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Kitty's Korner

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

SweetKittyCat5 said:A Navigational Forecast

Should a person vital organs be donated without consent
Sadly, organ harvesting seems to be a practice of relent
Missing people who have suddenly disappeared
Another rich person in another country life expectation has been bio-engineered

Trust me America, stolen organs are on the rise
At an alarming rate that the news report chooses to hide
Blood type matched from a black market computerized database
Studied interest profile to abduct to take
Posters, milk cartons, hopefully a face of the past shows up
A heartbeat not of their own donated to another by chance of unethical luck
No one wants to talk about this hidden transmit
Being a Critical Care ER Nurse, I swear this conversation is a big hit

Patients of third world countries organs voluntary donated
Body parts have been surgically segregated
The higher bidder’s money, lips sealed under intense interrogation
Cambodia refugees
Here without a breath of energy
Voluntary butchered beyond despair
Life expectancy now hanging in the balance by thin air
Meals for the family one must eat
At the price of donating their consecrated meat

This is a business…shh my lips are sealed
Money, bills, look the other way for a meal
DNA match for ancestral history rites
Here today, disappeared tomorrow, now supine under an involuntary knife
Read through the lines
My doctrine of oath has seen, once various future kings and queens
Poster face now, donor waits across the continent unforeseen

Consent forms, where the hell are they
Practice of unethical dismay, sadly it just goes down that way
White collar by degree takes all
The higher ups final call
Grants, stocks, boardroom meetings
Yet, the cycle of black market harvesting keeps repeating
These are such mean streets
Make sure you watch your heartbeats
There are bidding wars to compete

For life sustaining body parts
Hushed requests of the kidneys, liver, and the heart
In the progress of unknown destination, they depart

Operation here comes the iced filled red bio bag
Presence marked expired before the official toe tag
You fall ill, knowledge better be your intuitive guide
Or not, half of you here, the rest of you on a private jet ride
Stay Alert
For all it’s worth

This Nursing Chronicle was written and then posted  in 2018 -Entitled (Missing).

Footnote Noted Today

This is a serious matter, and yes, it is still happening, therefore, make sure you are hesitant about entering your DNA, in one of those ancestry registry, just remember your DNA should be personal to you. If perhaps someone is wanted in a crime,they will check that data, base, and if any of your relatives have registered, God forbid you are innocent, just a thought to keep in mind.

Power, wealth, and prestige, something refuses to give earth those last breaths of life, therefore, to prolong longevity and recyclable those dying organs, you have harvesting, voluntary, or by involuntary.

SKC, Interim DON, APRN

Most parents have been coerced to give a heel prick dna sample. That genetic screening information is potentially illegally harvested - perhaps even for biowarfare research. Maybe China has it?

I had to give MY DNA with my child’s sample for one of my kids just to get a birth certificate because I birthed at home. I didn’t have to do that for subsequent children because they harvest our DNA from blood pregnancy tests I am forced to take ahead of time for the certificates.

Imagine how it feels to have to prove you are the biological mother of your own child you birthed.

I can’t avoid the DNA theft, even if it gets used to build lethal bioweapons against us.  God have mercy.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2146

EdibleWords said:

Most parents have been coerced to give a heel prick dna sample. That genetic screening information is potentially illegally harvested - perhaps even for biowarfare research. Maybe China has it?

I had to give MY DNA with my child’s sample for one of my kids just to get a birth certificate because I birthed at home. I didn’t have to do that for subsequent children because they harvest our DNA from blood pregnancy tests I am forced to take ahead of time for the certificates.

Imagine how it feels to have to prove you are the biological mother of your own child you birthed.

I can’t avoid the DNA theft, even if it gets used to build lethal bioweapons against us.  God have mercy.

My poetess, about time you read this response, may if find you in great health.
A PKU which has been around since the 1960’s is the most crucial test any newborn infant should have done, if you are referring to what I believe is the PKU (Phenylketonuria).

The heel stick testing is usually taken around say twenty-four hours after delivery to determine if the infant has any birth defects, or pre-conditions that may hinder growth and development. It is not used to diagnosed only moreso a preventive measure.

Since you choose to have a home birth, you may want to rethink your stance on that and look at it from the medical point of view.

Under no circumstances, is the samples being collected to enter in a database for organ harvesting or warfare. You cannot copy anyone’s DNA it is your own uniquely blueprint of yourself as a living human being.

DNA is mainly collected upon samples by blood, hair, semen, or a swab sample to the mouth. Or say if you got a Covid injection, your information is stored in the government’s database.

If the PKU test is abnormal, usually there are several precursors, but several abnormal results usually points in the direction of the infant’s Bilirubin level is out of normal range, usually if the bilirubin is abnormal. The infant eyes would be jaundiced (faint yellowish discoloration) or if the PKU test verify the oxygen level is low, that could mean a potential heart defect.

All abnormal tests must be repeated per an infant’s Pediatrician’s order.
If the bilirubin level is perhaps abnormal. That is an indicator something may be wrong with the infant’s liver. It is also, a very reliable test if a mother is addicted to Heroin and was given Methadone throughout her pregnancy to suppress her addiction until her date of delivery, it does passes over the placenta.  

It is not a consolable sight to see an infant birthed from an Heroin addictive mother, and then from an Obstetrician’s order, the team has to medically wean that infant prior to being discharged from NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit).

So yes, I would recommend that test with a blessing, it is not political, so please do not look upon the other side of life’s blessings.

I hope I have added some valuable information to your concerns.

