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Poem of 2024

Fire of Insight
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1647

(Long and hideous toes 🙃)

Lookin' At The Future In Her Rear-View Mirror:
'No Mullet?' She Asked Him.

He thinks of all the hairstyles he has had
throughout his life, and not a single one
has been a mullet cut, a style so bad
that if he had his street-cred would have gone.
He would have been a total laughing-stock
in Liverpool, a living breathing joke,
a thing to ridicule, a thing to mock:
a really, really awful-hairstyled bloke!
But though he's never had a mullet cut,
a darker secret he keeps safe concealed,
a door he will forever keep tight shut;
the Things within should never be revealed!
But, still, because she's sad and needs a treat,
he posts a picture of those funny feet
. 🙃

He finished speaking, bumped her with his hip;
she bumped him back and went on with their trip.
The night was cool, the watching Moon was pale,
and now it was her turn to tell a tale.




Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16799


...no you'll never walk alone

I imagine all the elfin folks
the ones with keen ears
and eyes that sees the glades
in prismatic colours

Your ankles must have wings once
when as a baby
you were visited by Manannán mac Lir
you must have flown to mystic land
where folklore breath and thrive

and you must have been kissed
by those that live in the mists
who sprinkled on you dusts of gold
that nurtured a kind heart and soul


Fire of Insight
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1647

Lookin' At The Future In Her Rear-View Mirror:
Life and Football

They wander on along their moonlit track,
the gentle breezes whisper through the air,
and, as he tells his tale of looking back,
he thinks she looks quite pretty with short hair 🙃.

Well, long ago, when he was just a lad,
he was a goalie for a football team,
and though they weren't so very bad
they' weren't the greatest team you'd ever seen.

One year, defying all the football odds,
they'd reached the Final of the Knockout Cup.
The whole team prayed to all the Football Gods
and hoped their star would keep on going up.

The mighty Mersey Park would be the team
that in the Final they would have to play,
and Mersey Park were brilliant, mean and keen,
and confident they'd blow our boys away.

The Dell, however, our boy's team, stood proud,
determined not to bend the football knee
before such arrogance. They were unbowed.
And who would win? The Day itself would see.

The Day itself, when it at last came round,
was warm and bright. The teams ran out to play.
Opposing fans all roared within the ground;
the football match at last was underway.

Our boy in goal was like an agile cat.
The mighty Mersey Park just could not score.
Our boy was diving first this way then that
to save their shots. The Crowd roared more and more!

And so it went until with seconds left –
a Tragedy! The mighty Mersey Park
attacked. A foul! A penalty! Fans bereft!
Their hopes destroyed, their bright day went so dark.

The only thing to save them now was him,
our boy, who'd kept out everything that day, though sad to say his chances looked but grim,
and Mersey Park would take the Cup away.

The Mersey Park attacker took the kick,
the ball just like a rocket left his foot.
It seemed a certain goal. The Dell felt sick
to lose the match with that.final kick. But ...

our boy in goal had dived to save it well!
His fingers flicked the ball up to the bar!
The fans all roared: 'Hooray! Come on, the Dell!'
alas, how cruel the Gods of Football are!

The ball bounced down and struck our boy. Hope fled.
What happened next? Well, you can place your bet.
That bloody ball struck our boy on the head
and bounced right off it, rolled in his own net.

The day was lost and Mersey Park had won!
The Dell team felt so sad and sick inside ...
and now this story's all wrapped up and done
of when a dream of football glory died,

(but though he never played for Liverpool ♥️,
at least that's where he has his humble home,
and, though this life can sometimes be so cruel,
together they will never walk alone.)

The night was cool, the watching Moon was pale,
and now it was her turn to tell a tale.




Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16799

In Between

...a fan indeed! Cant kick a ball to save my life

a dairy is where secrets reside  
silent pages readers denied
today its pages opened again
to read years of joy and pain

there's a missing page
and I wonder what was shared
a story told but not recorded
a quarrel perhaps, obscured...

a white flower folded neatly
between the pages so empty
whiteness turned to soft pastel
pages stained and curled

was it the time you left
to live with someone far away
and returned years later
with heartbreaks and hair so grey

and now you've gone away
what tales will you carry
what heartbeats will you share
will it be me, a ghost in your memory

with a sigh and a tear
I turn the next leaf
empty yet ready for my ink
maybe a poem or two
for my friends that left
for the land far away and beyond

at midnight sigh the gentle breeze
whispers soft break the stillness  
as sky shows the silver moonlight
slumbered dreams a walk  
breeze a tender touch beyond our gaze
weaving enchantment in nights embrace

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