And all the Whos down in Whoville cried Boo Hoo Hoo

Poetry Contest Description
The Classic Corner: Dr. Seuss tribute

Co-Host - Ahavati
Part VI in an ongoing series introducing serious writers of DUP to the most well-known poets, both classical and modern.
Theodor Seuss Geisel, more recognized by the world as Dr. Seuss, was an American children's author, political cartoonist, poet, animator, screenwriter, filmmaker, and artist, He is best known for his work having written and illustrated more than 60 books. His work includes many of the most popular children's books of all time, selling over 600 million copies and being translated into more than 20 languages by the time of his death.
Geisel won the Lewis Carroll Shelf Award in 1958 for Horton Hatches the Egg and again in 1961 for And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street. His birthday, March 2, has been adopted as the annual date for National Read Across America Day, an initiative on reading created by the National Education Association.
Write a new poem honoring Seuss sourced from one of his poems or children's books. Bonus points if you include a reference to the title within yours.
The trophy is as good as yours if we have determined you captured both the essence of Suess and the poem you are sourcing.
We don't just want you mimicking his writing style; we want you being Seuss himself! And that may require more research on your behalf, if you are not entirely familiar with him. Remember, Wikipedia is always your friend.
The Rules
1. One entry per DUP persona.
2. No erotica; this is open to all ages and can't be viewed with an ECW.
3. No exact word limit; however, attempt to keep it no more than 250 - 300.
4. Any form is acceptable.
5. In your poem's notes, include a hyperlink to the particular poem or story you sourced online so everyone may familiarize themselves with it and for the judges to use in the evaluation process.
6. Insert the hashtag #DrSuess after your poem and link to your poem here in the competition. Do NOT copy paste your poem to the competition. The point is to eventually direct visitors searching for Suess to your poem via the hashtag we hope will soon be implemented as a theme by the Webmiss.
Now, If at anytime anyone is uncertain about the rules, you are always welcome to inquire for clarification via Private Message.
Comp will be judged by a panel including myself. You have two weeks only; best of luck to all entrants.
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17616
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17616
Coddiwomple ( after Theodor [Dr] Seuss Geisel )
Oh, The Places You’ll Go!
Despite what you don’t know!
Don't worry now -
it's impossible to lose!
Hello! Hello!
It’s time to go – don’t doubt yourself!
Jump right up and step on out!
You may not know
which road to trust - but
Oh, The Places You’ll Go!
You’re Coddiwomple-confused!
Being so little so long!
But time has come to choose!
Is “Right” the greater arrow?
Or “Left” the lesser narrow?!
Oh, The Places You’ll Go!
Hello! Hello!
This is what you’ve grown up for,
A world tour of your very own!
You’re unsure, for sure -
which way is beautiful!
You’ll make mistakes, it’s true;
but experience is the cure!
You’ll stray from either or
despite which road you choose!
Stumpling that noggin good and hard
on your Coddiwompled course!
You’ll surely yell, you’ll surely bellow
even find it difficult to swallow -
But here’s a secret you may not know:
You’ll get back up and carry on!
Left or Right, matters not
matters not what you bruise!
It’ll heal right up and you'll learn good
mistakes will guide future choice!
Hello! Hello!
This is what you’ve grown up for,
A world tour of your very own!
Is “Right” the greater arrow?
Or “Left” the lesser narrow?!
Oh, The Places You’ll Go!
You’re Coddiwomple-confused!
Being so little so long!
But the time has come to choose!
You may not know
which road to trust, but
Oh, The Places You’ll Go!
Jump right up and step on out!
It’s time to go – don’t doubt yourself!
Hello! Hello!
Don't worry now -
It's impossible to lose
despite what you don’t know!
Oh, The Places You’ll Go!
Despite what you don’t know!
Don't worry now -
it's impossible to lose!
Hello! Hello!
It’s time to go – don’t doubt yourself!
Jump right up and step on out!
