A twisted Sonnet
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 611
Dangerous Mind

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Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 611
Dangerous Mind

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Joined 30th Sep 2022
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Dangerous Mind

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Joined 1st Jan 2018
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Dangerous Mind

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Shakespeare's must
Courage. and fill each empty theatre seat
a face of of tragedy and comedy
wringing emotions, from the crowd that peep
players set with with words of alchemy
Vest the manuscript with a plot thats bold
twists and turns with malevolence churned
cheers and boos, crowd hot then cold
great tales with some outcomes unconfirmed
For its a brilliance none can match
mask, of grins and tears always prevail
heroic death fall on a sword perhaps
turn ones hand to a Shakespearian tale
The devil feed my quill with blooded ink
God to temper conscience while I think
a face of of tragedy and comedy
wringing emotions, from the crowd that peep
players set with with words of alchemy
Vest the manuscript with a plot thats bold
twists and turns with malevolence churned
cheers and boos, crowd hot then cold
great tales with some outcomes unconfirmed
For its a brilliance none can match
mask, of grins and tears always prevail
heroic death fall on a sword perhaps
turn ones hand to a Shakespearian tale
The devil feed my quill with blooded ink
God to temper conscience while I think
Written by slipalong
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Joined 26th May 2022
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Dangerous Mind

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Dangerous Mind

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sorry PAR it never occurred to me that you don't know how sonnets are written.
Joined 26th May 2022
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Dangerous Mind

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Maybe I don't or maybe I do... I think judgement is up to you.
Joined 26th May 2022
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Dangerous Mind

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The rain has stopped and left a fresh perfume
A scent that makes me feel both calm and close
It smells like earth and flowers in full bloom
That lingers in the air and fills my nose
The beauty of this natural delight
But you, my dear, do not appreciate
A chemical reaction, nothing bright
You say it's just a sign of changing state
You call it preposterous petrichor perception
A fancy phrase for something plain and dull
You think it's just a matter of deception
A trick of mind that makes the senses lull
But I, my love, do not agree with you
I think it's more than molecules and dew
A scent that makes me feel both calm and close
It smells like earth and flowers in full bloom
That lingers in the air and fills my nose
The beauty of this natural delight
But you, my dear, do not appreciate
A chemical reaction, nothing bright
You say it's just a sign of changing state
You call it preposterous petrichor perception
A fancy phrase for something plain and dull
You think it's just a matter of deception
A trick of mind that makes the senses lull
But I, my love, do not agree with you
I think it's more than molecules and dew
Written by PAR
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Joined 30th Sep 2022
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Dangerous Mind

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Thank you PAR for your contribution
Joined 1st Jan 2018
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Dangerous Mind

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sometimes just the accknowedgment of an an entry, its seems that are enjoyed by some contestants A real boost to the confidence to perhaps submit to a further competition by the setter !!!!
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 611
Dangerous Mind

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Sorry, sorry, slipalong yours somehow slipped through the cracks.
Thank you kindly for joining in.
Thank you kindly for joining in.
Joined 13th Dec 2023
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Strange Creature
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My Vessle
They always say 'Treat your body like a temple, it should be worshiped' but they are lying
Temples can be broken down, restored, broken down again and restored once more, but that doesnt change the damage done to it
Because it will never be the same Temple it once was
When i was a child, the weight of living, trapped in human confindes, didnt drag me down, or even bothered me
But now that is all i think about
I want to break out of my own skin
And to finally be free of this painful thing we call living
I want to rest, to finally not have to deal with the constant positivity of other people
How can they love life when it is so utterly exhausting?
My vessle is useless and i wish to discard it
I wish to leave my mortal vessle behind and finally rest back to the place i came from
I have never been accepted by anyone, but Mother Nature will always have a place for me and welcome my soul with open arms once i return back to her
(Im sorry if this was too long or bad i wrote this in a rush😭)
They always say 'Treat your body like a temple, it should be worshiped' but they are lying
Temples can be broken down, restored, broken down again and restored once more, but that doesnt change the damage done to it
Because it will never be the same Temple it once was
When i was a child, the weight of living, trapped in human confindes, didnt drag me down, or even bothered me
But now that is all i think about
I want to break out of my own skin
And to finally be free of this painful thing we call living
I want to rest, to finally not have to deal with the constant positivity of other people
How can they love life when it is so utterly exhausting?
My vessle is useless and i wish to discard it
I wish to leave my mortal vessle behind and finally rest back to the place i came from
I have never been accepted by anyone, but Mother Nature will always have a place for me and welcome my soul with open arms once i return back to her
(Im sorry if this was too long or bad i wrote this in a rush😭)
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 611
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 611
I thank you kindly for your
sensitive offering but the
competition wants a ranting
& raving sonnet. A twisted Sonnet.
Perhaps it would fit better in another
sensitive offering but the
competition wants a ranting
& raving sonnet. A twisted Sonnet.
Perhaps it would fit better in another
Joined 13th Dec 2023
Forum Posts: 3
Strange Creature
Forum Posts: 3
Thank you for the feedback!!
Im still relatively new to poetry and dont quite understand everything yet but thanks for telling me (:
Im still relatively new to poetry and dont quite understand everything yet but thanks for telling me (:
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 611
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 611
This is how I'll work it out
using a point system.
1 point for an entry
2 points for rant
3 points for form
No one got less than 3 points
Ties for highest score will be reread
and more points added until a clear winner shows.
So far at 11:30 a.m.thu Dec 21. I've got the following ties to reread.
Jordon. Josh. MidnightSonneteer. wallyroo92. ajay. MadameLavender. AnonymousBystander. slipalong. PAR.
wallyroo92 is the winner.
Jordan & Josh runners up.
MidnightSonneteer. Highly stylised, incisive, but ultimately too high brow for a rant.
Ajay a good sensitive but low key rant.
Madame lavender seems to be too well bred to rant. A lovely piece though.
AnonymousBystander. I don't know the story but it seems more of a lament than rant.
slipalong this came across as an invocation, a spell, rather than rant.
PAR A gentle giant rant. Little more than a telling off.
Time constraints keep me from commenting on all those who did their own highly entertaining but ultimately their own individual thing but I thank you one and all for taking part. And these few notes are my attempt to not leave any one out. No one gets left out.
using a point system.
1 point for an entry
2 points for rant
3 points for form
No one got less than 3 points
Ties for highest score will be reread
and more points added until a clear winner shows.
So far at 11:30 a.m.thu Dec 21. I've got the following ties to reread.
Jordon. Josh. MidnightSonneteer. wallyroo92. ajay. MadameLavender. AnonymousBystander. slipalong. PAR.
wallyroo92 is the winner.
Jordan & Josh runners up.
MidnightSonneteer. Highly stylised, incisive, but ultimately too high brow for a rant.
Ajay a good sensitive but low key rant.
Madame lavender seems to be too well bred to rant. A lovely piece though.
AnonymousBystander. I don't know the story but it seems more of a lament than rant.
slipalong this came across as an invocation, a spell, rather than rant.
PAR A gentle giant rant. Little more than a telling off.
Time constraints keep me from commenting on all those who did their own highly entertaining but ultimately their own individual thing but I thank you one and all for taking part. And these few notes are my attempt to not leave any one out. No one gets left out.