SKC, Interim DON, APRN

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2146

Straight Talk Live (The Dark Gallows, Step Into The Light Of Truth)

Now, what if I told you to close your eyes and tell me what you think of the rose. I will do the same as I explain what I feel. “The rose is breathing through the ambience of the wind. The two petals dancing to the melodies of the lake’s waves. I still feel its life even though it’s been uplifted from the ground. I give it life expectancy with my thoughts, feelings; the presence of the Rose within the bed of earth itself.” What would you have said?

What’s in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet
I ask you to unite through the meadowlands of my intellect.
As you’ve entreated, me to shut my eyes, and convey what I am imagining as I grasp onto one of life’s sweetest reward in my hand, the Rose.
My senses aligned in correlation with mind, body, my evolving spirit to provide the analogy of my organic emotions.
I inhale through my nostrils the ordained aroma this delicate flower affords.
The thorns from its life creation, contrast to spoken words in truth; the embedding points of its source, ingraining the skin as a prickling arousal of knowledge, to behold, yet its fluency upholding a painful measure of reality.  
As I caress the silken rose petals, analogous with its originality, contemplating the earthen lineage of its roots. I stand as one person among this ponderous universe. My presence created from the dusk of passion. Appreciating the magnificent transformation from the seed from which the Rose was planted in the bed of Mother Earth.
Once cultivated and nurtured as a baby severed from the life giving supply of its mother cord of life. Now given its own wings, to spout and bloom into a beautiful flower. A flower of love as known, and to be cherished if given, more than received.
I rise, as the budding of a Rose from the elements bestowed by the universal constellation. Should I gravitate my sacred pedigree to wallow in the dirt of the beast, to partake in sips of someone else bloodlust, when I am the truth, the way, and the light to illuminate the misplaced who have drifted in a terrestrial passage of self-demotivation, self-demoralization, and self-hate. I will be the overseer but not the contributor. Channeled idiocy can never release endorphins to bring solace to its own aura, it is a fruitless pursuit and a dark reality to mentally dwell.
Gainful knowledge like the Rose is to see the opposite of darkness, from which it came forth, and to discern and decipher truth in the light. As for me, to feel, to smell, and to taste is in conjunction to the woman within.
The Rose and its soothing properties to give unto another, as the petals for which I stand.
Beauty to accept in others, longing to be heard, a desire to fulfill my Creator’s given obligations as a woman, and in sorrow and regret to comprehend the pain for others.
The stars and the moon, I bless its covenant to keep you, as the Aquarian barrier in me gives water. I truly understand, the spiritually of one’s humanly form in harmony with the universe. Respecting the elements of life, Water, Wind, Fire, Metal, and Wood. The three Heavens cloaks my existence, my oath, and will always strengthen the credence of my voyage and bear the burden of my cross.
My spirit has time journeyed to a land, not yet discovered in this time, but a land, my spirit once pilgrimaged.
The seed from which I was planted, and nurtured in the comforts of my mother’s womb, to grow and nurture as the Rose by the blessing of the sunrays, metamorphic speaking; the thirst of knowledge in me is as the flow from earth’s supply of water to provide quench to a thirsty mentality.
I hope you understand this is my principle, and this is how I feel in connection to the Rose when I close my eyes.
However, when I open them. I see a world I could only create with my eyes closed.
My mind gravitating to whirlwind energies from the four corners of this world to captivate a lost time. By my hand, and the reluctant of my Creator’s favor in me. I will always feel honored to rely on the inner resources of my mind, heart, and soul within, which has once marked this land, spouted from the imagination of my own free-falling creativity, and plucked from the progression of someone else’s sanctified hallow be thy name; given in mental discretion on this planet earth.
As my hands mold and form clay works of art onto a canvas of imagination. Hopefully, appreciated and ultimately understood.
And That Is Another Straight Talk Live For You
Until the moment our souls pass through the cosmos like a rush of polar kinetics may you find harmony and strength as you take care of yourself and hopefully, others
Written by SweetKittyCat5
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2146

What If Adam Bit Into The Apple First Instead Of Eve

As I look up at the Heavens above. I silently ask my Heavenly creator. What if Adam bit into the apple first instead of Eve? Would life be equivalent for Man and Woman?

Since the beginning of time, BC.

Man has always been at the helm of his ship, the King of his castle, the head of his household.
Whereas, the woman. The second in command, the neck of her husband.

And she shall submit her desires unto her husband.

If we could just reinvent the scenario, whereas, Adam bit into the apple first and Eve was the second culprit. How would that have affected the creation of time and the concerns following it?

The woman receives penalties that impact her in two primary roles: she shall experience pangs during childbearing, pain during childbirth, and while she shall desire her husband, he will rule over her.

The man's penalty results in God cursing the ground from which he came, and the man then receives a death oracle.
It appears to me, the man received far less wrath from God than us women.

Women have painful childbirths, Aunt Flow every mouth, we are treated at times, like a second class citizen within our own countries, and no matter what, we still must bear the responsibility of raising and educating our children with, or without the presence of a man.

The man, and I must say with the sweetest intention. What was his wrath again…hum?

Several concubines as King Solomon had in biblical times, in some countries here today, it is still acceptable for men to marry more than one wife. A wife must submit until his will. And since some Chemist and Scientist invested their time and energy creating that little blue wonder pill, a sexual appetite that registers off the scale, and some, not all males could still produce an offspring, well beyond the age of a female.

I know a lot of male readers will say in the back of their mind, we wasn’t the one who bit the apple. Yes, I know that, but you did take the second bite.

Once the forbidden fruit of life was sliced into. It gave the man and the woman new eyes. Eyes to know right from wrong. To discern truth from dishonest, and to accept the fate of their dire action(s).

