Competition Ends 8th March 2025 1:59pm

The Infernal Forest

Daniel Long
Thought Provoker
United States 10awards
Joined 26th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 220

Poetry Contest

You are trekking through the woods with your poetry journal and come to realize that you have wandered into Hell. Write a new poem describing what you see, hear and feel in the infernal forest.

Daniel Long
Thought Provoker
United States 10awards
Joined 26th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 220

The Infernal Forest

Amiss I crossed
unknowingly into Hell’s frost,

within a mortal’s journey in a dismal wood of sin,
little I knew a divine odyssey would begin.

I awoke off the True Path!
Lord! Dip this careless flesh in your bath of wrath!

In our infernal forest, I departed from the way of light!
Oh, Divine One, with anguish deliver to me a smite!

How to say how wicked,
such a place makes the saints justly livid!

Never witnessed so rank, so dismal,
the non-christened regiments abysmal.

So savagely untamed its rough growth twas’ in this woodland!
Behind every scorched timber hid a sinful band.

The chalice of Christ’s blood dry,
to my fear, gives eyes to the dead.
Written by gothicsurrealism (Daniel Long)
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Daniel Long
Thought Provoker
United States 10awards
Joined 26th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 220

Non-entry submission

Tyrant of Words
United States 16awards
Joined 22nd Jan 2024
Forum Posts: 122

Hell ain't so bad

Within the depths, where dreams come true
Echoes of hope, where Lucifer loves you
Flames dance, a delightful sight
Inferno whispers through the night

Freedom to say, a care-free state
On tranquil paths, no room for hate
Each laugh, a happy story
In hell's release, heartfelt glory

Pleasant nights, dawn will arise
Cool whispering flames, blue clear skies
A realm of pleasure, you'll never want to leave
In these delightful depths of hell, always believe
Written by Vision_of_insanity
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17119

Journey through Darkness

I wander through the woods  
shadows dance just behind me
path once seen in darkness brood
my heart pounds in crippling fear
home maybe at the other end
warmth of my mother’s hearth
might be waiting to welcome
lonely journey fear stops heart  
I hear anguished cries of fear
the whispers of darkness intensify
harsh breathing around my feet
above the branches menacingly creaks
A ghoulish glow from above the trees
the moon wans as a dying man
its silver drapes a ghostly tableau
the forest is alive with death echoes
I hear them falter and creep
the unknown creatures, ghosts or ghouls
they cry whisper sob and weep
moaning that they lost their souls
Trembling with fear I run so fast
the meadow I see before me
I see my mother’s house at last
will I reach her door before they feast
Written by Grace (IDryad)
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Dangerous Mind
Portugal 24awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 359

Topical Pain Forest

The forest breathes with a sinister sigh.
Branches grasp like hands from the sky.
Lost souls wander, forever to vie,
for fragments of truths in shadows that lie.
In hell's embrace where hopes slowly die.

Through the underbrush a path of pain,
tears of the damned fall like bitter rain,
visions of pasts that darkened remain.
Lost meanings echo in a mournful refrain,
a symphony of sorrow, eternal disdain.

In the heart of darkness an abyss profound
where lost meanings whisper without a sound.
Sins and regrets in shadows are bound,
the weight of despair a heavy surround.
In hell's forest, no solace is found.
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Daniel Long
Thought Provoker
United States 10awards
Joined 26th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 220

Excellent entries so far!

Fire of Insight
Norway 7awards
Joined 16th Aug 2023
Forum Posts: 283


thin sound where clarities begin
celebrant sacrosanct shadow
linger long linguistic shade
wipe this breaking brow

tearing off bridal and burial gown
o psycho pomp covet me with dark velvet
do not kiss these hyacinth lips
this blood is too spilled
to forget

rudiments ripple
dulcet tones

alder wood anguish
androgyn shape
dueling duality

o neurotic neutron star
your monochrome catastrophe
awaits me

copyrights © owned by Rianne 2025                                          
all rights reserved
Written by Anne-Ri999
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Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2024
Forum Posts: 213

Even Shadows Are Afraid

It's a Heavenly sunny day            
To embark on a forest fray            
A path awaits, a hidden trail            
The woods aroma I inhale            
A chance to set my mind at ease            
While searching for inner peace            
A rock upon the flowing creek            
Feeling nature I hear her speak            
Babbling water, calm and serene            
Refreshing moments in this dream            
Tranquil echoes, the chilling breeze            
Softly whistling through fallen leaves            
Then hell ensued, natures desire            
A rage of burning leaves on fire            
Dark secrets expose empty woods            
Souls etched in bark that never could            
Flee the darkness nor find the light            
Vulnerable prey couldn't fight            
Predators hunt, then they devour            
Victims they have overpowered            
Bodies hidden by dirt and mud            
Nearby rivers remove the blood            
Accomplices in this crime scene            
Tandemly working killing dreams            
Trees dying from the deepest cuts            
As nature hides all their secrets            
A world void and absent of light            
Heaven and hell are out of sight            
Perched on this observatory            
My reflective purgatory            
Here souls are lost and souls are cold            
Between the timelines getting old            
Haunted by my life's masquerade            
Where even shadows are afraid            
To find redemption on this path            
By facing God to feel his wrath
Written by Mstrmnd1923
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Daniel Long
Thought Provoker
United States 10awards
Joined 26th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 220

Excellent work Anne and Mastrmd!

