Poetry competition CLOSED 24th May 2019 10:47pm

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Everyday Moments

Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 7th Sep 2017
Forum Posts: 88

Poetry Contest

Focus on a moment during the day that you would otherwise forget an instant later.
Use one of the prompts below to illustrate what thoughts might/did formulate at that particular moment.

1. When you see someone else rubbing their forehead/eyes.
2. When you realize you’re not paying attention.
3. Having to parallel park.
4. waving to a neighbor.
5. when someone surprised you with kindness.
6. mundane birthday party that became memorable long after the fact.
7. The sound of a child's infectious laughter.
8. When you sit down to write.

One month
One entry per poet
New writes only
No word limit but also no novel
Post to page and link back
Please stick with the prompts provided
Keep it clean - no erotica or negativity

Lets have fun! Off you go my beautiful butterflies 🦋.

Thought Provoker
United States 9awards
Joined 1st Nov 2017
Forum Posts: 177

Becoming A Poet: Notes of an Online Journal

"Becoming A Poet"  
 I’m not sure just when it started  
But I knew this would be the best part.  
A feeling, being down hearted,  
Was about to be rendered as art.  
I don’t know where it had come from,  
If it slid down a chimney one day.  
Did it march in, beating a drum,  
Were there children outside fit to play.  
I’m not sure how it created  
The inspiration deep within me.  
I felt the muse had related,  
And was ready to set my soul free.  
I don’t know just why it turned on,  
If it wasn’t from pushing a plug.  
I wonder, how long this goes on?  
So much better than taking a drug.  
NaPoGloPoWriMo 2019
Written by Heaven_sent_Kathy
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#8: When you sit down to write.

Frank Statile
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 13th Jan 2019
Forum Posts: 16

Flower petals

Broken beings
Blown astray
Bouquets of petals in the breeze

Beautiful fragments
Bewildered souls
Bleeding heavily with the winds breath

Stripped hearts
Scorned lives
Searching for their place of slumber

Suffocating sorrow
Sacred secrets
Scattered for the world to see

Born serene
Becoming scarred
Blinded, souly for the purpose of fulfilling the worlds dark desires
Written by Jomamma97 (Frank Statile)
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poet Anonymous

witching hour

it’s a morning tangle
unfinished thoughts & half formed plans
without these moments they never seem to evolve
so I rise while it’s quiet
before household & neighbors awake
and with a cat curled on my back
my ink scribbles furiously across the page
no sense trying to direct it
when chaos is the sound of the moment
who am I to argue
when I haven’t even the sense to turn on a light
sitting here in darkness
trying to write

even the birds think I’m crazy
being up this early
for the worms are all safe just now
needn’t seek shelter for at least another hour
but the glow of my phone is my illumination
such as it were
attempting to capture concepts from random words
and who knows if I’ll be able to read it later
when daylight finally arrives
I’ll drag my ass to a computer
fill a mug with what my colleagues call coffee
though I have to drown it in creamer
and a bit of sugar
just to choke it down & keep it there

use the keyhole of my mind
and take a quick peek inside
(if you dare)
but I really wouldn’t advise it
it’s a mess in my head
as dawn creeps cautiously over the sill
the world stirs & silence ends
whatever you now read
was what dripped from the tip of my pen
and so ends my witching hour

(#8: sitting down to write)

poet Anonymous

Related submission no longer exists.

#7: The sound of a child’s infectious laughter.

Guardian of Shadows
Jamaica 14awards
Joined 27th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 787

tyrant of words

when i sit down to write

metaphor personified
dreamer of
lexical delights
chaser of dialectal insights
apprehender of the wonderment
of assonance and consonance
nuding the blissful wildfires
of insomniac desires
evoking wordwinds
that open the eyes
of the blind
as the sighs
of the mind
kindle on paper
rhymes that sweat
out of vapour
a tyranny of words
beyond absurd
distiller of quaternal
whose quintessential
burn with the
fire of insight
day and night
to woo a wandering world
into love’s philological fold:
that’s the blaze that i become
when i sit down to write

© Copyright 2019 May 02
by Clyve A. Bowen♫
Written by cabcool
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Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17603

New Moon in Taurus

Desert Fathers were nomadic            
earthy predecessors, reverently              
observing Life's cyclic order              
Unobtrusive pilgrims on their path            
discerning May's brightest headline
as flowers' exuberantly colored skin
heralding new beginnings:            
streams, rivers, lakes;            
growing creations              
by cold, melty things              
when our world is [quite] mud-. luscious            
Brighter still was midnight            
sans Luna, withdrawn            
into her ritualized session            
Stars shrewdly punctured pupils            
searching for meaning in absence              
behind dainty flicks of distance            
You see?  We poets eschew daily news
to pen what matters most instead:        
common, every day moments               
Written by Ahavati (Tams)
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Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 7th Sep 2017
Forum Posts: 88

Thank you everyone that has entered the comp! Everyone has entered some wonderful entries.

