The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )
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#AspectingtheCosmos, Fri, Sep 06, 2024 ( EDT ): The destiny of all stirred-up dust is to settle into a clear view for us to make a better choice.
Moon enters Scorpio:
Early morning Venus conjunct Juno in Libra, the 4th house: I read a description of the 4th house akin to the Mariana trench, the roots of a centuries-old tree, or basement of an ancient manor. It holds treasures the native may be unaware or ignore.
Dive deep into relationships without fear of becoming entangled in the roots or crushed by water pressure in the trench. There are no ghosts in the basement - only the treasure of knowledge that can reconcile the emotional polarity of a past wound when the Moon opposes Chiron Rx in Aries midmorning.
Expect to kick up nostalgic dust from the past when the Moon opposes Eris Rx in Aries midafternoon, but don't be deterred. The destiny of all dust is to settle so we see more clearly. Stay the course you set earlier this morning.
Tonight, the Moon in Libra sextile Mercury in Leo followed by the Sun in Virgo sesquiquadrate Pluto Rx in Capricorn: A clear channel of communication opens to a more concise expression of our feelings. The Sun illuminates the dark trench, a path through the roots, and that dimly lit basement for full view. Cut the cord to that past experience still holding onto you.
Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ):
#art Iryna Yermolova
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Moon enters its Scorpion fall overnight @1:19 AM EDT, 5th House • Void of course time: 1:08 - 1:18 AM EDT.
Void of Course Moon:
Did you know that your Moon has a ruling planet?
Regardless of your sun sign, if your Moon is in Scorpio, then Mars & Pluto co-rule your Moon and play an important part in the natal chart. It provides an indication of how intensely we'll react from an emotional point of view, and how deep we're willing to dig ( literally and metaphorically ) for the truth.
Mars reflects self-defense and action. He's the warrior who fights back when we're attacked. This planet imbues us with bravery, courage, and daring regardless of the price we may have to pay. Because let's face it, no price is too high for truth.
Pluto governs death and rebirth - because there can be no rebirth without death. Thus, accompanying death is often destruction and/or decay. He ensures that must happen happens regarding situations that have overstayed their welcome. He's the landlord of evicting us from our complacency and the master of ecstasy and agony.
The Moon is a bringer of moods, and her placement in Scorpio spells INTENSE feelings to the ninth degree. Whether love, obsession, trust, or jealousy, whatever we may feel is amplified here. She is the ultimate feminine energy and in the 5th house will accentuate creativity, romance, and clandestine affairs.
For additional insights as to how the transit affects you personally, visit
#art: Vladimir Muhin
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Note: Mars moves out of bounds:
#AspectingtheCosmos, Sat, Sep 07, 2024 ( EDT ): Trusting our intuition is a form of release that stokes the flame within us. This in turn fuels dedication and commitment to a goal that re-engages the fruitful fun of it all.
Moon enters Scorpio @ 1:19 AM, EDT, 5th House:
Late morning the Moon in Scorpio sesquiquadrate Jupiter in Pisces: Intense emotions have us wanting to move beyond the feelings, but Jupiter stands guard with an arrow pointing to the past. What do we need to release or complete karmically to move ahead?
Early afternoon the Moon in Scorpio oppose Hygieia Rx in Taurus: Double-check the relationship with our self by re-evaluating selfcare routines. Making time for relaxation eases the intensity of environmental energy and reconciles polarity.
Late afternoon the Moon in Scorpio sextile Vesta in Virgo inconjunct the North Node in Aries: Trusting our intuition is a form of release that stokes the flame within us. This in turn fuels our dedication and commitment to a goal that re-engages the fruitful fun of it all.
Early evening the Moon in Scorpio sextile Ceres in Capricorn: Working hard and staying the course guarantees a return of whatever is sown. Sow your goals with hope, love, and trust.
Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ):
#art Hu Jundi
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Mars moves out-of-bounds ( OOB )
Mars becomes his own warrior, leaving the Sun's battlefield and rules in search of his own. Because he encapsulates the Divine Masculine, he becomes a Conan the Barbarian in search of his own kingdom. Less than 20% of earth's population will have an OOB Mars.
While there is some dramatic violence associated with this position, the more positive aspect is that it's linked to innovation and originality in one's artistic or societal endeavors, which easily develop into trendsetting.
OOB planets are typically associated with freedom from under the Sun's thumb; however, not the Uranian type of freedom associated with awakening and rebellion. OOB planets in and of themselves signify freedom.
What this can mean is that being innately free, they're not threatened when encountering resistance. Though they may react to restrictions, their nature cannot be contained within a limited label of societal confinement. Another positive trait is that they refuse to internalize the perceptions of others in regard to their personal actions, choices, and/or decisions.
