Poetry competition CLOSED 21st April 2024 12:49pm
View Profile Poems by wallyroo92
RUNNER-UP: diddi


Horror Nights

Faith Elizabeth Brigham
Tyrant of Words
United States 12awards
Joined 29th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 210

Poetry Contest

Calling all vampires, witches and spirits.

Dare to scare poetry only! Any length and style. New or old poems but only one entry per person. Judging will be by me +1 member.

Fire of Insight
United States 15awards
Joined 12th July 2017
Forum Posts: 286

Her Rose Stained Hands

In the bosom of the mountain calling
A foreign spirit forced to crawling
Women swarm the fire of her hand
Burning brighter under cursed command
She sends the northern deserts rain
She spreads her dress to stake her claim
And with a whisper of her breath
The demons rise to answer death
And all her sisters gather around
They talk to trees and trample the holy ground
Sing your songs to her alone
Bow to her terrestrial throne
For in their circle they make a stance
The witches perform their religious dance
The spirits teach the ways of the wood
They are cleansed in the name of sisterhood
Now they abide her desert way
Under her staff never lead astray
But it is here that fate will fall
Unless they break satanic call
She flees into her tent of red
She begs her starving soul be fed
And in her hand she opens the portal
With her sharpened knife water spilled from a mortal
She pled a witch would never waive
Now her allegiance sent to the grave
There's no place her magic stands
She cannot wipe her rose stained hands
Written by Thetravelingfairy
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Fire of Insight
England 15awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 546

The Bisto-Kid.

It's dark and damp in Georgia, near    
this Cahulawassee river,    
a jungle like Borneo, it's clear  
as I break another nail, and shiver.    
On the Appalachian trail    
a visit to the primitive past,    
" I must be outta my tree," I wail    
but mostly I need food and fast.    
" Dinner's ready " a ghostly moan              
dies away in the falling night,              
a rattle of pans make me groan              
coz I ain't dined since early light.              
The smell of smoke awakes my plight              
as does the aroma of roast pork,             
I've already pulled my belt in tight              
as my hike starts to feel, like work.              
No campfire flame, as yet, is shown              
no track pointing to campsite,              
just torturing smells, these are blown              
up my nose becoming my sight.              
And my tracking skills track it right              
Ah! a Bisto-Kid... in the gloomy murk              
but still slavering for a bite              
but no welcoming campfire spark.              
But my nose leads me to a hut,              
a stone stove, a G.I dixie,             
my belly thinks my throat's been cut              
but the smell of long-cooked-piggy,              
turns my hands to tearing claws              
all is silent, not a sound,            
but slurping lips, my chomp of jaws           
filling belly, now heaven bound.              
I poke the fire up to a blaze              
and see the roasted leg is, kinda small,             
no crackling but hell I'm ready to praise              
the cook an' clean an' wash an' all.              
In the gloom I kick a boot              
and my delight is changed to fright,              
coz horror of horrors in it, a foot              
as I bang outta there into the night,            
I knock a table, something rolls to the floor,                
a chopped up head with accusing eyes              
watched me chase my vomit, out the door...
Written by Rew
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Faith Elizabeth Brigham
Tyrant of Words
United States 12awards
Joined 29th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 210

Thank you, Rew, for your gory entry! Good luck to you!

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 17th July 2012
Forum Posts: 81

Undead transmitted disease!

unprepaired  panic!
communication static!
next door neighbor tried to kill me!
flesh consuming zombies!!!

may 28th 2012 a naked man ate someone's face
cops had arrived  and shot him on site
and covered his corpse up with sheets
but who was to know this psychotic man was hosting
a fatal disease
experts would say it was k2 or bath salts to hide it from
you and me

months had gone by
we believed in the lies
enjoying the American way
but I woke up this morning
looked out my room window
and saw my street
in bloody dismay
picked up the phone with no dial tone
hoping help would be on the way
Just in that moment the front door broke open
it was my neighbor with a half eaten face!!

unprepaired panic!
communication static!
next  door neighbor tried to kill me!
flesh consuming zombies!!!

she latched on me fast
but I broke off her grasp
and smashed in her skull with a vase
she fell through the table
I knew it was fatal
cause brains had splattered my face
outside I here screaming
the undead ar feeding
my yard is showered in blood
I ran to my closet quickly unlocked it
and scrambled to load my shotgun

once people
now targets
bursting heads
ruined garments
their brains took flight in the breeze
with my death impending
my gun almost empty
I'll save the last shell for me

windows ar breaking
from death's new awakening
I know that my time is up
I swallowed my shotgun and pulled on the trigger
and painted my bedroom with blood

widespread panic!
communication static!
next door  neighbor tried to kill me!
overran by zombies!!!

undead feeding frenzy
my insides scooped empty
tearing flesh off my
dead mangled corpse
my head is left  peeled back
from desperate suicide act
hadn't planned on becoming
an uncooked main course!

and so it's been written
mankind is now victim
to an undead transmitted disease!

widespread panic!
communication static!
next door neighbor tried to kill me!
overran by zombies!!!

undead transmitted disease!
Written by jigg82
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Faith Elizabeth Brigham
Tyrant of Words
United States 12awards
Joined 29th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 210

Thank you for your engrossing entry. Good luck to you!