If the apple was not bitten by either sexes, would we know less hate, less violence; would separatism of races exist?
Would man attempt to make peace, and strive less for war.

Remember wars comes in so many fashions. You have race wars, religious wars, wars of domain, wars of gender equality, and wars to maintain peace (cease fire).

As the Bible progressed from the sole actions of Eve’s betrayal. It has manifested an unjust civilization, which has extended from generations upon generations.

Would Cain had really slewed his brother, out of envy, because God found favor in the hands of Abel’s production of land, his flock?

For I am not my brother’s keeper, rings so loud and true in the inner cities.

In this day and time, a family is planning a funeral for a love one gunned down from the hands of a bullet, or the other family, is visiting a loved one behind cell bars who stands to be the culprit.

It has, or it never will be a win-win for all parties involved.

The parallel of life is very short.

If Adam or Eve, did not walk around the Garden of Eden, after Eve bit into that apple like Gods, knowing right from wrong. Would it have altered the lifestyle of society as we know it here today?

Man and yes women these days are lovers of themselves.

You have men strutting around, without any care in throes of arrogance

You now see women in society, marketing the bodies to the highest bidder. Garments to entice the loins of men. In addition, age is not a form of boundaries. If you watch social media, and the videos these so called parents choose to upload of their children, it is immoral and indecent to any viewer.

All I am saying is. I wish things were so different under God’s Heaven. Yes, even after the apple was bitten by Eve.

I have heard, and have witnessed so much unjust occurrences, which happens minute-by-minute, within a twenty-four hour day span.
Incidences that makes the mind wonder. If this world, our Heavenly father created, was to be perfect and Man made in God’s image, then how did we end up here. Wars, Pestilent, Incest, Murder, Hunger, and a warped political system.

I guess if you give credit to the Romans’ political system during the Biblical days when Jesus walked the land, I guess you could say I answered my own question.
Times of today, gives reemerging ideology in favor of times of the old, somehow it is entwined into times of today.

Are we so blinded to know what is right or wrong anymore. Our empathic toward one another will befall on deaf ears and non-seeing eyes.
If you have read this piece. Ask yourself what have you done to change the affirmation of the old, therefore, it will not leak into your future.

For me writing this narrative is therapeutic to one’s soul, mainly mine.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing.

Until our kindred souls collaborate on seeking the truth, stay alert and vigilant.

Love and Hugs,

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2146

Third Shift Nursing Prayer

Usually when my phone rings late it is for the sexual thrills. Therefore, when I press my answer button, I am already sitting up and preparing myself for pleasure.  
Not last night. My best friend who resides in  Philly just so happened to be on vacation and she was scrambling to get someone to cover her shift, and pleaded with me, I wanted to tell her my nursing license to practice in Pennsylvania has expired, but hey, she's my best friend, yet, the last time someone pleaded with me to get out of my bed, I had to be treated like a baby throughout the night. So I had to drive from New York to Philly, to cover her third shift, and I have not worked as a Critical Care ER Nurse, and Trauma in what, seven months or so since I am now the Nursing Director who sits behind a desk look pretty and paper push.    
I was cursing under my breath the entire drive, I got there a little after twelve, said my hello’s to the old nurses who brave the elements and work third shift.  So, this poem is dedicated to a shift I agreed to step into, bonding with myself again, and just missing the adrenaline rush, I do not get behind a desk.    
The next time girlfriend, tell them to get a temp, thank goodness I am off today, I have bags under my eyes, and my uniform has blood stains on it, now you see why I chose to give up this side of nursing, it’s too heart wrenching,. I am about to hit the road in an hour or so, I am just waiting for someone from first shift, to relieve me, if I have errors, I am on my laptop will fix when I get back to New York    
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania    
3:50 AM
Third shift prayer from the lips of an ex Critical Care Trauma Charge Nurse    
Energy to heal, smiles of hope given to disburse    
All is quiet in my corner, but for some, all is not well    
Souls handing on tonight to heaven or hell    
Breathe…just breathe please, as you believe    
We are at the throne of Dawn’s eve    
Prayer hands have been busy    
Cries of pains throughout the halls, sunken heart, compassionate mind is totally dizzy    
I’m up, cannot close my eyes    
Blood, codes, machines beeping, ill related bodies, life taken without earthly whys    
Morning light, please take the calls of pain away    
Give someone who cries out to you tonight, just one more day    
Heal thy heart, thy body, thy mind    
Give comfort to the loved ones who were sadly left behind    
Dinner for me, cannot even take a bite    
ER busy, short staff, Heroin overdoses, car crashes have consumed my night    
Be thankful for each day    
As I type on a hidden break someone cries in agony begging not to  take this day away
Written by SweetKittyCat5
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2146

The Variation Mystic Of The Woman Within
A Response to a Post on another Site; The Variation Mystic of the Woman Within

