Slashers, Freaks, Boogiemen, Witches and Ghouls, etc
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2668
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2668
Poetry Contest Description
Its that time of year again.....Scare me! Happy Halloween!
New writes only
mod needs to make 18+
Not too long, Ill get bored
No Collabs
Be unique
Be scary
Be gory
Ill accept some sex, no porn or too graphic
Make it happen yall!
mod needs to make 18+
Not too long, Ill get bored
No Collabs
Be unique
Be scary
Be gory
Ill accept some sex, no porn or too graphic
Make it happen yall!
Joined 22nd Jan 2024
Forum Posts: 125
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 125
Spooning, Knifing & Forking
My wife only wants me to spoon her when she's hammered
Any other time, she don't want me near
That's ok
I actually despise her and spooning
One night she came home incredibly drunk
She was all over the place
Stumbling, making no sense
Fell backwards into my cabinet
Breaking some heirloom figurines I had from my family
No apology, nothing
My blood was beginning to boil
I yelled at her, "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY FACE!!!"
I was tired, so I went to bed
Few moments later she came into bed
She was frisky and wanted some action
I said, "get away from me, FUCK OFF!"
She was upset but didn't make a real issue out of it
As I began falling asleep, on my side,
She kept inching her way towards me ,
as if to have my arms wrapped around her
Then repeatedly kept saying spoon me, spoon me
I said, "NO!"
She turned her head towards me and spat in my face!
I didn't get mad
I casually got out of bed and went to wash her spit off
I heard her from the bedroom laughing, saying you deserved it, you deserved it
I went into the kitchen to grab something
Proceeded to get back into bed
As I laid again on my side,
She began inching towards me again
This time with more authority, pushy actually
She kept saying, "Spoon Me, Spoon Me, SPOON ME!"
Well instead of spooning her, I decided to knife her!
I knifed her right in the back about 7-10 times!
What a release!
I decided to go with the carving knife I would use on holiday's, like bullshit Thanksgiving
The sheets and her body were a mess
I was a mess as well
Oh and yeah she was dead
I had to figure out what I was going to do with her body
In the morning I was starving
Before I decide what I'm going to do
I needed to eat
What a better way to get some nutrients and protein then to cook her meat
I sliced & diced
I skinned and deveined her leg
Cooked the leg on 450
Took a while
A sweet aroma was permeating throughout the house
The leg was a bit charred but whatever
1st time, you know
She loved being spooned
I wonder if she loved being forked?!
Any other time, she don't want me near
That's ok
I actually despise her and spooning
One night she came home incredibly drunk
She was all over the place
Stumbling, making no sense
Fell backwards into my cabinet
Breaking some heirloom figurines I had from my family
No apology, nothing
My blood was beginning to boil
I yelled at her, "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY FACE!!!"
I was tired, so I went to bed
Few moments later she came into bed
She was frisky and wanted some action
I said, "get away from me, FUCK OFF!"
She was upset but didn't make a real issue out of it
As I began falling asleep, on my side,
She kept inching her way towards me ,
as if to have my arms wrapped around her
Then repeatedly kept saying spoon me, spoon me
I said, "NO!"
She turned her head towards me and spat in my face!
I didn't get mad
I casually got out of bed and went to wash her spit off
I heard her from the bedroom laughing, saying you deserved it, you deserved it
I went into the kitchen to grab something
Proceeded to get back into bed
As I laid again on my side,
She began inching towards me again
This time with more authority, pushy actually
She kept saying, "Spoon Me, Spoon Me, SPOON ME!"
Well instead of spooning her, I decided to knife her!
I knifed her right in the back about 7-10 times!
What a release!
I decided to go with the carving knife I would use on holiday's, like bullshit Thanksgiving
The sheets and her body were a mess
I was a mess as well
Oh and yeah she was dead
I had to figure out what I was going to do with her body
In the morning I was starving
Before I decide what I'm going to do
I needed to eat
What a better way to get some nutrients and protein then to cook her meat
I sliced & diced
I skinned and deveined her leg
Cooked the leg on 450
Took a while
A sweet aroma was permeating throughout the house
The leg was a bit charred but whatever
1st time, you know
She loved being spooned
I wonder if she loved being forked?!
