What makes you mad?
Magic poemz
Joined 24th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 171
Magic poemz
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 171
Im mad when I make her pussy wet
Because being dry sucks until another day
Im mad whenshe cries with pain
I have the courage to hit her ass again.
Im mad when she sucks my dick
I don’t know why she doent get enough of it
Im mad when she kisses my lips
Sooner or later my stick will play on her hips.
Lets just say I hate it when she fucks me
Because I really fucking love it
Im mad at her when she plays nasty
Coz I cant get enough of fucking.
Because being dry sucks until another day
Im mad whenshe cries with pain
I have the courage to hit her ass again.
Im mad when she sucks my dick
I don’t know why she doent get enough of it
Im mad when she kisses my lips
Sooner or later my stick will play on her hips.
Lets just say I hate it when she fucks me
Because I really fucking love it
Im mad at her when she plays nasty
Coz I cant get enough of fucking.
Joined 14th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 48
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 48
What pisses me off is how people torment others for being gay. It's none of their business and they're not hurting anyone. I think it's stupid that gay couples can't get married. They are just as much a part of society as anybody else. What happened to everyone being treated equally? People throughout history didn't fight for our rights to be free to have others take that away because you're gay. Just because their idea of love is different doesn't mean it's not love.
Joined 8th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 369
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 369
lesbianoutcast said:What pisses me off is how people torment others for being gay. It's none of their business and they're not hurting anyone. I think it's stupid that gay couples can't get married. They are just as much a part of society as anybody else. What happened to everyone being treated equally? People throughout history didn't fight for our rights to be free to have others take that away because you're gay. Just because their idea of love is different doesn't mean it's not love.
Should not get mad at ignorance of half the living beings, best thing you can do is ignore ignorance.
Should not get mad at ignorance of half the living beings, best thing you can do is ignore ignorance.
Joined 14th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 48
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 48
I know. It just isn't right.
Joined 8th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 369
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Forum Posts: 369
lesbianoutcast said:I know. It just isn't right.
Never is right, sorry you go through that no gay should your human like the next no more or less and get treated for what you believe in. Pretty fucked your views of love is non of there business nor should they tell you what the right love is for a person they dont even know how they got there well anyways good vent pretty known subject hated by most.
Never is right, sorry you go through that no gay should your human like the next no more or less and get treated for what you believe in. Pretty fucked your views of love is non of there business nor should they tell you what the right love is for a person they dont even know how they got there well anyways good vent pretty known subject hated by most.
Joined 11th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 205
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 205
what pisses me off it when some one keeps on talking about how they're better how they look better that others that just gets under my skin seeing them say that they can afford this and that saying that they can do this for you when you know they're lying . . in other words backstabbing bitch as- . . . i don't need to get carried away
but i just cant stand it

Joined 6th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 35
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 35
-Is that all there is?!-
I just wanna scream out loud!!
To every single one of you!!
But my voice is just a whisper in a crowd!!
What's wrong??
What's wrong??
My mind is cluttered and I don't know
Where to start!
All you do is pass by.
Who cares about you?
Have you ever wondered..
What it feels like when
You finally die??
Slowly fading away..
Memories flashing by
Possible future others will have
Without you
The sadness
"It's just human emotions"
And finally you shut down...
But what happens after that?
Something we all argue, wonder and talk about.
Yet not one single, SOLID piece of evidence!!
Is it wrong to know?
I don't know!!
I'm just another stranger
Living with billions of other
Passing by
With no second thoughts
We don't care
We don't have time to care
But who cares?
We're all just gonna die anyways
So why not today?
Why don't we just fight for what we love
For who we love..
Where is the love?
Some of us might say
We don't need any love
Others might say
Nobody loves me..
What ever the case
Open your eyes
And see where the end of the road is
taking you.
I'm sick of these petty things we do each day
Wasting so much time
On stuff we didn't need
Or want.
We are animals...
It's true
We just have bigger brains
and useful thumbs
I don't care what I say might be Bullsh*t to you
I have the right to speak my mind
The words I typed here are barely correct
To what I think of this thing called life.
I just wanna scream out loud!!
To every single one of you!!
But my voice is just a whisper in a crowd!!