A very uplifting analogy to the core of my brain, I have to say.  
Your analogy to the quintessence of femininity is intense to the mind to adhere in one glace and one breath. Nevertheless, I appreciate the element of how you presented a male perspective in its collective forum of classifying the true qualities, which makes up the nucleus of a woman, in addition, the measurement of  a woman’s structure to discern her worth; not only in the bedroom, or the boardroom, but in society as a feminine being.    
To bear the burden of one flaws is to accept the burden of it originality. In your beautiful narrative; flaws of life, to some could be a blessing; the will to submit, adhere, and to accept what has been done, will be.    
And a curse to others; flaws from reproduction, flaws of past turbulence within one’s soul, which has kept the woman oppressed throughout our history.    
I totally agree with you, the brain is the stem-cell of the intellectual aspect of a woman, however let’s give praise to her heart’s mechanism, as you have; to love, to forgive, or to oppress, it is a dual acceptance, the heart cannot make one do what the brain cannot assent.    
Flaws or imperfections in this society has always befallen on deaf ears to the male counterpart.    
Society has been brainwashed to believe beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and ugly is to the bone. No matter what, excuse the chignon my friend, no Millennium Frankenstein, who has the gift to interpret the vivacity of a woman, yet, the same homo-sapiens placed on the earth, who have lost the battle in upholding the regality of women in all her splendor glory; her beauty to nurture and bear the blunt of silent marks time or love could never heal.  
The Adam without the Eve syndrome is prevalent here today. I would love the day when some, not all men could really appreciate the inner beauty of a woman. He could come to really understand the struggle some not all had to endure, through the Jim Crow Era, the fight to have laws passed, only to allow women a voice to vote. In this political era under the watchful eye of the media.  

Our bodies is viewed as a pastime to a man’s fantasies. Thank goodness, in some countries it is shielded out of respect.    
The womb that gives life is a beautiful blessing, or to a woman who stands to be fruitless, to solely rely on the beautiful womb of another. Whereas, in some countries, sadly the pathway to give life is mutilated, and deemed to be a curse.    
One could only hope, men in general would come to feel this way about women, as you have taken the time to mentally compose what every woman wants; a voice to be heard, a heart to love, and a mind to gain knowledge, and use it to be a force to reckon in life.  
I hope I have not insulted any reader with my broad in-in depth analysis of this narrative.    

My poet you have raised the bar on this one for me, and for a philosopher your words of poetry speak great volumes to any reader.  
Love and Hugs,  

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

SweetKittyCat5 said:

My poetess, about time you read this response, may if find you in great health.
A PKU which has been around since the 1960’s is the most crucial test any newborn infant should have done, if you are referring to what I believe is the PKU (Phenylketonuria).

I hope you are doing well, too. I’m healthy, as is my growing family.

When my Christian, drug-free, healthy homebirthing friend had her baby taken over a pku dispute I learned a lot. 15 years ago. Now the dead internet is all but unsearchable, and I can’t find it. Besides, her drama unfolded in public mostly (that I saw) on a birthing forum rather than on the national news. The stress was bad for her heart and she was gone not too long after. I miss her. She had - as I remember - 6 other healthy children. Sure she got her kid back eventually… after the raid with guns drawn in front of her small children… and days of non-stop drama and tears.

90 percent are false positives and if not taken in under 24 hrs the test is useless. So they traumatized her family over a test they couldn’t accurately take as a show of power.

We have massive data breaches happening everywhere right now. You so sure it won’t be harvested for nefarious purposes in the age of unrestricted BioWarefare? It’s been harvested by law enforcement already, in a violation of the 4th amendment. Try looking it up.

The heel stick testing is usually taken around say twenty-four hours after delivery to determine if the infant has any birth defects, or pre-conditions that may hinder growth and development. It is not used to diagnosed only moreso a preventive measure.

I don’t believe in causing a baby physical distress where they are healthy and in no pain. It’s abusive. I submitted to the pku test at one point as a young mother in a homebirth, and I think it was the most horrible thing I ever let happen to my little baby. I can’t get the betrayal out of my head. I let my ignorance become her medical assault and battery.

Since you choose to have a home birth, you may want to rethink your stance on that and look at it from the medical point of view.

Been there, done that.

Pregnancy and birth are biological processes, not medical events.

Under no circumstances, is the samples being collected to enter in a database for organ harvesting or warfare. You cannot copy anyone’s DNA it is your own uniquely blueprint of yourself as a living human being.

Yet how many bioweapon databases are storing civilian DNA worldwide? How did they get all that?

DNA is mainly collected upon samples by blood, hair, semen, or a swab sample to the mouth. Or say if you got a Covid injection, your information is stored in the government’s database.

And that’s perfectly normal and safe…

Not in America. Not anywhere. It’s immoral. They lie. They betray.

If the PKU test is abnormal, usually there are several precursors, but several abnormal results usually points in the direction of the infant’s Bilirubin level is out of normal range, usually if the bilirubin is abnormal. The infant eyes would be jaundiced (faint yellowish discoloration) or if the PKU test verify the oxygen level is low, that could mean a potential heart defect.

All abnormal tests must be repeated per an infant’s Pediatrician’s order.

Because they are mostly false positive. Nice grift. 💰
If the bilirubin level is perhaps abnormal. That is an indicator something may be wrong with the infant’s liver. It is also, a very reliable test if a mother is addicted to Heroin and was given Methadone throughout her pregnancy to suppress her addiction until her date of delivery, it does passes over the placenta.  

It is not a consolable sight to see an infant birthed from an Heroin addictive mother, and then from an Obstetrician’s order, the team has to medically wean that infant prior to being discharged from NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit).

I don’t see the tie in, but a lot of moms and babies have been put through literal hell. Even over poppy-seed bagels. Not cool. It’s not a safe environment for healthy families. Especially considering the nosocomial infection rates they suffer in the nursery.

So yes, I would recommend that test with a blessing, it is not political, so please do not look upon the other side of life’s blessings.

I hope I have added some valuable information to your concerns.

SKC, Interim DON, APRN

It’s surely not politics, it’s a matter of humanitarian compassion.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2146

I have laid out the basic medical fundamental concerning why I would advocate the administered testing of the PKU in broaden terms from a medical point of view.

