The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )
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📍Note: Mars and Medea Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
Understanding OOB Planets:
❗️OOB Mars Retrograde in effect:
🌒 Waxing Crescent, Aries:
💫 #ApectingtheCosmos: Sun, Feb 02, 2025: Don't be afraid to look success in the eyes today! You deserve it!
Our head and hearts are aligned this morning when the Moon in Aries sextile Mercury in Aquarius. Communication should flow easily between how we feel and what we think. Excellent time for focusing on projects that require a burst of energy as well as spiritual advancement.
Our dedication and hard work pay off midafternoon when the Moon in Aries sextile Jupiter Rx in Gemini. Don't be afraid to look success in the eye. You deserve it!
Tonight, the Moon in Aries sextile the Sun in Aquarius, creating an opportunity to just be who we are without worry of what others may think. We should feel confident in our own skin and emotional expression, which in turn allows us to create stronger bonds with others.
✨Degrees/Aspects/Time EST:
11:35 AM: Moon in Aries sextile Mercury in Aquarius @ 09°12'
03:03 PM: Moon in Aries sextile Jupiter Rx in Gemini @ 11°16'
08:23 PM: Moon in Aries sextile Sun in Aquarius @ 14°27'
#Art: Askar
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Weekly Oracle Card Reading & Celestial Guidance: Feb 02 - 08, 2025
49. Eleventh House: Community
Americans are seeking answers to questions we never thought we’d have to ask. Community is the answer.
The answer to our query could lie among our social and spiritual circles as well as our work associates. Relish community and envision methods of creating bonds that produce positive effects. At work, think about how to put together a dream team with complementary skills and mutual respect for one another. Contemplate how to make meetings nimble and dynamic, exciting and efficient.
♥️Full reading:
💫🧭Celestial Guidance: February 02 - 08, 2025
Sunday brings wonderful opportunities when the Moon sextile Mercury, Jupiter, and the Sun! Don't be afraid to look success in the eyes! You deserve it!
Considering there may be another way to view something keeps us safe from narrow-mindedness early Tuesday morning when the Moon conjuncts Chiron square OOB Mars Rx.
Wednesday aligns with this week's oracle card: An answer we seek are more likely to come when we relax the mind rather than pushing it. Connecting with community can be the sought-after solution.
🗓 Full Celestial Schedule:
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📍Note: Mars and Medea Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
Understanding OOB Planets:
❗️OOB Mars Retrograde in effect:
🌒 Waxing Crescent, Aries -> Taurus:
🚨EXTENDED Void-of-Course time: 5:19 AM - 10:34 PM:
💫 #ApectingtheCosmos: Mon, Feb 03, 2025: Considering there may be alternative ways to view circumstances keeps us from becoming narrow-minded.
Powerful energy for East Coast early birds this morning when the Moon conjuncts Chiron in Aries square OOB Mars Rx in Cancer. Domestic relationships are featured here, so are opportunities to heal through them or help them heal. The challenge is reaching compromise through conflict rather than wanting it all our way. Consider the possibility there may be another way.
Relief arrives late afternoon when Mercury in Aquarius trine Jupiter Rx in Gemini, opening a channel of communication and expansion involving relationships and wishes, dreams, and goals. The key to navigating this energy is remaining humble and recognizing/accepting what we cannot change, then focusing on what we can.
Tonight, OOB Mars Rx square Chiron in Aries, giving way to emotional triggers. The House of Saturn teaches us relationship lessons that may or may not include things we wish we hadn't done or said. However, the doing and/or saying can be the lesson itself.
Pause before reacting so that you can respond more compassionately or understanding that others may be triggered, and it really has nothing do to with you. Your choice on whether to react or respond has everything to do with you.
✨Degrees/Aspects/Time EST:
#Art: @Katarína Vavrová Artist
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Venus enters Aries overnight @ 2:57 AM, 5th House, the natural home of Leo ruled by the Sun.
"Venus was originally an Italian goddess of blossoms; hearts and flowers eventually were incorporated into this mythos due to her loving, passionate and creative energies; in fact, her name became the root for the word venerate—to lift up, worship, or esteem."
Later she was adopted by the Greeks as Aphrodite, Goddess of Love, followed by the Roman Venus.
Venus enters her detriment in Aries; therefore, her influence will assume more of Aries' coloration; therefore, be cautious about our actions and behavior. Venus is notorious for socializing and flirting, which can set some wildfires of emotion where quick-tempered Aries is concerned.