You may not know
which road to trust - but
Oh, The Places You’ll Go!
You’re Coddiwomple-confused!
Being so little so long!
But time has come to choose!
Is “Right” the greater arrow?
Or “Left” the lesser narrow?!
Oh, The Places You’ll Go!
Hello! Hello!
This is what you’ve grown up for,
A world tour of your very own!
You’re unsure, for sure -
which way is beautiful!
You’ll make mistakes, it’s true;
but experience is the cure!
You’ll stray from either or
despite which road you choose!
Stumpling that noggin good and hard
on your Coddiwompled course!
You’ll surely yell, you’ll surely bellow
even find it difficult to swallow -
But here’s a secret you may not know:
You’ll get back up and carry on!
Left or Right, matters not
matters not what you bruise!
It’ll heal right up and you'll learn good
mistakes will guide future choice!
Hello! Hello!
This is what you’ve grown up for,
A world tour of your very own!
Is “Right” the greater arrow?
Or “Left” the lesser narrow?!
Oh, The Places You’ll Go!
You’re Coddiwomple-confused!
Being so little so long!
But the time has come to choose!
You may not know
which road to trust, but
Oh, The Places You’ll Go!
Jump right up and step on out!
It’s time to go – don’t doubt yourself!
Hello! Hello!
Don't worry now -
It's impossible to lose
despite what you don’t know!
Oh, The Places You’ll Go!
Written by Ahavati
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Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 765
All the Places You'll Go! (A Take on Dr. Seuss)
You are traveling to cities and meeting new faces.
You are exploring every new culture and lose traces
Of your previous life. You find new people to fall
In love with and you will have stories to tell. The wall
Will be crumbling and is falling at your awaiting feet.
There are many snow-capped mountains you can defeat.
You conquer anything. Oh, the places you’ll go! And
Yes, you will be on your merry way to stand
Tall against the naysayer’s nonsense. You have smarts
Locked in that big brain of yours and have many hearts
Made of gold beating in your thick-skinned chest.
You choose all you want to be different than the rest.
Oh, the places you’ll go! Memories made among stars
And between blades of grass. Your imperfect scars
You forget about as you closed your eyes and this world
Takes you to a different galaxy. The thoughts that uncurl
And you stand there fully transfixed. You will arrive
At your destination with unmeasured breaths. You drive
Down the west coast with the wind in your hair. Oh,
The places you’ll go! Life is like a fireworks show
Because all you can do is sit back and enjoy it before
It passes you by. You will be watching a new door
That opens and see sights from a bird eye’s view.
Tears sprouting from your eyes helped you as you grew.
Remember the smiles and every time you got splattered
Messes on your clothes. You thought you never mattered
Or would make it, but there you are saying to yourself…
Oh, the places you’ll go! Your love stays on the high shelf
And someone will be lucky to get it one day, but you walk
Your streets. You are like Mary, but ahead of her flock.
You are exploring every new culture and lose traces
Of your previous life. You find new people to fall
In love with and you will have stories to tell. The wall
Will be crumbling and is falling at your awaiting feet.
There are many snow-capped mountains you can defeat.
You conquer anything. Oh, the places you’ll go! And
Yes, you will be on your merry way to stand
Tall against the naysayer’s nonsense. You have smarts
Locked in that big brain of yours and have many hearts
Made of gold beating in your thick-skinned chest.
You choose all you want to be different than the rest.
Oh, the places you’ll go! Memories made among stars
And between blades of grass. Your imperfect scars
You forget about as you closed your eyes and this world
Takes you to a different galaxy. The thoughts that uncurl
And you stand there fully transfixed. You will arrive
At your destination with unmeasured breaths. You drive
Down the west coast with the wind in your hair. Oh,
The places you’ll go! Life is like a fireworks show
Because all you can do is sit back and enjoy it before
It passes you by. You will be watching a new door
That opens and see sights from a bird eye’s view.
