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Forum Posts: 364
Fire of Insight
Joined 13th May 2018
Forum Posts: 364
'Twas the Night Before Christmas in a Cheap Hotel
with apologies to C. Moore
’Twas the night before Christmas and I couldn’t sleep—
My per diem demanded this hotel be cheap!
The whore in the next room sure put on a show
With her moaning and humping, entertaining her “beau.”
I turned on the tube just to drown out the sound
and “A Wonderful Life” was all that I found.
So I watched Jimmy Stewart to a soundtrack of lust
While that hooker kept grunting and yelling, nonplussed!
The sounds that she made were unlike anything
That I ever imagined that coitus could bring—
I beard banging and singing and moaning galore
I was duly impressed by that tart’s répertoire!
Soon the movie was over, but not so her noise
From deep down in her lungs, her faux sexual joys!
She had mastered the art of performance in bed
And then silence! I assumed she was giving him head…
Sure enough, soon the noise returned, louder and lewd
But, this time, she wasn’t the one getting screwed!
I heard whipping, and thrashing, and masculine weeps
She was more than a whore, and now playing for keeps!
Her voice was now calmer, aggressive, and strong—
She wasn’t a hooker, I’d got it all wrong!
She, a Pro-Dominatrix, then tortured her “john”
I listened, transfixed, it was quite a turn-on!
Ignoring his pleas, she went straight to her work
By bruising his manhood with jerk after jerk.
Then, shoving her strap-on deep inside his ass
She made him her bitch as his prostate got thrashed!
I sprang to my feet, pressed my ear to the wall
He was crying! I think she was busting his balls!
I gasped as she savagely tortured his sex
And I shouted the question, “Do you accept checks?”
Written by ReggiePoet
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geoff cat
Joined 27th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 1028
geoff cat
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1028
As Wilde Once Said the World Itself is Sex - Sonnet Thirteen
As Wilde once said the world itself is sex,
But sex itself is always based in pow'r,
Where power is described in bank’s excess,
Then sex and money bring all life to flow’r.
But money is just paper shades on screens,
A value made is mind’s delusions felt,
Manipulate in power broker schemes,
To perpetrate with these conclusions dealt.
In true consent, how sweeter flowers bloom,
We find in ways of sweeter blooms reside,
That give and take where powers vie for room,
In ways and place of sweeter life’s preside.
For love of money, evil’s true define,
Is death not life - that’s sex’s pure design.
But sex itself is always based in pow'r,
Where power is described in bank’s excess,
Then sex and money bring all life to flow’r.
But money is just paper shades on screens,
A value made is mind’s delusions felt,
Manipulate in power broker schemes,
To perpetrate with these conclusions dealt.
In true consent, how sweeter flowers bloom,
We find in ways of sweeter blooms reside,
That give and take where powers vie for room,
In ways and place of sweeter life’s preside.
For love of money, evil’s true define,
Is death not life - that’s sex’s pure design.
Written by Hepcat61
(geoff cat)
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Forum Posts: 2159
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2159

