Poetry competition CLOSED 15th August 2024 11:43pm
View Profile Poems by Dreamer4ever1979
RUNNERS-UP: Bonanza1 and Daevileyes

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Fia Naturie
Tyrant of Words
United States 8awards
Joined 24th Mar 2024
Forum Posts: 137

Poetry Contest

A collaboration competition (2 or 3)
I want to be so immersed in your theme, that I cannot tell who wrote what.

All themes are welcome
No one is excluded.

No rape!

Thought Provoker
Nigeria 4awards
Joined 12th Dec 2020
Forum Posts: 85

Men On Horseback

In defeat!
Masquerades marauding
Men on horseback riding
Men on horseback backbiting

It's scary in my surroundings
In the midst of a rumble
I grab and hold a broken bottle

Rinsed up and gargle
Stumble as I walk with a waddle
Time's due I gotta blow my candle
One more obstacle after another hurdle
My errors all but no margins
Somehow I got back into the saddle

Hear me!..
Hear me!..
I've been rising quite above this horizon

Every day I was rudely awakened by a squabble
I controlled myself sufficiently as not to gasp and startle
Just can't let them buried me under the rubble
In here no happiness, no peace nor pancakes or free waffles

Hear me!..
Hear me!..

I just cannot dream
All you hear at night
muffled screams
Apply me some cream
The pain among we fellas
Fill to the brim

For the way I am,
Accept me!
Bail!.. Free me..
Set and save me..

The only thing we think
Who among us can break this jinx
I've to share this with you using my ink
We only link
At a point in a given time, I might fall sick
My time will tick..

Is it everyone or just me in the oven?
Out of the gates of heaven jogging to hell
I lose all my count in a killing spree
Victory is sealed!

Masquerades marauding
Men on horseback riding
Men on horseback backbiting

Written by Numer90 (Numer0-un0)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 14awards
Joined 22nd Jan 2024
Forum Posts: 77

Mutated Menagerie (collab with AfterSexDilemma)

We have all become mutations
Experimented with
horrifying results

Evolution has multiple ways through life
never a single one
Evolution is the alternative
for any existence

You were another in my garden
searching for that seed of birth
to grow onto and evolve
together as one, on earth.

Looking for life through deep space
Visions so vast
Light years from the human race

On that infinite road, we see planet ZYX13 up ahead
Orange and pinkish gases
Our space suits equipped, so we don't wind up dead

We enter the planets atmosphere
Computer technology
Hoping the planet has an ecosphere

The ship lands, nothing but purple mountains and reddish orange lakes
The temperature outside our suits reads 285 degrees
Our lives can seriously be at stake

Volcanoes pierce the planets crust
Beneath the surface
Friction creating toxic dust

Raging fires across the zone
Spewing forth nuclear plasma
Perpetual horror, fear of the unknown

As we continue to walk across this land
We stumble onto fertile soil
Clean water, unspoiled by man

Green pastures, utopian paradise
We knew this could be it
Plant our seeds, roll the dice

We plant the seeds of our great deeds.
Let the weak become the dead.
The mutated seeds are what we see,
Take over the garden bed.

The thorned vines, as the ivy climbs.
Chokes them that are stead.
The mint undermines and intertwines.
And quickly gets ahead.

While the sun shines, the moisture declines.
Their roots are underfed.
The elders confine the seedlings of like mind,
To boost them to be their best.

A constant grind for a sound mind.
A gruesome path they tread.
To be defined as unique and kind.
Just to lure more to their bed.

A reality revealed in time.
A truly lucky bet.
Of worlds combined. Looped and rewind.
Of struggles and regrets.

Yet some we find, that keep on trying.
Turn out to be the best.
A mutated line we can't define,
Is a magical treasure chest.

Alone and confined; left behind.
Sticks out from the rest.
Enduring it's life without spite.
No crime it can contest.

Not kept in line, slaughtered like swine.
No rules that can oppress.
A rare find, it's only kind.
True love at its best.