Written by Vision_of_insanity
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Joined 15th Jan 2019
Forum Posts: 646
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 646
Father's Mustache
A sobering thought of Roquefort and the twisted
mustache of a rodent leaving love notes on
a sharp edge of a knife with a mouthful of broken
bread drooling down its cheeks with grey matter
of the mind's omelet buttering its bread between
decayed chaos and groping Canterbury cheese
in an orgy of piss burn semen
mustache of a rodent leaving love notes on
a sharp edge of a knife with a mouthful of broken
bread drooling down its cheeks with grey matter
of the mind's omelet buttering its bread between
decayed chaos and groping Canterbury cheese
in an orgy of piss burn semen
Written by adagio
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Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 359
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 359
Kali of Time and Transformation
In the veil of night, where time dissolves,
Kali appears, to encompasse everything.
With eyes of fire and sensual dance
she governs time and the life cycle.
Her fire burns, destroys and renews.
In the dance of death, life proves itself.
Every step a collapsing universe,
every turn, a rebirth, an embrace.
Kali, ordeal of time and destiny,
with her sword cuts the divine veil.
Destroys the ego, illusion and fear.
Reveals the truth, the path of no secrets.
Her skull necklace, symbol of power,
shows that death is just a rebirth.
In the darkness, her light shines brightly,
transforms chaos into order, pain into presence.
Oh, Kali, dark mother, goddess of destruction.
In your embrace we find redemption.
Your fire purifies, your dance frees.
In the ethereal cycle your presence is certain.
May we dance with you, in no fear.
Embrace change, feel your warmth.
In the rhythm of time, on the wheel of life,
Kali eternal goddess our dear guide.
Written by PAR
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Joined 19th Dec 2022
Forum Posts: 89
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 89
In sable and dusk
Years ago, darkness lit my oath
I was enticed
I was easy pickings
Where nightmares are collisions in the void
of dark versus light
the thunderous smite
of a demon in lecture
Where listening is chaos flaking from dirtied hands
Nothing leaks crimson like a battered sparrow
flying straight into a window
writhing in his skin
A demon crosses the matrix,
to withdraw the sparrow from authenticity
To cease to be visible in a tidy world
To inject war from within
from the tomb of wicked bellies
where vexation simmers and churns
coating each pore with an acrid confection
Not even a bone left to rebuild the sparrow
The darkness is uncomfortable
Like a forced hug from a stranger
Like a miscommunicated ideal
I broke form for your affection
I compiled poems in your tincture
Writ my world in sable and dusk
In the shadow of the demon’s will
I’m consumed
Bound by silken fractals
O’ how I’ve grown
I wanted out but you wouldn’t let me
I wanted clout but you chose to fence me
Mired in the tar of your saliva
sticky words that veil
It took years to unclench from your grasp
ground gears to wrench from your clasp
And as the demon falls into idle
lingering on the line
He would forsake an Angel if his wings were thinner
I was enticed
I was easy pickings
Where nightmares are collisions in the void
of dark versus light
the thunderous smite
of a demon in lecture
Where listening is chaos flaking from dirtied hands
Nothing leaks crimson like a battered sparrow
flying straight into a window
writhing in his skin
A demon crosses the matrix,
to withdraw the sparrow from authenticity
To cease to be visible in a tidy world
To inject war from within
from the tomb of wicked bellies
where vexation simmers and churns
coating each pore with an acrid confection
Not even a bone left to rebuild the sparrow
The darkness is uncomfortable
Like a forced hug from a stranger
Like a miscommunicated ideal
I broke form for your affection
I compiled poems in your tincture
Writ my world in sable and dusk
In the shadow of the demon’s will
I’m consumed
Bound by silken fractals
O’ how I’ve grown
I wanted out but you wouldn’t let me
I wanted clout but you chose to fence me
Mired in the tar of your saliva
sticky words that veil
It took years to unclench from your grasp
ground gears to wrench from your clasp
And as the demon falls into idle
lingering on the line
He would forsake an Angel if his wings were thinner
Written by Everavalon
