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Poem of 2024

Dangerous Mind
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1854

Beautiful poem, Grace.💐💐💐

Ballad Of The Poem Of 2024 (cont.)

The Lovers snuggled in their bed,
they kissed and said goodnight,
then curled up in each other's arms
and held each other tight.

They drifted off to gentle sleep
and slept so sweetly on,
and through that soft and velvet night
their two hearts beat as one.

But while they slept the God of Dreams
he slipped into their mind
a dream for lovers sweet to dream,
a dream of Love so kind,

and in that dream those Lovers true
went floating up to space,
above the treetops, through the clouds
and past the Moon's fair face,

and when at last so high they were
they soared among the stars,
two planets floated up to them,
sweet Venus and red Mars.

The Lover to his Maiden cried,
"My love, a true, sure sign!
I realise we're dreaming now,
but this dream's by design!

For you're, my love, a Libra girl
and Venus rules your stars,
and I'm, my love, an Aries ram,
my ruling planet's Mars,

and as those planets long have loved,
among the stars above,
so we together always shall
be bound as one in love.

The Gods to us have sent this dream,
as we so soundly sleep,
to show our love is right and true,
our love so strong and deep,

and come what may, my darling girl,
as long as beats our heart,
no matter what the world should do
not ever we shall part!"

And then the Dream it slipped away,
the Lover woke from sleep
and kissed his Maiden lying there,
so soft and warm and sweet.

"Wake up, my love. It's time to leave.
A new dawn has begun.
We must away at break of day,
our Quest to carry on.

We've nearly reached the harbour town,
and waiting there's a boat.
Across the wild and stormy sea
together we must float."

The Maiden woke and kissed her love,
the Dream still in her mind,
then hand in hand the Lovers went
and left the night behind,

but evermore from that day on
the Dream stayed in their heart,
and nevermore from that day on
did those true Lovers part.


Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16913

👆👍🌹Ajay, that could be fleshed out into a short film. All your poems here, put together. 👏

Dangerous Mind
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1854

Grace said:👆👍🌹Ajay, that could be fleshed out into a short film. All your poems here, put together. 👏
Cheers, Grace💐. If you ever want to do it, I'll give you the copyright. 🙃

Much love 💐

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16913

ajay said:
Cheers, Grace💐. If you ever want to do it, I'll give you the copyright. 🙃

Much love 💐

🌹Oh no... I'd ruin it☺️

Dangerous Mind
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1854

Grace said:

🌹Oh no... I'd ruin it☺️

Ha! Nonsense! You'd make it better.💐

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16913

when forest turn to crimson glow
with the dappled sunlight below
I gather up my gossamer gown
straighten up my flower crown

when gentle breeze begin to blow
caressing the hair on sweaty brow
the songs of birds a symphony
the rustles of leaves accompany

the puffy clouds in the sky
nature's talent in strokes
of its divine brushes apply
leaves of yellow and russets

When night descent dimming daylight
dark curtain with twinkling stars
spread across in cool twilight
walk I home, wandering grace

Dangerous Mind
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1854

Now that's lovely, Grace, it really is. The perfect ending to the story: the Quest complete, the Maiden happy homeward heads. Beautiful. 💐

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16913

ajay said:Now that's lovely, Grace, it really is. The perfect ending to the story: the Quest complete, the Maiden happy homeward heads. Beautiful. 💐

Dangerous Mind
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1854

How About This One, Sylvia?

Time drags. The month moves slowly on, a weight
beneath a leaden sky, a single shade
of grey. A drizzle falls. No wind of late
disturbs the air. Monotony of days.
No change. Just hours of sadness, grey and dim,
like steps of mourning men who deadly tread  
the path of funeral procession grim
towards the tomb, that silent, final bed.
And I in coffin lie. The welcome grave
that waits for me ahead no sadness owns,
and buried deep within the earth's dark cave
I'll welcome let the maggots gnaw my bones.
For now you're gone all life from me has fled,
and though I live I am as good as dead.


Dangerous Mind
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1854

Absence One (A Series)

Beside him
he still hears her there

reaches out
to take her hand

but hand
meets only air.

Upon his heart
descends despair.


Dangerous Mind
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1854

Absence Two (A Series)

Now I in barren desert lie.
The only water here is tears
that flow when dream of you appears.
They flow so freely from my eye
that willingly would I now die
if just once more your own sweet lips
could join with mine in so sweet kiss
and float me on a blissful cloud
to heaven, angels singing loud.
My Maiden Love, you I so miss!


Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16913

fragrance of roses
scents of shampooed hair
rising from pillows
tell she was once there

Lipstick on the side table
panties on the floor
a used bath towel
hung behind the door

She was once there
she won't be back anymore
just a few forgotten items
Mementoes of her presence

Dangerous Mind
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1854

Pen: Parker 45, medium nib.
Ink: Pennonia: Méregzöld.
Inspiration: The Maiden. 😥

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16913

away into the world and far away
where the sun shines on rainbows
and rain can sweep sorrows away
she sits on her very own shade

stringing flowers on a string
thinking of cold peach tea
twisting strings and singing
of her beloved across the sea

she will not see him again
nor shall she smell his perfume
or touch his wispy yellow hair
she is alone in her own home

a single tear on a dying bloom
flushing down her inner grief
flinching away from impending gloom
smiling into the sun, drying her eyes

Dangerous Mind
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1854

Prose Interlude

Hmm. The last time I split up with this woman, I was eaten by a shark🦈. I hope that doesn't happen again. To be eaten by a shark🦈 once is a misfortune. To be eaten by a shark🦈 twice looks like carelessness. (Cheers, Oscar!)🙃

Regardless of that, however, the question remains:

Now that there's a massive Woman-shaped hole
😥 in this poem, what the f*ck am I going to find  to write about, to keep it going until next January?

It's a toughie, I admit.

But wait! Who's this I see shambling down the road towards me? Could it be? Could it be? It is! It's that Ancient Mariner again! It's thanks to him that I'm sitting by this roadside, hundreds of miles from anywhere, with nothing but a used lippy, a damp bath towel and a pair of my ex-girlfriend's knickers for company.☹️ I wonder what the old fool wants now?

Well, we shall find out.


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