Poetry competition CLOSED 12th November 2024 9:06pm
View Profile Poems by wallyroo92
RUNNER-UP: Vision_of_insanity



Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 19th Aug 2021
Forum Posts: 13

Poetry Contest

How does roadkill make you feel when you see it?
Roadkill is pretty much everywhere. I see plenty every day myself.

How does it make you feel?
What do you think about it?
Have you ever thought about it?

Go crazy, I would love to see some beautiful works on this topic.
Any length, just stay on the topic of roadkill

Thought Provoker
United States 12awards
Joined 14th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 52

"Food For Talons"

Upon the shadowed road he crept
A fragile breath, a fleeting sigh
The timid hare in silence stepped
Beneath the vast and vacant sky

He cast his gaze across the lane
A chasm deep and dark as sin
His heart beat soft, a soft refrain
Unknowing what would lie within

Like lamb who knows not wrath’s descent
Or Eve who walked through Eden’s gate
He crossed the path where angels went
And danced along to meet his fate

Yet none to save, no warning call
No hand to shield from fate’s design
And in that stillness, iron’s thrall  
Struck down his life, by heaven’s sign

O broken hare, in silence laid
Thy tender flesh to earth returned
A hawk above, with gaze betrayed
Descends to feast where blood once burned

No psalm will rise, no mercy found
No ark to bear thee from thy rest
For dust reclaims without a sound
And life and death as one are blessed

Dangerous Mind
Portugal 24awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 359


Malcolm Gladwin
Thought Provoker
Joined 29th Oct 2024
Forum Posts: 6

The Last Stop

Flattened fur and bunny ear,
A weary grin now here appears,
Crushed little bones where tyres tread,
I guess it’s Bugs—yes, Bunny’s dead.

A brutal scene laced across its face,
Left for crows’ pickings, no shame, no grace,
Eyes peeled wide, a little like balloons,
A sudden death with instant doom.

A hooter honks to warn the hare,
Still he crossed; he seemed to dare,
We hope his end was quick and swift,
Paws skyward, soul adrift.
He met the tyre, body split in two—
What’s a driver meant to do?

Now fur and whiskers grace the road,
A life’s small spark in flattened mode,
A cartoon ending, some might jest,
But even the wild needs time to rest.

So here he lies, our Bugs laid flat,
A grim reminder, the bunny splat.
I guess that's just the end of that ....
Written by MalcolmG (Malcolm Gladwin)
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Lost Viking
Fire of Insight
United States 8awards
Joined 2nd Apr 2020
Forum Posts: 42

Roadkill Prayer

As I passed by where her body lay, a silent prayer I shared,
Who felt the ripple of her death on this morning's gentle air?

Were there fawns yet to be mothered, lives she’ll leave untouched?
What dreams lived within her, now forever crushed?

Would she have chosen differently if choice were hers to make?
A noble end by hunter's bow, a fate she'd gladly take?

Or did she dream of tender love, a young buck's bounding lust.
in her final breath today, she began her path toward dust.
Written by LostViking (Lost Viking)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 16awards
Joined 22nd Jan 2024
Forum Posts: 122

Splattered Remains

All your guts spill out
Scattered across the ground
A defenseless little animal
I'm a ravenous gore hound
C'mon PETA try & stop me
Go help your little friend
Too pure and innocent
Can this be the end?

Just a cat in the road
With blood in my eyes
Should’ve stayed in a garbage pail
This ally cat trash now has died
On the hunt for some food
Just trying to survive
Car sped, turned to red
I have no remorse for someone's life

Traveling late at night
Lost and distracted by a large bright light
Big rubber tires over your head
Velocity and speed you will be dead
Broken bones and scared eyes
Choking on blood, used up all 9 lives
People come out and start to fright
Lying on the street for the end of this felines life
A harsh and cold world
Surrounded by death
Massacred by some lunatic
Shrugged off like an accident
Let down by humanity
Their efforts were useless
Another pest put to rest
Behind the wheel, I'm ruthless

Splattered Remains!
Written by Vision_of_insanity
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Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1877

Morbid Curiosity

We drive by the carrion, but yet we carry on
At high speeds like it’s just another thing to see
As the hardcore gore is spread out on the floor
The road is full of life, death and auto cacophony
But in that split second in my two-ton weapon
I look at the entrails with morbid curiosity
Like some kind of spell expecting that smell
Of death and decay splayed out for all to see
Now that I think of it I never gave much thought to it
That living thing died suddenly without words
And the body lays in blitz for days on end until it’s…
Picked up by road service or it’s food for the birds
I never thought roadkill would create a poetic spill
Pondering on the life of an animal that used to be
It’s sort of crazy and nuts to be spilling my guts
For expressing myself on that morbid curiosity
Written by wallyroo92
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Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2024
Forum Posts: 210

