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2024 Official DUP NaPoWriMo Challenge

Dangerous Mind
United States 18awards
Joined 18th Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 376


Tyrant of Words
United States 38awards
Joined 21st Aug 2013
Forum Posts: 841


Poetry Emulsion

Begin cooking,
on low heat,
The subject, concept, theme, or
fantasy stock.

Prepare and immerse
the grade ‘A’ nouns into the pot

Dice verb veggies.
Julienne starchy root metaphors.
Thinly slice similes
Slowly add them
into the simmering mixture.

Peruse your herb garden
cutting sprigs
of fragrant, colorful adverbs and adjectives
to give all components more flavor.

Season with
the salt of rhythm
Spice with expletives or invectives if you must, but sparingly
not to make the dish too bitter.

Ladle into your choice of receptacle
whether classic, modern, rustic,
or avant garde.
Sprinkle with
punctuation pepper
and serve.

Unique word count: 82

Garrett Asa Hughes
Thought Provoker
United States 4awards
Joined 17th Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 88


The End

I've watched the moon shift
Melt away and come waxing back
I've watched each grain depict
The falling sands of the hourglass

With each passing light
Unwavering time
To find hidden words

Into shades of the night
The darkness I find
That the mind's one with Earth

Sinew for mortar and skin for brick
Pressure to stop the blood from it's leak
Few to pass over the dim of wit
Tracing lines of the pinpricks like braille to read

With each passing day
There was less to say
But we made it work

Poetic decay
Full on display
To heal from the hurt

The ink of the page
Enough that I wage
To fill a book

For each that have played
Tomorrow is May
Checkmate from the rook

Tyrant of Words
United States 155awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1881



Life is full of lessons
Like paths and obstacle courses we must learn to overcome
The hard times that came and went
Those triumphs taste even sweeter
Comprehending that time doesn’t stop
Because the next thing I know
I blinked and I’m no longer a young man
Now I’m holding my baby’s baby in my arms
Oh how the years have passed by

Approaching half a century
I seek the wisdom of the ages
The stoic philosophies and teachings of the ancients
Wishing I could have learned them when I was younger but…
I wouldn’t have been ready
It wasn’t my time

Every day I go back and study
Not so much with faith
But with the desire to apply these principles diligently
Understanding myself a little more
So that I can become more the person I envision
With purpose and meaning
Achieving goals and objectives
Knowing that in this race
I go at my own pace

So here’s to all the milestones
Future, present and past
And to all challenges like these…
At my own pace and time
I now go over this finish line

124 Unique
186 Total

Fire of Insight
United States 15awards
Joined 12th July 2017
Forum Posts: 286


A Tragic Love Story

Albeit… Our time was short
Because love was but a whisper in the night
Counting stars wasn’t enough
Did you ever catch the
Eclipse? that was our
First kiss
Guess not
Have you been stargazing elsewhere?
Is solace in solitude what you seek?
Just yesterday, we were
Knotted tightly together
Lovers, like tangled ivy
Messy, like a torn paperback
Novel, we tape it back
Perhaps, we shelf it
Qualms about our time spent
Reminiscing is a torture
So many pages missing
Trust me, I have looked for them
Under the bed, among other
Various places familiar to us
What’s the matter?
Xanax can’t help
You now, so go on and cry
Zero tears will fall from me.

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