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Official DUP NaPo/GloPoWrimo Competition

The Gardener
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 28awards
Joined 10th Oct 2010
Forum Posts: 1347

Title: Hail in Rockhollow
Three of Thirty
Unique Words: Sixty-two


The hail beats it's spiteful song
across the land - long since parched.
A bird calls from her shelter
to me, sat in the porch.

My words drip and are thankful,
for dear Earth's quiet charms.
To me, sat in the porch,
there is glory in such sound.

Bluebells catch my eye as ferns unfurl,
to me, sat in the porch,
the scent of Skimmia dusts the land
and keeps bumblebees adoring.

To me, sat in the porch,
there is a heaven just beyond
and with a hood as means of shelter
I can claim it as my own.

Dangerous Mind
United States 16awards
Joined 12th June 2017
Forum Posts: 945

April's Fool
The Verbiage Challenge (or playtime with the Word Count Tool app)
"Fantod", yes, you read me correctly, one of the new words now taking up temporary residence in the vocabulary wing of my head.
If you also subscribe to Mr. Webster's daily invasion of your email, then you won't have to go and Google it, or perhaps somewhere awhile back you ran across it somewhere and thought it worthy enough to give it a long term lease. For me personally, it was late in arriving and all the permanent occupants have taken a disliking to it for they feel it presumptuous. *90 words, 70 unique and counting
Is not this fantastic, *notice how I did not use the contraction of isn, (wait, WOW, isn must be a word somewhere because the counter on this app. gave me credit for it and myself did not even have to add 't to it). Let me go check, back in a minute...……., nope, not a  word, but is it an acorn, I mean acronym, (double WOW, WOW, even acronyms count, and the use of wrong words). This isn't going to be as hard as I thought, IRS, CIA, NSA, CBS, NRC, NRA, OMG, LMFAO, KMA, (question: Johnny. can we count these as unique words? Just checking ahead of time in case.). Never mind, it was a rhetorical question. *215 words, 137 'distinctive'
Top this my poets, *gives a sly wink to get over 250 and 150 'different'*
262 words, 165 unique, *why not use unique here again, save a synonym for later just in case.... WTF, 'idiosyncratic'.
283 words, 176 one of a kind,
*just keeps getting tougher...huh. Raising the bar inch by inch, or for the U.K. side of the pond, mm by mm.
(that's right, no it ain't the correct word, but it's a word and it's an individual term applicable to something added on to a larger body of work), and I needed some more unrivaled elements of speech in order to push this past Lord Viddax's post yesterday, actually day before yesterday now that this will be posted tomorrow, of 218 sole word count.
381 words, 232 unique
I forgot to mention before I close this out that rowantree's "hourglass" poem had 512 words with 288 unique words, and I'm too tired and frazzled to continue lugging this along in order to reach a word count past what she has already accomplished so I am going to cut this short and hit the hay before my eyes begin to bug out, my cigarette pack is empty and I run low on wine and Southern Comfort. So, I suppose I'll slink down the hall and off into a nightmare and call this quits. Sweet dreams, ya'all.
485 words, 289 unique.  
Wink! (make that 290)

Addendum #2
Went back and found wallyroo92, had posted "Super Man's Last Flight" on opening day at 594 words, 294 unique, so had to come back and add a little more verbiage to take the lead with this piece, (definitely not a poem here nor even poetry), just gibberish to see which happens first, my fingers going numb or my brain.

* Probably should hack this into six pieces and take an undeserved break, but before I do I need 16 more appropriate words to surpass 350 and extend it into an entire weeks vacation. now, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, (shit! that didn't work) let's try this, V, IV, IIV, II, 1. (I didn't count)…….Goodbye

Now I'm like just all fantoded waiting for midnight when I can post this crap and not be disqualified for posting two within 24 hours without an excuse.
*written 2 April, 2019 at 9pm EDT

636, words, 356 unique (of which 636 words were wasted during the attempt), but, hey...I'm still in the hunt.

Fire of Insight
United States 15awards
Joined 12th July 2017
Forum Posts: 286


Cliff Side

On a cliff side
Where I met you
Holding hands
Running together
Chasing sunsets

On a cliff side
Peacefully waiting
Watching crashing waves
Currents engulfing rocks
Being swept away

On a cliff side
Still deciding
The direction you went
Graceful tides
Washed you away

On a cliff side
Forgetting you
Crumbled letters
Covered in tears
Slowly eroding

On a cliff side
Fenced inside
Leaving land
Sailing away

Falling off this cliff side

Unique words: 50

poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
United States 9awards
Joined 1st Nov 2017
Forum Posts: 177


Peru: Notes of an Online Journal


To me, there never was much need
To do daily reports beyond
The diary I used to keep,
This girl in grade school, as a rule.

About how bad I was at math,
And routing out my place in line,
And on a map I felt so sure,
I showed where I was born - Peru!

I didn’t know it wasn’t Palms,
I got the west coast part right tho’.
The rest of class was clueless too,
I didn’t stay late after school.

65 unique words

NaPoGloPoWriMo 2019

Tyrant of Words
Joined 15th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 2327

Codswallop Scuttles
(Three  of  30 -- NaPo/GloPoWriMo 2019)  

often by my
own doing,
beliefs that
need to be
unlearned.. .

I am too tired
or indolent to
scale over the
garbage that’s
captivating. . .

Too much clutter
wounds where
scabs broke open.
Too much to gutter
dreams lost failed,
and broken.

