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Blendology Poems [ for 18+ adults ]
Forum Posts: 2183
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018 
Forum Posts: 2183
Deeper and Deeper
My vivid emotions are scaling steeper and steeper
Falling into the enrapture of my sweeten abyss
I can’t swim, holding on for a floating reminisce
No breaths of rescue, but empty perceptions amiss
A thrilling rollercoaster ride to surrender under my seductive womanly creed
Giving you my wants, my desires, all of my needs
Endangered narratives, so allow my emotions for once to softly bleed
No Band-Aid needed, just permit it to seep and flow
Merging the essence of my heart and soul as it goes
Let my eyes see things undone
No need to straighten things out, this is my salvation, I have fought and won
I have lifted myself out of the elements of solitude
My mind screams out for peace among gratitude
It feels so good for the mind to have no plans
Just me, myself, and I where I presently stand
Gypsy girl without my banjo
Dancing in the wilderness, the winds shaping my heart, enlightening me from head to toe
In the midst of the sweetest emotional freeze
No time to get back down on my knees
I am loving to just write as I plead
The rambling over spilling, unchained, and running free
My ability to shelve my salacious creed as I please
For the first time, I will allow someone else to take the wheel
Lead my heart into the dark world of forbidden passions to fulfill
I refuse to find my way
My thoughts within self is quiet and peaceful as a child is learning to play
Blue skies on the horizon, making tender love to my mind
For once, separating myself from my presence, my time
No designs, yet, grateful for God’s echoing chimes
I can run, I can walk, I can soar
No restraints holding me down, refusing to bust down a hurried door
Feels so good as naked as I am
Flying high without the constrains of man
Eyes wide open
The winds carrying my thoughts have spoken
Reality advising me this is not a dream
My mind is suspended in a state of total serene
Soft petals of a gypsy
Brought To You
Another K Production™
Forum Posts: 2183
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018 
Forum Posts: 2183

Molases and Honey
Kneeling as he opens the nebula bud of my passion unto him
Edging on my sacrifice of seducing me with the flick of his tongue
Titillating he sends, I follow, in the covering of mist, he arouses the soft folds
Of my lover’s clit
Waiting for the bid of his tongue to swirl around as he bury his tongue into my dampen honeypot
The lick of his offering lapping, gently teasing, savoring my sweeten crater
His lust, my desires draws my pelvis closer to his satisfying giving
The hunger of his tongue inside the sacred liaison of my sugar walls
The decadence of his taste keeps me, his addictive manly scent beguiles me
Lengthening his tongue, my honeycomb riding the rapture of his soulful pleasure
My pussy walls cocooning his tongue in the wet wondrous slicken bliss
The flare of his nostrils lost in the silkiness of my ecstasy
A taste of me is as sweet as the soft voice murmuring for him to take him, complete me
The pools of my essence making a pool onto the lavender scented sheets
Inhaling the gulf of my pinkish deepness, sniffing in my feast of my dampness
Holding the opening of his bliss to his face, palming my voluptuous hips, his mouth fellatio me ever.. so slowly
His tongue taking the time to languish indulge my liquidly heat in his beauty’s sinful indulgence
Insatiably tattooing my mound, with each cunnilingus slip, letting the world know I belong to him
My back arched in the perfection of him implementation me with his nightly wishes
My soft bronzed skin glistening against the mounted lightening, showcasing the blazing of wantonness
Purring moans as he drinks in the yearning of his femme fatale obsession
His dedication, I lay, caught in the web of my tang
Our sacred union he surrenders my resistance
The soles of my feet, bracing the curvature of his lower back
Kissing through my downy hairs, uplifting my mound up to his face
Creasing the girth of his tongue, curling it inside me, clenching his skin in the incursion
Eyes closed, my body as a feather’s touch under his maestro
Hand to his head urging his puissant
Mm… riding the darting pleasure of his mouth
Tasting my soulful eruption on his tongue
Famished of this beauty’s pussy, my essence drippings, kissing his chin
Mm… my dewy saturation, his face now wears
A femininity taste only to lick his lips in the sweetest remembrance of our moment in time
Joined 2nd Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 130
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 130
OMG!!!! The ultimate of cunnilingus. The joy and satisfaction of eating pussy for both parties….mmmm…
Forum Posts: 2183
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018 
Forum Posts: 2183

Ms. Valentine Serenading Mr. Cupid
We love life, not because we are used to living but because we are used to loving.
