Poetry competition CLOSED 18th June 2024 6:46am
gothicsurrealism (Daniel Long)
View Profile Poems by gothicsurrealism


Dead Beat Anthems

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Netherlands 13awards
Joined 24th July 2016
Forum Posts: 68

Mea Culpa

was it my fault?
what did i do?

i was so little

always felt his
anger, tangible
at the surface

as i got older
bits & pieces
were laid bare

on the news

i searched for
clarity, trying to
figure out who

this man is?

the only thing
i know osvaldo
was his name

given name

he's a bottler
a closed book

was he a victim
or a witness or

...an abuser?

my father who
once was a friar

whatever he's
gone through

it felt like i had

to carry his cross
Written by Duende
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Dangerous Mind
Portugal 24awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 359


Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17113


was there a time when gentleness
touched our body and soul as children
was there a time when goodness
and love was felt from his hands

betrayed his spouse and deeply hurt
all the children left sad and distraught
heavy hands with drunken breath
cowering in corners we grieved

we grieved for the death of our love
we cried for the loss of our respect
we mourned his untold despair
for his unhappiness and shame
his short affairs to assure himself
his abusive ways to show control
sadly he lost us all
as we retreated from his hold

we felt his kicks and slaps
but the pain was sheathed in sympathy
we heard his shouts and screams
but they were meaningless sounds

we were grateful for he provided
us roof over head and met our needs
we smiled and respectfully nodded
when he spoke to us, though so loud

his mother was a shaman fierce and bold
they looked the same lips straight and cruel
their eyes borrowed the grey of the sky
sharp as the eagle's eye

but he was our father after all
the man our mother stood by
until the day he breathed his last
she cried softly at his grave

We remember
Written by Grace (IDryad)
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Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 16th Apr 2024
Forum Posts: 277


I look over to the shelf
A box full of ashes
All that remains of you

Happy Birthday Dad

I miss you and thats the truth

So many reasons why I shouldn't
Why I should hate you
But I don't

I forgave you for what you did
For what you were
I sent you a text before you died
I wanted you to know
I found out after that you never got it
That still bothers me

I know that you were broken
I didnt understand it then

I know now

Childhood trauma destroyed your mind
Mine was also destroyed in the same way
I know what that does
I know the weight of that
That is why I chose to forgive you

When I was young I idolized you
You were so strong and aggressive
I wanted to be that way too
Instead of being weak

I wanted you to love me
I did anything to try to make you happy
I didn't know why you hurt me so much
You were everything to me

As you got older the regret and guilt ate at you
You were alone and it was your doing
You didn't know how to fix what was broken in you
You became a shell of the man you were

I know how that feels

I pitied you in this weakened state
This once great man so humbled by life
I hated seeing you like that

I know that you loved me in your own way
In a way that a person who could only feel anger did
Later as a person who could only feel guilt

I wanted to release you from that guilt before you passed
I wanted you to have some peace before you left this earth

I know what its like

To live without peace
To live with regret
To live with darkness
To live with guilt
To live as a broken person

I know

I love you Dad
Written by The_Darkness_Insid
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Daniel Long
Thought Provoker
United States 10awards
Joined 26th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 219

Nurtured By Sorrows in Childhood

“Nurtured by sorrows in childhood”
…what the hell does that even mean?

I thought it, I wrote it.
I lived it, I remember it…

A child in darkness puts hell in ovation…
but where was my heaven?

I swear I was touched once then…
by an angel, I think.

I’m not sure, for its face was blackened
in the dimmed basement.

Cold, wet cement walls echoed whining.
Please… please why can’t it be a dream?

My angel, my protector and my hero
you should have been.

Your touch felt kind, caring and trustworthy…
but that face!

Oh, that face of yours chained me to the darkened corner
squeezing the childhood out of my broken body!

I grew up too fast in childhood.
I’d love to have it all back now.

One steals… what another’s lost;
your thieving smothered the light in my soul.

Nearly every day, I cross my arms over my chest
in the comforting hold of the only one who knows, who understands.

I hug me…
the bad won’t drain from this fragile being.

It has cemented itself to every corner of my body and mind.
I will never be free again.

Now and again, I think of that basement,
only to relive the horror.
Written by gothicsurrealism (Daniel Long)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 16awards
Joined 12th June 2013
Forum Posts: 167

The Wicked Man of Pussy IV (Daddy No No)