What's wrong??
What's wrong??
My mind is cluttered and I don't know
Where to start!
All you do is pass by.
Who cares about you?
Have you ever wondered..
What it feels like when
You finally die??
Slowly fading away..
Memories flashing by
Possible future others will have
Without you
The sadness
"It's just human emotions"
And finally you shut down...
But what happens after that?
Something we all argue, wonder and talk about.
Yet not one single, SOLID piece of evidence!!
Is it wrong to know?
I don't know!!
I'm just another stranger
Living with billions of other
Passing by
With no second thoughts
We don't care
We don't have time to care
But who cares?
We're all just gonna die anyways
So why not today?
Why don't we just fight for what we love
For who we love..
Where is the love?
Some of us might say
We don't need any love
Others might say
Nobody loves me..
What ever the case
Open your eyes
And see where the end of the road is
taking you.
I'm sick of these petty things we do each day
Wasting so much time
On stuff we didn't need
Or want.
We are animals...
It's true
We just have bigger brains
and useful thumbs
I don't care what I say might be Bullsh*t to you
I have the right to speak my mind
The words I typed here are barely correct
To what I think of this thing called life.

I am not easily angered but what is most bothersome to me is Judgemental people. I am always for the under-dog and these bullies make me mad, they are selfish and condescending and a real emotional drain on all others.
Joined 29th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 20
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 20
Can I submit an audio post for this? Or does it have to be written out?
Mad Girl
Joined 25th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 183
Mad Girl
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 183
Well I hate it when people write a poem about something really stupid, some wrote a poem about a concert. And I read a poem about a bag of potato chips in Teen Ink once.
People that don't know who to read lines in a play correctly, every English class that I have been in. People that can't read correctly and stop ever few words, or they read something to blankly. It's like they're reading a grocery list instead of telling a story.
People that use too many metaphors and similes in their poems. It makes it hard to understand, and I mean I'm good at deciphering most works of literature, even songs but when I can't even understand what the poem is about-- That really annoys me.
People that think they no everything about a movie just because they read the book. Or people that think they know everything about a book just because they saw the movie.
People that don't treat poetry and books with respect.
When I tell people that I'm writing a story and they ask me what it's about, I'm like "Dude you don't have enough time for me to explain the entire storyline to you."
People who try writing a story but don't show the potential to actually finish one. Writing is something you're born with not something you can pick up one day because you're bored.
Emo people. . . And not like the punk/goth people either. Those sterotypical emo kids that cut themselves for attention. Really cutters one, do not do it for attention but because they have an addiction to it, it's actually really sad. But those damn "emo" people that dress like goths but aren't really, they're just wannabes and then they cut themselves pretending they have problems. If they had problems they would want to hide them, not tell the entire world. Some people are ashamed of their problems.
Girls who talks about having sex with their boyfriends. It sick and disrespectful to the relationship.
People who hate gay people.
Animal abuse, child abuse, domestic abuse.
Judgemental people.
Religious people that have the obnoxious need to shove their beliefs down my throat.
I think I'm gonna stop because I think I was rambling half way through all of that, most of the things that make me angry involve writing and reading.
Go figure. . .
People that don't know who to read lines in a play correctly, every English class that I have been in. People that can't read correctly and stop ever few words, or they read something to blankly. It's like they're reading a grocery list instead of telling a story.
People that use too many metaphors and similes in their poems. It makes it hard to understand, and I mean I'm good at deciphering most works of literature, even songs but when I can't even understand what the poem is about-- That really annoys me.
People that think they no everything about a movie just because they read the book. Or people that think they know everything about a book just because they saw the movie.
People that don't treat poetry and books with respect.
When I tell people that I'm writing a story and they ask me what it's about, I'm like "Dude you don't have enough time for me to explain the entire storyline to you."
People who try writing a story but don't show the potential to actually finish one. Writing is something you're born with not something you can pick up one day because you're bored.
Emo people. . . And not like the punk/goth people either. Those sterotypical emo kids that cut themselves for attention. Really cutters one, do not do it for attention but because they have an addiction to it, it's actually really sad. But those damn "emo" people that dress like goths but aren't really, they're just wannabes and then they cut themselves pretending they have problems. If they had problems they would want to hide them, not tell the entire world. Some people are ashamed of their problems.