Awakened to the
fact that once i
release the remoras
preventing my fun
splash and swim
I’ll be able to climb
the piles of trash
and emptied whims.

Then jumping in
and out
of mud holes
will be an
gone by.

90 words  
69 unique

poet Anonymous

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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134


Next Year’s Spring
( a Lewis Carroll-type rhyme )

As next year’s spring came yesterday
Right in the middle of the night,
Awake while dreaming as I laid,
I gazed up at all the starlight

Across the ceiling that shimmered
In the shrinking world of my jail.
The wings of a raven glimmered,
I reached up to take hold its tail

And was lifted up as it cawed,
And we flew thru’ the window bars.
I thought “If we get to meet God,
And what must it be like on Mars?”

So I called out with all my might.
The raven flew higher and sang
On the way up to heaven’s flight
Thru’ clouds o’er a moon of meringue.

unique words: 75

Image: photo by Lewis Carroll (1874)


NaPoGloPoWriMo 2019

Tyrant of Words
United States 26awards
Joined 22nd Jan 2017
Forum Posts: 171


Please Wait . . .

Thru the lens of a poet I gleam,
the norms of a society seem
no longer start with a dream

we're sinking
and it has nothing to do with oceans
greed, hypocrisy, self-promotion
no compassion, concern, or emotions

where'd it all gone wrong
because it surely didn't take long
to screw up this whole situation

creatures we are of curiosity
taken a back by each possibility
but somewhere we lost our generosity

we learn to read, to count, to write
but has anyone taught us what's right

etiquette, humanitarianism, peace
love and good will at least
otherwise hatred comes with such ease

in a place spinning so fast
slow down, be beautiful
breathe, before it's your last

the world is rebufering . . .

please wait . . .

poet Anonymous

3 of 30

insufficient talent

I worry sometimes
I'm just not a good enough artist
my loving strokes unable to adequately convey
the true essence of you
no matter how vivid your memory remains
I’m painfully aware
it's only engraved in my mind
how do I transfer the image
into something...
she can properly envisage
how does one paint a legend?
or sculpt a hero?
make someone recognize
something they've never even seen?
impossible to capture your laughter
the tilt of your lopsided grin
or that twinkle in your eye
present whenever your mischief ran high
(which was, quite frankly, most of the time)
and how do I show her
how it felt
to be wrapped in the shelter of your love
warmed by the glow of your pride
I can't paint these details
their reality eludes me
can't make them real enough
or solid
but I've spent her entire life
and I'll spend the rest of mine
every day
always continuing to try

Dangerous Mind
United States 18awards
Joined 29th Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 1393


Song of You

Do you know,
sweet boy,
that you hold the power
to undo me?

We can pretend that I,
the parent,
have all the power.
I mean, I make you eat
vegetables and brush your teeth.

But you?
The way the sun laughs
in your eyes
makes me pray to
the Maker for
one second less
than the span of your years.
Because I can’t bear
a separation.

The way the wind dances
with your flapping,
happy hands
is enough to make me
beg for every blessed
second to last a lifetime.

You, sweet boy,
hold the keys to the locks
of my heart.
The secret of my universe
is hidden in the
song of you.

geoff cat
Dangerous Mind
United States 33awards
Joined 27th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 1028


First Love – Day Three

In houses cast in sister’s song
In If I Fell, In Love Me Do,
In sacred halls of love’s belong.

In alpine mists, in nights’ prolong,
The music sounds that love pursue,
In houses cast in sister’s song.

In chapel’s cold, in clear plainsong,
Collegians sing their Sunday croon,
In sacred halls of love’s belong.

The clamber of our dinner’s throng,
Where every mouth seeks loud review,
In houses cast in sister’s song.

On Sullivan’s screamsing along,
That Sunday night all fuses blew,
In sacred halls of love’s belong.

Her very heart and soul headlong,
She sang as they sang – She Loves You!
In houses cast in sister’s song,
In sacred halls of love’s belong.



Thought Provoker
United States 9awards
Joined 1st Nov 2017
Forum Posts: 177


Dirty Words: Notes of an Online Journal

“Dirty Words”

I’m not accustom as you think,
To let the readers of this site
Be privy to my day in ink
Of so much of my private life.

But not to fret, could’ve been worse,
It wasn’t anything that hurt.
No dirty words, I didn’t curse,
Or let them reach inside my shirt.

The other kids would roughly play,
And me, the newest to be led.
They’d push me back until one day
I threw a boy over my head!

I looked at him down on the grass,
His gang in shock they didn’t speak.
They picked him up to kick his ass,
I ran away on legs so weak.

83 unique words

NaPoGloPoWriMo 2019

poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
Joined 28th Aug 2013
Forum Posts: 134



I remember fingers tangling together -
In twisted questions and understanding
And songs and photographs,
Noise -
Fills my head.

I cannot keep my eyes open long enough.

Whether it's because of the light or the dark,
I can no longer tell.

I remember fingers tangling in my hair and pulling,
Like I'm doing
As I try to pull the pain out.
As my breath catches once more, I remember

The gasped out plea to stop
Or to continue -
Meshed together in noise and noise and noise
And noise

I pound the matress and scream.
I clutch the sheets and sob and
Scratch at my skin
To chase the pain or
The relief,
I can no longer tell.
I remember the weight above me,
The arms around me.

It tempts,
The image of banging my head back to sense
Until it bleeds.
The sound and image of a merciless bang
Hours a ago.

It doesn't escape me
That the other side of the bed
Is now

167 words, 93 unique

Edited April 3, 11:14 pm to add words. Blame the muse.

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