The fifth house represents our playful side, which emerges only after work is completed and it's time for entertainment and celebration. It embodies the charming, creative, and delightful aspects of our personality, where we discover our hobbies, interests, and companions for leisure activities.
Joy is encapsulated here, and the fifth house radiates when we engage in creativity, allowing us to recognize a fragment of ourselves within our creations, ranging from the smile of our child to a work of art. This house is also traditionally associated with speculation, so be careful what you assume or put forth as truth.
The transit of Venus typically signifies a period when the cosmos bestows upon us a modest gift of warmth or affection, as well as a well-earned respite. These times are often sociable and amiable, where we engage in more mingling than usual and show greater interest in fine dining and comfortable surroundings over anything that resembles work.
During the span of this transit, Venus will traverse approximately one degree every two days. This gradual transition will allow us to observe subtle changes in our sentiments regarding love and romance until she stations retrograde March 01 @ 7:36 PM, EST, at which time the energy fluctuates to introspection, checks and balances, as finances could go off the rails during this Rx.
Aries' energy motivates us to embrace boldness and creativity in matters of love; however, with Venus Rx we may demonstrate a bit more caution in our actions by refusing to make impulsive decisions. Whether considering a separation, reunion, or established boundary, we are more apt to take our time.
Venus Rx will re-enter Pisces March 27 @ 4:41 AM EST.
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Opening quote and Art: She Who Is
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📍Note: Mars and Medea Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
Understanding OOB Planets:
❗️OOB Mars Retrograde in effect:
🌒 1st Quarter, Taurus:
💖♉️Venus enters Aries:
🌟♊️Jupiter Stations Direct in Gemini:
💫 ApectingtheCosmos: Tue, Feb 04, 2025: Tension is created from resistance, more so within us than without.
Moon in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius. Inner or outer tension between a grounded reality and rebellious visionary may be at the forefront. Confide in someone you trust not to misunderstand you. Transformation is on the horizon.
✨Degrees/Aspects/Time EST:
#Art: Katarína Vavrová
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Jupiter stationed Direct in Gemini this morning @ 4:41 AM, EST in the 6th House, the natural home of Virgo ruled by Mercury, bringing and expanded spark of ideas!
Jupiter, the planet of expansion, growth, and optimism, is always in pursuit of grand truths. It rules Sagittarius and is linked with the higher mind, encompassing philosophy, truth, and religion.
The retrograde motion of Jupiter is rarely malevolent; however, it might've hindered our comprehension, leading to complexity and obstacles affecting higher education, especially if we had difficult aspects to this cosmic protector.
Challenges in communication, conveying thoughts and feelings, and acquiring assistance are all associated with Jupiter's retrograde phase.
Difficult conversations and differing opinions may arise, creating obstacles, especially regarding financial management. Family dynamics can be affected by unexpected disagreements, especially with children. This period was an opportune time for the pursuit of knowledge, especially philosophical and religious.
As the largest and most benevolent of all planets, Jupiter is renowned for bestowing and expanding good fortune. Interestingly enough, Sagittarius, known for its broad reach, stands in direct contrast to versatile Gemini.
Life can increase in complexity within this transit. Jupiter may encounter more stumbling blocks than usual. Known for its objectivity, curiosity, and versatility, Gemini contrasts with Jupiter's quest for definitive meaning through answers. Although this combination may be somewhat topsy-turvy, it also has the potential to spark a wealth of ideas and insights in which to delve thanks to Mercury, Gemini's ruling planet.
Jupiter dives deep in thought, encouraging us to broaden our thinking and evolve, while Gemini represents communication and intellect. You would think this combination would complement one another; however, it can also result in feeling overextended and exhausted when we don't know when to quit.
Gemini's continuous curiosity and desire for knowledge begs us to ask, "What is this?" But Jupiter probes deeper into the "meaning" or "truth" of the question. Be prepared to experience endless curiosity and an opportunity to refine our thinking.
This transit re-directs our mental focus toward prospects, as Gemini's ability to adapt surpasses that of any other sign. Those endless ideas previously mentioned enhance the way we view or experience life. Our broadening perspective enhances our choices. When this transit encounters a crossroad, we won't see just two paths or choices; instead, we see endless possibilities, shortcuts, and routes.
Gemini is the chatbot of the zodiac, so we can expect various forms of intellectual interaction. As this communication comes at an expanded level rather than general chatter, others appear more receptive to what we're proposing. And don't overlook Gemini's penchant for humor and optimism.