Time sinks the line of progress
Chemical changes paves the future
Body covered with deformed ligaments
Fleeing light of consciousness

Traveling further from my hand
To the no man's land

Elusive state of mind
Cancer cells begin to spread
Radiation making me blind
What's wrong within my head

There is confusion inside of me
Sometimes I can't tell the difference from the nightmares
I feel like I'm here all alone
So I fall to my knees scared and cold
With my psychosis in pieces I search for the exit
Take me home
Written by Vision_of_insanity
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Fia Naturie
Tyrant of Words
United States 8awards
Joined 24th Mar 2024
Forum Posts: 137

Thank you both for entering the competition

Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 3rd July 2022
Forum Posts: 12

Let the Rough Side Drag -- with Ms. LaCarte

The sound of leather stretching  
adjusting to my grip,  
my hand,  
my dig of heel  
But the power behind it...  
It is beyond me  
above me and greater  
even than what is underneath me  
I am warming the rosin,  
sticking me to my guns  
apprehending a nod  
signaling the chute release  
the scent of roughstock rising from my own skin  
its potency slack with submission  
in an absurd chapel  
That caters to the wild  
and unruly,  
the drunken and unseemly  
Who come forth to witness  
the center of the bull,  
I feel them mirror the bucking  
Sense them join the stomps of storytelling  
escaping flank strapped hooves  
reverberating from the souls of cowboy boots.  
None compare to the snort and thrust of  
the animal that does not carry me,  
but suspends me above the dirt  
and my innate fear.  
A sanctified agreement with  
a staccato of seconds  
settles the questioning of outcomes  
with a suicide wrap.  
We commit to the end of our draw  
wearing a girdle of barrel men  
sworn to protect us both.  
On the back of this behemoth  
there is no hierarchy of need  
my right hand raised high  
counter to intuition  
waiving intellect  
fueling my need to grasp for  
untenable gravity  
Or an ability to breathe  
God willing,  
I ride  
eight seconds of absolution  
where my sins are shattered  
beneath 2,000 pounds of    
"Get the fuck offa me!"  
There is Glory here  
to be harnessed,  
Witnessed by blue eyes  
searching blue jeans for  
And I do resolve,  
To ride this monster or die trying.  
And wear a belt buckle that shines  
Brighter than altar candles.  
The dimensions of it  
So expansive,  
Y'all will write poetry  
About it.
Written by Bonanza1
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Fia Naturie
Tyrant of Words
United States 8awards
Joined 24th Mar 2024
Forum Posts: 137

Thank you for entering the competition

Fire of Insight
England 15awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 545

Shakespeare Soliloquizing at Home

To be or not to be in London town;            
plagued by armed bandits in dog-turd strewn streets,            
arse racked bloody on lame nag's rough ride down,            
and greets by sicked, pox-pricked-bawd's beggars bleats?            
Foul beer, stinking bacon and beds be damp            
where Taverners are filthy cheating rogues,            
the roiling smog brings ague and hand cramps,            
chance of hen's teeth, not whole clay-pipes to smoke...            
But friendings there, Burbage and Marlowe,            
if alive and our Globe, if not burnt ash,          
I've new arch-villains while my light still glows          
to engage my groundlings with verve and dash...            
This fire in my belly be fierce stuff            
I shall hie away, I've tarried enough!          [ _exit house left_ ]            
A seamless integration    
with the bard of Avon's      
unwitting collaboration?
Written by Rew
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poet Anonymous

A FALL FROM GRACE (collaboration with SAMNASH)

Two angels fell from grace
They’d been in a higher place
Two souls with a beautiful face
They vanished without a trace

“Do you think we will be found?”
She whispered without a sound
He read her mind on the ground
At the hideout they were bound

My dear, we are finally free
We don’t have to bend a knee
To those who won’t let us be
And those we do not agree

We are free to pursue our dreams
Say and do as we damn please
Moan, groan, grunt, squeal, scream
Gush, squirt, trickle, slather, cream

Participate in all of games risqué
No inhibitions of what to display
Or even what words not to say
All deemed fair more than one way

Let us play some hide and go seek
Who finds the other gets a peek
And helps in making them squeak
Turning them into a sensual freak

Suddenly an archangel appeared
This is what they both have feared
To be caught by the one revered
In their lives the world interfered

“There is no where for you to go
You weren’t created for this long ago
Your sentence is set for all to show  
That life is not meant to enjoy.”

