Misery's Miracles
Forum Posts: 17118
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17118
Poetry Contest Description
What miracles can occur through miseries: what miracles can trigger miseries?
Ponder on the subject above, create a story around it and tell it in a poem.
Rule 1: Not more than 200 words
Rule 2: Two entries per participant
Rule 3: No examples: just your creativity in story-telling.
Joined 24th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 5
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 5
Sarah sat on the uncomfortable chair
Awaiting news of something she didn't quite understand
She turned six yesterday
Not like anyone noticed
Not since Mommy has been in the hospital
Not since Mommy had gone into "labor"
As Daddy called it
Daddy tried to pay attention to Sarah
But Mommy was having problems
The baby won't come out
Sarah is scared
Sarah is confused
Ever since Mommy's tummy got bigger
No one has paid attention to Sarah
Sarah is jealous
Jealous of the brother or sister she doesn't have
Or might not have
Then Daddy comes out
The baby finally came
Sarah slowly walks in
Daddy immediately leaves her to walk to Mommy
Mommy and Daddy have tears in there eyes
So does Sarah
But unlike Mommy and Daddy
Sarah isn't smiling
Awaiting news of something she didn't quite understand
She turned six yesterday
Not like anyone noticed
Not since Mommy has been in the hospital
Not since Mommy had gone into "labor"
As Daddy called it
Daddy tried to pay attention to Sarah
But Mommy was having problems
The baby won't come out
Sarah is scared
Sarah is confused
Ever since Mommy's tummy got bigger
No one has paid attention to Sarah
Sarah is jealous
Jealous of the brother or sister she doesn't have
Or might not have
Then Daddy comes out
The baby finally came
Sarah slowly walks in
Daddy immediately leaves her to walk to Mommy
Mommy and Daddy have tears in there eyes
So does Sarah
But unlike Mommy and Daddy
Sarah isn't smiling
Forum Posts: 17118
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17118
Thank you very much Lichen for being my first participant in this competition.
StephenPaul Summerscales
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704
StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1704
I Got The Best From You
Two people in a room
shaped like a square ,
pale orange is the tune
although their not in there
so easy I was fooled
to think they were a pair
plastic was the spoon
it turned a sweet nightmare .
Chocolate cups
air fresheners
rocking in a pot
of kicked down doors
a cockroach in a cot
and painted floors
times gone but not forgot
inside four walls .
A longed for , new life shot
scrapyard , backyard
parking lot
where you two
did sit and rot
in a rusty old robot
I was there was I not
you were scared
and he blew pot
tempers flared
and blared red hot
unknown I cared
for the cradle he rocked .
I did all I could for you
the years , they have flew
the tears
have pressed
print blue ,
you broke my heart
and apart
we grew .
You gave more
no less
three kids are all
of the best
so I have to express
my thanks to you
in excess .
Two people in a room
shaped like a square ,
pale orange is the tune
although their not in there
so easy I was fooled
to think they were a pair
plastic was the spoon
it turned a sweet nightmare .
Chocolate cups
air fresheners
rocking in a pot
of kicked down doors
a cockroach in a cot
and painted floors
times gone but not forgot
inside four walls .
A longed for , new life shot
scrapyard , backyard
parking lot
where you two
did sit and rot
in a rusty old robot
I was there was I not
you were scared
and he blew pot
tempers flared
and blared red hot
unknown I cared
for the cradle he rocked .
I did all I could for you
the years , they have flew
the tears
have pressed
print blue ,
you broke my heart
and apart
we grew .
You gave more
no less
three kids are all
of the best
so I have to express
my thanks to you
in excess .
Forum Posts: 17118
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17118
Thank You Paul for your participation.
Joined 28th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 21
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 21
I know a young girl
She was only 16
The air that she breathed
Made the room fill with ease
But a boy of 16
Was attacked by a man
With the knife in his hand
The girl took a stand
She jumped in the middle
And got killed on the spot
Then the park full of witnesses
All cried in shock
As she laid in the grass
looked towards her attacker
Tears in her eyes
With her last breaths
Asked the the stricken man
To forgive her for acting
"I'm sorry i did that"
Was the first words she said
"I hope you'll forgive me..."
