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Gothic Romance

poet Anonymous


they still call me a Yankee
and i have been here half my life
my children were born here
and i run a mighty fine house

miss montgomery they address me
the servants and the guests
they know that i am highborn
though not similar to the rest

i met Buck at the university
which envelopes this town
we married under the magnolias
in the first Presbyterian
in the finest bridal gown

along came little Johnny
and then Elizabeth and Dan
we thought we were three
but then we were four
when Juliet entered our life

why Johnny is so tall now
and Dan is growing like a weed
Lizzie is a little banshee
while Juliet - well she is hard to please

they all went to Forrest Hall
where the better folks send their kids
and while boys will be boys
we thought this did not apply
to girls
and Lizzie fell into line
when i showed her what kind
of mother i could be

i wish i could tell you
i was kind and sweet and nice
but I was raising montgomeries
and certain standards they would meet
buck’s daddy made me promise
to raise them hard and right
and i never forgot that
- not after that family fight

did this make Juliet defy me?
by the sex and drugs and boys
but i knew she demeaned us
and did it so
as if to say
“make me obey”

it was luck that buck’s uncle
was the sherif of the town
for Juliet got into trouble
when the sun went down

buck did not blame me
but his family did
they said he had married
a Yankee
and not his sweetheart
to whom he was foresworn

i never knew what happened to Maggie
and what made her and Buck fight
but the night before their wedding
Maggie made the flight

i did not make much of it
as my love for buck was true
and he was a southern gentleman
of a long dynasty - true and blue

buck said he loved me
but there were rumors in the air
that there was boy in Farmerstown
who looks like buck
except for the hair

Juliet met the boy in Farmerstown
at a rave in an abandoned field
she gave herself to him
in a drug induced haze
and he gave her his seed
that would inside her breed

It took a lot of asking
questions people don’t want to hear
until i added it all up
Leroy was her half-brother
and she insisted on having
this boy as her lover
saying the rumors
were just that
no proof to them at all

it was his color she accused me
that made me make up a story
that sounded so true
that would separate her
from Leroy
who was so good and kind
but black

this was still the south
and despite what had gone before
here in Montgomeryville
the clock did not go forth
it stayed forever
in the civil war

they did not use the N word
they were civil and polite
but white people had lived in
since 1765

the old mansion where the Montgomeries
at one time all did live
was now deserted and in disrepair
and it was there I found Juliet
when it was time for her to birth

the mansion was far from town
and nobody could hear
the sounds of her crying
see the volumes of her tears

i had a gun with me
and shot Leroy in the leg
told him to leave
and to forget Juliet

the labor was far longer
than many people can stand
but i wanted my daughter Juliet
back - back and in good hands

the baby came out
his tiny body a darker hue
he did not live long
for the cord was wrapped
around his neck
and i did not know what to do

i told this all to the sheriff
and since we were family
the little boy was buried
on family property

Juliet is silent now
as silent as a mouse
the Thorazine the doctor gave her
keeps her in the house

john is now a lawyer
practicing with his father
Dan has moved away
he is trying to find himself
but promises to come back some day

Elizabeth, oh Lizzie
you are the apple of my eye
you made a wealthy marriage
that helped solidify
my place in this town

as for the old mansion
it caught fire one day
there are no more disturbances
nobody goes there to play

for they see the ghost
the ghost of Juliet
only 16 , with long blond hair
a sight you will never forget

she died last year
so young....only 10 years have gone by
of a drug reaction
that people sometimes get

they say Leroy died
and now that Juliet is gone
the two ghosts
dance nightly
on our arbored
i never believed in ghosts
i thought it was a fairy tale
until i saw my julie
so happy in an oak tree
one of the many that flank the drive
to the home of the Montgomeries
who shall, despite all, survive.

dedicated to Eudora Welty, Tennesse Williams and fine Southern Writers

Written by somelikeithot    
Published 14th August 2011 8:54pm  
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17123

So who won this competition....?

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