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Kitty's Korner

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2122

Well you certainly raised several factors, my poet, I will try to address some of your concerns since you were generous enough to provide me with mental information originating from your thoughts.

As a Professional Nurse of Mental Health, I have seen the statistics when it deviate from the norm, my poet and as I stand here today, yes, the European Race, are more prone to receive Mental Therapy, and I do not say that to be bias, my father, mind me in mentioning, is of French European descendants, therefore, I am relating to the percentage of what I see, who seek  counseling , and report to you, without comprising my integrity or subjecting myself  to breaking HIPPA violations, who are receiving  some form of mental counseling, the media has a way of influencing the dynamics of the mind, resonating the half of a truth.

My poet, you are the passenger in my vehicle, my foot is the one on the gas pedal, in simplistic terms, you have no idea, or can you even imagine the complexity of the mind. In addition, this has nothing to do with race therefore, it is a fact, I am the counselor behind those encounter forms for billing purposes and what society are led to believe are false perceptions. I do not embellish the truth, I can only give you my research, my findings, and as I stated there are more, Europeans who receive counseling than any other ethnic groups.

Yes, you may have to consider some of the variables; such as African Americans or any other ethic non-European group of people , we are the cornerstone of post-emancipation, and I give spiritual credence to any darker hue person who withstood that type of detrimental mistreatment, to be enslaved in a toxic environment and upheld under a Master’s whip, tar and feathered, lynched, or hunted, and here today, harmonic intellect are still intact to continue on that generational life journey, is spectacular and quite moving .

The sins upon the father shall and will be visited upon the children.

You have children and well as four years old on medications, because the child cannot sleep, lack of focus, disruptive in school, I was home schooled by my grann, however, if that behavioral was ever display, oh my goodness a stern beating with a ruler, and that shit hurt just to recall those times when I sassed her for not learning English fast enough.

Here today, the system has taken these measures out of school, therefore, the educators, are the mouth of the cradle, per say, the authority figure who tells the parents, their child cannot return to school, until they have sought counseling, and that is a tender age group, whereas, most ,not all, will  be prescribed Melatonin, the first form of defense when a child is suffering from insomnia, or night terrors., then as that child matures, and become socially disruptive, due to a brain chemical unbalance from being introduced to medications that did not inspire a mind to learn, to harness a natural reaction to become self- discipline.

Then you have the teenagers, who need counseling, and I have noticed there are more women depressed than men, once again, more Europeans in this age group; counseling for self-mutilation, suicidal indentation, no mental energy to want to inspire, whereas depression as manifested.

I do not every look upon my professional as being black, white, native...etc. I have to triage, asses, then properly diagnose, and I have never placed any stipulations on the progress or misdiagnosed any patients. There are no relative theories here, in my profession, it is what my eyes have seen and continue to see on a daily basis.

Take into consideration, African Americans do not seek mental therapy as quickly as non-European, it is more of a burden of time, the embarrassment, and the lack of access to the quality care offered in their community based medical facilities, no insurance as times, no transportation, or those are for white folks, or what would people think.

Let my voice be heard, and from here it shall remain as following  

I am spiritual, and the divinity of my roots is of the old West African Ideology, sanctified from my grann, and after the rituals of a female birth, my great-grann, my grann who are High Priestesses, performed it is referred to in Haitian as, “Lave Tet”

My path was already preordained, and under no circumstances in this lifetime or the preceding next, do we or will we ever stray from Allah’s covenant and that is stated below.

Matthew 19:4-6 (NIV): He replied, ‘that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? So, they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, let no one separate.’"

He did not say, cleave unto another man, he did not say, for a woman to cleave unto another woman, Allah did not say alter your lifestyle, He did not say remove, or replace your sacred body parts, He made a female as woman, and a male as man, to entwine as one, the man shall release his seeds, as a woman climaxes to receive the insignia of his future generations, this is a spiritual gift as a Nubian Queen, unto a Hebrew King I submit unto him… oo.. that even sound so sexy, so realistic, spiritual, is for me, and will always be for me, the biblical way, and it has never deviated and never will I, and that is my assessment in light of gay people or who is living an altered lifestyles, and I do not condemn anyone’s existence, we are all human, however, you asked, and I told the truth, as I just do not embrace neither.

Thank you, my poet, because you were brave enough to come all in my hive, for the truth, I admire you for that, God, I do, and thank you for allowing me, to remain to stand my ground in my silent observation from what my eyes, have seen and one day at a time, may I always, find the common ground of myself, to see and listen to the thoughts of others.

Love and Hugs, to you, always,

Surprise guest
Thought Provoker
Australia 1awards
Joined 11th June 2024
Forum Posts: 102

Ok thank you clarifying the Europeans bit,
I just wasn't sure.
I'm not what my background I consist of or weather or not I have convict roots or settler (possibly settler simply cause my state i live in didn't have convict settlements, though I'm bad with our history not my subject nor does it bother me either way) I'm not entirely sure what to answer with. Throughout history everyone has subjugated everyone. i guess UK was just more prolific, leading to what happened in both our countries. Slavery genocide, etc will likely never stop just due to human nature and/or people with means believing they can do what they like.
You don't have to answer more if you don't want too, i like philosophical conversations and i have a tendency to question things. I don't mean any disrespect or anything.