Girls who talks about having sex with their boyfriends. It sick and disrespectful to the relationship.
People who hate gay people.
Animal abuse, child abuse, domestic abuse.
Judgemental people.
Religious people that have the obnoxious need to shove their beliefs down my throat.
I think I'm gonna stop because I think I was rambling half way through all of that, most of the things that make me angry involve writing and reading.
Go figure. . .
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1408
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1408
Mind of Madness
Short to and fro journey daily ,
tearing across like a fading comet ,
this lonely me take a lonely trip,
through that stuffy sandwiched
medium – those noise packed,
spiced up variegated emotions
like sprouting wild mushrooms ,
facing out on on either side of what?
insipid rows or edges of the world?
Cannot define .. but its silenced to dullness
dressed rich with sophistication,
yet topped up with smiling plasticity .
Those untiring murmers and rumbles
from almost familiarised passerby faces
speeding fast like opposing trucks in
bare ruthless highways laid down
like a militarized robotic regime...
Only one tranquil face gazing
upwards and counting stars
catches my soulful attention...
Can capture a smiling Monalisa
drawn on her with a sprawling
salience of a deepened silence
added up with unexcited
permanence of liberated
ecstacy beyond all wordly
realization....like a long-living
turtle, she turns her eyes and mind
together with a slow yet steady ease of
absorbing focus ...those splitseconds
of her observation evokes in me the strange
something..that I am her in many ways!
She , I believe , is my mind-twin,
She seems to be lost in floating winds,
She is named, tagged, called, yelled,
laughed at, secluded, whatever—as “mad”,
M.A.D. is then what we both are in all ways
Specific something alone cannot be a sole reason,
Short time stint of fury ever cannot bring this season,
Its a holistic living medium beyond material conquests,
Its a a prolonging continuum towards an elusive quest,
Those uncaptured corner cloud of rare mind calmness
Those unsought beam of sparkling eyes’ stillness
that incomprehensible smile worn on face even in pains,
that heart-out laughter on invisible humour hardly perceived
Mad are those who never feel lonely even in far-off islands remote,
Mad are those who feel dear ones ever around even if taken dead,
Madness is not losing oneself, but finding self in newness time & again!
And this Madness is the Infinite bliss in each minute unravelled unaware...
Short to and fro journey daily ,
tearing across like a fading comet ,
this lonely me take a lonely trip,
through that stuffy sandwiched
medium – those noise packed,
spiced up variegated emotions
like sprouting wild mushrooms ,
facing out on on either side of what?
insipid rows or edges of the world?
Cannot define .. but its silenced to dullness
dressed rich with sophistication,
yet topped up with smiling plasticity .
Those untiring murmers and rumbles
from almost familiarised passerby faces
speeding fast like opposing trucks in
bare ruthless highways laid down
like a militarized robotic regime...
Only one tranquil face gazing
upwards and counting stars
catches my soulful attention...
Can capture a smiling Monalisa
drawn on her with a sprawling
salience of a deepened silence
added up with unexcited
permanence of liberated
ecstacy beyond all wordly
realization....like a long-living
turtle, she turns her eyes and mind
together with a slow yet steady ease of
absorbing focus ...those splitseconds
of her observation evokes in me the strange
something..that I am her in many ways!
She , I believe , is my mind-twin,
She seems to be lost in floating winds,
She is named, tagged, called, yelled,
laughed at, secluded, whatever—as “mad”,
M.A.D. is then what we both are in all ways
Specific something alone cannot be a sole reason,
Short time stint of fury ever cannot bring this season,
Its a holistic living medium beyond material conquests,
Its a a prolonging continuum towards an elusive quest,
Those uncaptured corner cloud of rare mind calmness
Those unsought beam of sparkling eyes’ stillness
that incomprehensible smile worn on face even in pains,
that heart-out laughter on invisible humour hardly perceived
Mad are those who never feel lonely even in far-off islands remote,
Mad are those who feel dear ones ever around even if taken dead,
Madness is not losing oneself, but finding self in newness time & again!
And this Madness is the Infinite bliss in each minute unravelled unaware...