Tears sprouting from your eyes helped you as you grew.
Remember the smiles and every time you got splattered
Messes on your clothes. You thought you never mattered
Or would make it, but there you are saying to yourself…
Oh, the places you’ll go! Your love stays on the high shelf
And someone will be lucky to get it one day, but you walk
Your streets. You are like Mary, but ahead of her flock.
Written by eswaller
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Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1873
One of the greatest posts ever who has never received the proper respect from the poetry community.
Count me in.
Count me in.

Related submission no longer exists.
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1873
Here There, Anywhere
At a breakfast meet-up for St. Paul poets the topic of discussion was, "what poet was your greatest influence?"
As the Algonquin roundtable was being polled, I knew I'd be alone. For everyone's answer demonstrated a superior intellect.
"Ginsberg," started the roll call.
Followed by another, "Ginsberg."
Then, "Ralph Waldo Emerson." Funny, no one ever refers to old Ralph by his last name.
"Ginsberg," echoed again. How I hate Ginsberg.
"Ezra Pond," someone said, who dared to be different.
"Mine is Ginsberg as well." By now it was obvious I was an accidental attendee at the Ginsberg Poetry Club.
Finally the eagle's feather was passed to me. "Dr. Suess is my greatest influence."
A collective chuckle arouse from the table, then hubristic young man sarcastically commented. "I thought we were discussing poems, not nursery rhymes."
I paused to take a deep breath and with a smile responded collectively to everyone at the table. "Considering Ginsberg had such a profound influence on contemporary poets such as yourselves would any of you care to share a verse from one of his many works that inspired you?"
Dead silence!
Everyone glanced slowly at each other hoping the other would answer. Finally the awkward moment was interrupted by our waitress.
"Have you folks decided what you'd like to order," she asked?
I immediately spoke up. "I'll have the green eggs and ham, mam."
As though it were preplanned she responded on cue, "will you have them here, there, or anywhere?"
Now dear readers, before you dismiss me as an old fool, know that the story I just told you is absolutely true.
As the Algonquin roundtable was being polled, I knew I'd be alone. For everyone's answer demonstrated a superior intellect.
"Ginsberg," started the roll call.
Followed by another, "Ginsberg."
Then, "Ralph Waldo Emerson." Funny, no one ever refers to old Ralph by his last name.
"Ginsberg," echoed again. How I hate Ginsberg.
"Ezra Pond," someone said, who dared to be different.
"Mine is Ginsberg as well." By now it was obvious I was an accidental attendee at the Ginsberg Poetry Club.
Finally the eagle's feather was passed to me. "Dr. Suess is my greatest influence."
A collective chuckle arouse from the table, then hubristic young man sarcastically commented. "I thought we were discussing poems, not nursery rhymes."
I paused to take a deep breath and with a smile responded collectively to everyone at the table. "Considering Ginsberg had such a profound influence on contemporary poets such as yourselves would any of you care to share a verse from one of his many works that inspired you?"
Dead silence!
Everyone glanced slowly at each other hoping the other would answer. Finally the awkward moment was interrupted by our waitress.
"Have you folks decided what you'd like to order," she asked?
I immediately spoke up. "I'll have the green eggs and ham, mam."
As though it were preplanned she responded on cue, "will you have them here, there, or anywhere?"
Now dear readers, before you dismiss me as an old fool, know that the story I just told you is absolutely true.
Written by snugglebuck
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Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17616
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17616
Flumadiddle! ( after Theodor [Dr] Seuss Geisel )
It’s Flumadiddle! you see
to assume a fact is fact
by just eyeball-contact!
Flumadiddle! I tell ya!
Look underneath!
See what's hidden yourself!
to think we’re separate
despite a color or two or three;
Flumadiddle! I tell ya!
To see a different
heart or brain or liver, ew'ee!
because a heart is a heart
and a liver a liver, ew'ee!
Flumadiddle! I tell ya!