During this period of nonstop activity, we'll be eager to learn and incorporate those lessons into our future. Innovative ideas will emerge by the droves, and trying to manage them all will lead to the aforementioned mental exhaustion.
But if we know how to balance and pick the ripest ideas, we'll create unique opportunities for clearly understanding the tasks ahead through various avenues and alternative possibilities. This doesn't just encompass our grand goals, but everyday decisions that we haven't previously considered.
That's because a new array of choices has expanded our mental acuity; therefore, during this transit it's imperative to maintain a flexible mindset. Balancing these two energies is achieved when we reconcile habit with fleeting ideas.
#art: Elke Trittel
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📍Note: Mars, and Medea Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
Understanding OOB Planets:
❗️OOB Mars Retrograde in effect:
🌓 1st Quarter, Taurus:
💫 #ApectingtheCosmos, Wed, Feb 05, 2025: Answers are more likely to come when we relax the mind and allow them to rise naturally.
West Coast night owls or east coast insomniacs have an opportunity to transform an obstacle into a steppingstone when the stable, homebody Moon in Taurus square the freedom seeking, rebellious Sun in Aquarius. Inner tension and conflict are often resolved when we stop resisting and allow the answers to come.
East Coast early birds should wake to clarity and purpose when the Moon sextile Saturn in Pisces followed by a lunar sextile to OOB Mars Rx in Cancer. Emotional stability and mental clarity have us ready to work toward private and professional goals. Our playful enthusiasm adds a personal magnetism and desire for intimacy.
Midafternoon, the Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus, opening a window for flashes of insight and freedom to express our desires. We should feel emotionally stable enough to voice our opinions without past fears of repercussion. More importantly, we believe in ourselves.
Tonight, our psychic abilities and intuition should be peaked when the Moon in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces. With careful and introspective analyzation, we have the opportunity to transform something negative into something positive.
✨Degrees/Aspects/Time EST:
#Art: Ivan G. Myasoedov
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The ancient practice of planetary sound healing is a topic I've developed an interest in. This modality has grown astronomically ( no pun intended ) in the modern ( mostly Western ) world over the last decade and utilizes specific sound frequencies to promote healing and well-being throughout ancient times.
Visual depictions on planetary bodies and how they influence our own energy through correlated frequencies aligning with musical tones, colors, and tempo are attached.
Some of the more popular sound healings I have been frequenting are Solfeggio, Angel Numbers, Planetary and Astrological frequencies. See links below if you want to personally experience them.
According to "Planetary frequencies are unique vibrational energies resonating with the movements of celestial bodies in our solar system that are thought to have profound effects on our physical, mental, and spiritual states. This article explores the captivating world of planetary frequencies and their role in sound healing."
The Oxford Languages Dictionary defines frequency as:
"The rate at which a vibration occurs that constitutes a wave, either in a material (as in sound waves), or in an electromagnetic field (as in radio waves and light), usually measured per second, i.e. -'different thicknesses of glass will absorb different frequencies of sound'"
The FDA has recently approved the use of sound frequency to break down tumors. According to Mishal Mendiratta-Lala, MD, "The technique, called histotripsy, uses targeted ultrasound waves that create “microbubbles” within the tumor and ultimately break it down."
Johns Hopkins, histotripsy has a 95% success rate reported in this trial compared favorably to other local techniques; however, insurance may not cover the procedure, depending on your insurance provider.
Planetary frequencies convey the essential principle that celestial bodies exist as energy forms which vibrate at distinct frequencies like all entities in the universe. The solar system's planets each produce a distinct vibrational frequency that matches their astrological properties and energetic nature. By connecting with these frequencies, we supposedly access the particular energies and characteristics linked to the respective planet.
The links between planetary frequencies and astrology are recognized by spiritual and holistic communities but lack scientific validation. People experience different effects from specific frequencies and interpret planetary meanings in diverse ways which makes their significance very individualized.
The ancient practices of sound healing and astrology conjoined when researchers examined planetary frequencies. The 194.18 Hz Earth Day Frequency along with the 207.36 Hz Uranus frequency emerges from the orbital periods of solar system planets. Sound healing experts maintain that converting planetary orbital periods into sound frequencies allows us to access the distinct energies and characteristics of each planet.
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📍Note: Moon, Mars, and Medea Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
Understanding OOB Planets:
❗️OOB Mars Retrograde in effect:
🌔 Waxing Crescent, Gemini:
💫 #ApectingtheCosmos: Thu, Feb 06, 2025: Today can be a lovely day to nourish and support others through optimism and positive support. Being the Light for others illuminates our own wellbeing.