Therefore, I understand your concerns and even your mishaps, but within the equation of Labor and Delivery you play a small percentage of the millions of expectant parents who chose to deliver their infants in a hospital setting, and the various mothers and hospitals, who still here today rely on the PKU test as a pre-medical test indicator to any abnormality that may pose a DNA threat to an infant's growth or a hindrance to his/her development, I am sure any parent would love to know the results as a peace of mind.

In addition, the marginal of your perceptions, or your apprehensions you speak of has no direct bearing to what we are speaking in reference to my response of the benefits of the PKU test for infants in general.

'Especially considering the nosocomial infection rates they suffer in the nursery,' unquote.

You may want to take into consideration, newborns are at a much higher infection threshold in a non-sterile delivery venue versus being delivered in a hospital setting and that is warranted regarding also, for any unexpected medical emergencies that may arise, breech baby, an emergency Cesarean Section.

Enjoy your Sunday and have a prosperous week ahead.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

SweetKittyCat5 said:I have laid out the basic medical fundamental concerning why I would advocate the administered testing of the PKU in broaden terms from a medical point of view.

Therefore, I understand your concerns and even your mishaps, but within the equation of Labor and Delivery you play a small percentage of the millions of expectant parents who chose to deliver their infants in a hospital setting, and the various mothers and hospitals, who still here today rely on the PKU test as a pre-medical test indicator to any abnormality that may pose a DNA threat to an infant's growth or a hindrance to his/her development, I am sure any parent would love to know the results as a peace of mind.

In addition, the marginal of your perceptions, or your apprehensions you speak of has no direct bearing to what we are speaking in reference to my response of the benefits of the PKU test for infants in general.

'Especially considering the nosocomial infection rates they suffer in the nursery,' unquote.

You may want to take into consideration, newborns are at a much higher infection threshold in a non-sterile delivery venue versus being delivered in a hospital setting and that is warranted regarding also, for any unexpected medical emergencies that may arise, breech baby, an emergency Cesarean Section.

It’s one thing to make that claim. It’s another to prove it. Hospitals have a higher rate of infection than a healthy home with no MRSA in it.

Enjoy your Sunday and have a prosperous week ahead.

You too. 💖

I pray for all the mothers and fathers forced into that medical system. My heart breaks for them.

We should let them know there are good alternatives, like natural homebirth.

I’ve given birth to a little early boy, breech, in water, at home. It was so beautiful. I wish all breeches could be so awesome. Hospital breech stories turn my stomach and I just want to give those moms a hug when I read what they go through. 💖

I’ve had 11 at home so far. Nobody got infected, hurt or died. In fact, hospital management could have caused many serious serious complications, maternal depression or c-section.

There are basically zero c-sections for mothers who deliver at home. It happens at about the rate of identical spontaneous, quintuplet birth.

Research the risks associated with c-section. Everything from pain, to infertility and death at a much higher rate than natural, drug free home birth, where mother and babe have adapted immune systems and no needless, traumatic interventions.

It’s okay if you birth in a hospital, it does not make you less - but the systematic persecution of midwives and freebirthing women must cease. It will never justify forced hospital delivery.

🌈I’m sure we can both agree with that. 👍🌈

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2146

EdibleWords said:

You too. 💖

I pray for all the mothers and fathers forced into that medical system. My heart breaks for them.

We should let them know there are good alternatives, like natural homebirth.

I’ve given birth to a little early boy, breech, in water, at home. It was so beautiful. I wish all breeches could be so awesome. Hospital breech stories turn my stomach and I just want to give those moms a hug when I read what they go through. 💖

I’ve had 11 at home so far. Nobody got infected, hurt or died. In fact, hospital management could have caused many serious serious complications, maternal depression or c-section.

There are basically zero c-sections for mother’s who deliver at home. It happens at about the rate of identical spontaneous, quintuplet birth.

Research the risks associated with c-section. Everything from pain, to infertility and death at a much higher rate than natural, drug free birth, where mother and babe have adapted immune systems and no needless, traumatic interventions.

It’s okay if you birth in a hospital, it does not make you less - but the systematic persecution of midwives and freebirthing women must cease. It will never justify forced hospital delivery.

🌈I’m sure we can both agree with that. 👍🌈

‘I’ve given birth to a little early boy, breech, in water, at home. It was so beautiful. I wish all breeches could be so awesome. Hospital breech stories turn my stomach and I just want to give those moms a hug when I read what they go through’ unquote.

Does it make another woman's journey to have an infant any less invasive than yours? It does not, the ends will always justify the meaning, which is an infant laying upon the breasts of its mother in a healthy state of existence.

I do not sway for or against, I just mentally advise you, there are two sides, your side, and mine, and with respect, mine is proven or debunked by science, subsequently, no matter the finding(s), no matter the policies, the political debates, and trust me, there have been times even as a nurse, I questioned the ethical practices of Western Medicine, so rest assured, I hear your disputes, your concerns, your natural way of living entwined in your lifestyle, however, you have to take into consideration those who are not favorable for everyone to adopt its guidelines and it does not make anyone incorrect in their way of incorporating non-holistic measurements in the everyday waking life.

I applaud your successful rate on the delivery of a breech baby and in water... which I have seen a breech labor it is very tiresome for mother and a struggle for an infant with the close assessment of fetal monitors, heart monitors, lack of oxygen play a factor and the risk of the placenta wrapping around the baby neck is a crucial concern.

And take into consideration, no team of emergency care on standby. Therefore, congratulations on that rare aspect, and that baby did not end up as a C-Section and in NICU, which all breech babies are delivered as part of that unexpected method of delivery.