Friedrich Nietzsche
My siren songs echoed in the night, whispered upon your skin, tenderly felt to your psyche
Entangled stars captivating once dealt
Beautiful sentiments to make the mind melt
My inner temple wet life silken rain pelts
I cry out for your weakening touch tonight
Gyrating bodies generating more heat than light
Butter rum craved
Rain your love down on me, as emotions softly cave
Passion overflows from the sweetest love ever made
No soft silver amulets to ward off its call
Standing to remain from the spiraling silent fall
The moon so grand in its magnetic force
Hungering for my heart, my mind my sweetest vows of choice
Caressing the skin of such hidden fires
Surrendering unto the taste of the mind’s kindred desires
Temptation in Cupid’s arrow aiming from the skies above
Orion’s melody of relentless love
I cry out for your weakening touch tonight
Gyrating bodies generating more heat than light
Upon the universe butter rum craved
Rain your love down on me, as emotions suddenly cave
Passion overflows from the sweetest love ever made
Forum Posts: 2183
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018 
Forum Posts: 2183
Swirl your famished hunger my love
Ever so gently over my toes
Interweaving the tip of your eager tongue
Between the spaces of its existence
Snail pacing your eager tongue up my inner thigh
Mm… to the waiting parcel of my sacred rose
Palming the cushion of my buttocks
Inhaling the essence of my savory scent
Drops of me settling unmercifully on your lips
Drawing me closer unto the depth of your feast
The fixation of your oral hibernation
With care, siphoning my extracts with each lick
The cuspid of my temple
Arching my back.. mmm… in total submission
Under the mastery of your touch
Your feverish taste of me… mm… satisfying my needs
The extension of your tongue
Slithering inside my milky way
Your head palmed in the moment of heightened lust
Rendering me helpless, defenseless, I’m all yours
Gyrating to the ritual of your tongue dance
Fighting my resistance to complete me
Your tongue anchoring deeper sss… and deeper ..and deeper
Snaking inside my eternity
Soft rainfalls
Your tongue baptizing within the Holy Grail of my sacred crux
Sheets clenched in blissful anticipation
My back arched, sss.. oh, my Heavenly pants, oh how beautiful thy sound
Stealing my breaths away
My breasts palmed
The fate of ecstasy locked againt the sides of your face
Oh God Calls of divinity
My fingers slithering inside my mouth
As you’re swallowing my seeping desires
Cleansing the rapture of my soul over and over as your tongue dips deeper
Cries of you completing me
Our spiritual alliance you’ve touched
An anointed cosmic offering unto my Chi
Feather kisses to my soft folds behind your beautiful madness
Soothing the trail of where your rapture initiated
Mm.. moans of shaken passion
Remnants of tasting me
Shattered within the wind
Oh, my love touch me
Touch my soul
As we write our passion in the stars above
Mm… my love
Mini-Production Brought To You By
Another K Production™
Forum Posts: 2183
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018 
Forum Posts: 2183
I wanted to give homage to a city that I loved walking in my stilettoes on their pavement.
In celebrating Fat Tuesday 2024 (Mardi Gras) 💜💚
Wow... what a nice time to have had the blessing in my life to have experienced. If you have never been to New Orleans, I would advise you to make it a time in your life to visit such a vibrant city with so much history.
Enjoy your evening as well,
In celebrating Fat Tuesday 2024 (Mardi Gras) 💜💚
Wow... what a nice time to have had the blessing in my life to have experienced. If you have never been to New Orleans, I would advise you to make it a time in your life to visit such a vibrant city with so much history.
