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Why do the trump haters get to have all the say??

Fire of Insight
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1629

Carpe_Noctem said:

I'm not being sneaky either.  I can see you are here for discourse .

Well during covid it was obvious the government mandates was about compliance and control nothingremotelyrelating to health and well-being.
I went on about my life as normal.
I had a discussion with my parents,  before this nonsense during say flu season, if i wasn't feeling well I wouldn't go out, give my apologies if i was supposed to vist family,  rest and drink bone broth.
Now the government dictates when , where and how we behave.  All the while throwing parties because they KNEW fully well it was bullshit.

For many seeing that blatant outright corruption was a wake up call.

Cheers. 👍

Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2586

ajay said:

Cheers. 👍

Theres no reasoning with certain people.

Fire of Insight
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1629

mysteriouslady said:

Theres no reasoning with certain people.

What do you mean, ML? I was saying thanks because Carpe answered my question.

Regards 💐

Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2586

ajay said:

What do you mean, ML? I was saying thanks because Carpe answered my question.

Regards 💐

oh ok, carry on....

iIts hard to follow everyones discussions in these types of threads....I try.

Rist Jizzmann
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 38awards
Joined 14th Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 240

mysteriouslady said:Av, midnight, you start so much shit in all these political threads its unreal. Maybe instead of quoting, copying and pasting, saying were all on drugs due to we dont agree with you both, and then running crying to mods when you become butthurt, just tell us your views due to what you believe? Or are you afraid to? Seriously. Im calling you out. Let it rip, But no copying and pasting, due to you are woman and hear me roar, and no saying those of us that dont agree are on meth and wasted....grow the fuck up and lets have a real chat...or gtfo....hows that?
That is indeed a perfectly reasonable request my dear friend, mysteriouslady - although your foul language has been a little excessive, of course!

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 13th May 2022
Forum Posts: 284

MAGA folks want us all to think that they are the end all be all about being such tough minded first amendment truthers. But then they fail to conceal their anger at just one old man's comments.

How could it be even half way possible for me to get the MAGA goat so often?

Real tough.

Or they just get the mod in their pocket to hit the convenient ban button.

But please keep it up so I can watch this thread tank faster than Truth Social stock prices.

Guardian of Shadows
United States 90awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5678

MidnightSonneteer said:

Or they just get the mod in their pocket to hit the convenient ban button.

Disclaimer:  No mods were harmed or coerced during the course of this shit-show.  Any bans were handed out on an as-earned basis.  If you feel you are a victim or have received personal injury as a result of these bans, anyone may dispute these claims by calling Attorney James Sokolove at 617-404-2865 or visiting his website here-- their team of experts are on hand and ready to assist in getting the compensation you deserve.  


Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2586

Av says "MAGA folks want us all to think that they are the end all be all about being such tough minded first amendment truthers. But then they fail to conceal their anger at just one old man's comments.

How could it be even half way possible for me to get the MAGA goat so often?

Real tough.

Or they just get the mod in their pocket to hit the convenient ban button.

But please keep it up so I can watch this thread tank faster than Truth Social stock prices."

Turth Social is sky rocketing, not sure which liberal man hater you are getting your info from.....
Thats all you got?  I thought you were all in?  No?  I will say this, thanks for not spamming this thread with all your bullshit copying and pasting of some idiot liberal female that doesnt know shit due to shes a man hater. Most like like yall are manhaters. Good luck with that in the future.
Especially when you women screamed equal rights, and now both parents have to work their asses off and kids are getting shot up.  Hows it feel to have to be forced to be the "man" in the family? Great job.

Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2586

MadameLavender said:

Disclaimer:  No mods were harmed or coerced during the course of this shit-show.  Any bans were handed out on an as-earned basis.  If you feel you are a victim or have received personal injury as a result of these bans, anyone may dispute these claims by calling Attorney James Sokolove at 617-404-2865 or visiting his website here-- their team of experts are on hand and ready to assist in getting the compensation you deserve.  


All of you crying to the mods, just please stop it. Leave them alone, they have enough to deal with. Seriously If you cant stand the heat stay your ass out the kitchen. If you cant swim, stay your ass out the pool.
And if you can t play nice, you deserve to be a time out like a frigging toddler......

Fire of Insight
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1629

What's the position of all you MAGA people on NATO and the hegemony of the United States within it? Is the MAGA consensus that the US should abandon that organisation,, or at least play a less-active role within it, leaving Europe to deal with its own affairs?  For example, regarding the current conflict in the Ukraine, is it MAGA's opinion that the time has arrived to stop sending weapons there, and that a diplomatic solution is imperative, in order to stop the destruction and bloodshed?

Genuine question.


Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2586

[quote-588961-ajay]What's the position of all you MAGA people on NATO and the hegemony of the United States within it? Is the MAGA consensus that the US should abandon that organisation,, or at least play a less-active role within it, leaving Europe to deal with its own affairs?  For example, regarding the current conflict in the Ukraine, is it MAGA's opinion that the time has arrived to stop sending weapons there, and that a diplomatic solution is imperative, in order to stop the destruction and bloodshed?

Genuine question.

This my personal thought.....not anyome elses
I feel that the USA needs to take care of the USA before anyone else, NO MATTER WHO IS PRESIDENT. ....Period. Then you help others if you can. however not $trillions$ to those that would blow us up in a heart beat with a push of a single button if they decide were not worth their trouble. \


Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 13th May 2022
Forum Posts: 284

ajay said:What's the position of all you MAGA people on NATO and the hegemony of the United States within it? Is the MAGA consensus that the US should abandon that organisation,, or at least play a less-active role within it, leaving Europe to deal with its own affairs?  For example, regarding the current conflict in the Ukraine, is it MAGA's opinion that the time has arrived to stop sending weapons there, and that a diplomatic solution is imperative, in order to stop the destruction and bloodshed?

Genuine question.


Genuine answer,

Global conservatives (Putin, Bibi, and Don-Old) all want, and claim, to be oppressed so bad it should be classified as BDSM.

Guardian of Shadows
Palestine 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14540

Fire of Insight
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1629

mysteriouslady said:[quote-588961-ajay]What's the position of all you MAGA people on NATO and the hegemony of the United States within it? Is the MAGA consensus that the US should abandon that organisation,, or at least play a less-active role within it, leaving Europe to deal with its own affairs?  For example, regarding the current conflict in the Ukraine, is it MAGA's opinion that the time has arrived to stop sending weapons there, and that a diplomatic solution is imperative, in order to stop the destruction and bloodshed?

Genuine question.

This my personal thought.....not anyome elses
I feel that the USA needs to take care of the USA before anyone else, NO MATTER WHO IS PRESIDENT. ....Period. Then you help others if you can. however not $trillions$ to those that would blow us up in a heart beat with a push of a single button if they decide were not worth their trouble. \


Hi, ML 💐

Should the Republican Party win the election, whatever the Donald does or doesn't do in respect of the US and NATO – he hasn't been consistent in his statements when speaking of his position on that question – if he were to manage to negotiate a diplomatic solution to the conflict in the Ukraine, as he's consistently said he would, and end the death and destruction there, I'd applaud him for that. For NATO to continue with the ever-increasing supply of weapons to the region, and the consequent risk of serious escalation of the conflict, is madness. The Russian economy is not going to collapse sustaining the expense of the war, as NATO had hoped, and neither has Russia gained the quick military victory for which Putin had hoped. It can either drag on and on and on with the senseless deaths of conscripted working-class soldiers on both sides, or both sides can just STOP THE FUCKING WAR!

My point of view:

ajay 💐

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