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Pride Month Thread

Jack Thomas
Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 2awards
Joined 30th July 2015
Forum Posts: 687

That sounds like a good idea. I’ve been wanting to go to pride but don’t really know how I’d go about it.

Jack Thomas
Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 2awards
Joined 30th July 2015
Forum Posts: 687

Ghosts Making Love at Night


Sometimes you want the night to last forever.
And you want there to be a silence in the streets,
so that when you walk them
surrounded by empty locked-up shops
and homes and apartment blocks
you feel like a ghost in a romantic hinterland.

The streetlights set the stage,
casting this pool of yellow here
and glittering with air motes there,
emphasising emptiness.

Cut loose from the moorings of your body,
the fat man's limp and waddling gait,
you can be so many things:
ethereal, and beautiful,
and young, and old,
seeking your lover's solace in the cold.


You can be me,
and me can be I.
Promoted from second to first person.

My lover waits halfway down
a narrow residential street.
He is like a natural fact,
and I walk into him
just as a prophet might walk through a wall.
Without shame or mortal flesh,
weighted with drink and food
like rocks in the suicide's pockets,
we find somewhere warm to make love.

As ghosts, we drift inside
a shut and lonely house.
He leads me up the stairs and to
a bedroom fit for married types.

Though clothed, we don't undress.
The gestures tell their own tale
of submission; reception and
pleasure. He turns me over and
our transparent outlines
are shaped in give and take.
The symbol is what matters more
than skin invading skin,
the giving up of self
to one you love's intent.


The animate spirit is pulled towards
a final conversion.
Invisible muscles contract,
a slackening of tension comes
and washes over me,
and in recovery, we laugh
at how no residue is left
even as we thought we'd fall apart.

A tree in the garden spreads
its branches and
is run through with streetlight.
I too am spread
and like the leaves am glistened with
a sight,
a vision lighting up the night

which sometimes you want to last forever.
Written by The_Silly_Sibyl (Jack Thomas)
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I was going to post this in the contest but it’s not exactly a poem about Pride.

Tyrant of Words
England 36awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6088

The_Silly_Sibyl said:I was going to post this in the contest but it’s not exactly a poem about pride.

All things LGBT are totes acceptable. Just not pump n’ dump erotica. Which this clearly isn’t. 😊

Tyrant of Words
England 36awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6088

... and today in Poet’s corner... 🏳️‍🌈

Jack Thomas
Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 2awards
Joined 30th July 2015
Forum Posts: 687

Tyrant of Words
England 36awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6088

Best. Outcome. Evahhhh. 😂👌🏻

Jack Thomas
Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 2awards
Joined 30th July 2015
Forum Posts: 687

Northern_Soul said:Best. Outcome. Evahhhh. 😂👌🏻

That dude must have suuuuuuuucked, is all I’m saying

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Jack Thomas
Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 2awards
Joined 30th July 2015
Forum Posts: 687

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

Unfortunately trans acceptance makes a lot of people uncomfortable. I recently read an article by an ex-member and one of Stonewall’s founders saying that trans people should have a separate organisation.

As this is a poetry website, perhaps we could share here some examples of LGBT literature? For example:

Beautiful Signor by Cyrus Cassells

All dreams of the soul
End in a beautiful man’s or woman’s body. - Yeats, “The Phases of the Moon”

Whenever we wake,
still joined, enraptured—
at the window,
each clear night’s finish
the black pulse of dominoes
dropping to land;

whenever we embrace,
haunted, upwelling,
I know
a reunion is taking place—      

Hear me when I say
our love’s not meant to be
an opiate;
you are the reachable mirror
that dares me to risk
the caravan back
to the apogee, the longed-for
arms of the Beloved—

Dusks of paperwhites,
dusks of jasmine,
intimate beyond belief

beautiful Signor

no dread of nakedness

beautiful Signor

my long ship,
my opulence,
my garland

beautiful Signor

extinguishing the beggar’s tin,
the wind of longing

beautiful Signor

laving the ruined country,
the heart wedded to war

beautiful Signor

the kiln-blaze
in my body,
the turning heaven

beautiful Signor

you cover me with pollen

beautiful Signor

into your sweet mouth—

This is the taproot:
against all strictures,
I’ll never renounce,
never relinquish
the first radiance, the first
moment you took my hand—

This is the endless wanderlust:
yours is the April-upon-April love
that kept me spinning even beyond
your eventful arms
toward the unsurpassed:

the one vast claiming heart,
the glimmering,
the beautiful and revealed Signor.


I’d also like to share this passage from Alice Walker’s 1983 novel The Colour Purple, about a young black girl in the American South in the early 1900s. The short passage is about a yearning by one female for another. It’s sexually frank, but it’s always struck me as a sweet and powerful presentation of same-sex attraction:

“All the men got they eyes glued to Shug’s bosom. I got my eyes glued there too. I feel my nipples harden under my dress. My little button sort of perk up too. Shug, I say to her in my mind, Girl, you looks like a real good time, the Good Lord knows you do.”

Tyrant of Words
England 36awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6088

.... yeah. I’ve never been a terribly big fan of making people feel comfortable. I am however, a massive fan of living and speaking your truth.

In my humble opinion, if people aren’t “comfortable with it”, then there’s still lots of work to do in the world, unfortunatly.

Thanks for sharing that poem. I did share one a couple of pages back but perhaps you missed it. I’ll go searching for a few more because there’s some great pieces out there. Plus, it gives me an excuse to go and scout some poetry which I love. 😂

Tyrant of Words
England 36awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6088

Just found this particular modern gem.

[Didn’t Sappho say her guts clutched up like this?] Written by Marilyn Hacker

Didn’t Sappho say her guts clutched up like this?
Before a face suddenly numinous,
her eyes watered, knees melted. Did she lactate  
again, milk brought down by a girl’s kiss?  
It’s documented torrents are unloosed
by such events as recently produced
not the wish, but the need, to consume, in us,  
one pint of Maalox, one of Kaopectate.
My eyes and groin are permanently swollen,  
I’m alternatingly brilliant and witless
—and sleepless: bed is just a swamp to roll in.  
Although I’d cream my jeans touching your breast,  
sweetheart, it isn’t lust; it’s all the rest
of what I want with you that scares me shitless.

Tyrant of Words
England 36awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6088

The 17-Year-Old & the Gay Bar
By Danez Smith

this gin-heavy heaven, blessed ground to think gay & mean we.
bless the fake id & the bouncer who knew
this need to be needed, to belong, to know how
a man tastes full on vodka & free of sin. i know not which god to pray to.
i look to christ, i look to every mouth on the dance floor, i order
a whiskey coke, name it the blood of my new savior. he is just.
he begs me to dance, to marvel men with the
of hips i brought, he deems my mouth in some stranger’s mouth necessary.
bless that man’s mouth, the song we sway sloppy to, the beat, the bridge, the length
of his hand on my thigh & back & i know not which country i am of.
i want to live on his tongue, build a home of gospel & gayety
i want to raise a city behind his teeth for all boys of choirs & closets to refuge in.
i want my new god to look at the mecca i built him & call it damn good
or maybe i’m just tipsy & free for the first time, willing to worship anything i can taste.

Tyrant of Words
England 36awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6088

👉🏻 https://youtube.com/c/Jammidodger94

I’ve been watching a fair few Youtube channels lately, and have found this guys posts throughout his journey particularly inspiring and informative. 🙂

Tyrant of Words
England 36awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6088

Some very sad breaking news. My heart is with them. 😔


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