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Kitty's Korner

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1869

On this forum I will outline various methods or techniques to incorporate holistic measurements into your everyday means of life.

Several ways to destress the mind and body using simple teas to drink.

Alternative solution to use at your fingertips; the best usage for vinegar.

Healthy recipes, consumer products and its usage, what herbs, and spices to utilize when cooking and skin care advice.

Vegetarian verses Vegan Ideology.

At times, I will make a personal tutorial on the proper way to give yourself a facial... yes, using honey, egg whites, and Sea Salt…. My number one savior to keep my skin youthful.

For men who suffer from ED (Erectile Dysfunction, who cannot afford a trip to the doctor and get a prescription for Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra, and the benefits of testosterone injection, does it keep that spark up for them.

And the best store-bought facial remedies in regard to remedying sagging skin, winkles, and crowfeet, and smoothing out those stretch marks most women of child bearing age seem to complain about.

There will be a video of me getting up in the morning before work and showing women my five minute morning mask before heading out the door; you will need a blender for this.

The best protein smoothie ingredients … after an intense workout.

Some of the medical advice or recommendation shall be taking under consideration and discussed with a profession medical doctor or mental health counselor.

Best regards,

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

Looking forward to it Sweet kitty cat
Will your readers be able to contribute and share what works for them, or what they use to enhance the beauty or their skin body and mind?
Or would you prefer we follow along with your suggestions?
And of course if we try your suggestions you would like for us to comment?
My best to you

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1869

Valeriyabeyond said:Looking forward to it Sweet kitty cat
Will your readers be able to conteribute what works for them
Or would you prefer we follow along with your suggestions?
And of course if we try your suggestions you would like for us to comment?
My best to you

I will post my recommendations, and tutorials, however, I must strongly suggest anything related to Medical/Mental Health is to be taken into consideration and discussed farther with a Medical Doctor or Therapist.

In regard to your question, which does have merit behind its intention. I will always welcome feedback, on anything stated, but not to the point, it becomes contrived, baseless, ill repute, or contemptable in opinion to show or prove any means of logic or sound reasoning to the reader(s) or the moderator.

I do hope I’ve answered your questions/concerns in earnest my poetess, and thank you sincerely for the well wishes as I embark on this journey


Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

SweetKittyCat5 said:

I will post my recommendations, and tutorials, however, I must strongly suggest anything related to Medical/Mental Health is to be taken into consideration and discussed farther with a Medical Doctor or Therapist.

In regard to your question, which does have merit behind its intention. I will always welcome feedback, on anything stated, but not to the point, it becomes contrived, baseless, ill repute, or contemptable in opinion to show or prove any means of logic or sound reasoning to the reader(s) or the moderator.

I do hope I’ve answered your questions/concerns in earnest my poetess, and thank you sincerely for the well wishes as I embark on this journey


Answered perfectly SKC
With wisdom and with Grace I might add thank you

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1869

Valeriyabeyond said:

Answered perfectly SKC
With wisdom and with Grace I might add thank you

Ahh... thank you my poetess, and please enjoy the conclusion of your late evening

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1869

Mind and Body Connected (Journal 1)

You will hear me refer to these Charkas when discussing the benefits of centering the body

Each positive energy we draw as if inhaling life itself. Please familiarize yourself with these. It will be the catalyst when speaking in physical and mental health