Forum Posts: 2159
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2159
For The Love Of Money
The lure of Money
The sweetest of such compared to the taste of having Honey
The syrupiest reward given or ever received
Some have sold their soul for the price to be relieved
In the end untimely deceived
Most say it’s the root of all evil
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle
Than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God
That concept is much harder to digest than sparing the rod and spoiling the child
But wait, you cannot get any goods without cash
For the ones who do not have access to get it
Robbing for it, embezzling it, or shamefully selling their ass
If the world did not have money as the tool to survive
Would so many people still be able to thrive
The rich, and wealthy’s stance in life will take a nose dive
The Have and Have Nots cannot feel as elite
What you bring to the table for your family is what you eat
Share only if you have a spare
Grow it, trade it, or Barter
I’m just telling you like it should be
Honest lines from the mind of a universal martyr
The pyramid and almighty Seeing Eye
Ask the founding forefathers and adhere to bicentennial lies
Watching intently the Masonic Eye of Horus
Many meanings of this dollar bill icon, not even listed in a thesaurus
What an interesting symbol
I am well read and intellectually nimble
Gold, Silver, Bronze precious metals for what it’s worth
Money within the economy, produces a wicked uprising rebirth
A paper chase hell on earth
Paper, Coins, CD, stocks and bonds
Investment portfolios soaring, returned legal tender from the paper magic wand
What shall be first shall be last shall be first again
Moneyless, Penniless
Bargaining with a pig, chicken, or even a hen
Payment rendered and served
I wish that concept was still preserved
It keeps everyone’s mind on a straight universal road
It’s only from what I’ve been told
Slow your flow sexy, life is not always so serene
While you are writing your dogma someone else have money dreams
The cream of their crop
Hustling is their primary money prop
What about a day’s work and compensation
Well of course it’s one God under one nation
Such a shame money seems to be our greatest fixation
I have no pig, no chicken, and certainly no hen
I tell you this now, but remember this was way back when
I wish that concept was still preserved
If you listened intently you would have heard
From what I’ve just stated
This was true values before money was ever created
Therefore, go to work
By the sweat of one’s brow does bring in its everlasting perks
Do as you should
And what you could
No money No bank account
Don’t count yourself out
Just remember, to give, and appreciate when it’s received
No concepts too low to ever conceive or believe
The green paper does earthly rule
Stay mentally equipped it will always be your barging tool
You would have thought this jargon was taught in elementary school
The sweetest of such compared to the taste of having Honey
The syrupiest reward given or ever received
Some have sold their soul for the price to be relieved
In the end untimely deceived
Most say it’s the root of all evil
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle
Than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God
That concept is much harder to digest than sparing the rod and spoiling the child
But wait, you cannot get any goods without cash
For the ones who do not have access to get it
Robbing for it, embezzling it, or shamefully selling their ass
If the world did not have money as the tool to survive
Would so many people still be able to thrive
The rich, and wealthy’s stance in life will take a nose dive
The Have and Have Nots cannot feel as elite
What you bring to the table for your family is what you eat
Share only if you have a spare
Grow it, trade it, or Barter
I’m just telling you like it should be
Honest lines from the mind of a universal martyr
The pyramid and almighty Seeing Eye
Ask the founding forefathers and adhere to bicentennial lies
Watching intently the Masonic Eye of Horus
Many meanings of this dollar bill icon, not even listed in a thesaurus
What an interesting symbol
I am well read and intellectually nimble
Gold, Silver, Bronze precious metals for what it’s worth
Money within the economy, produces a wicked uprising rebirth
A paper chase hell on earth
Paper, Coins, CD, stocks and bonds
Investment portfolios soaring, returned legal tender from the paper magic wand
What shall be first shall be last shall be first again
Moneyless, Penniless
Bargaining with a pig, chicken, or even a hen
Payment rendered and served
I wish that concept was still preserved
It keeps everyone’s mind on a straight universal road
It’s only from what I’ve been told
Slow your flow sexy, life is not always so serene
While you are writing your dogma someone else have money dreams
The cream of their crop
Hustling is their primary money prop
What about a day’s work and compensation
Well of course it’s one God under one nation
Such a shame money seems to be our greatest fixation
I have no pig, no chicken, and certainly no hen
I tell you this now, but remember this was way back when
I wish that concept was still preserved
If you listened intently you would have heard
From what I’ve just stated
This was true values before money was ever created
Therefore, go to work
By the sweat of one’s brow does bring in its everlasting perks
Do as you should
And what you could
No money No bank account
Don’t count yourself out
Just remember, to give, and appreciate when it’s received
No concepts too low to ever conceive or believe
The green paper does earthly rule
Stay mentally equipped it will always be your barging tool
You would have thought this jargon was taught in elementary school
Written by SweetKittyCat5
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SweetKittyCat5 said:
Success comes to those who dedicate everything to their passion in life. To be successful, it is also very important to be humble and never let fame or money travel to your head.
A. R. Rahman
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1882
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1882

Get It
One talks while the other one whispers,
Watch out for those kittens with whiskers,
If you have the former then you get the latter,
Get enough dough, it can be served in a silver platter.
If one is the king, the other is queen,
Can’t get the girl if you don’t have the green,
Can’t rule the world if you don’t have the means,
Get both then you’ll be living the dream.
Men have gone to great lengths to get rich,
Some to impress a woman, some to get a bitch.
Men have done some real dumb shit to get it,
And some individuals are just unfit.
The truth is the real power lies within the female,
It’s in the smoothness of her flower behind the veil,
They have inspired men to a prominent status of grandness,
And some have brought men to the edge of madness.
But whatever comes first just so you know,
Pussy has more power than dough.

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Forum Posts: 2159
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2159
I would like to thank everyone who entered this competition with me, I was in the best of company with such gifted works of arts from all participants.