Because a brain is a brain
regardless of the body it’s in!
to believe Love isn’t Love!
Regardless of boy or girl
Flumadiddle! I tell ya!
to surmise a kiss isn’t a kiss
between two puckered-lips!
'cause some boys are girls
and some girls be boys inside!
Flumadiddle! I tell ya!
To guess which is which
from only the outside!
And guess what?!
There's more to see!
Some are both a he and a she!
Ain't no Flumadiddle 'bout that!
It’s only Flumadiddle! you see
to assume a fact is fact
by just eyeball-contact!
Flumadiddle! I tell ya!
Look underneath!
See what's hidden yourself!
to assume a fact is fact
by just eyeball-contact!
Flumadiddle! I tell ya!
Look underneath!
See what's hidden yourself!
to think we’re separate
despite a color or two or three;
Flumadiddle! I tell ya!
To see a different
heart or brain or liver, ew'ee!
because a heart is a heart
and a liver a liver, ew'ee!
Flumadiddle! I tell ya!
Because a brain is a brain
regardless of the body it’s in!
to believe Love isn’t Love!
Regardless of boy or girl
Flumadiddle! I tell ya!
to surmise a kiss isn’t a kiss
between two puckered-lips!
'cause some boys are girls
and some girls be boys inside!
Flumadiddle! I tell ya!
To guess which is which
from only the outside!
And guess what?!
There's more to see!
Some are both a he and a she!
Ain't no Flumadiddle 'bout that!
It’s only Flumadiddle! you see
to assume a fact is fact
by just eyeball-contact!
Flumadiddle! I tell ya!
Look underneath!
See what's hidden yourself!
Written by Ahavati
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Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17616
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17616
How the Snollygoster Stole Wordmas ( after Theodor [Dr] Seuss Geisel )
Once upon a lifetime
in the heart of a speck of dust,
every little poetic Mite
needed clay to carve their words –
no matter how mundane
or even crazy they seemed;
regardless of any rhyme
rhythm, or even a theme!
Poetry was their life, you see!
And, at the end of each new day
they carved their tablets of clay –
for Wordmas was on its way!
They'd glitter, shine, describe and show
how beautiful writing was!
On Wordmas Eve would gather and read
the fruits of the language they loved!
But, O! Beware! As in all stories there
lived a Snollygoster, rottenest of them all –
had a bitter heart and shriveled soul
from too much unrequited love.
You know the cliché, I don’t have to say
how misery loves its company!
For an old Soucouyant saw his irate state
and took full advantage of her puppetry!
So the Snollygoster became a Sycophant
of the devious Soucouyant –
who felt because she’d arrived first
should control every poetic Mite.
She camouflaged with friendship
plotting to protect her interest–
manipulating the nasty Snollygoster
to do her dirty business
They both hated the poetic Mites
detesting their independence!
And tried many low, unethical ways
to undermine their very existence
A mean pair, they were
living a double-life of resentment –
and grew accustomed to blaming
everyone else with a vengeance
Responsibility wasn’t a word
neither had earnestly used –
except to get what they wanted
and their eyes were set on dust!
So they planned to pummel the burrows
of the strongest poetic Mites –
relentlessly stealing their tablets
and hiding their accomplishments!
With a chomp and a spit
the old Snollygoster crushed
each and every tender verse
as the Mites innocently slept –
He’d slithered and he’d stalked
until all meaning was destroyed –
and no poetic verses were left
No! not even one letter at all!
He masticated the nouns
with the muscles of his jaw!
He suffocated the verbs
with the mucus he dispersed!
He lassoed the adjectives
before they became too tall!
Hung’em from earthen roots
until they moved no more!
Oh and the art! No! No! No!
He’d bonfire them all!
One by one into the blaze
never to be viewed again!
He’d weave and he’d crawl
that’s what he’d do!
And when they awoke
on Wordmass morn –
An entire alphabet would be gone!
And, every single poem too!