Roadkill Heaven

Its time for our family vacation
A chance for peace and relaxation  
So we packed up and left our abode
Heading down the local country road
Our white suv is the transportation  
We will use to get to our destination
Across the state is where we're headed
Family time is fun but driving is dreaded
Playing games during this road trip  
My wife distracted when the squirrel skipped
Right up under the right rear tire  
My wife screamed, my daughter the crier
She pulled over quite visibly shaken
The poor squirrels life was sadly taken
My daughter kept crying more and more
The squirrels in roadkill heaven I assured her
My daughter let out the cutest smile
So I turned to my wife and said I'd drive awhile
So I made sure to drive quite cautious  
But what happened next made me nauseous  
It was extremely sad and not very funny
Crossing the road a cute little bunny
My daughter again with tears in her eye
I said roadkill heaven my pumpkin pie
This stressful driving I lost my nerve  
A deer ran out so I had to swerve
We almost added to our roadkill tally
But thankfully we missed the deers finale
Now on the highway driving for hours
But an unfortunate event our trip it sours
Passing through a green lighted intersection
I was t-boned and added to the roadkill collection
My daughter got out with more tears in her eyes
What she said to her mom was such a surprise
Mommy, daddy apparently didn't learn his lesson
But it will be OK because he's in roadkill heaven
Written by Mstrmnd1923
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Tyrant of Words
United States 16awards
Joined 22nd Jan 2024
Forum Posts: 122

Road Fucking Kills

A ride to salvation so rudely disrupted
I'm looking for revenge on the road
I just got laid off and I'm ready to blow away
The blood lust ready to go
I can’t make the light till this asshole takes flight
My stabbing hand is yearning to fight
To beat you to shit you slow fucking prick
Leave you bleeding and stranded to die

Road Fucking Kills
Splattered around
Road Fucking Kills
And watch you die

I rev up the shift, I’m right on your six
Move over pedestrian scum
Collateral damage is all that they are
I'm not sorry I splattered your kid
Ramp up the speed of your plastic heap of shit
But I will just run you straight through
Into the ditch goes the slow and small bitch
Who got fucked by the art of revenge

Who gives a fuck when you’re shit out of luck?
Not me, I’m bringing you down
I live for the fact that you can’t walk away
This makes me smile
Towering over the crumbling mess
Of bones and guts from a pest
Rip up in two while I drink without care
Your blood is like nectar to me
And now I shall piss on your corpse!!!
Written by Vision_of_insanity
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Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 19th Aug 2021
Forum Posts: 13

Sleep well

I find roadkill strangely beautiful.
It feels almost rude,
like something I should keep secret.
How could I find something so
aggressive and brutal,
so calming?
Maybe it's something in their eyes.
A soul,  
finally at rest.
And I hope they died fast.
And I hope they lived well.
And I envy them for finally being able to sleep.
A blameless death.
Peace at last.
Written by Koulouri
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Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2672

it makes my heart sink

hello little kitty what did you do?
poor little thing lost, natural selection made a cut
not bright enough to avoid the road
it makes me so sad and I get angry

little bird fly high avoid the risk
why do you play chicken with moving cars, don't you know the danger?
with a splay of feathers on my windshield you made me feel horrible
killing one of nature's finest
I stopped to find you on the road, unrecognizable

tiny dog what are you doing
chasing cars it will be your undoing
ran over, you lay dead in the street
my heart broken you thought life was a game

innocence, I wonder what happens to an animal whose life is cut short
are you reincarnated and given another shot?

animals of the forest please heed my warning
stay off the roads
one day when I was little one you was hit my dad's car
you lay on the street my soul's heart sank
a buck my dad took if for a trophy
gentle deers please avoid humans

mother chicken what is wrong with you
leading your chicks to peck out front on the highway
the big rigs will kill your whole cluck
come on little ones you mom is dumb

there's a killer on the road to quote Jim Morrison
avoid him at all cost
it's nautre's reckoning

Written by crimsin (Unveiling)
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DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

The winner of this competition and any runners up were decided by public vote.

Thank you to the following members for voting:

Vision_of_insanity, sgtvasquezg, fianaturie8, Grace, AspergerPoet56, Rew, dimpy, deliabear, PAR, AfterSexDilemma, lepperochan, DamianDeadLove, Dre_k47, Koulouri, Honoria, Phantom2426

Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1877

Thank you to Koulouri for hosting and congratulations to Visions of Insanity in runner up. Thank you to all who voted, I’m honored.

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