And I am surprised your midwife was not questioned by the Board of Obstetricians for such a questionable risky birth such as a breech birth and in water, excuse me for saying, but I am still trying to process that.

Various Breech Births

Frank breech-The baby’s buttocks are aimed at the vaginal canal with its legs sticking straight up in front of their body and the feet near their head.
Complete breech- The baby’s buttocks are pointing downward and both the hips and the knees are flexed (folded under themselves).
Footling breech- One or both of the baby’s feet point downward and will deliver before the rest of their body.
Transverse lie- This is a form of breech presentation where your baby is positioned horizontally across your uterus instead of vertically. This would make their shoulder enter the vagina first

**I have witnessed those breech births during my Nursing Internship at Temple University during my Bachelor’s Degree years and those women were in pain, and I was new and fumbling with equipment back then, opening and dropping package sterile equipment all over the floors, sacred of my own shadow then.. the good old days. Now, if your midwife turned the infant while in the birth canal that's great, but that is a small window of time and not highly recommended for the infant due to the increasing fatal stress it places of the infant and other detrimental factors to delay relating to a termed healthy delivery.

I have witnessed them all beside the transverse lie breech birth**

Enjoy your evening, my poetess.

SKC, Interim DON, APRN

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2146

Man's Nakedness

I crave the wondrous naked physique of man        
From the halo around his head, as God has blessed him in his image      
To his rooted feet within the shoes as he stands      
His nakedness in thought        
Naked in isolation of his own mind       
His undulated nakedness appreciative to a woman’s eyes      
A man’s nakedness instilled within a woman’s body      
Nakedness skin to skin, heartbeat-to-heartbeat        
Naked emotions conveyed in atonement      
I admire a man’s nakedness in his wisdom to understand        
His nakedness in his ability to adapt, his oath in life to speak the naked truth      
Man’s naked body, a promised blessing from the womb from which it came forth; clothed by society with burdens, heartaches, and disappointments      
Society perception of man’s nakedness through the eyes of himself        
His loins, the jewels of his sacred kingdom as God has blessed to cometh and bring forth fruit, bearing of great nations      
His heartbeats, beating within the chambers of his blindly naked emotions        
His nakedness in fear      
His nakedness in battle      
The naked emotion concealed in defeat      
The hunger of his nakedness to reveal when his mind is caged        
Man’s nakedness in the Garden of Eden as he bowed unto the spiritually of his destiny        
Man’s Nakedness      
Written by SweetKittyCat5
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2146

Straight Talk (Media Propaganda BS)

My various accumulated theories presented for your reading pleasure are not meant to offend, the sources of information relied upon should be taken with regality, whereas, you must in farther investigate my findings upon my research to come into your own understating. Various hypothesis is solely based upon research from my mind to accept the flaws of its credibility.      
I am so peeved with the media propaganda that is taking place in front of my eyes. I was not going to vent my displeasure until I heard the latest death totals.        
African Americans as I've heard on 04-07-20, are the leading cause of deaths of this Corona virus.        
As a Nursing Director who is on the front line with the CDC, doctors, nurses, clinical staff, that is just not correct data your ears are hearing. My readers this virus has no name, no race, and no disparities.        
Therefore, please do not believe everything you hear on that soap box. And sadly, to say, I know this pandemic would come down to racial barriers.      
Let’s examine some of the disadvantages and what would bring this correlation to the forefront. It is a known fact, African Americas are three times more likely to delay seeking medical attention when ill, we are prone to suffer from various medical element conditions such as, HTN, DM I and II, Hyperlipidemia, Prostate Cancer and Gout.              
These elements have been permitting the effected person from living a longer and healthy lifestyle, a lack of prevention is nowhere to be erected in regard to Community Health Centers within our communities.        
Other factors to take under consideration. There is an increase of infant death mortality among African Americans and a higher abortion rate among other races.        
My next finding and report are what has me totally stunned. This Corona virus, and please excuse me if I tend to step on anyone’s toes, however, I am only telling how it is and how it appears to you.      
When this virus came upon this nation's shore, according to the CDC, it was confined to frequent travelers who had business or leisure pleasure in China. No face of race was ever a model for this virus.      
Then it broadened out, then trickling within our most vulnerable population, in waves, affecting the immune defenseless of the elderly.      
Okay let me play the devil's advocate no disrespect intended grann…sorry.      
As I was saying I’ve seen the repercussions and the faces of this virus’ strain, in addition, who may or who it has already affected, and it is not sixty percent of African Americans, I stake my RN license on that fact.        
In as much, I had to stop and ponder how and where the new media are gathering this information, I understand the CDC major role in these tallies. Nevertheless, if that percent were correct, you will have every African American’s voice ringing in New York to Chicago. loudly protesting in regard to why we are the forgotten ones in the midst of this pandemic, and then it would come down, why are we dying quicker than other races, and the absence of ventilators for our race, yet accessible to others.        
If you think about it, if these false totals were true then that mean most emergency room physicians are playing God with the concept of who dies and who gets preferential treatment, to get, he or she back on the road to a quick recovery.      
In the medical profession, we take the oath to heal.      
For the necessity of this issue, let's probe farther. Most African Americans do no journey outside of their borders, not because we are denied, but the lack of passports and the lack of financial resources to implement such.      
I would have softened my stance, if it was reported, and God forgive me for saying, we as in African Americans are ‘testing’ at a sixty-eight-rate percent. But the percentage of deaths, no, it is much lower in comparison.      
Why is it when America is going through an occurrence of common ground, why must African Americans be the scapegoat whenever the government has to cuddle other races with reassurance.        
When in essence, other races are at a disdained of dying out. So, African Americans hang their heads down, like it is a dire concern, when we all know in our neighborhoods are hands our naked in receiving better care, poverty ridden, and we deal best we can, and then, miraculously some Pharmaceutical Company rides in like a great savior and guess what. Mother with kids in tow, showing up in droves at a Health Clinic, miles from their residence, getting their kids vaccinated for a pandemic that was built on untruth or false miscalculations.      
Trust me readers, when you see those hospital carting those bodies out. and storing them in semi-trucks for burial or cremation, if you think for one minute more than half of them are dark skinned tone you are sadly mistaken; no African Americans are still sitting in the emergency room filling out registration forms and given a mask.      
Do you really think those ventilators are utilized for the have nots. If we are dying during these peril times trust me it will not be from the Corona Virus alone, maybe some underline medical condition in alliance.      
This virus attacks, the young (their immune system are better quipped). The middle age (your sedated lifestyle may or may not place you at disadvantage with no underline medical conditions) the elderly (more prone to catch, due to respiratory medical elements- COPD, CHF, Lung Cancer, Asthma, Pneumonia, or the medical conditions related to being an avid smoker.      
If you know how the theories of how this depopulation is designed, you will have to do your own mental homework.        
And for those individuals who are still on the front line, the paramedics, the bus drivers, the custodial crew, NYPD, I bow in sincerity to you and for you.      
And for a little tidbit. take a spoonful of honey each day it protects the lining of the lungs, retains skin suppleness, and other preventive measures. If you are a diabetic, please check with your physician.      
My next segment will be how to eat to live.  I am still researching the healing properties of those field herbs.        
Until our intellect minds come together on seeking the truth, say alert, with wide eyes, and distance ears, now that’s straight talk for you.      
Written by SweetKittyCat5
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This Sunday.. A new season of my Straight Talk Live Topics..ranging in all directions, I am purging my folders and moving these to Podcasts