Once his dirty deed was done
he returned to the Soucouyant's Coven
for tainted wine and molded bread
to await the crying to begin.
The sun had barely topped the ridge
early that Wordmass morn –
the evil Soucouyant wrung her hands
and the nasty Snollygoster did gloat.
But what they heard that Wordmass morn l
was not what they expected, O! No!
No high-pitched wailing, or gnashing of teeth
cursing or declaration of war!
It started with just one word, yes!
Love was all they heard –
then Hope, Faith and Thankfulness
eagerly followed in suit!
Before the Soucouyant could gasp a lung!
Before the Snollygoster could hack a why!
A poem echoed throughout the land
from the hearts of the poetic Mites:
All it takes is Love and Hope
followed by Faith and Thankfulness!
For what is chiseled in the heart
shall be recited in gratefulness!
For tablets of clay are of the earth
and no more than a humble tool –
to carve and record all our poems
but not from our memory too!
Despite what is taken away from Us
we’ll believe it was for the best!
And sing a song of gratitude –
for Love is what matters the most!
Those who learn Love honestly
without devious plots or malice,
are those who deserve true happiness
knowing the meaning of Wordmass!
The poem shattered the Soucouyant’s coven!
The nasty Snollygoster second-guess
all his actions and what he’d done –
realizing eventually he’d been tricked!
For revenge and heartache aren’t the way
to overcome hatred and strife!
Only forgiveness can mend the Spirit
and responsibility for one’s own actions
There is a lesson to be learned
by each and every being born –
You cannot blame another Soul
for the pain you have endured.
Only through pure acceptance
can you truly, truly Love –
For in acceptance lieth peace
and enables you to move on.
The poetic Mites did recite
and with their loud voice thanked –
the Soucouyant and Snollygoster
for the most important gift!
And especially hoped, someday
even prayed for a miracle to occur –
that the Soucouyant and Snollygoster
would find true peace and Love.
"Amen. Amen. Amen!”
The End
in the heart of a speck of dust,
every little poetic Mite
needed clay to carve their words –
no matter how mundane
or even crazy they seemed;
regardless of any rhyme
rhythm, or even a theme!
Poetry was their life, you see!
And, at the end of each new day
they carved their tablets of clay –
for Wordmas was on its way!
They'd glitter, shine, describe and show
how beautiful writing was!
On Wordmas Eve would gather and read
the fruits of the language they loved!
But, O! Beware! As in all stories there
lived a Snollygoster, rottenest of them all –
had a bitter heart and shriveled soul
from too much unrequited love.
You know the cliché, I don’t have to say
how misery loves its company!
For an old Soucouyant saw his irate state
and took full advantage of her puppetry!
So the Snollygoster became a Sycophant
of the devious Soucouyant –
who felt because she’d arrived first
should control every poetic Mite.
She camouflaged with friendship
plotting to protect her interest–
manipulating the nasty Snollygoster
to do her dirty business
They both hated the poetic Mites
detesting their independence!
And tried many low, unethical ways
to undermine their very existence
A mean pair, they were
living a double-life of resentment –
and grew accustomed to blaming
everyone else with a vengeance
Responsibility wasn’t a word
neither had earnestly used –
except to get what they wanted
and their eyes were set on dust!
So they planned to pummel the burrows
of the strongest poetic Mites –
relentlessly stealing their tablets
and hiding their accomplishments!
With a chomp and a spit
the old Snollygoster crushed
each and every tender verse
as the Mites innocently slept –
He’d slithered and he’d stalked
until all meaning was destroyed –
and no poetic verses were left
No! not even one letter at all!
He masticated the nouns
with the muscles of his jaw!
He suffocated the verbs
with the mucus he dispersed!
He lassoed the adjectives
before they became too tall!
Hung’em from earthen roots
until they moved no more!
Oh and the art! No! No! No!
He’d bonfire them all!
One by one into the blaze
never to be viewed again!
He’d weave and he’d crawl
that’s what he’d do!
