Poetry competition CLOSED 10th May 2019 6:05am
Orc_Pirate_68 (Sabrina Kirk-Caldwell)
View Profile Poems by Orc_Pirate_68
RUNNERS-UP: I_IS_ME and Tallen

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Dark Creatures

Sabrina Kirk-Caldwell
Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 29th June 2018
Forum Posts: 305


From the castle, gargoyles, sit and loom,
Over the dark cemetery's gloom,
Illuminated only by a full moon,
Where is buried, that loon,
That tramp, that tart, my man she thought she could swoon.
Gatekeepers and guardians of her tomb,
Buried within the earth's womb,
Yet, no comfort shall she receive,
When all she will perceive,
Is Hell all around her,
While I dance above her.
Monsters, phantoms, gouls, Imps, demons,
Yet, no one sees them or their actions,
Hide in the shadows,
And in the light of the medows.
Monsters of the deep,
Monsters of the shadow, make not a peep,
I've stayed quiet all these years,
I have nothing to worry, no fears,
She is now gone, he is all mine,
All because she crossed the line.
I came to her in the night,
Like a phantom, but subdued her before loud fright,
Brought her to an undisclosed location,
Where on this occasion,
I had such a fun time,
I spoke to her in rhyme.
I riddled her,
And when she new not the answer,
I burned the answer into her,
Letter by letter,
With an A-Z branding set,
Prolonging, stalling, until she was dead.
Chained to the wall,
Naked and all,
I made her watch me burn her expensive clothing,
Then with fluids overflowing,
Blood, and others, as I hurt her inside,
Fate has turned her tide.
The grim reaper came by,
And looked through the window, with hopes held high,
I let him in,
And as he closed in,
Her light was fading,
As he was waiting,
For the taste of soul,
And full control,
Forever, of her body,
And her psyche.
She, inside was ruined,
Then with over one hundred stab wounds,
I was able to watch the life leave her eyes,
As they glassed over, her eyes,
And rolled back inside her head,
Then I cut off her head.
I left her in a fetal position,
In a grotesque fashion,
Inside a chest,
A treasure trove of flesh from that pest.
They found her the next day,
Holding her head in her hands, away,
From her neck,
That pitiful wreck,
A woman improper,
Now a beautiful sculpture, a cadaver.
And they placed her in that grave,
I stayed behind a few minutes to spit on her grave,
And planted the seeds of hemlock, poison ivy, and brambles,
To stop the arrivals,
Of people at her grave.
And when he came back to the grave,
To say it was time to go,
He found me "praying", and with my love, I did follow.
Now, the years have gone by,
And the gargoyals are the only things to remember it by,
That happy fun time, hurting her,
That blissful moment, ending her.
Under our noses, monsters hide,
And walk with us, side-by-side.
They keep up an innocent facade,
And above their heads, a silence accolade.
One cannot see the shadow under their nose,
It hides under it's sweet scent of a rose.
Which one is the monster?
The life wrecker?
Or the martyr?
That is for you to say...
Written by Orc_Pirate_68 (Sabrina Kirk-Caldwell)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 29awards
Joined 30th June 2016
Forum Posts: 749

Dancing With Death 2

 Oh, My Darkened One,    
 How I see you so clearly now,    
 Was it the years passing,    
 Or a longing that bore you here?    
 The birth pangs deepen    
 As you emerge in a    
 Grey ethereal mist.    
 I am blacked out by the smoke ---    
 What surrender.    
 This existence fades like    
 It never was,    
 Oh, home-in-your-arms    
 To which I fall    
 Exuberantly ---    
 Oh, ecstatic    
 Place of reprieve.    
 Into you I retreat    
 In you I sleep    
 Let me not wake    
 Let me not see    
 Anything but you,    
 My withered one    
 And catch me when I fall,    
 Recieve me when I am spent.    
 Days apart, oh toilsome grind    
 Of mill-stones crushing    
 Reasons to live    
 I surrender to you    
 In you I am exalted,    
 In you alone I live.    
 Oh, my darkened one,    
 Where have you been,    
 Where were you all this time?    
 Did you drag your heels at my    
 Every achievement smiling contentedly    
 As I bore closer to you?    
 How I feel you were there at every    
 Milestone in silent penetration    
 Touching off such ecstasy ---    
 Such resonant glory.    
 And in the blankness,    
 Somewhere there was you,    
 Faceless, nameless,    
 Wrapped in diaphanous mists    
 Swinging from stars    
 Accompanying my    
 Abandoned remains ---    
 A chamber of echoes    
 Songs of forgetting    
 Become moist, damp and risen    
 To fill your cave once    
 Our fate is sealed,    
 My Winged One.    
 Your wings dance and I,    
 Aflutter, my breath escapes me    
 To never be seen again.    
 How I don’t want to wake from    
 The dream.    
 The words came like tears    
 When you enveloped me    
 Your folds like crevaces    
 In your moth-crepe arms.    
 How silently they flutter ---    
 My heart skips a beat.    
 What enshrouding of my    
 Once raw heart, now stilled    
 In a nuclear winters freeze    
 Your smothering surrounds me    
 To suffocate my longings at last.    
 The endless cycles of my hanging    
 On have ended; what reprieve.    
  The rainbow of life ends in you.    
  It dies there and is at last befallen.    
  The tin white powder of its relinquishment    
  Settles upon its remains like    
  Mythical fairy dust.    
  But you are not a myth, no    
  You are too real for me    
  To not believe.    
  As I no longer pulse with    
  The ink that flows from    
  My heart in an onyx river to    
  A tar-black sea.    
  Winged moth of darkness,    
  Your stifling cave beckons    
  How I wish to go.    
  Lead me into the dance    
  Of deaths swaying, sauntering dream.    
Written by PoetsRevenge
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Tyrant of Words
United States 34awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1622


I wish I could claim I was grown with intention
Inside a laboratory like a proper monster
But here I stand before your temple of contention
Hatred awakened after bodies cool and are conquered
Sign me up for my own damnation
Detailing the devil in cremation
I’ll be the first in line for punishment
And raise the bar from abasement
They push and shove beyond the point of no return
Until the darkness has nothing left to do but burn
Pull me down and drown me in the throes of slaughter
Because the time has finally come to make a monster
It’s time to make a monster
Cold to the touch with the word “Fuck” as my first breath
Growing in a petri dish just like a proper monster
Emerging with a crown, champion of the devil’s contest
I still remember perishing empty as an impostor
You won’t bury me in salvation
I will fight my way from your invasion
The larva writhe in the incisions
I become the god of perdition
They push and shove beyond the point of no return
Until the darkness has nothing left to do but burn
Pull me down and drown me in the throes of slaughter
Because the time has finally come to make a monster
It’s time to make a monster
The lightning strikes the steeple
Forging the way for a sequel
Return of the living damned
The monster brings the fall of man
They push and shove beyond the point of no return
Until the darkness has nothing left to do but burn
Pull me down and drown me in the throes of slaughter
Because the time has finally come to make a monster
It’s time to make a monster
Written by HadesRising
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 15th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 2326

Congrats to Orc_Pirate_68 (Sabrina Kirk-Caldwell) for the win
and to RUNNERS-UP: I_IS_ME and (Tallen) me
appreciate the reads and votes

thank You CountryGirl96 for hosting the comp

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