Poetry competition CLOSED 7th May 2022 5:16pm
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NaPo 2022 Poetry as Peaceful Protest Prompt Comp

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 11th Aug 2016
Forum Posts: 262


Thought Harriet on the twenty would fulfill your obligations?
That's nothing more than pacifiers as deniers deny reparations
Free education would be a directional move to prove remorse
Administering something for afflictions; starting discourse

But that course isn't in the curriculum when calculating the sum
No budgeting for that as spats keep us stepped on like gum
While gumshoes continue to let rounds spew outta their guns
You do nothing as we keep losing our daughters and sons

Recently been one gunned down on the ground; execution style
Popped in the back of his head by a cop; service with a smile
I know y'all will corral around the police and footage released
My expectations of this nation is that this will never cease


Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1877

Going Insane...Little by Little

(A Poem by Walter's Alter Ego)

Little by little
I want to spit rhyme and riddle right in the middle of these ignant times
With a strong spelling smelling piddle right into peoples mouths and minds
For far too long many have had their heads diddled they’re now all brittle
Their spittle is a sign that they need committal after building these shrines

It’s a drag when these hags and windbags are waving flags and zany hashtags
Baring a name without shame but it just makes me want to take a dump
It’s a glimpse of these simps’ chauvinistic jinx and racist high jinks
Constantly carrying a message like mules ridiculed like fools and chumps

Has the world gone crazy, lazy and hazy with all these lies disguised as truths?
Was the kool-aid a non-stop bukakke of hoppy promises many swallowed?
And along with that came a revival of anger and hate while holding bibles
Quoting scripture but the picture painted was a negative one they followed

Going insane is a slow decline of the brain when someone yanked their chain
Losing grasp of reality believing so happily on false oaths and guarantees
Well, who am I to pop a buffoon’s balloon when they swoon for some loon?
The pipe and smoke they suck on to be woke is bad on their lungs and knees
Written by wallyroo92
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Prompt # 16

Dangerous Mind
United States 29awards
Joined 30th June 2016
Forum Posts: 749

Ahavati said:Well done, everyone! I feel what most impresses me about this comp is the passion behind the pen.

I'm impressed too, and I found out Poetry Month is also Women's History Month which makes these entries even more honorary, those being about women.  All the entries are amazing so far, both humorous and serious.  pen on fellow NaPoeans

Dangerous Mind
United States 29awards
Joined 30th June 2016
Forum Posts: 749

Mute Agony

She looked inside
and questioned herself
when hope was gone
never understanding why.
To suffer alone when
no one shares that space
unable to cry
as no single emotion was enough.
A child removed from
the joy carved out for her,
placed furthur away from it
than she could reach,
turning from its pull
destined to struggle
to find her true self,
her waters muddied.
She took the hard way
flapping those wings
until she found out
what they were meant for
all along.


(a non-entry)

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 11th Aug 2016
Forum Posts: 262


Bloody Soles

Drenched in blood are the soils of foreign lands
From toils of destruction by way of devils plans
When will we understand that war is just a racket
Putting blood in the sand & men in straight jackets

Shipped home like packages to melodies of TAPS
Victims of carnage started by farce, political caps
They'll then tap on the shoulders of Soldiers in wait
Effecting families like boulders 'cause of its weight

Must learn from mistakes in after action reviews
Not increasing the stakes by spreading fake news
Choosing to do the hard right over the easy wrong
Critically thinking versus singing the same old song


Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17490

PoetsRevenge said:

I'm impressed too, and I found out Poetry Month is also Women's History Month which makes these entries even more honorary, those being about women.  All the entries are amazing so far, both humorous and serious.  pen on fellow NaPoeans

Especially your latest non-entry!

Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1877

Diary of Rite Rhymes

Every time I felt a stinging jab
I knew I had to write a line to capture the moment
For every single cut and stab
I grabbed a pen to describe the hurt that went unspoken

And as broken as I was back then here and there
Each piece was like an entry in my diary of rite rhymes
Scripted and encrypted hidden as if forbidden
So that I’d remember the emotional diatribe of the times
Then for the occasions I bled so dearly and severely
The ink flowing through my veins was a pain of real reveals
Each line was designed to encompass the weight of all life
A pane of quatrains I’d enframe whenever I got the feels

I died ten thousand deaths with every breath I exhaled
Travelled to the edge of the world seeking love and light
I went to the beginning of time and then to the end of it
Looking for the right words to express my bitter plight

And when I captured the feeling reeling in my heart
Each title was vital to letting me remember the times
Now with obsession they’re my most prized possession
Secrets sealed and concealed in my diary of rite rhymes
Written by wallyroo92
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Prompt # 17

Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1877


Here’s is to the freethinkers of the past
Who risked it all when they shared their point of view
For the many who took a chance
As their perspectives gave many a break through

And for those who lost so much in their time
Their heroic sacrifice may have been a necessary one
For the masses then took notice of their work
Building on their foundational ideas in the long run

Here’s to those who those who use logic and reason
For using common sense and having genuine inspiration
Their work encouraged others to seek out their freedoms
Simply by applying their powers of observation
Written by wallyroo92
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Prompt # 18

Dangerous Mind
United States 29awards
Joined 30th June 2016
Forum Posts: 749

Ahavati said:

Especially your latest non-entry!