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 69awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2802

Musings of the Undead

- Musings of the Undead -

Part I – Ancient Am I

Ancient am I, but this life robbed me of so much!
Or has this all been one long, tortured existence?
Night is my solace, and I seek in it a peace, such,
As I have not known since I lost all my innocence.
In my heart beats such darkness as none can tell!
Though there is love too, so awful that consumes,
And despite my human face, I am born from Hell.
I have walked in castles, in temples and in tombs,
But I have found none like unto myself in all being.
Some called me a demon, others a vampire fiend!
But their mortal eyes are not as capable of seeing,
Without my true nature made, by it so demeaned.

But in the eve, I seek with my body and my spirit.
Some power, some divinity that makes me whole!
Am I dead: possessing this shell in which I do sit?
So hard is it, to tell of life from death: to console…
My maddened heart, which beats with that flame,
Which came from out of the depths of the Inferno.
I cannot repent, and I cannot feel any real shame,
For I cannot be, other than the nature I do know!
And so, I embrace the night, loving the Goddess.
She who took me under her greatest ebon wings!
I drink, of her blood, and it cures all my distress.
Whilst I do hear the darkness and how this sings!

How many vessels have been consumed, ashen,
By the fire that is in my soul; it devours entirely…
Until I find the purest love, to ease every burden!
Then those fires will be sated, at rest contentedly.
Was I so wicked once upon the times now past?
In my pursuit, of knowledge forbidden and fell…
Had I known that my humanity could not so last?
But my first body is no more: the discarded shell.
I wear fresher raiment and I walk a hidden path,
Until that hour, when my old glories shall return…
And, all the gods who cursed me feel true wrath.
I am not of the living; so, let every universe burn!

Part II – Forbidden Fruits

Had I tasted the forbidden fruits so sweetly fine,
As the blood from your lips as was so offered…
Your porcelain features; white, perfect, sublime!
Complimenting the scarlet thus swiftly conferred.
Had I, then I would have been ideally readied…
To compare it, to some ideally sweet ambrosia!
Only the gods of Heaven can beautifully bleed…
Redder, than the pomegranate picked in Persia!
Behold: for you live, and thence, shall become…
That which I am; a daughter of my infernal flesh!
For did you not taste of my life as thusly done…
With your life’s breathing: ever sweet and fresh?

So young to die and be reborn in this cruel way!
Yet so, your beauty shall hence endure, eternal.
You will thank me, when gone past is mad day,
And night arouses in you feelings cruelly primal.
Our love will be much more savage and honest…
Freed from the foolish trappings, of convention.
My fangs pierced you deep unto the fair breast!
Like Cupid’s arrows of love’s fiery intervention;
A remnant of your mortal shell: to forever wear.
Your body will be your whitest wedding attire…
Alive, far beyond death: with naught to compare.
I, the groom, shall give you a truly warm hellfire!

Sleep for now, and thence awaken to my eyes,
The first you shall see before the sacred hunger.
We will then dance, beneath the blackest skies!
And our passion will roar loudly as the thunder.
Written by Kou_Indigo (Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 12th June 2013
Forum Posts: 156

Vulgar Violations (Halloween Syck House Series)

      “The fight between her, her husband and the invader did not last long  
Now they were prisoners of this foul place, dragged away from their home,  
            “Her whimpered whines echoed weakly throughout the room  
As she stared at her dead husband anally impaled by a broken broom,  
            “A tube now down her throat, causes her to choke, but she remains alive  
Bent over waiting in dread of being violated between open thighs,  
            “Ropes immobilizing her arms and neck stretched into darkness  
As she kneeled in piss while hearing anguished screams in the distance,  
            “Light instantly shines then disappears  
From a squeaking metal closing door that amplifies her fear,  
           “Gushy footsteps could be heard that stop next to her head  
While the word ‘unclean’ was a word that was repeatedly said,  
            “A switch was activated creating a clanking sound  
As semi-hot cum flowed through the tube working its way down,  
            “Her attempted swallowing started uncontrollable convulsions  
While he lubricated her pussy with heating massage lotion,  
            “He shut off the vat when she became nine months swole  
And cum was oozing from her ass, mouth and bloody nose,  
            “On his dick he begins to secure a curved jagged blade  
That was anointed with her husband’s feces and green glowing sage,  
           “A hard slap on her bruised ass caused her to moan  
While the cum that creamed her asshole begin to foam,  
            “Dirty cold hands spread her ass cheeks wide  
Creating an unhindered path for his bladed dick to go inside,  
            “Slow by uncomfortable slow inch she was being ripped  
Until the pain became unbearable and she begin to shit,  
            “With every increasing stroke he repeated the word ‘unclean’
 As she continued to defecate and choked out a scream,  
            “With each withdrawal his bladed dick was covered in bloody flesh  
While she cried and, in her heart, prayed for a quick death,  
            “But death would not come as she was tortured day after endless day  
As pieces of her pussy and sanity was fucked away”.
Written by CasketSharpe
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Faith Elizabeth Brigham
Tyrant of Words
United States 12awards
Joined 29th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 210

Thank you for your entry. Good luck.