And then... She was dead.
From that point I'll always remember
That one girl's action changed my life forever
To live with such love
Forgiving with real care
Just that moment with her
Proved true love beats despair
She was only 16
The air that she breathed
Made the room fill with ease
But a boy of 16
Was attacked by a man
With the knife in his hand
The girl took a stand
She jumped in the middle
And got killed on the spot
Then the park full of witnesses
All cried in shock
As she laid in the grass
looked towards her attacker
Tears in her eyes
With her last breaths
Asked the the stricken man
To forgive her for acting
"I'm sorry i did that"
Was the first words she said
"I hope you'll forgive me..."
And then... She was dead.
From that point I'll always remember
That one girl's action changed my life forever
To live with such love
Forgiving with real care
Just that moment with her
Proved true love beats despair
Forum Posts: 17118
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17118
Thank you for participating LittleChaoChao.
Joined 2nd Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 5
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 5
Her Victory: An After-effect of His Lust
Lust was the driving force,
Love, I am sure, took a back seat.
Lust steered the desires in him,
Losing self-control, seduced her into it.
She resisted, wanted to say no.
She loved him, wanted him to be by her side.
Still she refused, he went away.
She cried in grief, he didn't bother.
She struggled with the past memories,
He knew the extent of her love.
He tortured her, tormented her.
But at last came back.
Happy was she, her love won him finally.
They stayed together and built a paradise,
Until one day, he craved for it again.
She loved him, didn't want to lose her love.
She gave in, consented bodily.
But, the mind refused.
He saw the divide perhaps,
And walked away again.
The wheel of fortune turned.
She didn't cry, she didn't regret.
Just felt bad. Made a decision.
To climb high. Struggled, labored.
Success came with the strong will.
Past was forgotten, when she climbed the golden hill.
He saw her. Much ached his heart.
He called her, but she had united with her Prince.
He was envious, she was free.
He was desperate, but she went further up the ladder.
Success was her Prince now.
And he a villain. She threw his pride and emerged victorious.
Forum Posts: 17118
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17118
Hi, duseja_shweta: thank you for entering the competition.
Joined 23rd May 2010
Forum Posts: 311
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 311
Thank you for giving me life
A baby born
A mother broken, down in tears
A mother mourns
A baby gone, forever
Taking it's first
Look to the world
Taking it home with you
In a jar
Feeling a tear fall
As it's hugged to your chest
Letting a tear fall
As you lay it to rest
Fingernails so tiny,
So perfect, so worth it
Sacrifices you made
Were they selfish? Was it worth it?
Grandmothers, grandfathers,
It's aunties all around
You’re drenched in your own guilt
And you deal with it alone
Nurses they swear that,
You did just so well
You can't feel inside that little something,
Because you never wanted the fall
The newborn looks up to you,
Through dark hue shaded eyes
You look to your stomach,
Flat and unnerving will not suffice
They want to take it to check it,
But you want it to stay
You need to hide in your room,
And cry for the day
Remembering the love,
That created this life
Letting something you made, with such love
Misery or miracle, too beautiful
To risk it
Misery or miracle, too heartless
To feel a thing
A baby born
A mother broken, down in tears
A mother mourns
A baby gone, forever
Taking it's first
Look to the world
Taking it home with you
In a jar
Feeling a tear fall
As it's hugged to your chest
Letting a tear fall
As you lay it to rest
Fingernails so tiny,
So perfect, so worth it
Sacrifices you made
Were they selfish? Was it worth it?
Grandmothers, grandfathers,
It's aunties all around
You’re drenched in your own guilt
And you deal with it alone
Nurses they swear that,
You did just so well
You can't feel inside that little something,
Because you never wanted the fall
The newborn looks up to you,
Through dark hue shaded eyes
You look to your stomach,
Flat and unnerving will not suffice
They want to take it to check it,
But you want it to stay
You need to hide in your room,
And cry for the day
Remembering the love,
That created this life
Letting something you made, with such love
Misery or miracle, too beautiful
To risk it
Misery or miracle, too heartless
To feel a thing
Forum Posts: 17118
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17118
Llamaliscious, thanks for that beautiful poem.