 “Some see fatherless children like a stray puppy in an alley    
But I refuse to be the one they call motherfuckin daddy,    
 “The one who got that pussy pregnant is the one she needs to get with    
And I put that on some real daddy no no shit,    
 “If it wasn’t created by my baby making sperm      
Then the rugrat motherfucker is not my concern,    
“I’m not trying to be daddy so kids don’t expect shit from me    
Because my only goal is getting your mama’s stretched out pussy,    
 “It can be creamy, labia hanging, or desert storm dried up    
No matter her pussy’s condition I’m just trying to fuck,    
“Wrinkled balls deep, grinding in her pink glory    
Because the number of kids she got will tell her pussy’s nasty story,    
 “Baby one    
It could be considered the slip of the nut,    
 “Baby two    
She just got caught up getting raw fucked,    
 “Baby three    
Ho’ you know what birth control is for      
 “Baby four      
Bitch you just a baby making whore!!’    
  “Dick thirsty mamas will make sure their babies is asleep      
But their asses wake up hearing mama moan and the bed creak,    
  “It hurts them to their soul hearing mama gag and beg    
It hurts them to their heart listening to mama being long dick fed,    
 “Running in the room seeing their mama getting dick drama    
Pulling on my ass cheek screaming ‘get off my mama!    
 “Motherfuckers reading this will bitch I ain’t right    
Regardless of the fucking hate my condom is always extra tight,      
 “They hear their mama call me daddy, now they think I’m daddy    
But the only love they getting is exhaust from my caddy,    
 “Coughing and wondering if I’ll be back ever again      
Only if their ho’-ass mamie want my nuts on her chin”.
Written by CasketSharpe
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Tyrant of Words
United States 16awards
Joined 22nd Jan 2024
Forum Posts: 122

Happy Father's Day You Scumbag (with AfterSexDilemma)

Today is the day, let us cheer
Our lives are so much better, that he's not here
Oh father, you never were dependent
Do not forsake us, you were always ascendant

It's been a year
We haven't shed a tear
No angels or demons to guide us
We are free, there's nothing more to discuss

We shut him out
Years of screaming inside the house
Our proclamation, loud and clear
Growing up, with formidable fears

Father please, stop pretending
Negativity was always trending
You were received
Cut and remedied

A timeless and useless scar
In our memories, looking through the dense fog

You forget the time
When you committed a crime
Abusing us throughout our youth
Physically & mentally, that's the truth

Numerous times you raped her just for fun
You fucked her raw, she swallowed your cum
I remember looking on, nothing I can do
Mom was working late, she had no clue

You punched, beat, smacked and abused us
Sodomized, humiliated, to afraid to discuss
Mom was a coward, looked the other way
She never had a pair, all she'd do is prey

As we got older you became more abusive
Even in public, the violence was more obtrusive
One day last year, we had enough
It was Father's day, you thought you were tough

Your incestial, violent ways were all I could stand
Sis and I hate you, I loosely call you a man
That night we plotted a way to destroy you for good
We knew what this entailed, we both understood

Sis lured him in her room, she enticed him with her twat
His focus was on her crotch, he was getting real hot
He pulled out his cock, stroking it a bit
He told his daughter, spit on your clit

As soon as he attempted to climb on top
I came from behind with an axe, I began to chop
He became startled as the axe penetrated his arm
He turned around in disbelief, he knew I meant harm

He tried to grab the axe but to no avail
Sis jumped on him, and started to whale
I told her to jump off as I axed him in the chest
The axe now wedged, right below his breast

Mom came in screaming and yelling at us to stop
Sis bitch slapped her twice, she was hurt, she then dropped
I finished father off with a blow to his head
He fell like a ton of bricks, I believe he was dead

Bits of plasma, brain and skull oozed all over the floor
Sis began to vomit, she ran out the door
I propped him up, told mom to give him a goodbye kiss
She actually did, off with his head, the feeling was pure bliss

Mom called the police, we told them our story
Today's is his one year anniversary
Dad provided pain, now we shine in the glory
Written by Vision_of_insanity
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Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1878

In Exile

I know things got off on the wrong foot right from the start
At the time when I was young I just fell apart
Even after all the years of me trying to do what was right
Lately it just feels like your silence is out of spite

With every visit I loved our conversations and laughs
The quality time was more precious and unforgettable
And as you got older you became stronger and bolder
So I wrote you verses to make our relationship memorable

But something strange happened within the last few years
You’re so distant and quiet and won’t talk to me anymore
I thought this was a two-way street type of relationship
Your one-word answers seem to want to close that door

I haven’t heard from you a while
I miss your face and I miss your smile
You say nothing is wrong but the tension is strong
I’ve been away but now I feel like I’ve been exiled

I can try and try again hitting that same old dead-end
But I don’t know what’s going on if you don’t tell me
Living in the past holding on to anger is in dire contrast
That will leave nothing but pain and a hurtful memory

But I made my peace with it a long, long time ago
I knew there’d be consequences despite how hard I tried
Because no matter what you’ve heard the evidence is there
For the many times I was rejected I had to swallow my pride

Every day I pray that truth and wisdom come your way
Hoping you understand my love for you will always be there
I know there’s love in your heart even though we’re far apart
Even if this new odd façade likes to show like it doesn’t care

I haven’t heard from you in a while
I miss your face and I miss your smile
You say nothing is wrong but the tension is strong
I’ve been away but I can wait in peace here in exile
Written by wallyroo92
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Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 15th June 2024
Forum Posts: 54

Dad Beats Down

buried thoughts rising up after long ignorance
from the roots of self-loathing, insecurity, angst
clear memories of your fiery eyes, Dad
as you would snap the belt
stare into my core
your mouth salivating
as you prepared to put this toothpick
of a sonofabitch
in his place

total submission
not gonna stop til there is no smirk left
not gonna stop til voice becomes mute
breaking down any sense of security
stomping out every last bit of self-assurance
to cope with your own flaws
to secure your insecurity

I'm broken
but that's on me
Written by moon_bather
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