This is exactly when the shoe is placed on the other foot and the one judging or criticizing faces their own mirror of judgment and criticism.
Those with Mars OOB learn from a very young age that conformation to the judgements and labels of others will lead to discontent and even resentment that find an outlet through negative behavior. The choice is simple with this natal placement: We can either march to the beat of our own drum regardless of what society propels toward us, or we can conform and spread misery throughout our lives.
Those with Mars OOB are destined to shake the world from their comfort zone. Think Toni Morrison’s OOB Mars in her 2015 response to the killings of Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and Walter Scott: "People keep saying, 'We need to have a conversation about race.' This is the conversation. I want to see a cop shoot a white unarmed teenager in the back. And I want to see a white man convicted for raping a black woman. Then when you ask me, 'Is it over?', I will say yes."
Morrison won the Pulitzer for her novel "Beloved", ranked as the “best work of American fiction”
Those with an OOB Mars inherently demonstrate courage in the face of societal rules. They are warrior rebels with a cause. And while the vessel of change is themselves, the result will benefit humanity as a whole through example.
Lastly, while and OOB Mars can influence a person's personality, only the person with the OOB Mars can choose if they respond in a positive or negative means to unfortunate circumstances that may befall as well as the pressure society places upon them.
Some famous and infamous examples of those with their Mars OOB:
Those of us with their Mars OOB are far from alone and have the opportunity to change the world through their courageous actions.
Art: Alphonse Mucha
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Pallas Athene enters Sagittarius Sunday morning @ 6:25 AM, 4th House.
Mythology & Spiritual Significance:
Pallas Athene is the goddess of wisdom and self-defense in charge of defending herself and those in her care; thus, she is never the aggressor. Myth says she sprang fully formed and armed from the head of her father, the king of heaven. Her symbol is the wise owl.
She is also known as an artisan connected to weaving due to her love of fabric and skill with a needle and thread. She was known to create and inspire patterns of lasting beauty. This metaphor carries over into our life patterns and linked ideas.
Known as the warrior queen and the philosopher, she most resonates with the sector in our charts that relates to our philosophical take on the world, since we are all philosophers, even if we are not aware of it. Whenever we deduct a theory involving how we desire to live our lives, we are exercising our philosophical nature. This is the influence of Pallas.
Whenever we stand our ground or strategize politics, or we're challenged by others over our beliefs or lifestyle choices, or for no particular reason (other than they are having a bad day and are lashing out), this is where Pallas appears to offer strategic wisdom that we can respond from rather than a defensive reaction.
Responding from a place of knowledge instead of fear lends an air of victory before the battle is over.
As a mutable fire sign, Sagittarius is forthright. Typically, gregarious and enthusiastic, Archers espouse high principles such as universal love and world peace. Happy-go-lucky, honest, cheerful, and optimistic, at times they can be restless, careless, and extravagant.
Their tolerance allows them to work well with all people, and they accept most people for what they are. Their extroverted nature can unintentionally hurt others who are more sensitive by being blunt and/or impatient.
Sagittarius strengths are Freedom-loving, broad mindedness, generous, optimistic, scholarly, and enthusiastic!
Pallas in Sagittarius transit:
Being the goddess of wisdom and wise strategy, Pallas is right at home in the higher thinking octave of Sagittarius, whose natural home is the 9th House, a house of aspiration and life, ruled by benevolent Jupiter, the planet of expansion and protection.
This transit highlights the higher mind and principles of Sagittarius: Philosophy and intellect. Despite being in our heads, per se, doesn't mean we're diplomatic in our speech. On the contrary, we can become very direct, tactless, even, which can be very off-putting to others. Regardless, major life decisions are deeply analyzed prior to making them.
Regardless, life is an adventure, and curiosity coupled with a desire to explore different experiences tops the list. This includes learning something new, anything from cultural diversity to local heritage that involves religion, philosophy, or spirituality. This can include foreign travel to study abroad or simple day trips to expand our knowledge of an area.
We are more open and inspired by the arts, the unordinary, and particularly the exotic during this transit. Our relationships are more open and grounded in trust than when in suspicious and guarded Scorpio.
Pallas in Sagittarius Natal:
This placement implies a conceptual perception. One is able to see the terms of the broad-scale vision—the "big picture". As a healer this is expressed in mental healing—using the power of clear imagery of a perfect, whole body to resonate change and attunement.
Sagittarius' connection to religion can indicate the shaman or guru, who heals through spiritual knowledge. Aesthetically, the urge is to create art that conveys the meaning of universal principles ( the Tarot ) or emphasizes unique ethnic and cultural qualities.