Tyrant of Words
United States 34awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1622


I prowl thru the witching hour
To kill something more than a metaphor
Only one thing can sate my hunger
The succulent flesh of the holy whore

I have lain dormant for far too long
With nothing left but skin and bones
Pulsing like maggots in the grave
Existing in throes of horrid pain
Forsaken and void of all thought
And now half my cock has rotted off
Lightning strikes the stone at my head
It's time to rise from the fucking dead

To kill
To eat
Footsteps by your bed
It's time
To kill
I'll rip off your fucking head
To kill
To eat
Stinking of the grave
It's time
To kill
I will eat your fucking brains

Getting some head
For all the undead

This whole place is a charnal house
Abstract red paint by exsanguiation
Butcher the birthed and pulping the meat
The motherfucking master of mutilation

Bestial sodomy like a dead
Man breathing new life well said
Larva wiggle in open wounds
I'm howling for blood beneath the moon
Laid bare in tattered vestal robes
Putrid corpses stiff with pain untold
I know you know that old adage
Prepare yourself for gore-rot carnage

To kill
To eat
Footsteps by your bed
It's time
To kill
I'll rip off your fucking head
To kill
To eat
Stinking of the grave
It's time
To kill
I will eat your fucking brains

Rip your head off

s tr i  p You D


The bone
And feast

Written by HadesRising
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Fire of Insight
Portugal 18awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 281


she died a few days ago
they told me,
of a rare and radical cancer
in the common bile duct,
It saddened me to know...

after leaving her life...
"I don't need the man
but I want the poet."
she said then.

now she is dead
and I remain a poet
even though she doesn't know.

became the ghost muse
of what doesn't rhyme with me.

She died, they told me!
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Faith Elizabeth Brigham
Tyrant of Words
United States 12awards
Joined 29th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 210

Thank you for your entry. Good luck!

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

The Hall Of The Damned

The scream of sheer death
it deflates your lungs
and rips out your breath  
it tears apart
the ventricles of your heart
like the demonic sounds
of a fallen angels harp
the evil flame forming faces
howl and burn mental ash traces
that lick your brain with hot pain
which lights up the dark
to show the insane
in their stark underworld  
of plughole down drain .

A soul stealing trident
Satan spiked and hell sent
tri pronged and wrapped  
in a serpent
stands arrow capped  
in an evil dominant
inside are trapped spirits of unrepent
and infinite , expirement
they ache for your
desperate , detriment
and life retirement

So how can you be here
if your not dead yet
a demon leans near and says
this is what you might get
only fear if you gamble
and lose the bet
your soul so dear
shall be speared in an eternal net

The hall of the damned
full of gone murderers that hanged  
now they're hell framed
their pictured in pain
forever tortured  
dead and inane
they cry out contorted,  
faintly my name
as I leave Satans
emporium of reign
I know after this
that I'll play the right game
and never shall I diss
the lords name ever again ,
nor dare never shall I speak it
in vain .
Written by diddi (StephenPaul Summerscales)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 151awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1851

Her Viscera Eyes

Siempre he oido de su leyenda, pero nunca pense en oir sus gritos,
Esa noche senti su presencia, cuando ella lloraba por sus hijitos.

…and when the wolves and dogs stopped their howling,
A warm putrid scent seemed to fill the air,
The perpetual silence was like a warning,
Of something necrophagous out there.
Her ghostly echo travelled all through town,
The sound of her cries were full of grief,
Over by the river you can still hear,  
Her ghastly screams without any relief.
En el silencio se puede oir el río, con sus gritos de horror,
Y es cuando sientes el escalofrío, es algo que causa un terror.

The streets are dark and empty, no one is out,
Nobody dares to go out in the night,
Her voice faintly comes in through the windows,
Filling ears with fears and phantasmal fright.
Those who thought of themselves as brave enough,
Go chasing the specter but it’s in vain,
Because some of those who run into her,
Are found frozen, speechless or gone insane.
Desde anoche oigo sus llantos, con tantos gemidos de dolor,
A pensar que puedo ver su rostro, su piel ha perdido el color.

The children giggled then screamed in horror when they died,
While she forced them under water and watched them drown,
Now she has a mouth full of parasites and maggots,
With pale skin full of open sores seeping through her gown.
Her shrill voice carries sharply through dark and lonely streets,
From the river and through the graveyard the mother cries,
When you see her thin ethereal figure from behind,
She will turn to look at you with her viscera eyes.
Written by wallyroo92
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Tyrant of Words
United States 151awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1851

Thank you faithmarie for the honor in this comp.

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