Yes, I was definitely thinking that, I still have a few ideas in mind...

For extra inspiration, this list of empowerment poems presents some great examples, listed for easy reading, some you've  heard of, some maybe you haven't, like 'You, If No One Else' by Tino Villanueva is one of my favorites:


Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 11th Aug 2016
Forum Posts: 262

Black Bird

Black bird
Don't let 'em clip your wings
Black bird
Lift up your voice and sing
Black bird
Be proud of who you are
Black bird
Always aim for the stars
Black bird
Need respite? Take a knee
Black bird
O' say can you see
Black bird
Visualize your manifestation
Black bird
Chant positive affirmations
Black bird
Be genuine and true
Black bird
Gotta do what's best for you
Written by da_poetic-edifier (Damon)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1877

To Ban or Not to Ban

(A Children’s Poem by Walter’s Alter Ego)

Come on kids and gather around the table
Listen closely to these parables and fables
About how some things may feel a little odd
Because some adults like to put up a façade

Now, love comes in all shapes and sizes
In different colors and so many surprises
And although some people will talk with hate
You see, love doesn’t discriminate

Some mommies like mommies and daddies other daddies
Some love tacos and others like hamburgers with two patties
There’s nothing wrong with what you prefer or choose
As long as you’re happy you’ll never get the blues

Now some of you may already have two mommies at home
And you’ll see they are joyful and how much they’ve grown
But your local politician may be a prick and likes to probe
If he doesn’t like their lifestye it’s because he’s a homophobe

Or it may be, just maybe that he is in the closet himself
Probably hiding buttplugs and dildos behind a bookshelf
Or it may be he’s just a fuckin’ evil politician who acts a thug
Perhaps the perverted motherfucker is on somekind of drug

Better yet, don’t trust this asshole anywhere near you or your friends
The more conservative he claims to be the less he makes sense
In fact, if he says something along the lines, “it’s a secret don’t tell anyone”
This shithead is most likely one of the worst degenerates so run!

But I digress

Now it’s OK to be confused or have questions
Your mom, or a teacher may have suggestions
Life can be a little hard to figure out
And a doctor may be able to address those doubts

But if that elected official wants to dictate your life
He’s trying to implement laws that will cause a lot of strife
Tell your mommies or your daddies not to trust that man
I bet that stupid fartin’ twat is conjuring up an evil plan

If he’s shaming you or your family because they are “living in sin”
I bet he’s doing something more sinister and vile hiding behind a grin
Actually, he’ll tell you they want to ban this poem, this post, this verse


Wally back to you.
Written by wallyroo92
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Prompt # 19

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 11th Aug 2016
Forum Posts: 262

4 Course Meal of Real

Religion can be a divisive vice
Unity usually is sliced & diced
Thriced segregated; manipulated
Creatures features keep being debated

Exaggerated stories of allegory
Commandments slated as statutory
Gory details of an eternal HELL
Seemingly now where humanity dwells

Seeking to reveal fantasy from fact
What's the real deal and what's in fact an act
Fact or fiction; how will we transition
Who's master chef cooking in the kitchen

Cooking revelations' resurrection
Is revolution the resolution
Ms. Education's effective psych op
Strategic design to stay on the top
Written by da_poetic-edifier (Damon)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 29awards
Joined 30th June 2016
Forum Posts: 749

I appreciate the brisk air of realism, here guys, really bringing the spirits of the great independents who weren't afraid to speak out.  Passionate work, indeed..

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 11th Aug 2016
Forum Posts: 262


The puppet master hates all Pinocchios that can freely think

He'll deploy his toy Soldiers & thought police to taint your drink

In the quick blink of a very dry eye, this guy's steal will kill for real

Never hesitating in ordering four more tours for blood to spill

Know he'll quickly seal the deal by gagging all Bobby Seales


Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1877

Our Conscience

The world has gotten ass backwards
In these last couple of years
Whether it’s through politics or greed
Morals have fallen on deaf ears

I’m talking about the ethics of humanity
Which have become so obscure
When the constant suffering of so many
Become profits for the rich assured

And as absurd as that may be sounding
Think how many are hungry tonight
While some shit in their gold commodes
Something just doesn’t seem right

There is a heartless avarice that grows within
When those who have more want more
It consumes their heart, mind and soul
As they watch the poor become more poor

I can’t speak for all the other different faiths
But that’s not what the bible taught me
Helping those who are less fortunate than us
Should be our conscience
Maybe then we can succeed as a society
Written by wallyroo92
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Prompt # 20

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