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Randon "acts" of poetry

poet Anonymous

Challenge yourself to free your mind by posting anywhere from a sentence to a full blown poem in the essence of this DUP poet:


Those with the best offerings will be awarded a 3 day 6 night all expenses paid vacation inside his cranial god complex were the spinal tapping of his trephinations will impale you with the greater glory of L. Ron Hubbard.

Will we be able to recognize the real Randon should his marrow bubble up from this forum's infected humorus bone?

poet Anonymous

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17262

LMAO! Has Randon seen this?!

poet Anonymous

Ahavati said:LMAO! Has Randon seen this?!

We are ALL Randon as the tendrils from our alien pods come out of hibernation to cross pollinate in Pollyanic manic impressionism.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17262

JohnnyBlaze said:

We are ALL Randon as the tendrils from our alien pods come out of hibernation to cross pollinate in Pollyanic manic impressionism.

LMAO! I had a sudden urge to make the sign of the cross!

poet Anonymous

poet Anonymous

Zombie Werewolves from Outer Space are Coming for your Children

“Grab ‘em by the Amygdala,” he snorted.
“I will never lie to you.”
Streamers of bright orange blood flood the pink skies.
Hallelujah, hallelujah!

“They are gonna love you, Space Refugee...love you to death.”
(Powder pink are the headlines and prophecies. The sacrifice pit is growing.)

To be continued...
Written by Randon
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I mean, com'ON! Who can possibly come close to writing like this?

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 25th Oct 2020
Forum Posts: 99

Zombie Werewolves from Outer Space are Coming for your Children

“Grab ‘em by the Amygdala,” he snorted.
“I will never lie to you.”
Streamers of bright orange blood flood the pink skies.
Hallelujah, hallelujah!

“They are gonna love you, Space Refugee...love you to death.”
(Powder pink are the headlines and prophecies. The sacrifice pit is growing.)

To be continued...
Written by Randon
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JohnnyBlaze said:

I mean, com'ON! Who can possibly come close to writing like this?

Right now I am eating a Ukrainian chocolate bar and feeling slightly hungover from yesterday’s triple Birthday/valentines/tattoo day and I’m reading this thread. If anyone for any reason ever asks, this has been the best weekend of my life.

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 25th Oct 2020
Forum Posts: 99

Thanks you so much, JB and everyone! So awesome!!

poet Anonymous

Randon said:

Right now I am eating a Ukrainian chocolate bar and feeling slightly hungover from yesterday’s triple Birthday/valentines/tattoo day and I’m reading this thread. If anyone for any reason ever asks, this has been the best weekend of my life.

Oh, going to hell in an Easter hand basket - that's brilliant and all sounds wonderful!

Randon said:Thanks you so much, JB and everyone! So awesome!!

You are welcome!

Now, back to carving your name onto every obelisk and pylon for future Pharaohs and U.S. Presidents to ponder with their flaming papyus proposals . . .

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17262

Randon said:

Right now I am eating a Ukrainian chocolate bar and feeling slightly hungover from yesterday’s triple Birthday/valentines/tattoo day and I’m reading this thread. If anyone for any reason ever asks, this has been the best weekend of my life.

Happiest of Birthdays, Randon! Another Aquarius! How awesome! Love the tatt!

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

JohnnyBlaze said:Deeply Stated Conversations The World Is Not Safe From Anymore

She was a Q'uman
broadcasting on Channel Four
from a canned ham radio

I ate her spicy conspiracy theory
with a tuning fork.

She promised me a front row seat
at Democracy's execution.

My sleeves were already rolled up
for the bleach injections.

I had already left reality behind;
my corpereal body was next
on the cutting board.

Soon I would become invested
in her corporate shell game.

Bathed in growing Ultraviolet Light
I was purified of Left Wing ideology
purged of Liberal guilt
and pruned of conscience

I nodded as she shut me in
the trunk of the 1978 Cadillac
minus engine and on blocks
adorning her front lawn.

The time was now to hibernate
in her Hyper Chrysalis
parked in the backwoods
of this Deep State known as


You are welcome to joke on me anytime
It's time for a DU roast

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
poet Anonymous

Insiderew said:''Vlad the invader Pukin ''  said  '' liberalism is dead! ''
i think a fat thing heard and it ok'd
as it follows him, to bed.

Excellent! Keep up the good work, Soldier!

Valeriyabeyond said:  

You are welcome to joke on me anytime
It's time for a DU roast

Doesn't Rabbit or Edible have a roast thread so somewhere ..?

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