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Why do the trump haters get to have all the say??

Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2598

Thought this site was for poetry, however politics had to be dragged in....

This is for intelligent chats only no matter what side. No name calling, no demeaning no disrespect...
Let discuss like true adults...there cannot be only one-sides forum chats....and no one sided long links, quotes, none of that...speak from within....
If you cannot control yourself, dont post here....

Bring it, I know you all cant wait....

Dangerous Mind
United States 18awards
Joined 29th Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 1392

Politics, or much of what people get riled up about in politics, is all about how people live their lives. What we can and can't do. What we should or shouldn't feel. Who should have this and who should have that. Politics is about living life.

Poetry is all about living life.

Any aspect of anyone's life could be seen as political: living situation, who they love, what color their children are, what color they are, birth control, abstinence, purchases, illnesses, advocacy, how someone dies, etc etc etc. Everything can be seen as political.

What do we write poetry about? Life. Death. Love. Passion. Truth. Beauty. We write about what we are passionate about.  

It's all wrapped up. Politics and Poetry have a very long history. Even a poem that was written with no political motivation can be read with one. They go hand in hand like peanut butter and jelly. Or fish and chips. Or curry and naan. (just trying to cover all my bases so we all understand what i'm trying to say. ha!)

So for me, you can't have a poetry site without people talking about politics.

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16245

That ^ and

Speakeasy Forum
Think big, talk small.

General chat forum for discussions not related to poetry or writing If you want to introduce yourself please use the pinned "Introduce Yourself..." thread.

Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2598

DaisyGrace said:Politics, or much of what people get riled up about in politics, is all about how people live their lives. What we can and can't do. What we should or shouldn't feel. Who should have this and who should have that. Politics is about living life.

Poetry is all about living life.

Any aspect of anyone's life could be seen as political: living situation, who they love, what color their children are, what color they are, birth control, abstinence, purchases, illnesses, advocacy, how someone dies, etc etc etc. Everything can be seen as political.

What do we write poetry about? Life. Death. Love. Passion. Truth. Beauty. We write about what we are passionate about.  

It's all wrapped up. Politics and Poetry have a very long history. Even a poem that was written with no political motivation can be read with one. They go hand in hand like peanut butter and jelly. Or fish and chips. Or curry and naan. (just trying to cover all my bases so we all understand what i'm trying to say. ha!)

So for me, you can't have a poetry site without people talking about politics.

very true. mods can delete this, if they want...its not going to anywhere. I know why. lol.  Its ok though. Im human enough to be able to handle websites that swing certain ways and have certain views.   Taking back the poetry of this place would be wonderful.
Especially if we could get back to the words of poetry and what they mean to us all....

Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2598

HER :That ^ and

HER Speakeasy Forum
Think big, talk small.

HER  General chat forum for discussions not related to poetry or writing If you want to introduce yourself please use the pinned "Introduce Yourself..." thread.

ME The fact that I had no clue that you took the time to actually come here and post until this very moment in time....wow!  lol

Just speak from within, damn, A. for real. say what I know you want to say....its ok this is a safe wide open thread.

Just please dont spam my thread with all your bullshit copying and pasting of some dumb ass named I think Heather.. or whoever....
I dont spam your thread, nor should you mine....

Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words
Palestine 41awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 1817

Hate is a symptom of a longer-term underlying process. I think people are scared of a system that allows people like Trump (or Boris Johnson, Liz Truss, Rishi Sunak in the U.K) to become Presidents and Prime-Ministers.

Couple that scaredness with the general mass of people being dispossessed from the political process, with the 'social contract' between the governed and those who govern ripped up in recent decades, then you have a recipe for Fear+Sense-of-powerlessness to turn into hate, or adoration, of a person (or tight group of ideologues).
And it all plays out with religious fervour.

Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2598


Guardian of Shadows
United States 90awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5689

mysteriouslady said:

very true. mods can delete this, if they want...its not going to anywhere. I know why. lol.  Its ok though. Im human enough to be able to handle websites that swing certain ways and have certain views.   Taking back the poetry of this place would be wonderful.
Especially if we could get back to the words of poetry and what they mean to us all....

Art imitates life, as the saying goes, and poetry is a form of art, where the world and life  is expressed in words.

That said, the issue lies with political threads getting heated to the point of personal attacks .  Everyone has opinions, everyone's allowed to share them.  

So I would say to those who start political threads:  your opinion isn't the "right" one or the end-all, be all, and you're going to get responses that counter yours--be respectful of that.

And I would say to those participating in political threads: your opinion isn't the "right" one or the end-all, be all, either.  You chose to respond to the thread, so be respectful of that.

In otherwords, let's play nice in the sandbox, keep the forums a welcoming place for all, and not overrun them with one type/genre of thread topics, political etc.

Variety is good and that's why I created this thread a while ago, to try and contain some of the many political threads that were being started, that didn't necessarily need an entire section all their own, smaller topics, etc.  Resurrect it if you feel it would be useful:


poet Anonymous

MadameLavender said:

In otherwords, let's play nice in the sandbox, keep the forums a welcoming place for all, and not overrun them with one type/genre of thread topics, political etc.

Variety is good and that's why I created this thread a while ago, to try and contain some of the many political threads that were being started, that didn't necessarily need an entire section all their own, smaller topics, etc.  

If I could make a humble suggestion on the back of ML’s post - would it help to create a politics group, giving a dedicated space for people to find like minded people in which to discuss politics with at leisure?

