Poetry competition CLOSED 17th August 2019 2:15pm
Ahavati (Tams)
View Profile Poems by Ahavati
RUNNER-UP: David_Macleod

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Visual Poetry #DeepUndergroundPoetry

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17569

Neoma said:Wow, Ahvati's. And everyone else's... 💜

Aw SHUCKS! I got so excited when I saw your name, Neoma!  I couldn't wait to see your entry!  ( and, thank you )

poet Anonymous

Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1878

A Decade

DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

Sorry for the delay in selecting the winner(s), it's literally impossible to choose, but I'm trying

DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

OK I've completely broken the rules because I have awarded two trophies! Hey, if I can't get up to a bit of mischief while celebrating our decennial year, then when can I?

By the way, you're all a massive pain in the ass because everyone who entered posted (at least) one poem which would of been a worthy winner, making it all but impossible to choose!

Despite you all conspiring against me (with all these fantastic entries) I finally did it and here are the winners...

#3650 Days by Miss_Sub
A beautiful love poem, I'm certain that DU loves you back

DUPoetry.com by Ahavati
The perfect tribute to DU, where tech empowers people to write poetry. You had me double checking that dupoetry.com still redirects here, how did you even know about that URL?

...and the runners up...

Bow by David_Macleod
This made me grin from ear to ear. I don't think you could write a better poem to describe the shenanigans that sometimes go down on here. A great poem to remind us all to respect one another.

Deepsided by JohnnyBlaze
Wonderfully summing up our rebellious nature here at DU. Plus a great message we can unite behind, it should be about the poetry after all!

Here are my favourites from everyone else (in the order they were posted). I would love to feature all of them on our social media, if you would allow me? (pretty please)

untitled by case28
As ever, you're a master of the art of the visual poem. I thought we had our winner sewn up on the first entry.

the DUP by Magdalena
I'm a big fan of your visual poetry style, DU's very own Alice in Wonderland.

THE DUGOUT by summultima
I always love your raw, sensual and powerful words and you have a knack for finding images to perfectly compliment them.

Deep Underground Poetry Community by eswaller
A beautiful uplifting poem, which truly captures the spirit of DU.

A Decade by wallyroo92
I believe that DU has a bright future ahead and this uplifting poem sums up our 10th birthday perfectly. I also love the image (although it made me feel slightly drunk looking at it, ha).

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17569

oO! I'm among unprecedented history here at DU!

Webmiss, I am honored to have even been considered, much less picked as a winner.  I know from judging the classics each month that this was no easy feat, so thank you so much!

admin said:
DUPoetry.com by Ahavati
The perfect tribute to DU, where tech empowers people to write poetry. You had me double checking that dupoetry.com still redirects here, how did you even know about that URL?

I haf my veys!

Congratulations, Sweetie!  Wow @ your placement on your very first visual entries!

Congratulations to my co-winner, runner up,  and everyone who entered! They were ALL winning entries in my book! This was one of the best visual comps I've seen here!

May DU rule the Underground for decades to come! 🎉🎂👑📝❤

poet Anonymous

Congrats to mah Darling Ahavati - her unrivaled ability to marry hers or anyone's poetry with the perfect images never ceases to amaze me ( and Thanks for the technical assistance with my entries! ). 🏆💜😘💋😊  

And kudos to everyone who produced such fine tributes to #DeepUndergroundPoetry, where all the magic happens.

poet Anonymous

Wow. Wasn’t expecting that at all. I’m glad love is a two way street. 😊

Thank you.

Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3005

admin said:

Here are my favourites from everyone else (in the order they were posted). I would love to feature all of them on our social media, if you would allow me? (pretty please)

the DUP by Magdalena
I'm a big fan of your visual poetry style, DU's very own Alice in Wonderland.

You're very welcome to use mine WebMiss. I'm sure Alice swears as politely as I do too. Thank you.

Congrats To Missy, Ahavati and the runners up, and well done to all who entered.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17569

Magdalena said:

You're very welcome to use mine WebMiss. I'm sure Alice swears as politely as I do too. Thank you.

Congrats To Missy, Ahavati and the runners up, and well done to all who entered.

Thank you, Magdalena! You're always gracious and it's much appreciated. <3
Agree with the Webmiss on your Alice in Wonderland style!  I've been trying to think wth yours reminded me of, and that nailed it! Glad you're coming out on the circuit with us!

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