“Choose what you want it to be
To roam the world separately
Or be cast in hell for eternity
CHOOSE the sentence I decree!”

Decend to earth on separate paths
Wonder who will get the last laugh
Looking for their first piece of ass
Both up to the challenge and task

The Devil was quite miffed I'd say
In hopes of having heavenly play
But, things don't always go his way
You never know when it's your day

Showing their charm and treasure
Giving and receiving such pleasure
Any and everytime at their leisure
Their delight couldn't be measured

Unexpected one day they reunited
Found the other to be unrequited
Egos grew and became one-sided
Unconditional love became divided

Lost Thinker
Romania 2awards
Joined 21st Jan 2017
Forum Posts: 17

Maybe (collaboration with JD)

If I were the rocks at her feet
Holding her ground when it's too shaky
When she had seen too much of the world's deceit
When she feels her homeless heart breakin'

If I were the soil underneath
Nourishing her desiccated roots
When she's struggling to breathe
Under the weight of life's boots

If I were the sun lighting up her way
In her darkest hours of her darkest thoughts
Warming her pretty pettels so frail
To give her the comfort she sought

If I were her wind to carry her voice
The cool breeze above her tormented soul
To grant her wistful wish to rejoice
Once more to feel seamlessly whole

If I were the rain to soothe her thirst
To help her grow out of her shell
To show her love, to be the first
To walk her past this horrid hell

If I were her everlasting everything
Maybe then she would bloom
Again with delicate sparkling
For her passionate perfume
Written by Daevileyes
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Lost Thinker
Joined 5th Aug 2024
Forum Posts: 4


The ants inside my brain
Never quiet when your around

When it gets too silent
My bones hurt with the thoughts of you
That are too heavy for my mind

When you are near
my body aches with wanting to be close to you

We are both going to die,
What’s the point in restraining ourselves?
Written by Devyn
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Lost Thinker
United States 2awards
Joined 6th Aug 2024
Forum Posts: 7

Better Days

Stepping outside this house again.
Watching this world unfold into the madness it breathes.
The shouting......distrust......and darkness at every turn.
I just want to cry at the sight of what my eyes see......ears hear.
There must be hope......has to be hope.
Feeling so grim and lost right now......help me!

It's time to let go......! of our foolish thoughts.
Let go of all that tears us apart.
Time to take a stand......start something new.
Time to live for better days!
Come together and make things right.
Come together and change tonight.
Time to live for better days!

At this stop light.... driver flies by speeding.
Like trying to end their life.... end its beating.
Wanting to hit that horn......shout to the heavens why?!
Would it do any good?
Would it change anything?
Tears then roll down my face and can't help but pray for
.......a rescue!!

It's time to let go......! of our foolish thoughts.
Let go of all that tears us apart.
Time to take a stand......start something new.
Time to live for better days!
Come together and make things right.
Come together and change tonight.
Time to live for better days!

Today I looked into the eyes of my baby boy.
Couldn't help but wonder......what will he have to look forward to?
As I hold him close......emotions run deep......with no doubt doing anything for him.
Tears and love you's came flooding out as I say!!!

It's time to let go......! of our foolish thoughts.
Let go of all that tears us apart!!!
Time to take a stand......start something new.
Time to live for better days!
Come together and make things right.
Come together and change tonight!!
Time to live for better days!
Oh! It's not too late.... change this world.... this life!!
Time to live for better days.