Politically, Pallas Athene in Sagittarius is a defender of truth and righteousness, fighting for ideologies. This can depict the sage or advisor to the ruler ( as Merlin to Arthur ), or religious warriors such as the Crusaders and the jihad ( in the Holy war of the Muslims ).
The wisdom of Pallas Athene in Sagittarius is the wisdom of unification—forging the cohesive links of the parts to form the whole.
#art: Pallas Athene by Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman @She Who Is
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Note: Mars out of bounds in effect:
#AspectingtheCosmos: Sun, Sep 08, 2024, EDT: Awareness of a past pattern that keeps resurfacing is a present opportunity to choose differently.
Pallas re-enters Sagittarius @ 6:25 AM, EDT:
Overnight the Sun in Virgo oppose Saturn Rx in Pisces: Polarity is reconciled by comparing our desires with what we have, then commit to what we want through small steps.
Midmorning Venus in Libra sesquiquadrate Uranus in Taurus and the Moon in Scorpio trine Saturn Rx in Pisces: Any legal woes or intense emotional disagreements are settled through awareness of past patterns. Choosing differently produces different.
Late morning the Sun in Virgo sextile the Moon in Scorpio followed by the Moon in Scorpio sesquiquadrate OOB Mars in Cancer: Grounded opportunity to see deeply into a situation. Utilizing patience combined with higher thinking reveals a new and exciting avenue of choice.
Late afternoon the Moon in Scorpio inconjunct Jupiter in Gemini: Intense emotional desires regarding a goal can be accomplished with planning and initiation. Pay particular attention to our emotional health in relation to our work.
Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time, EDT:
#art Lisa Aisato
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This Week's Celestial Schedule is live on the site:
Have a blessed and magical week!
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#CollectiveCasting Oracle Card of the Week: Sun, Sept 08 - 14, 2024: 28. ANCESTORS: Historical Connections and Purposes ( Reversed )
Last week's card encompassed releasing past hurts. It was a preparation for this week's card and the ancestral wisdom available to us now. If we've done the work of releasing through the New Moon, this week contains one of the more pleasing transits of the year: Exalted Mercury enters Virgo Monday.
This transit will enable us to feel comfortable in our communication with others ( including that with ourselves ). This transit occurs in the 3rd house, the natural home of Gemini, also ruled by Mercury, so we can demonstrate our greatest qualities of authenticity through the gifts of Mercury's positive qualities.
Open a channel of communication with ancestors to glean their wisdom and guidance. To do this we must open up and trust that these ancestors, some we've known, others not in this lifetime, are not as they were here on earth, with attachments and ego. But, rather, of pure spirit willing to share their knowledge to assist us.
If we haven't yet released the past, do it now, this week, while this opportune chance presents itself. Be filled instead with ancient wisdom and guidance.
Message: Channeled
Deck: Energy & Spirit by Sandra Anne Taylor
Artist: Cheri Polk
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Moon enters Sagittarius @ 1:27 PM this afternoon • Void of Course time: 1:11 - 1:26 PM EDT.
Void of Course Moon:
Did you know that your Moon has a ruling planet?
Regardless of your sun sign, if your Moon is in Sagittarius, then Jupiter rules your Moon and plays an important part in the natal chart. It provides an indication of how we reason, or how methods of expansion work in our lives.
Jupiter rules wealth, leisure time, big business, the higher mind and philosophic reasoning as well as aspirations, luck, and fondness for animals. While Saturn is the teacher and taskmaster, Jupiter is the judge, lawmaker, and helper.
The Moon is a bringer of moods, and her placement in Sagittarius brings optimism and a willingness to let go of what we know holds us back. It also propels us toward adventure or even compels us to delve deeply into a subject we desire to know more intimately, such as philosophy or religion.
This lunar placement in one's natal chart indicates a gift of prophecy and wisdom. Spending time outdoors is the missing puzzle piece to a fulfilled experience and increases the connection to nature and animals. The caveat of this position is excess, waste, and overdoing.
For additional insights as to how the transit affects you personally, visit
#art: Tiffany Bozic
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Fromelalome, if you have something of spiritual significance to add to this thread, please feel free to share. However, if you're going to endlessly ramble with one sentence posts then here's the thread for that. Post until your heart's content there - not here. Thank you.
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Ahavati said:Fromelalome, if you have something of spiritual significance to add to this thread, please feel free to share. However, if you're going to endlessly ramble with one sentence posts then here's the thread for that. Post until your heart's content there - not here. Thank you.
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Note: Mars out of bounds in effect:
#AspectingtheCosmos: Mon, Sep 09, 2024, EDT: When we realize that our thoughts are a choice, the whole world becomes more beautiful, and we'll never be contained again.