My first topic, What about that Placenta Cord...

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2146

Investing In A Fabolous You

Okay ladies it is about that time to check your breasts for the month of June, and gentlemen now would be a great time to get a Prostate Exam..      
We are official in the summer season, daisy dukes, bikinis, swim parties, beaches, amusement parks, and water parks therefore, let’s make this a healthy summer for all.      
Sunscreen lotion for any long-term exposure to the sun  
If you have a pool indoor/outdoor, make sure you have proper covering when not in usage,      
in addition, if children are swimming make sure they have floats on, and an adult is around supervising      
They are reported a segment to drown at an alarming rate, therefore, take a CPR class, to help with saving a life in an unplanned medical situation      
Take swimming classes, and I recommend, mainly for kids under twelve    
If you work outside, take breaks and stay hydrated      
Curtail any anger management related issues      
The best runs are before 6:00 Am and after sundown (and ladies, it is best to having a runny partner, or a can of pepper/bear spray      
Pedicure to keep those toes looking lickable      
Manicure or groom your own natural nails      
A facial, an hour long massage    
A Brazilian Partial waxing.. V-shape my bush enough to soften the strands, the results, oh, la, la    
Armpits, legs, your eyebrows waxed  
Or as standard for some to go al la natural    
If you use deodorant make sure it is ALWAYS ALUMINUM FREE      
If you have never had a colon cleansing, then now will be the perfect time, the process is to release toxic waste from the colon, you will feel so much lighter, your temple enlightened, inner Chi cleansed      
Eat plenty of fruit, and vegetables (I prefer mine in smoothies)      
Step away from the computer, and socialize  
Make it a dare night with your significant other  
Come to be appreciative of arts; take in a concert, visit an art gallery, museum, and listen to sounds of the symphony  
Whatever your do, wherever you may go, just look fabulous and take care of your inner self it radiates      
Just move those limbs and progress moment with your feet      
Stay blessed and mindful for everyone’s journey in life.      
SKC, Interim DON, APRN