Enjoy your evening as well,
Forum Posts: 2183
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018 
Forum Posts: 2183
The beautiful passion of Air, Earth. Fire, and Water
My love, you are such a wicked sin
I am the lust
I am the carnal pleasure
It’s where ecstasy shall begin
I love you
I love you not
I’m tied to your rapture as a Gordian knot
Take me my love
Make sweet love unto my skin
Between my creole thighs I am the carnal pleasure
That you found on a whim
Happy Valentine's Day
Forum Posts: 2183
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018 
Forum Posts: 2183
Detroit Dreams (Unedited Soundbyte)
I must inhale and exhale before, I cannot even begin to assuage this trip. I am still shaking my head in disbelief of having such a great time.
When does a bet becomes controversial, and I say that with the most humbly respect. My bestie and I decided to just relax for the weekend, no bet, just have so much fun, her spouse was out of town, he is an attorney, and her daughter, was over her grandmother's house, and she flew in from Boston on Friday.
Please be reminded I was just with my two besties from last week and we blazed our way into West Virginia and then took Pittsburgh by storm.
Fast forward
We decided on a trip to Detroit Michigan because I wanted to visit some of their landmarks. The trip was awesome in all its glory, and as always, I love blessing over any body of the water, which you will see during my soundbyte, during my editing process.
The food was great, and my hotel suite accommodation was star rated, I stayed at the Marriot on the Riverfront, and since there was only one suite available, she ended up staying at the Westin...
I only share my hotel suite accommodations with handsome men, and her hotel was not that far from my hotel.
I am just giving you the gist of our trip, the video will speak for itself, I have traveled all over the globe, so many cites, so many states.
I was born in the Dominican Republican, resided in France, lived in Haiti with my grann until she sent me off to college in the States.
In addition, during my college days. I have laid my head in the Motherland; Soweto (My heart still resides from the village echoes and the sadness as I still grieving from listening to the parents of their Albino children being snatched out of their parent's arm, they are used for such ethical folklore practices believed to bring luck, then, Tanzania).
I have never been escorted out of any country with a patrol car shadowing behind our rental, it was two to be exact. We were set, we crossed into Canada, I was excited, I wanted to speak my official French for a change and the last time I was over the boarder I was in Quebec, and there French is more relaxed.
So, if anyone know about crossing the border arriving in Cananda, you must have your passport and an enhanced identification, which I thought I left mine in New York, then I remembered it was in my purse, so many international stamps decorate it and that is from my collage days.
I have been through so many countries customs and immigrations to assure their government you are not bringing in any contraband.
I do not understand what my bestie was thinking about, but we get to Canada, I show my information, looking at my surrounding, knowing what a day of peace and fun awaited us.
All I heard my bestie say was, ‘are you serious, and I did not know, I need my passport.’
This bitch, never stated in a defiance or derogatory manner (Beauty In Total Control of Herself™) and excuse the worded misinterpretation on your behalf, but that is who WE ARE, however, she tried to cross into Canada without her passport, and winked at mean, I did not know what that mean, but now we had to pull aside and park the rental.
We were asked if we purchased anything in Canada, which we did not, we both had to sign a waiver stating we did not, or else, we would had to go through customs, and I just purchased me a pair of shoes in Detroit, and I wanted to go shopping in Ontario, in the meantime, I was trying to locate the receipt in case I was asked to show proof of my shoes.
We sat and waited for almost an hour of sorting things out, my bestie over there refreshing makeup for her podcast, and on Youtube this went viral.
My bestie called me and told me how many hits she has gotten.. and for me, during that moment, I was just relaxing taking in all the hoopla and the Canadian men... oh my, I need to relocate, they were so nice, cordial, one of the border patrol attendant scent was beguiling, he was asking us where we were from, our plans, and sorry for the misunderstanding and it really was, that is the story we are sticking too.
We had to be, and I kidd you not, escorted by Canadian Border Patrol vehicles back to the Michigan boarder and wait for them to remotely open the gate to allow us back into the USA.