East Coast early birds should feel emotionally amorous and playful upon waking this morning when the Moon in Gemini sextile Venus in Aries. Intuitive attunement enhances an innate ability to understand the needs of others. Romance and children are featured.
Emotional sensitivity and psychic ability continue through morning when the Moon trine Pluto in Aquarius. There's a renewing energy pertaining to profound relationships and a desire to unearth the truth in self and others. Possessions and finances are highlighted.
Tonight, the Moon in Gemini conjunct Jupiter in the 9th, ushering in optimism and hope for the future. It's a perfect night for socializing. Others can feel emotionally nourished and supported by our presence.
✨Degrees/Aspects/Time EST:
#Art: Zinaida Serebriakova
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I developed a cheat-sheet for lunar phases that I hope helps you in whatever your quest may be.
New Moon, Setting Intentions: The Moon almost appears invisible because it is directly between the Sun and Earth. Typically, the Moon's orbit varies up to 05° above or below the Earth; however, there are times when it is perfectly aligned, producing a Solar Eclipse. The New Moon is the perfect atmosphere for intention rituals involving manifestation and new beginnings after a period of deep reflection and goal evaluation.
Waxing Crescent, Manifesting: When I was young, this phase was referred to as the 'Thumbnail of God' because it appears as a small slither of light as the Moon engaged her orbit. The Waxing Crescent marks the interval of actions and faith required to manifest our goals. The energy is opportune for initial steps that can feel like leaps, no matter how small.
First Quarter, Decisions: This phase can appear confusing because half of the Moon’s surface illuminated; however, it is the equivalent of saying we are seeing one-quarter of the Moon’s surface. This is why it's sometimes referred to as "Half Moon". This stage symbolizes roadblocks. This is also referred to as the "Crisis of Consciousness", when we make, or we break our progress by not believing in ourselves enough to overcome the obstacles. This can appear cruel, but it's necessary to push us out of our comfortable box and into growth.
Waxing Gibbous, Refinement: This is when we can see more than half the Moon's surface as it approaches its Full phase. It also provides relief if we've done the transformative work of turning roadblocks into steppingstones required by the previous phase. Now the pressure is off, it's time to evaluate our progress and refine our steps to ensure success.
Full Moon, Fulfillment: This phase occurs when the Moon opposite the Earth from the Sun. For the same reason mentioned above regarding the New Moon's 05° orbital tilt, we don’t get lunar eclipses with every full Moon unless the Moon orbit is perfectly aligned.
This phase is known as the most powerful of the lunar cycle, representing the peak of illuminated energy providing clarity. The proverbial nail in the coffin, so to speak, regarding our manifestation efforts. It's important during this time to acknowledge and celebrate our achievements. Especially if we've transformed stumbling blocks into steppingstones. Continuing to manifest vs a tangibly manifested goal is a success. We didn't give up.
Waning Gibbous, Gratitude: This is when the illuminated Moon begins to wane or dissipate in size, though most of the surface still appears illuminated. This should herald a time of reflection at what we've accomplished accompanied with the expression gratitude for the opportunities. It's also a perfect time to share what we've learned with others!
Third Quarter, Forgiveness and Release: Once again, this is when the Moon appears half illuminated on the opposite side of the First Quarter Phase. This phase heralds a significant period of forgiveness and release. What did we learn through the lunar cycle process? What isn't working for us? Toxic thoughts or relationships? Negative behavioral patterns? It's time to recognize and detach. Apply forgiveness rather than shame or resentment for thinking or acting them out. We are all human.
Waning Crescent, Self-care: This phase happens when only a small sliver of the Moon is visible ( opposite side of the Moon’s surface then the waxing crescent) before fading into the Dark Moon Phase. It's also referred to as "The Thumbnail of God".
Now is the most opportune time to clutter clear our surrounding and minds in preparation to begin anew. Manifest self-healing during this time with ritual baths or showers, high-frequency music, non-paraffin candles, organic incenses or essential oils, and healthy food. Pamper yourself—as you would someone you dearly love— through deep introspection.
Dark Moon, Introspective Preparation: This is the 24-hour period prior to the New Moon. It is a time of retreat, of healing, and of dreaming the future. The darkness is lit with the translucent quality of transformation; and during this essential and necessary period, life is prepared to be born. It's the most advantageous period to mentally rearrange or organize any aspect of our lives that appear disheveled or unproductive we desire to release. Guidelines and boundaries to implement as well as considering new avenues of knowledge prove beneficial.