Tyrant of Words
United States 20awards
Joined 7th Mar 2021
Forum Posts: 282

The Doorway to Hell

That night I was extra super fucked up
Fallen through the bottom of my cup
Absolutely resolutely down in the dump
Smashing a liquor bottle on a tree stump

Fuck the world - Said in a whirl
Pining over my lost girl
Farther and farther away – Mile by mile
Sanity unseen in a while

Prepared to jump into traffic: Tragic
Or off a bridge or ridge: Manic
Anything to stop the chaos in my brain: Static
Something-anything: Automatic

So why the hell not visit the doorway to hell
A tree in a forest where every bird fell
Reported to be a place where one may fall
Into hell with merely a call

So I ventured to the forest of light and shadows
An eeriness looming like the gallows
Deep into the depths – From the shallows
Where I found a tree like fiery coals that glows

The tree was burning from the inside
Perfect for the burn of this infernal ride
I made the call and jumped inside
Into a place where shadow and light collide

I entered a world of mind bending illusions
Designed for my mind in bending mind diffusions
Masturbating monkeys in rafter exhibitions
Midgets in mid-drifts in unicycle positions

There was an assortment of creatures
A cast aghast with wicked features
A loopy group with monstrous statures
I asked if there were any blutooth speakers

And we did the monster mash

Written by Cipher_O (WarlordoftheWrittenWord)
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Fire of Insight
Nigeria 4awards
Joined 12th Dec 2020
Forum Posts: 96

Vision Of Insanity

ALL the WORLD needs IS a RESULT from YOU, deliver IT and IT'S gonna PAY YOU..  
By the end of this session, my mission accomplished
What follows next only leads to sanity..  
If you ever happen to meet me on the way    
Behave with me so kindly  
Back home, I got this charity  
I've never ever looked down on any needy  
The most dangerous thing is facing reality  
At that instance, you know it's a game of probability  
A conflict within any family  
Fulfilling one's wishes in vanity  

So fragile at first just a seed or a seedling
From a cradle through the ranks, I graced the throne in a castle
Now standing firmly rooting the earth called me Iroko or mahogany    
In the whole world of economy    
I've turned out to be the most precious commodity  
In a very demanding world    
All the options put together you can only call it scarcity    
Using my darkest art here in the most darkest symphony    
Against all odds  
Defying the law of gravity..  
In the art of economy    
I happened to be the hottest commodity    
Let's be frank It's not at all easy  
Thriving in an evil's community
Living and working in the devil's territory  
I don't remember telling you before that I've this vision of insanity    

This world you and I live in is just an infirmary
All of us held hostage in a demon's custody
The unholy place where I know lust before puberty
Each footstep is within the perimeter of an evil territory
Wherein, if you don't hustle somehow you got condemned to poverty

Every day on the way to the bank clearing my checks, it's always busy
Making a living in one's enemy colony
A pest in a haste I told you it is not at all easy
To the word confinement, please add another word solitary
An impossible mission to accomplish and it is compulsory
Always in motion with nor emotions
A man of action with no cautions
In all this commotion
In my sight, I've a single vision
The only place I can peep, and see things beyond reality
Are you asking me about sanity?  
I have since turned myself into an Agama lizard defending external intruders from entering my colony  
Just take a look at yourself amigo you sound so silly  
Disclaimer or a trailer called it, but it's beyond reality    
Thought I told you since forever I lose my sanity  
Ever since I found out about my new reality    
I couldn't even sleep with the hottest hotel receptionist
Simply coz..    
My vision is that of insanity!  
 I used this sense of humor during my sophomore years living in a sorority    
Where I sat down in an oasis of serenity  
Where you can see me dancing with destiny    
At the center of a life cycle  
The only spot you can twirl and whirl with reality  
It is within my right    
In broad daylight    
To kill somebody    
In front of everybody    
Simply coz..    
My vision is that of insanity!  
Never judge me, I've this vision of insanity    
I rabble rouse inside a symphony    
In my bid of becoming the hottest commodity    
I could've studied the bible so well and become the next pope..    
But I chose to make my own dope    
You see two ways how to kiss the girl destiny  
All because of my visions of insanity  
In the art of economy, I am the hottest commodity

In the aftermath, the diminishing return of all these is sanity..
Written by Numer90 (Numer0-un0)
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Daniel Long
Thought Provoker
United States 10awards
Joined 26th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 220

Excellent entry Numer90!

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