Thought Provoker
United States 4awards
Joined 17th Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 327

Girl with Bubbles

Iridescent spheres floating in springtime air
Childish giggles, sweet coos of innocence  
All worlds cease breathing, the angels watch  
their young charge delight in dancing  
Dish-soap bubbles in the air.    
Bluebell eyes widen with wonder  
golden ringlets flying in rhythm    
pattering of itty-bitty feet    

“Mama, I catch bubbles!”    
Sweet babyish voice crows in triumph  
radiant, confident in accomplishment  

Impermanent ethereal sphere  
Carefully cradled in tiny little hands
Written by inechoingsilence
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Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 7th Sep 2017
Forum Posts: 88

Thank you for your entry inechoingsilence.

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 18th May 2019
Forum Posts: 9


Black cord from floor to table locks into my portable lifeline.
A lifeline I reserve for only the most difficult lulls in my mind,
like how to find my way home or how to call my other.
The phone sits naked faced and padded on its backside
calling out quietly, Search for me, search on me.
It’s the bigger naked face that wins me over
with it’s heart and soul closed inside a black creaky clamshell
When the shell is opened, words in waiting, pictures filed away,
videos paused and wanting validation.

Jumping up and down, my attention parts from coffee
to windows to musical notes and my lady friend.
With so much clutter and clatter that obstructs my thoughts,
Please, Alexa, please, be silenced.
I’d rather the rum of the morning roadway.
I’m done, its enough, stop already,
Put away your violence and bravado.

Welcome sunlight and chilly breeze,
a day off was never more forgotten.
Dressed in my work clothes,
the day is mine alone.
How quickly I forgot my freedom
slipped back into the Monday Gind,
and now my grind is in a second cup of coffee.
My grind is finding my phone and thinking,
It is my only brain to record the passing season of Spring.
Why do I sit on this day of liberation and postpone
the snapping of beauty and sound that awaits me.

So alone I am, in my new town,
removed from all who know me,
distant and difficult to all but a few.
New friend, return, engage me,
inspire me to partake in the gift you left me,
for fear of neighbors and onlookers
and wafts of air that travel to the nostrils of snitches
This day of freedom is wasting away,
and the tapping of these keys is not agreeing with my insult.
The keys tap and spaces and void are filled and yet never complete.
Don’t go, stay here, keep thinking -
Outside your mind will be stuck
in green and pink, in awe and nothing more.

When the kettles clicks the press awaits.
Up again in hopes of returning to finish my quips.
Sweet, glorious day of April’s End -
you mock me from the shaded window,
you beckon me in warm, radiant, glowing
sunlight on my bed, Return, return, return.

Press the plunger, pour the poison.
Will this cup ever be full enough?
Burn my tongue, brush my teeth
and forgive to to forget by remembering the moment,
All is was and will be, soon on my camera for all to see.

Just as my phone remains untouched,
so too do the cars wait impatiently
wondering why they have been abandoned like alley cats.
Both with glowing eyes that sleep more than they prowl.
Cars cry out, What are you waiting for?
The streets await you, the fields are growing old.
A love affair between my car and my phone,
conjoined with an umbilical cord of potentiality.
Never forget the charger, the security, the connection,
Enough plastic clamshell, farewell,
the larger dimension of me is waiting.

Written by bimbammit
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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 43awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864

The laughter of children

It has no language barrier to overcome  
For it is the same in any toungue  
Comes as spontanious applause
Moves us to remember when we played
The dance of innocence
Just how short the second
Seeped over the day and fell
like pollen on the wind  
From the belly and infecting  
Bring a smile for the days of muddy paws
To splash the puddle in our best shoes
And when your friends were your best toys
chilhood of boys and girls
Skeleton of funny bones
 Tickled with a feather
A confection for us all to treasure  
Came and went had no intent
Written by slipalong
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Twisted Dreamer
Joined 3rd July 2018
Forum Posts: 2


I see lips moving,
But no sound.
Thoughts going around and around
Filling my head.
I didn’t hear a word she said.
I’m so distracted.
A lot on my mind.
I can’t separate the voice in my head
From hers;
Not enough time.
Finally she pauses.
All eyes on me.
All eyes on who?
She silently waits.
As polite as can be
I say “Could you repeat that again?”
Written by MissTess
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Thought Provoker
Belgium 2awards
Joined 13th May 2019
Forum Posts: 27

A Little Kindness (Goes a Long Way)

You’re still looking fine as ever
He assures me without a single lingering thought
No intention other than to tell the truth
While I am feeling insecure and twice the size I am
The guy across my desk makes doubt melt like thin ice in the morning sun

I love what you've done with your hair
I tell the lady in the shop I see every other day
No reason other than to let her know
While she helps customers with a halfhearted smile
The woman buying her cigarettes makes her face light up like the afternoon sky
Written by delanee
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Daniel Long
Thought Provoker
United States 10awards
Joined 26th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 220

Pay Attention!

Oh, the actualization
of hallucination!

Hear me now, you dare induce me,
of your poison I want to be free!

You had the gall to envenom my mind recently,
and the hell I descended, the things I would see!

This experience made me lose sight of reality,
I saw all before me what no other could see!

A utopia!
Surrealism-stuffed cornucopia!

Then the voice of normalcy,
a normal stranger staring at me

wide-eyed, perplexed,

I was suddenly standing in the store!
Of this curse I want no more!
Written by gothicsurrealism (Daniel Long)
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