Groups are just that - run on subjects that people are passionate about with multiple sub-topics that can be started and explored, and there’s clearly an audience and an appetite for it. Just feels like a practical solution and I’m sure there would be plenty of volunteers to head it up.  

Just to be clear, I’m not interested in doing it whatsoever.

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 830

Josh said:Hate is a symptom of a longer-term underlying process. I think people are scared of a system that allows people like Trump (or Boris Johnson, Liz Truss, Rishi Sunak in the U.K) to become Presidents and Prime-Ministers.

Couple that scaredness with the general mass of people being dispossessed from the political process, with the 'social contract' between the governed and those who govern ripped up in recent decades, then you have a recipe for Fear+Sense-of-powerlessness to turn into hate, or adoration, of a person (or tight group of ideologues).
And it all plays out with religious fervour.

I am not sure Trump was ALLOWED to be president. I know, since I live in America, that he was elected by the people. The SYSTEM, on the other hand, immediately started a smear campaign, illegal and treasonous spying by Obama on his cabinet in the WH, three letter agency interference of Trump policy and private citizen action, establishment media propaganda push to cover up the pages and pages of accomplishments including brokering 5 peace agreements in the Middle East, small business increase of 450% due to deregulation, economic upturn by 36%, Nafta reworked, border as secure as ever in the history of the country, no new wars for the first time since WW2, foreign relations at an all time high, energy sector production sky rocketed etc, etc....

All immediately destroyed by Biden in the first week in office by executive order.

I know the Google media cabal does a great job of hiding the truth in their efforts to collapse the U.S. economy and bring in a demonic police state.

But the actual people in America watched our country succeed under Trump and be systematically raped by Biden.

I would be more impressed if I saw leftists state even one benefit from Biden instead of the constant downgrade of Trump.

Biden is a racist. He showed his klan affiliation for 50 years. It is documented in the congressional record on the Senate floor by statement and vote and on camera eulogizing his Klansman mentor. I can link the multiple videos as proof for anyone who seeks facts over narrative.

On the other hand,

Trump was given awards from the NAACP for his work in the black community, praised by Jessie Jackson, on TV for 8 years, and worshipped by Rap artists in over 300 hip hop songs.

Until he ran against a white democrat and the white democrats told the black community to attack and flip on him.

As Malcolm X was murdered by black democrats for stating in '63: "white democrats use black democrats to attack conservatives"

Biden was treasonously installed by voter fraud. The world knows this and ignores him and the U.S. government. When the British Queen died, Biden was put on the side on the 16th row...Trump, Obama, Clinton, Kennedy, FDR, Lincoln would have all been on the front row...

And everyone knows that...

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 830

MadameLavender said:

Art imitates life, as the saying goes, and poetry is a form of art, where the world and life  is expressed in words.

That said, the issue lies with political threads getting heated to the point of personal attacks .  Everyone has opinions, everyone's allowed to share them.  

So I would say to those who start political threads:  your opinion isn't the "right" one or the end-all, be all, and you're going to get responses that counter yours--be respectful of that.

And I would say to those participating in political threads: your opinion isn't the "right" one or the end-all, be all, either.  You chose to respond to the thread, so be respectful of that.

In otherwords, let's play nice in the sandbox, keep the forums a welcoming place for all, and not overrun them with one type/genre of thread topics, political etc.

Variety is good and that's why I created this thread a while ago, to try and contain some of the many political threads that were being started, that didn't necessarily need an entire section all their own, smaller topics, etc.  Resurrect it if you feel it would be useful:


I promise to play nice in our underground sandbox of lettered writers...but will never stop calling out lies and deception as commanded by God

Guardian of Shadows
United States 90awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5689

runaway-mindtrain said:

I am not sure Trump was ALLOWED to be president. I know, since I live in America, that he was elected by the people...

He was installed by the military.  If you're still on Facebook, start hanging out on Derek Johnson's page and Kelly Marie Brady's page-- Derek is ex military & explains all the laws & orders & proves what you already know.  Kelly does citizen journalism , walks around DC wearing a bodycam & visually shows the world what's really going on, and it isn't what the mainstream news is showing.



Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 830

MadameLavender said:

He was installed by the military.  If you're still on Facebook, start hanging out on Derek Johnson's page and Kelly Marie Brady's page-- Derek is ex military & explains all the laws & orders & proves what you already know.  Kelly does citizen journalism , walks around DC wearing a bodycam & visually shows the world what's really going on, and it isn't what the mainstream news is showing.



Two militaries, it seems. One that ensured Trump came into power after the election and another that treasonously and covertly acted against his administration on behave of hidden hand globalists.

Don't reveal too many real world facts about the true nature of politics...The Bidenistas will wet their britches upon such revelation and dissolution of establishment cover stories they lay their head upon to sleep...

Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2598

lets gooooooo!  

I see this one being a place where we can intelligently discuss politics.  Not simply copying and pasting someone else's view. Just post your own thoughts.  Very welcomed.  The other "cough" thread wants welcoming. here, you can say what you feel. Just dont spam with BS.

Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words
Palestine 41awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 1817

runaway-mindtrain said:

I promise to play nice in our underground sandbox of lettered writers...but will never stop calling out lies and deception as commanded by God

Those who believe they are doing "as commanded by God" have committed some atrocious acts during religion's long and sordid history. So also have plenty of psychotic atheists, but that does not let off the hook those who claim to know what's what regarding their attempts to defend God against the infidel.

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