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Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1625
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1625
She comes to me like a promise steeped in poison
With muttered curses and screaming madness
In which she bewitched this lich bound for the ditch
In flames I burn, the envy of darkness
O Lamia, there's no salvation beneath the steeple
Verses of original sin
O Lamia, bequeathed insanity by the people
Drag me back to Hell again
Spittle flies from the gypsy's lips, cracked and bleeding
Taloned fingers and abysmal blackness
So pure in her in turn she damns me to churn
In the void like fodder for the badness
O Lamia, there's no salvation beneath the steeple
Verses of original sin
O Lamia, bequeathed insanity by the people
Drag me back to Hell again
I'm so full of damnation
And blasphemy
Pour a shot of corruption
I'm in love, In Love, IN LOVE
"I don't want your cat
You filthy pork queen"
O Lamia, there's no salvation beneath the steeple
Verses of original sin
O Lamia, bequeathed insanity by the people
Drag me back to Hell again
With muttered curses and screaming madness
In which she bewitched this lich bound for the ditch
In flames I burn, the envy of darkness
O Lamia, there's no salvation beneath the steeple
Verses of original sin
O Lamia, bequeathed insanity by the people
Drag me back to Hell again
Spittle flies from the gypsy's lips, cracked and bleeding
Taloned fingers and abysmal blackness
So pure in her in turn she damns me to churn
In the void like fodder for the badness
O Lamia, there's no salvation beneath the steeple
Verses of original sin
O Lamia, bequeathed insanity by the people
Drag me back to Hell again
I'm so full of damnation
And blasphemy
Pour a shot of corruption
I'm in love, In Love, IN LOVE
"I don't want your cat
You filthy pork queen"
O Lamia, there's no salvation beneath the steeple
Verses of original sin
O Lamia, bequeathed insanity by the people
Drag me back to Hell again
Written by HadesRising
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Joined 2nd Feb 2024
Forum Posts: 218
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 218
Pumpkin Carving
It's time to decorate this festive holiday
Angry faces of death create quite a display
Five pumpkins already sitting on my porch
More still to be done then lit with a torch
My razor sharp knife bloody and waiting
For trick or treaters that are participating
In Halloween rituals under the full moon
Candy won't be running out anytime soon
I hear another knock on my front door
All that is there is a small group of four
They can have the treats or trade for a trick
But for that they must come inside quick
So they enter inside for the special surprise
Curiosity quickly turns to fear in their eyes
Screaming outloud trying to get outside
But it's already too late their tears have dried
My razor sharp knife decapitated their heads
On the cold floor their bodies lay dead
Artiscally I carved their smiles by design
Pumpkins on my porch now total nine
But it's getting late and I'm now starving
Dinner is ready from my 1st pumpkin carving
Flesh from my ex that I cooked in the oven
I caught her with a man whom she was loving
I was such a foolish devoted loving spouse
She took my money my family and my house
So this halloween I made a special visit
And made her halloween rather explicit
Angry faces of death create quite a display
Five pumpkins already sitting on my porch
More still to be done then lit with a torch
My razor sharp knife bloody and waiting
For trick or treaters that are participating
In Halloween rituals under the full moon
Candy won't be running out anytime soon
I hear another knock on my front door
All that is there is a small group of four
They can have the treats or trade for a trick
But for that they must come inside quick
So they enter inside for the special surprise
Curiosity quickly turns to fear in their eyes
Screaming outloud trying to get outside
But it's already too late their tears have dried
My razor sharp knife decapitated their heads
On the cold floor their bodies lay dead
Artiscally I carved their smiles by design
Pumpkins on my porch now total nine
But it's getting late and I'm now starving
Dinner is ready from my 1st pumpkin carving
Flesh from my ex that I cooked in the oven
I caught her with a man whom she was loving
I was such a foolish devoted loving spouse
She took my money my family and my house
So this halloween I made a special visit
And made her halloween rather explicit
Written by Mstrmnd1923
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