And when they awoke
on Wordmass morn –
An entire alphabet would be gone!
And, every single poem too!
Once his dirty deed was done
he returned to the Soucouyant's Coven
for tainted wine and molded bread
to await the crying to begin.
The sun had barely topped the ridge
early that Wordmass morn –
the evil Soucouyant wrung her hands
and the nasty Snollygoster did gloat.
But what they heard that Wordmass morn l
was not what they expected, O! No!
No high-pitched wailing, or gnashing of teeth
cursing or declaration of war!
It started with just one word, yes!
Love was all they heard –
then Hope, Faith and Thankfulness
eagerly followed in suit!
Before the Soucouyant could gasp a lung!
Before the Snollygoster could hack a why!
A poem echoed throughout the land
from the hearts of the poetic Mites:
All it takes is Love and Hope
followed by Faith and Thankfulness!
For what is chiseled in the heart
shall be recited in gratefulness!
For tablets of clay are of the earth
and no more than a humble tool –
to carve and record all our poems
but not from our memory too!
Despite what is taken away from Us
we’ll believe it was for the best!
And sing a song of gratitude –
for Love is what matters the most!
Those who learn Love honestly
without devious plots or malice,
are those who deserve true happiness
knowing the meaning of Wordmass!
The poem shattered the Soucouyant’s coven!
The nasty Snollygoster second-guess
all his actions and what he’d done –
realizing eventually he’d been tricked!
For revenge and heartache aren’t the way
to overcome hatred and strife!
Only forgiveness can mend the Spirit
and responsibility for one’s own actions
There is a lesson to be learned
by each and every being born –
You cannot blame another Soul
for the pain you have endured.
Only through pure acceptance
can you truly, truly Love –
For in acceptance lieth peace
and enables you to move on.
The poetic Mites did recite
and with their loud voice thanked –
the Soucouyant and Snollygoster
for the most important gift!
And especially hoped, someday
even prayed for a miracle to occur –
that the Soucouyant and Snollygoster
would find true peace and Love.
"Amen. Amen. Amen!”
The End
Written by Ahavati
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Related submission no longer exists.
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17616
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17616
A Sneetch ( after Theodor [Dr] Seuss Geisel )
There are havettes, and have notettes–
yet in all honesty, without possessions
who can tell the difference?!
They appear the same shape –
male and female alike; O! But wait!
is it a tittle of a title they covet?!
Or, perhaps, in all honesty –
it’s a jealousy thing ; O! Me! Why
clonedingus another Sneetch?
We each have our trinkets – we’re all
born completus; O! Yet, it’s not enough!
Some Sneetches choose to be leeches!
Is it fortune, fame they don’t deserve –
but feel they should; O! Silly Sneetches!
Stop doppleganging the goods!
No Sneetch is better than another –
so why copycatador; O! it’s drama
you seek! Why not live as you are?
Then you'd get no attentioning –
and wouldn’t feel complete; O! pity
it is! You strive to be someone else.
One day when you’re not a Sneetchette –
it's all so befuddling; O! you’ll realize
how foolish you were when a youngling!
You’ll accept your Sneetchessness –
live happily to boot; O! what's that?!
Another Sneetchlet is doppleganging you!
Ha! Take that you Sniveling Sneetch!
You Sneetching Sniveler!
Sneetches don't have to be the same
or even close to similar!
yet in all honesty, without possessions
who can tell the difference?!
They appear the same shape –
male and female alike; O! But wait!
is it a tittle of a title they covet?!
Or, perhaps, in all honesty –
it’s a jealousy thing ; O! Me! Why
clonedingus another Sneetch?
We each have our trinkets – we’re all
born completus; O! Yet, it’s not enough!
Some Sneetches choose to be leeches!
Is it fortune, fame they don’t deserve –
but feel they should; O! Silly Sneetches!
Stop doppleganging the goods!
