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The Eighth House: Endings/Beginnings

Tyrant of Words
Australia 28awards
Joined 20th May 2014
Forum Posts: 2081

season of the soul in five brief chapters

i can drown in books  
come up for air whenever, but with you  
i’m flailing in quicksand passion, flatlining.  
naked in your arms, watching the rise and fall of your chest  
with each breath, listening to the sounds of you gently dozing  
wondering what daydreams you’re having.  
my eyes drown in your nakedness; they marvel at the beauty of your face.    
i want these moments to last forever, but i can’t capture them  
i can't imprison them, so i let go, hoping they'll return  
and you do.  
each time, different, perfect.    
i am alive in these moments.    
i’m driving when i see you and me like  
the proverbial flash of one’s life before you die.  
front and centre we stand, then you’re twelve steps behind  
before you fade as you move further and further away.  
disappearing; but not completely.  
fine gossamer threads entangle us, and somehow i know  
you’ll be the one who’ll decide how far we’ll go.  
two people intersect for a moment in this continuum called time.  
the road reappears. i’ve navigated a bend.   
you’ve disappeared now. completely. but the haunting continues   
like the tail end of a dream that remains on waking.  
gives insight, clarity.    
and a rhetorical question.         
you professed lust, never love     
while i fell deep.       
when i woke this morning            
in a different place and time      
i wondered if you ever liked me.            
as the rain falls            
a door closes on a decade      
of hope, change and growth.            
wind roars, rain dances.  
i’m naked, stripped to the bones  
of my life before.  

Written by seekingkate (kateA)
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