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Is the World Safe for Conversation Anymore?

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 25th Oct 2020
Forum Posts: 99

EdibleWords said:

BTW, The gifting economy is about 50% of our GDP.

Communism kills gifting economies, too.

I prefer the gifting economy to communism. Works best under libertarianism or anarchism.

Really? Well, clearly the communists must be stopped.
Please, go on...

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

Randon said:

Really? Well, clearly the communists must be stopped.
Please, go on...

What is Communism
Michael Dhar
communist revolutions have never yielded their intended utopias of equality

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 25th Oct 2020
Forum Posts: 99

Valeriyabeyond said:

What is Communism
Michael Dhar
communist revolutions have never yielded their intended utopias of equality

Good point. What are some other systems that have yielded intended utopias?

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Randon said:

Really? Well, clearly the communists must be stopped.
Please, go on...

Why? I don’t think they need to be stopped. They need to reign themselves in, before they hurt themselves - again. They keep infighting and selling out to globalists.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th July 2018
Forum Posts: 891


Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words
Palestine 41awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 1873

Eerie said:...

I think your quote by Anais Nin
“Creation which cannot express itself becomes madness" ~Anais Nin
gives a clue to the way forward.
If we concentrate on creative pursuits then
(a). We're busy doing interesting stuff,
(b). The need to express ourselves violently, diminishes;
(c). The outputs from our creativity will make the world a more beautiful place, and
(d). We'll all be more pre-disposed to start having real conversations with each other about the creative process, rather than polemic shouting-matches.
Creativity is what connects us with the divine, and stabilises the human psyche.

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 909

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 909

Randon said:

Good point. What are some other systems that have yielded intended utopias?

None... The platonic utopia is a fantasy. It is impossible because humans are flawed. Plato's enlightened society had to be governed by "perfected rulers" with perfect moral standing and actions. This "idea" of utopia has been used by authoritarians to hide their true intentions of statist control. As the Christ said we have all sinned and will always fall short. This realistic philosophy is the only truth. Giving as much power to the flawed individual and thus the least power to the flawed state, as in the American experiment, is the best we could ever do. Probably why so many want to move to the US, because they have less individual control in their own country. And the reason why we must protect that as all cost, or the freedom experiment dies

Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th July 2018
Forum Posts: 891

Josh said:

I think your quote by Anais Nin
“Creation which cannot express itself becomes madness" ~Anais Nin
gives a clue to the way forward.
If we concentrate on creative pursuits then
(a). We're busy doing interesting stuff,
(b). The need to express ourselves violently, diminishes;
(c). The outputs from our creativity will make the world a more beautiful place, and
(d). We'll all be more pre-disposed to start having real conversations with each other about the creative process, rather than polemic shouting-matches.
Creativity is what connects us with the divine, and stabilises the human psyche.

These are beautiful points, Josh. I fear that things have slipped so far into the abyss that the best we can do is stand fast in our beliefs and hope that we are prepared for what is coming.

It’s a sickly world we live in when the abuse of children is openly mocked. The fact that it is happening says much about society as a whole.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Eerie said:

These are beautiful points, Josh. I fear that things have slipped so far into the abyss that the best we can do is stand fast in our beliefs and hope that we are prepared for what is coming.

It’s a sickly world we live in when the abuse of children is openly mocked. The fact that it is happening says much about society as a whole.

So true.

Super Bowl Sunday was disturbingly laced with just that.

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 909

EdibleWords said:

So true.

Super Bowl Sunday was disturbingly laced with just that.

I would like to point out, it wasn't and will never be mocked by conservatives. Conservatives both black and white formed the antislavery Republican party...to fight for the downtrodden and currently are the main voices against child molesters. It is no surprise that conservatives are the main target by the media. As the media is the main tool used to cover up these crimes, as well as superbowl ads. It seems we are now living in Babylon. The wraith of the Godhead will come next, just as in the past. The Creator will have no mercy on those that harm children.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Breaking - The End of Silence

Cheaters never win
Silence isn’t always golden

For example
when the First Amendment
is muzzled

What do I know?
I’m just an American

I only witnessed
a stolen election

How can a felon
a rapist mobster
become president

How can ballots
be counted
after the lawful deadline?

How can we stand by
ruled by conspiracy
...and merely be silent?
Written by EdibleWords
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

runaway-mindtrain said:

I would like to point out, it wasn't and will never be mocked by conservatives. Conservatives both black and white formed the antislavery Republican party...to fight for the downtrodden and currently are the main voices against child molesters. It is no surprise that conservatives are the main target by the media. As the media is the main tool used to cover up these crimes, as well as superbowl ads. It seems we are now living in Babylon. The wraith of the Godhead will come next, just as in the past. The Creator will have no mercy on those that harm children.

It shouldn’t be a partisan issue. It should be a parents’ issue. Hopefully we all learn to fight for the children. 👍

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2278

the best we can do is stand fast in our beliefs
so it is said
But where is the belief in a better way of living
Where is the belief
that the system has to be modernized
upgraded CHANGED
Everything else has been
But the system we and our children
live in
Has not
Be you on the left
or the right
or in the middle
They are the same
does not live on paper
or in pretty speeches
on promises
that are always broken
with some sad excuse
lives on the streets in the homes
of family's in the work place
We are being played by both sides
It's been happening
Why has the moral of our laws
not been enforced ?
Why has our justice system
not been modernized
Why is it
We still have innocent people
in jail for 10 20 30 years
not guilty of a crime or offence
Why is it
That micro facial profiling
is not
in the justice system
How many
innocent people
Would this save
How many rapists and murderers
of children and woman
would not be on our streets
destroying the life's
of honest people
So these words
the best we can do is stand fast in our beliefs
to me are wrong
best we can do is Change our beliefs
instead of the same shit
year after year
Be you on the left
or the right
for us
the common men and woman
for honest people
Nothing Has Changed
were just dragging the past
into the present
This shouldn’t be a partisan issue.
This should be a parents’ issue. a people's issue
There should be no
Hopefully we all learn to fight for the children
We Fight for the Children
Or what is the point
For if we don't
Our children will learn
What we have Learnt

It's a funny old word
it's a word
you can camouflage
twist bend dilute
you can
shake and bake it
slice and dice it
you can spin it
laugh at it
you can wash it
with any pretty color
you chose
but when you
look inside it
at the core

The bitch ain't changed
she still remains
in your face
not giving a shit
about your feelings
no mask in play
just the same cold
whispering words
what you see
is what you get
you say
you wanted
to know me
well here i am
have a nice life
funny old word


Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

I enjoyed your post, drone. Truth can be a bitch, but she’s also our best ally. That’s no partisan issue! 😎👍

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