Oh, what fun we had… I wish I could had bottled that moment in time... a bedtime story for my future heirs and my heiresses.
I know I should have agreed to go to Florida this weekend, but I am not quite ready to swim with any dolphins, but I know I will have to, when I go on my three week vacation soon.
Then once we were returned to Detroit, we were greeted by such a beautiful rainbow over the city of Detroit.
Live your beautiful life as if there is no tomorrow...because not even a second is promised.
I have such soft love for all you Canadians.
My last trip I enjoyed as I continue on my universal traveling journey for 2024
I bow to the element of my Aquarian water flow as I pass that Astrologic torch on to all you Pisces, may you still enjoy the spiritual comfort of a Fabolous February throughout.
Forum Posts: 2183
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018 
Forum Posts: 2183
The magnetic pull sending my essence to you filling your lungs
Passion on the run, desire felt past the rising sun
My mind, my soul as you sail into my wet sunken treasure and then thrust so deep
The heat of your core urging me on with a passionate leap
The taste of my mind searching, savoring, feasting, our bodies making its own carnal song all night long
Desires interlocking, as bodies cajoling on
On a sumptuous flow of honey, hunger consumes my flesh
Left and right, solid, oh you’re so firm, entwined bodies, a beautiful carnal mesh, dewy and fresh
Crushing lovingly, hips undulating to the beat of my own tune
On its own journey to climax, moving, feeling, sending my pussy past the beautiful Nile lagoons
Yet not rushing towards our bodily plight
Your whispers telling this Angel it’s all right
Passion, you will give me into the throne of Dawn’s early light
Tell me, my love do you remember how many soft licks
How many tongues wagging soft inflict
Clenching, scratching...mmm as I climax galore
Pussy oiling his girth
Addicted off its arrowing and aroused worth
Once again as I lie under the contention to allow him to take my body beyond as we celestial soar
Are you ready to renew our passion of emotions again...and...again for the desires I have in store
Oh baby.. I love when you are sinking deep inside my Kompa Dance
Forum Posts: 2183
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018 
Forum Posts: 2183

Soft whispers in the dark
Where connecting spirits beautifully lark
Oh, radiant sun, emotional strokes of the moon
Gentle words spoken, as cascading water flows
Bathing my Chi as sinking in a deep lagoon
Caress the softness of my skin let his tongue aimlessly roam over me as it please, when it seductively drift
Sealing your lips upon mine on a starry night, as whispers from the inner core gravitates to your alluring comic thrusting gifts
A Queens's Crown Apparel™
Forum Posts: 2183
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018 
Forum Posts: 2183

Serenading to the winds my results
Just my inner random thoughts
Today, I must give recognition to mental attractions
That one soul worth the attentive of your emotional satisfaction
Blushing behind shameful detractions
Not long narratives, just the caressing behind the meaning
That sedated feeling you get when you are serene dreaming
Waking up and trying to go back to that slumbering feeling
Eyes wide open, reality is dealing,
Sweet whispers continued spilling
Yes, the magnetic mental attraction is still reeling
The is a gown is from my Return To Camelot Line
Creation By A Queen's Crown Apparel™
I will be venturing into the fable somewhere in time
Joined 2nd Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 130
Dangerous Mind

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Forum Posts: 2183
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018 
Forum Posts: 2183

Cupid’s bow please steadily guide me
His embedded arrow continues to open my emotions to flee
Allow rapture of my words to continue to flow free
Whispering in my ear his beautiful lines, he keep dazzling my mind
Just to be under him, on top of him, we become blurred time
Weakening my mind with his tongue-to-tongue kiss, pampering my mind with inspiration, as his hands all over my body blindly drift
It's not Christmas but his presence, his masculinity to me is a gift
Mm... who is this handsome Hebrew King who has given me his all
Holistic power in his words to seduce, clothes off, he enthralls
I have the key to his heart, the passage to his mind as he stands tall