I am not a fan of religion, its complicated to explain but I'm not disagreeing that there may be a god i just dont think religious texts are describing god(s).
So people are born how they're born because our genetics mutate creating beneficial or non beneficial traits or i guess neutral too.
So in regards to what texts say about men and women only bedding. If this entity is omniscient (omnipresent and omnipotent).
Why would it allow for a deviation to occur in the creation? It would know it was going to happen before it did it, therefore if it were a problem wouldn't do it. There wouldn't be any need to punish anyone because it knowingly made humans able to evolve leading to conditions that would likely cause people to have propensities that ran counter to its will.
So i think those texts are describing something more advanced, that we saw as gods.
(I've thought this for a long time its not because of all the stuff going on now).
Anyway, thank you for the initial reply.

Your line of work is interesting.
Humans are extremely complex and the mind is fascinating.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2122

My poet, I do believe, you asked me a question, and I pondered enough and answered it, truthfully and without sounding obtuse or biased.

Henceforth, I am a Board Certified APRN licensed by the state of New York, and I thoroughly understand the dynamics, as so, the scientific biological structures of the human body, and that further extends to the chromosomes' actions/role in plays in genetics, not to negate, the practice of ancient gene splicing and I have made my stance clear, and I could accept some of your points, whereas, others I will try to classify.

What Is Gene Splicing

Gene splicing is a process used in genetic engineering to manipulate and modify an organism’s DNA. It involves cutting a gene from one organism’s DNA and inserting it into another organism’s DNA. This technique allows scientists to study the functions of genes, produce genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and develop new medical treatments.

Here’s a simplified overview of what I mean in reference to gene splicing from a medical/scientific viewpoint.
Isolation: The desired gene is isolated from the DNA of an organism.

Cutting: Using restriction enzymes, the gene is cut out from the DNA.
Inserting: The isolated gene is inserted into the DNA of another organism, often using a vector (like a plasmid or virus).
Joining: The DNA fragments are joined together using DNA ligase, creating a new, modified DNA sequence.
Replication: The modified DNA is replicated within the host organism, leading to the expression of the new gene.

Gene splicing has many uses.

Agriculture: Creating crops that are resistant to pests, diseases, or environmental conditions.
Medicine: Developing gene therapies to treat genetic disorders or diseases.
Research: Studying gene functions and interactions in various organisms.

Therefore, I do not blanket anyone with my quiet, reservation, however you mentioned slavery, nevertheless, please be advised there are variations of that detrimental term, and the era for which it became a human burden.

Yes, slavery has been around far too long, and be advised every race, has been enslaved, therefore, you must always research your history as well as others, it makes it more appropriate when you are conversing, debating, or just making a valid point.

Let me be clear in my analogy, I am not against anyone’s lifestyle, I am not the Heavenly Creator, and if you are born with certain emotions, it is not my vow, or the crest of my Haitian culture, to denounce, however, I prefer, and will always accept my culture ideology, of a Biological Man to a Biological Woman nuptial, and if a person, is committed to their lifestyle, and debating for their sense of freedom to accept, it gets the intellect, nowhere, and to me, a waste of my mental energy.

The mind becomes fickle and reducing its tenor to become one-sided, which, I prefer not to entertain the notion, I respect your assertions, to address, in essence of that, you have to learn to respect mine, as long as we can agree and disagree in a healthy conduit manner.

The world is too vast, surviving is too costly for me to profess this world moves in the oracle of black and white, being in the medical profession, there are no blinders on, you must think in the shades of gray to treat everyone accordingly. With that being stated, I choose not to covet other’s opinions, not until I am asked, or provoked, more so to defend my opinions, whereas, I try never to lessen anyone else’s.

In regard to slavery as you’ve mentioned, in your opening remarks, yes, our ancestors as well as yours, once upon a time in history, has given free labor of hands, or the women held against their will and offered in exchange for sex trafficking.

Yes, white people have also been enslaved throughout history. The term ‘white slavery’ refers to the enslavement of European ethnic groups by non-Europeans and other Europeans.

For example, during the Arab slave trade, Europeans were among those captured and traded. European women were often sought after as concubines in the harems of many Muslim rulers.

In medieval Europe, various forms of slavery existed, including serfdom and indentured servitude. Additionally, during the Barbary slave trade, many European Christians were captured and sold into slavery in North Africa.

It’s important to recognize that slavery has affected people of all races and ethnicities throughout history.

“White slavery” refers to the enslavement of Europeans by non-Europeans or other Europeans throughout history. This unfair treatment of any human practice was prevalent in various regions and periods.

Ancient Rome: Slavery in ancient Rome often included European slaves, depending on their socio-economic status and national affiliation.
Arab Slave Trade: Europeans were among those traded by Arabs, with European women often sought as concubines in harems.
Barbary Slave Trade: From the 16th to the 18th centuries, European Christians were captured and enslaved by Barbary pirates along the North African coast. Estimates suggest that between 1 million and 1.25 million Europeans were enslaved during this period.
Feudal Europe: Various forms of unfree labor existed, including serfdom and slavery.

The term ‘white slavery’ was also used in the 19th century to describe the forced prostitution and sexual slavery of girls in European brothels.
It’s a complex and often overlooked part of history that highlights the widespread nature of slavery beyond racial lines.

If you do not know your history, my love, you are doomed to repeat it.


Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely

Smile and please enjoy the remainder of your Thursday

Love and Universal Hugs, always,
SKC Interim DON, APRN🪽

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