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2146

The Om and the Ba-Rah-Ka

There are three elements to the Egyptian concept of the soul: Ka, Ba and Akh. Ka is the life force or spiritual double of the person. The royal Ka symbolized a pharaoh's right to rule, a universal force that passed from one pharaoh to the next.        
I have been on such beautiful enlightenment channeling a higher cosmic wave since my grann from Haiti has been within my midst.        
Her spiritualism and her ancient beliefs, passed down from each generation has been riveting and has broaden my sense of fortitude for me to tap into the mystic of my inner abilities. Those divine secrets, which when the Ka and the Rah are in alliance and the mind, body, and the spirituality of the soul are in unity it is a covenant you build with your own soul, whereas, mankind cannot put asunder.        
Indoctrinating the force with a seeded belief in the holistic healing elements utilizing natural remedies derived from plants to the blending of liquidated of spices.        
Applying the natural laws of healing thyself within, and not incorporating toxin agents to be bio-engineered to offset the metabolism and alter our DNA structure.        
Such a the beauty adaptation in that, when recently learning of lead and arsenic found of low calibration  not to alarm the FDA, but surprisingly a detrimental deterrence when organs are at its most vulnerable developing stage.        
We are all Gods, from the knowledge we are capable of tapping given to us to adjust, adapt, and assimilate in this realm we call life.        
In as much to store intellectual wisdom and then decipher to dissimulate those universal coded messages found in the core of the two hemispheres of our cerebral cortex encasing the brain matter to the food we ingest on a daily basis.      
Food once consumed, metabolizes into tiny molecules, the primary fueling substance we need to bodily function the colonic process of riddening its waste that cannot be used.        
Thence forth, the concept of you are what you eat is a very true statement worth adhering too.        
The body needs food to propel the source of energy, and heighten the powers of the brain to ponder. You will be dismayed how many people do not practice that resolution, polluting their sacred vessels with sugar, eating of unclean fowl or swine. Only years later to be advised you have Hypertension, Diabetes, or some form of cancer has invaded and has metastasized.      
I asked my grann, is there such the way to place the mind above all until the point, whereas, it breathes for us every aspect of our life, from dating, to sleeping, to uplifting our cognitive awareness.        
She advised me to close my eyes and feel the vibrancy of the frequency around me, please be advised my gran is ninety-seven and still practicing in Haiti as a midwife. I am a Director of Nursing and pushing to obtain my Master’s Degree in Nursing come tomorrow. I was silently thinking those ways are not accepted or my logic way of thinking.        
I closed my eyes, inhaled to appease her and she wanted me to listen, just listen. I am thinking to what? The only sound I heard was cars passing in the near distance and my brownstone is soundproof.        
She advised me I am not spiritually attuned, she stated she heard the rustle of the bird’s wings, she felt the air circulating past her. She wanted me to feel the universe around me, its potent power, I begged to differ with her, citing I meditate and practice Chakras religiously; she stated if you have to meditate to find inner peace then you will never possesd it, summing up her notion, peace is a state of mind.        
Did my grann know I am moving into Forensic Psychology? And I know how the mind and all hidden forthright of its labyrinth complexities function. Then we spoke of the embodiment of the soul and my inborn my gift passed down, which she seem to think I have sequestered since adopting western cultivation and civilization ideology of popping mood stabilizer medications, unprotected sex, and fornication.        
She went on to explain to me in lament terms for me to fully understand the gist of her words.        
The soul is the pinpoint of our existence, which by nature is eternal (it is without birth or death or it has no beginning or no end) the soul is of substance and it does differ from that of the physical body which has its own consciousness.        
Our soul is always reflected in our personality. Our spirit does quite differ from our soul because our spirit is always pointed toward and exists exclusively for God, whereas our soul can be self-centered        
The true magnifications of the soul        
The Ba is most often in reference to ‘soul’        
Ba, in ancient Egyptian religion, with the ka and the akh, a principal aspect of the soul; the ba to its contrary will appear in the form of a bird, thus articulating the movement of the soul after death.        
The Platonic soul consists of three parts        
The logos is the mind, nous, or reason, then you have the thymus, where we are gifted with emotions, spiritedness, or (masculine) and the Eros, which is appetite, desire, or (feminine)        
The nine components of the soul        
Jb (The heart) was an extremely important part of the Egyptian soul. In ancient Egyptian mythology, the heart was the key to the afterlife.        
Shuyet (The Shadow) is always present. The ancient Egyptians believed the shadow summarized what a person represents in their true stance.        
Ren (The name) was another crucial part of the soul. A person’s Ren was given to them at birth and the Egyptians believed that it would live for as long as that name was uttered.        
(The personality) The Egyptians believed that Bâ was everything that makes a person unique in its own characterizes        
Ka (The vital spark) According to the Ancient Egyptians the Ka was a vital concept in the soul as it distinguishes the difference between a living and a dead person.        
Khat (The Body) the Khat was referred to by the Ancient Egyptian as the physical body which when deceased, provided the ling between the soul and one’s earthly life.        
Akh (The Immortal Self) according to ancient Egyptians, the Akh was the transformed immortal self which offered a magical union of the Ba and Ka.        
Sahu (The Judge) The Sahu was the aspect of Akh which would come to a person as a ghost or while asleep in dreams        
Sechem (Another aspect of Akh) It was considered the vital life energy of the person which manifested itself as the power that had the ability to control one’s surroundings and outcomes.        
 After all these years without the blessings of my grann’s spiritual  guidance, I thought I was living, no, I was just surviving off money, looks, and notoriety to self, a pretty vessel but spiritual deficient. She has reinsured and has reinstated so much knowledge of my French/Haitian doctrines of old, it’s as if I was if looking for answers to all the wrong questions.        
As you meditate and chant Om 108 times to channel the beautiful positive forces of your Crown Charka        
The number 108 is of the wholeness of existence. This number also connects the Sun, Moon, and Earth may you find the divinity within yourself        
For further reading, I recommend,        
The Mind of the Soul: Responsible Choice by Gary Zukav        
Cited (06-01-21-SKC)        
Written by SweetKittyCat5
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Make sure to tune and peep in on the online dialogue between da_poetic-edifier (Damon), a very interested poet in his universal views as well.

I thought I would take out my last folder Straight talk Journey with this meaningful piece, it holds sentimental value, my grann was in the state from Pétion-Ville, Haiti, and I graduated the next day. Rejoiced tears could not have captured that moment in time graduating Summa Cum Laude, and that was very.. hard, tedious, and it became mental draining then coming to a scholastic understanding at one point in time, after two semesters of getting frustrating “B's” no matter how hard I tried…

I suppose history is always our greatest rewards, when we look back and see our accomplishments or it can be our greatest failures if we refuse to take the next step in the direction of our earthly journal, every emotion of those four heart chambers that beat so beautifully, however, the aura and the presentation of one's soul must depend on the heart, the only impulse that truly matters it pampers the mind or it can destroy it in its fragility moments, as we say in New York “word up.”

I will be posting my first Straight Talk Live journal tomorrow, thank you for the patience with the reruns.. wink.

(Closing out my 2022 Straight Talk Journals)

Walk in faith, love in just,
SKC, Interim DON, APRN

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2146

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