Mr A
Joined 24th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 1878
Mr A
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1878
the desired
you were the miracle
from the moment of arrival
your existence unfolded
as did your homely worlds of love
you cradled the infinite
teaching it limitations
embracing the forever
and forcing it upon the weak
i pondered it over
your promises of ever-after
melted them down and re-mouldered
bounced them off these laughing walls
you gave undying hope
to those who you unwrapped
a swap of love for woe
for this one was always the one
you were the maker of men's smiles
dug your burrows of wonder
but also the taker of men's lives
the dark is disorientating
you are the misery
'til your bloody drum expires
the creator and waster
you are the soul-perishing desire
you were the miracle
from the moment of arrival
your existence unfolded
as did your homely worlds of love
you cradled the infinite
teaching it limitations
embracing the forever
and forcing it upon the weak
i pondered it over
your promises of ever-after
melted them down and re-mouldered
bounced them off these laughing walls
you gave undying hope
to those who you unwrapped
a swap of love for woe
for this one was always the one
you were the maker of men's smiles
dug your burrows of wonder
but also the taker of men's lives
the dark is disorientating
you are the misery
'til your bloody drum expires
the creator and waster
you are the soul-perishing desire
Forum Posts: 17118
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17118
MrAlptraum, thank you for your participation.
Joined 25th June 2011
Forum Posts: 690
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 690
The lost miracle
No way am I gonna get through this one.
I cut it too close this time.
I'm out.
My time's up.
I've been shot, right in the chest,
and it feels like its been ages since I've been alive.
The crowds gather, people are in shock,
whispers all around, tears share it's sound.
Tears? No way... More like smugs...
They all want me dead.
All the trouble I've caused, I knew this was inevitable.
The assassination of me.
Congratulations ME,
You got your ticket out of here.
But wait, Why am I feeling better?
I'm not high or drunk, so why?
The lights go down, black is all I see,
the cheers have faded, silence befalls me.
The spotlight is a drug, hypnotizing and energizing.
But when the calm settles.
I awaken.
I found my chance, my ball of clay,
time to mold it into whatever I may.
Wake up sleepy head, you're dreaming again.
This life's a drag, I'd be better off in hell.
So much pain, so much sacrifice,
empty hands filled with dust in the end.
Where is my happy ending?
Oh wait! There ain't no such thing.
Its all, suffer and die you pathetic little being.
I wish one day I go to sleep,
and wake up to find that I've earned my keep.
I'm not worthy, not of the worst, never the best.
Dreams of a foolish beggar, now laid to rest.
No way am I gonna get through this one.
I cut it too close this time.
I'm out.
My time's up.
I've been shot, right in the chest,
and it feels like its been ages since I've been alive.
The crowds gather, people are in shock,
whispers all around, tears share it's sound.
Tears? No way... More like smugs...
They all want me dead.
All the trouble I've caused, I knew this was inevitable.
The assassination of me.
Congratulations ME,
You got your ticket out of here.
But wait, Why am I feeling better?
I'm not high or drunk, so why?
The lights go down, black is all I see,
the cheers have faded, silence befalls me.
The spotlight is a drug, hypnotizing and energizing.
But when the calm settles.
I awaken.
I found my chance, my ball of clay,
time to mold it into whatever I may.
Wake up sleepy head, you're dreaming again.
This life's a drag, I'd be better off in hell.
So much pain, so much sacrifice,
empty hands filled with dust in the end.
Where is my happy ending?
Oh wait! There ain't no such thing.
Its all, suffer and die you pathetic little being.
I wish one day I go to sleep,
and wake up to find that I've earned my keep.
I'm not worthy, not of the worst, never the best.
Dreams of a foolish beggar, now laid to rest.
Forum Posts: 17118
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17118
Thank You 13 for participating.