No Sneetch is better than another –
so why copycatador; O! it’s drama
you seek! Why not live as you are?
Then you'd get no attentioning –
and wouldn’t feel complete; O! pity
it is! You strive to be someone else.
One day when you’re not a Sneetchette –
it's all so befuddling; O! you’ll realize
how foolish you were when a youngling!
You’ll accept your Sneetchessness –
live happily to boot; O! what's that?!
Another Sneetchlet is doppleganging you!
Ha! Take that you Sniveling Sneetch!
You Sneetching Sniveler!
Sneetches don't have to be the same
or even close to similar!
Written by Ahavati
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Better hurry and get your entries in while you can, DUPeeps - this comp is soon to expire in less than 12 hours !!!

Ahavati and I would like to thank each person who took the time to read about
Theodor Seuss Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss, as well as write a tribute poem. Each entrant's submission was very much appreciated. Webmiss should be creating a theme dedicated to him very soon.
This was extremely challenging, as Ahavati and I discovered for ourselves while writing our own example entries. Who in Whoville knew how difficult it would be for Us and you to write a tribute in the style of Seuss through and through?!?
That being said, the winners are as follows:
eswaller, your submission, ''All the Places You'll Go! (A Take on Dr. Seuss)" was a great tribute to Seuss conveying the essence of his writing style. The trophy is awarded to you! Congratulations for accomplishing the difficult task you volunteered for.
Snugglebuck, you were awarded second place primarily because you opted to forego an attempt in Seuss's style, though your submission was very impressive and illustrated how familiar people from all walks of life are with his poetry that left an impression on their lives.
Unfortunately, due to timing of the Holidays and this being a two week long comp, no one else entered! Or took advantage of the lack of competition to secure at least a runner up award.
Again, Thank You to all who entered. Seuss was a genius who transcended generations with his highly energized stories accompanied with playful artwork and morals; he deserves to be remembered. Because of each submission here, he will be via a hashtag on DUP.
Theodor Seuss Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss, as well as write a tribute poem. Each entrant's submission was very much appreciated. Webmiss should be creating a theme dedicated to him very soon.
This was extremely challenging, as Ahavati and I discovered for ourselves while writing our own example entries. Who in Whoville knew how difficult it would be for Us and you to write a tribute in the style of Seuss through and through?!?
That being said, the winners are as follows:
eswaller, your submission, ''All the Places You'll Go! (A Take on Dr. Seuss)" was a great tribute to Seuss conveying the essence of his writing style. The trophy is awarded to you! Congratulations for accomplishing the difficult task you volunteered for.
Snugglebuck, you were awarded second place primarily because you opted to forego an attempt in Seuss's style, though your submission was very impressive and illustrated how familiar people from all walks of life are with his poetry that left an impression on their lives.
Unfortunately, due to timing of the Holidays and this being a two week long comp, no one else entered! Or took advantage of the lack of competition to secure at least a runner up award.
Again, Thank You to all who entered. Seuss was a genius who transcended generations with his highly energized stories accompanied with playful artwork and morals; he deserves to be remembered. Because of each submission here, he will be via a hashtag on DUP.
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17616
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17616
Congratulations, Elena and Snugglebuck! 📝🏆📝🏆Thank you for braving a difficult one! We appreciate it! Dr Seuss will be immortalized here at DUP thanks to all efforts!

I will be taking a break from our Classic Corner tribute series to focus on a different competition that will launch after the New Year.
This particular competition will be a fun yet challenging exercise that will help prepare you for the NaPo/GloProWriMo 2019 that Ahavati and I will once again be hosting - stay tuned into our comp threads for further announcements! 📝🎤
I will be taking a break from our Classic Corner tribute series to focus on a different competition that will launch after the New Year.
This particular competition will be a fun yet challenging exercise that will help prepare you for the NaPo/GloProWriMo 2019 that Ahavati and I will once again be hosting - stay tuned into our comp threads for further announcements! 📝🎤