk in and change your clothes

Oh how I long to walk away
The vows I entered makes me stay
Freedom from you is what I yearn
Since crossing the path of no return

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17117

Thank you Rachel for participating in this competition.

Fire of Insight
Nigeria 15awards
Joined 24th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 241

There's no way I'm turning back now
I'm gone
Tell daddy the last words of his prodigal son
History'll absorb me
Right or wrong

I've crossed the lines of morality
Tired of being a slave
To the most depraved oppressors
Nothing can stop me now
Not even the grave

I've crossed the line of sanity
I need help but I know its all vanity
Cos I've strayed so far
All that awaits me is the inevitable

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17117

Congratulations Rachel for winning the competition. Your poem won because for me, the story isclear and loud in its narration. It grabs me, because a decision made and cannot be undone is a 'crossing the Rubicon' of sorts to me. Kitty dear, you poem won as it reminds me of burning bridges and not able to repair it or undo this act. Faceless, no, don't cross the Rubicon with me...I like that little touch. I like your poem too. All entries by participants here are brilliant; choosing was not easy. Thank you very much for being with me and I hope to see all of you in my next competition.

Rachel O.
Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 17th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 1590

Yay! My first trophy win. Thank you Grace!

Congrats also to somelikeithot and Faceless (wanderer)!      

Thought Provoker
Joined 1st Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 171

Yay me! I'm edging closer to my own first.
Thank you Grace.
Rachel you did deserve to win this. Congrats!

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17117

wanderer said:Yay me! I'm edging closer to my own first.
Thank you Grace.
Rachel you did deserve to win this. Congrats!

You are. You are already very good in your own expressions; which all poems I believe are translation of the author's thoughts. Thank you for being with me in this competition.

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