Written by Dreamer4ever1979
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Tyrant of Words
United States 20awards
Joined 1st Sep 2021
Forum Posts: 86

Kaleidoscope Life - a collaboration with WillowsWhimsies

cut glass images
wildly shimmering
moments captured in still life
distorted & magnified
who were we
in that freeze frame flash?
a girl full of dreams
eyes blindingly bright
chasing hope & mysteries
daisies in her hair
is she in there somewhere?
a woman with scars
gazing up at the stars
reminiscing on her youth
snapshot recollections
lost in the scramble
as the view continues to spin
what do you see
when you look within...
a girl woman born
carrying love
on her sleeve
battle worn
hope on repeat
looking through eyes
that won’t accept defeat
an observer of
beautiful things
mysteries, dreams
she now chooses
what the day brings
the enigmatic force of a hurricane    
the halo of a perfectly cut diamond    
the hue of a double rainbow    
the dew on a morning glory    
the hallowed glow of candlelight    
tho expansion of air at a mountain top    
the lacy white edge of a cloud    
the dancing drops of rain
beauty in motion
can you see it?
Written by Her
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Tyrant of Words
United States 20awards
Joined 1st Sep 2021
Forum Posts: 86

Painting - With my very good friend, Anonymous

My robe drops        
I stand before you unadorned        
I pose        
You paint quick gestural watercolours        
A new pose, muscle flexed        
Your brush finding a rhythm        
New poses        
Stretching, contorting        
Flipping pages filled with sketches        
With each pose        
I want to challenge your art        
To be seen as virile        
I want to arouse you        
I want you to desire me  
Lust for me        
Paint your arousal as you will        
My muse, the light catches your skin just so        
My hands want to paint where shadows play        
And my mind can only imagine        
Your virility moves me        
Turn your chiseled chin and close your eyes        
See me painting your beautiful form        
Muscles tense as you stretch        
Release before relaxing        
Waiting for my brush stroke        
You pose me for a longer painting        
Does the pose reveal what you desire?        
What parts of me do you want to fuck?        
Light scratches of pencil on paper as you plan        
Moving to paint        
The sound of brushes tapping on your water glass        
Patience and concentration to maintain the pose        
The thought of your brush strokes across my skin invade my mind        
Unbidden, I picture your brush        
Your lips        
Your wet sex        
I harden          
I see your response in a new light        
Yes, my muse        
I will use you to my liking        
The finest silk scarves for your wrists        
I watch your hesitation        
Then slow, curious excitement        
Your form, perfection        
As I set the stage        
Muscle straining against the restraints
You bind me to a wooden chair as you now want to see me
Experience me
Moving your easel to the view you desire
Because you like it
Because it makes you wet
You paint your admiration
When I look at you
My body responds to the deep blue lust of your eyes
The passion of your red curls and the womanly curves of your body        
Brush moving to skin
The rise and fall of your breath a heady arousal
I have imagined the possession of you
Brush swirling maddening slow
Lips replace sable hairs
A feather-light touch
As muscles tense and release
Erogenous zones electrified
You tense        
Bound, I am at your mercy
Your clothes drop
Standing before me unadorned
I drink in the sight
Hands teasingly caressing your body
Drawing my eyes to what I desire
But out of reach
Fingers moving between your thighs
Teasing yourself for my enjoyment
My desire maddening
You place a moist finger to my lips
A taste of your lust        
I position myself above
Lower onto your magnificence
And begin the undulation of your undoing
Looking into your eyes I caress my breasts
As your hips rise to meet my wetness
Wanton in my need for you I perform
Your name escapes my lips
In gasps and moans
The sunlight catches the ripeness of your skin
A masterpiece of maleness and beauty
You strain against the silk
In your fervor our eclipse takes hold
Delivering our need  
Written by Her
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Tyrant of Words
United States 20awards
Joined 1st Sep 2021
Forum Posts: 86

Stars in Our Eyes - with the talented SamNash

Wild flowers
The sweet scent of your whispered promises…
Your love
Like the stars born in my eyes as you caress me
Every soul searing kiss
Every brand of my flesh
Every drop of my desire
Wild lust
The hot musk of your dripping folds moaning…
Your surrender
As your nipples turn red on your naked breasts
Exploding with
Every soul surrendering bite
Every inch of succulent flesh
Every drop of splashing cum
Break me
The touch of your hands holding me tight…
Your control
Like the Sun pulling me in your heavenly orbit
Every will I have left
Every breath I take
Every dream I make
You are mine
The heart that beats in my body is yours…
Mine alone
Like the stars have a choice not to shine
Yours alone
Like grapes have the will not to become wine
Every day to you
Every night to me
Every single eternity
Every star in our eyes

Written by Her
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