His whispers, hypnotic beguiling, so alluring
My body keeps overdoing on that feeling when his tongue is licking up the honey after the pouring
Relishing in such a sweet captivating hangover, my handsome lover
Sweep me up in your arms, lay me on a bed of silken covers
His arrow in me is getting so weak
Yet, my handsome one knows the vows I have taken to love as my lips softly speaks
Passion, desires, lust, emotions, as I write to seek
Emotions gladly spilling forth my heart in glee
Tender emotions capturing my brain
Bringing the presence of such beautiful narrative rains
Hearts and minds earthly chained
Fate, pays the ransom with destiny thoughts
Passion, emotions, desires one has sought
Beautiful words appear found once confiscated and lost
Covet my inquisitive mind with alluring ideas
Tenderly kiss my brain, our lips we shall seal
It feels so good, so insane
When he is making love to the soft core of my brain
Yes, those endorphins are a roaring train, a Heavenly gain
Too far gone in the height of pleasure when he grunts my Creole name
Giving, receiving, love in heightened euphoric peaks
Our sweaty bodies fusing as passion leaks
Cerebral cortex still holding on
Sedated in the sheet music of our melody, embracing us like a unified mental song
Mm... this man got me
Creation By A Queen's Crown Apparel™
Forum Posts: 2183
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018 
Forum Posts: 2183

Ms. Tomcat as you rest the kitty on your, chest,
I was going to go Nun Runner all over your stalking ass, until I realized you are obsessed with me in your mind.
Trust when me when I say that everyone, it’s in black and white and documented by your admission.
As a woman, I’m a little flattered, however, as a Counselor, it is quite concerning.
Fantasizing about me.. and fucking you in your mind ... I have heard some strange and twisted attraction, but that is classified as mental sickening.
First of all,
I am so sorry, my Tomcat Poetess, but I am clit and I do love the thrust over and over inside me of a hard man’s arousal.
Now, I will give you some advice since you have attempted to slither into my energy, please don’t.
I see you have an obsession for someone else on DUP as well to admit that person is watching you, please seek you some form of Mental Health.
If you are in the New York area I have professional associates I can recommend you to.
Love and Hugs, always.
Forum Posts: 2183
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018 
Forum Posts: 2183

Mm.. The Universal Accountant
Touch me in the morning
Remnants of pleasure softy melting into the essence of my sweetest ambrosia
Enthralling breaths, showering undulated desires of weakened forays
Inhaling, exhaling, sedated in the blissful aftermath
As dawn’s early light tenderly kisses the remembrance of our entwined temples
Scented sheets of lavender we tussled upon
Bathing our entanglement as we blindly gaged peaks of rapture
Heightened in the rise and fall of its spiraling movements
Whispered expressed of its interlocked, enriching tales of you and I
Elixirs of love we give
Pasion, lust, reeks of its midnight glory with each cadence uplift
Funneling sensations in its downward momentum
Instilling then withdrawing to the tip of inner possession
Anchoring with commence in its wet deeper penetration
Heavenly caresses felt within, whimpers echoing the unity of surrendering
Soft pleads
Soft gasps
Touch me in the morning
When the exotic residue of my essence still lingers upon your lips
The taste of my memory ebbed in every syllable you pronounce
Undefined clenches in the peaks of rapture
My nails gently tattoo
Etched in the feverish ecstasy of your skin
My serenading moans
Your mouth coveted
Plummeting deeper into the cosmic of unbridled longings we seek
My faint kisses, bedazzling your skin
Adoration trails to the fountain of your lips
The gravity of time sinking within the depths of yesterday’s sins
Palms bridged, limbs tightened, breaths become as one
Caged yearnings we explore
Within the mirage of paradise
Our souls we paste
As we partake in the raining shudders of fulfillment
Jumping the virginal broom of such beautiful sordid lust
Droplets of cravings seeping
Satisfied in the delivery
Unifying in its hunger
The feel, the taste, our essence merging
As we once again
Delicately melt into the essence of my sweetest ambrosia
Creation By A Queen's Crown Apparel™
Live Blog Shot,,, (Discussing Mental Health)