Mercury enters Virgo:
Early morning the Moon in Scorpio oppose Uranus in Taurus: Awareness that what we think precedes how we feel can liberate us from intense emotional weight. Choose positive affirmations to set the tone of the day.
Late morning the Moon in Scorpio trine Neptune Rx in Pisces: If you can dream it, you can manifest it—and there's the rub! While intensely dreaming is very appealing, you must work to manifest it.
Early afternoon the Moon in Scorpio sextile Pluto Rx in Capricorn: Eagerness to release our negative beliefs and/or emotions and commit to working toward a goal utilizing logic, reason, focus, and dedication. The Moon is void of course between 1:11 - 1:26 PM, so take no action before then.
Midafternoon the Moon, now in Sagittarius, conjunct Pallas in the 1st square Mercury in Virgo: Optimism has us desiring spontaneous adventure or learning something new. Spending time outdoors can curb the challenge of the Mercurial square. Avoid nitpicking or pedantic reactions when it comes to others.
Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time EDT:
art Calla
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Mercury entered Virgo early this morning @ 2:51 AM, EDT, 3rd House, the natural home of Gemini ruled by Mercury.
Fortunately, this is one of the more pleasing transits of the year, because almost, if not everyone, is more comfortable expressing themselves in their own home. This holds true for Mercury as well, being Virgo is his Castle and he is exalted. Furthermore, he also rules the 3rd house, the natural home of Gemini.
Because we feel relaxed and little need for defenses in our own territory, we demonstrate our greatest qualities of authenticity. So does the influence of the planets. Here Virgo is not only ruled by Mercury, but Mercury comes to full strength, displaying its most positive qualities.
Mercury is known as the Prince of Communication and Messenger of the Gods, but he is also associated with the physician and healing; thus, he carries the caduceus, a short-staff wand entwined by two serpents, sometimes surmounted by wings that is now the modern symbol for medicine. Lastly, he is also the divine trickster and patron of merchants and travelers of short distances.
To the outside world, Virgo may appear calm, cool, and collected. In reality, Virgo embodies that very facade. The true turmoil lies within, manifesting as intensity. The mind of a Virgo is akin to the ever-turning cogs of a clock, wearing itself out with the constant thought of tasks that need or are desired to be accomplished.
This sign struggles to remain idle due to a need for ceaseless activity. What it considers relaxation may appear as labor to others. Far from being a daydreamer, this sign is a doer of deeds. They are determined to establish order from chaos with a logical and emotionally detached approach.
Mercury creates activity in whatever sign it transits; this amplifies the need to be "doing" rather than "being". Known as the trickster, it's not beyond Mercury to present more than one task at the same time. And why not? If any sign can accomplish multitasking like a pro, it's Virgo.
The ability to communicate and a fine, analytical quality to the mind peaks in this transit. Facts become very important, and we could often find ourselves thoroughly researching before making a decision.
As this aspect denotes a meticulous nature, we need to guard against judgment or impatience toward those who are less organized in their thinking or actions. Virgos are known to be critical and nitpicky, but it's honestly because of a desire to help improve the lives of others. After all, it is the "Healer" archetype of the zodiac.
And because the Moon entering a square with Mercury this afternoon, spending time outdoors can curb the challenge of potential miscommunication or misunderstanding. Regardless of how good our intentions are, there is no guarantee they will be received in a positive way.
Avoid nitpicking or pedantic reactions when it comes to others today. Utilize understanding and patience.
Mercury in Virgo natal:
Foot Note: If you have a Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius, or Pisces ascendant, this is going to form what is called a Mahapurusha Yoga in Vedic Astrology terms, a very auspicious sign, particularly in the natal chart.
#art Jeanne Bessette
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There are many paths to the 'Source' of Love.
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Note: Mars and the Moon Out-of-Bounds:
#AspectingtheCosmos: Tue, Sep 10, 2024, EDT: Assuming responsibility for the parts of our lives that are disrupted enables us the needed control to regain control and navigate our way out.
Midmorning the OOB Moon in Sagittarius sextile Juno in Libra: Exciting and unexpected aspect to a committed or intimate relationship. The mind and heart can feel liberated to be completely and utterly itself when we release inhibitions.
Early evening the OOB Moon in Sagittarius sextile Venus in Libra: Optimism and a willingness to let go and assume responsibility for any part of our lives that has become imbalanced transforms the energy into a goal to be accomplished.
Tonight, the OOB Moon square Saturn Rx in Pisces: Guard against appearing too cold, distant, or businesslike or alienation could occur. It's wonderful to focus on a goal, but make sure loose ends are tied up first, and those requiring our attention receive it.
Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time EDT:
#art Vladimir Kush
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