Why write poetry
31 votes
All of the above
11 votes
Some other reason
7 votes
Put emotions into motion
6 votes
Sooth the tormented soul
1 vote
Explain the world
0 votes
Make sense of random events
Why write poetry
Joined 18th May 2024
Forum Posts: 7
Strange Creature
Forum Posts: 7
Poetry isn't just about the words we write down, it's about the energy we channel when we write them. When we tap into that universal flow, it's not just us on the page—it’s everything that came before us and everything that’s yet to be. So, whether it’s a simple haiku or a long-form piece, it’s all part of the bigger picture. Capturing that essence can be challenging, though, especially when you're trying to refine your craft. I found this https://www.academicghostwriter.org/our-samples/ incredibly helpful for understanding how to structure and polish written works, ensuring they reflect both personal inspiration and technical mastery.