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📍Note: Moon, Mars, and Medea Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
Understanding OOB Planets:
❗️OOB Mars Retrograde in effect:
🌔 Waxing Gibbous, Gemini:
💫 #ApectingtheCosmos: Fri, Feb 07, 2025: Mid to late morning there's a plethora of energy resembling a tilt-a-whirl of emotions. Just as sands in an hourglass, energy shifts constantly to foster experiences and growth.
Connections and profound relationships can deepen to an intense spiritual level when Venus in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius early morning, leaving zero room for superficiality. The mood switches to emotional versatility without depth of feeling less than an hour later when the Moon in Gemini trine Mercury in Aquarius. Communication, problem solving and developing potential shortcuts are featured.
Mid/late morning the Moon square Saturn, presenting potential tension in a relationship/s. Assuming responsibility for our own actions can alleviate discord. This lunation seeks variety and novelty rather than duration or depth, which may not play well with a partner. We risk authoring our own downfall if we are not true to ourselves.
The energy lifts and we should feel more balanced when the Moon trine the Sun in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries a few hours later. Our confidence will stabilize, and we'll feel like getting to the bottom of an old trigger without feeling uber sensitive or over-emotional.
Tonight, Mercury in Aquarius inconjunct OOB Mars Rx in Cancer. Expression is highly favored here, especially if a creative writer. There's a playful ambiance and light-heartedness surrounding this energy. Socializing or choosing to focus on a project are both advantageous. TGIF!
✨Degrees/Aspects/Time EST:
07:14 AM: Venus in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius @ 02°15'
08:12 AM: Moon in Gemini trine Mercury in Aquarius @ 17°33'
9:14 AM: Moon in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces @ 18°09'
10:57 AM: Moon in Gemini trine Sun in Aquarius @ 19°07'
11:59 AM: Moon in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries @ 19°45'
11:15 PM: Mercury in Aquarius inconjunct OOB Mars Rx in Cancer @ 18°38'
#Art: Lisa Aisato
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We can be ruthlessly compassionate AND ruthlessly honest at the same time.
We can be kind and fierce, empathic and brutally honest and true at the same time. Fire and water are not polar opposites, they are lovers. The masculine and feminine are one.
We can be deeply at peace AND fight for what we believe in.
We can know ourselves as the Absolute AND fight for our dignity, our truth, our rights, speak up for our needs, our pain, our longings, on a relative human level, and there is no contradiction there.
From a place of clarity, and peace, and deep groundedness in the earth and the body and the heart, we can speak up loudly, fiercely, share our deepest truths, ask for what we want, set clear boundaries, say yes when we mean yes and no when we mean no.
From a place of deep inner kindness, we can share our healthy anger, stand up for our values, call out the false and the unkind and the unconscious, fearlessly or with fear call all the “pain bodies” out of hiding and into the light of consciousness.
We can be both kind and fierce, and others may feel uncomfortable and threatened by our truth. We can shake their status quo, question the foundations of things.
In their pain others may judge us, call us selfish, try to suppress us, gaslight and dismiss us and minimise our truth and that’s so damn okay because we are on the side of Integrity and Love and Beauty and Dignity, and we cannot be stopped now. We conquer death by living as love, soft and fierce.
~ Jeff Foster
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📍Note: Moon, Mars, and Medea Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
Understanding OOB Planets:
❗️OOB Mars Retrograde in effect:
🌔 Waxing Gibbous, Gemini -> Cancer:
🚨Void-of-Course time: 2:52 AM - 6:04 AM, EST:
💫 ApectingtheCosmos: Sat, Feb 08, 2025: Stumbling blocks can be transformed into steppingstones despite how emotionally imbalanced we feel.
West Coasters or East Coast night owls can experience inner awareness and innovative methodologies of healing an old wound rise to the surface when the Sun in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries overnight. Trust your intuition and don't second guess your decision; face this one without the rose-colored glasses when the Moon in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces 90 minutes later.
The Moon returns home to Cancer and inconjuncts Pluto in Aquarius square Venus in Aries mid/late morning. We may feel emotionally imbalanced but intuitively have the ability to transform any doubt or insecurity into passion for living through focus and gratitude for our blessings.
Midafternoon Mercury in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries, returning us to altered perspectives in diffusing triggers and healing old wounds. It's possible to understand the presence of others who may push our buttons and their roles in our process of healing.
✨Degrees/Aspects/Time EST:
#Art: Yumi Nakai
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Please don't give up hope. There are people out here fighting for your rights to live and love as you choose.
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