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Music Thread ~

Fire of Insight
Netherlands 3awards
Joined 8th Apr 2022
Forum Posts: 180

Ahavati said:Ohhh I learned something musically new today!  This Dark/New Moon has me wanting to sleep! I had to drag myself out of bed this morning. Thank goodness for music!


Thank you for posting this Frisson picture.
The person thinking this up is cutting corners a bit, I’m afraid.

Frisson is a commonly known French word. And a very nice one at that.
I’m a quarter French so to speak, so the word Frisson is enough for me. Even without music.
The 🇳🇱 Netherlands has one flag
And two languages.
In Frisian it is opwining.
In Dutch it’s huivering, while the ‘ui’ is one letter and is pronounced as https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/50/Nl-huivering.ogg

In English I would use the word Thrill.

I too, can be thrilled by music, painting (or oil pastels), poetry and so on.
And I love the sensation!
Kind regards, Gus

Average Joe. AJ. Joe
Dangerous Mind
United States 1awards
Joined 8th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 658

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 8th Jan 2025
Forum Posts: 2

This is the perfect place to post this i think, because I don't know if i want to release this to the WIDE world quite yet, but DU has a special place in my heart, so...
This song is mine/me, wrote it for somebody who doesn't believe theyre worth anyone loving them and thinks that theyre a burden in everyone's lives and like... Doesn't know how much she means to me, or how much she helps me by just being there with me, and like.... ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ send me a message and let me know what you guys think if you give it a listen


Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 22nd May 2022
Forum Posts: 201

Hoping all poets are doing well and that your winters transition to spring all smooth and cool-like, with no sudden movements. Looks like another week of customer complaints and freezing ditches for me. We're getting there


Dangerous Mind
Palestine 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 2268

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2144

Enjoy your evening everyone and have a spiritual upcoming week.

Love and Hugs, always, goodnight.


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