Hindu style my Chi centered
Resting upon the throne of mother’s nature gravity we call life
Myrrh and Frankincense floating throughout my island of paradise.
Engulfing the streams of awareness oblivion unto the unknown overtaking me in a trance state of existence, a spiritual mirage  
Deep breath in deep breath out  
Eyes closed  
Letting go of the past, present, adaptation to accept the future  
of life embedded with the swirl of my being forbearing such wicked deeds, relieving such paganism ideology, life’s greatest hindrance upon the bearer.  
Deep breath in, holding it, my negative energy grouping, a typhoon to the surface of each bated breath it becomes evident.
Deep breath out, ashes to ashes dust to dust  
Rebirth of my core conformed in waken state  
Channeling seven Charkas within the dynamism which is founded upon the foundation of my core, the creation of my universe  
The amendment of my life instituted within the pages of infinity.
My Root Chakra (Muladhara-element Earth) bowing down to the wondrous gist of my intellectual stimuli  
Granting me the widow of wisdom, the door of serenity, the cloak of knowledge, mental clarity, the pinnacle upon my femininity.  
Inhale…exhale, slowly drifting within the beautiful flow, irrigating my empty vessel, instilling with purity, head bowed unto glory, under grace, allowing the silhouette of my soul to astral plane, seeking the greater gifts, unseen, unheard, unimaginable among the vastness of the galaxy, leasing through the breaths of my nostrils the feel of the Ohm, worship your temple, the kiss of your being, nourished, the epiphany of my soul, heart, mind, and physical senses in regal harmony    
Reaching out, grasping spiritually of one’s self. My Sacral Charka (Svadhishthana-element Water) the abyss for which God made women to defend the divinity fruit of one’s womb, for which she creates to bear, the necessity pedestal of my own sexuality  
One within the mind, soaring higher, and higher, body dissembled in the duality of  reality and the subconscious, the pinnacle of my person, mental clarity of the mind merging into my Solar Plexus Charka (Manipura-element Fire) anchoring deeper, the meaning of who I am, reaching out to the fifth dimension of thy free will, within self, the will to be, the will to belong, the comic connection, beaming signals of enlightenment, take my hand, dance in my self-confidence, yearn for the fated butter rum drops of me; stimulating, addictive, endless, the principal of my self-worth whispered, hunger for my self-reliance, bath in my sexual rejuvenations, a thousand caresses of  virginal passion bequeathed.  
Oh God, I feel your benevolent presence, the chanting unto of your mightiness, cleansing me in the cradle of my Heart Charka (Anahata-element Air ) calming me, blessing the pumping of blood, sustaining me, emotionally tapping into my ventricles, my atriums, with each contract, the four chambers of my life line, fine attuned to the vast universe, the creed of my healing, my whispered loving, unwavering forgiveness, bows to the love of the land I give, nothing in return I expect to receive within the sun, the stars, the moon, the Heavens above lay at my feet ordained.  
You speak with wisdom, I responded with candidness, silken words, linguistic, beautiful fingers moving for the hearing impaired delighted unto them to convey, without words to speak, tales to seduce you, to lure you, my Throat Charka ( Vishuddha- element Akasha) the sentimental of my self-expression of the emotions for which I speak upon the truth, balancing the Feng Shui of my perseverance.  
My Third Eye Charka (Ajna) inhale and exhale, a guiding voyage far beyond from what the mind could ever grasp in one lifetime, greater forces deeming me the wisdom to unlock the variations of life’s trilogy; Father, Son, Holy Spirit, my Chi is a beacon to siphon the positive energy from the cosmos, holding the truer meaning of one’s self for one single moment in time, a crystal ball glimpsed, watching as my life is in motion, yet confined by the harbors of time, yet centered,  tapping into that clairvoyance,  deep breath, still it.  
Exhaling my breath into destiny, my nakedness sitting at the throne of the Pearly Gates, love, peace, the revelation, of the second coming of my identity. Stripped away my bearings, my earthly possessions I deemed imperial, my person asunder from earthly passion, lust, desires, rapture. Sacred oil spillage to my temple, a spiritual deity I have channeled of my Crown Chakra (Sahasrara), the poignant ability at this plateau of self-knowledge and understanding your existence, my soul has blended unto my body, my Kundalini, my Nirvikalpa, duel purposes in life unto others, wanting, needed to stay in this realm. Echoes of distance heartbeats, retreating to descend back into self, unto you realize you are the spiritual manifestation of your own equation, your own creation.  
Karma, Fate, Destiny, and the Rebirth, navigating through the creed I have come to accept womankind/mankind as they are, and not as I deem them to be as a human soul.  


I will post on Friday or when time allows. Please take into consideration I am a student as well

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

SweetKittyCat5 said:Mind and Body Connected (Journal 1)

You will hear me refer to these Charkas when discussing the benefits of centering the body

Each positive energy we draw as if inhaling life itself. Please familiarize yourself with these. It will be the catalyst when speaking in physical and mental health

Hindu style my Chi centered
Resting upon the throne of mother’s nature gravity we call life
Myrrh and Frankincense floating throughout my island of paradise.
Engulfing the streams of awareness oblivion unto the unknown overtaking me in a trance state of existence, a spiritual mirage  
Deep breath in deep breath out  
Eyes closed  
Letting go of the past, present, adaptation to accept the future  
of life embedded with the swirl of my being forbearing such wicked deeds, relieving such paganism ideology, life’s greatest hindrance upon the bearer.  
Deep breath in, holding it, my negative energy grouping, a typhoon to the surface of each bated breath it becomes evident.
Deep breath out, ashes to ashes dust to dust  
Rebirth of my core conformed in waken state  
Channeling seven Charkas within the dynamism which is founded upon the foundation of my core, the creation of my universe  
The amendment of my life instituted within the pages of infinity.
My Root Chakra (Muladhara-element Earth) bowing down to the wondrous gist of my intellectual stimuli  
Granting me the widow of wisdom, the door of serenity, the cloak of knowledge, mental clarity, the pinnacle upon my femininity.  
Inhale…exhale, slowly drifting within the beautiful flow, irrigating my empty vessel, instilling with purity, head bowed unto glory, under grace, allowing the silhouette of my soul to astral plane, seeking the greater gifts, unseen, unheard, unimaginable among the vastness of the galaxy, leasing through the breaths of my nostrils the feel of the Ohm, worship your temple, the kiss of your being, nourished, the epiphany of my soul, heart, mind, and physical senses in regal harmony    
Reaching out, grasping spiritually of one’s self. My Sacral Charka (Svadhishthana-element Water) the abyss for which God made women to defend the divinity fruit of one’s womb, for which she creates to bear, the necessity pedestal of my own sexually  
One within the mind, soaring higher, and higher, body dissembled in the duality of  reality and the subconscious, the pinnacle of my person, mental clarity of the mind merging into my Solar Plexus Charka (Manipura-element Fire) anchoring deeper, the meaning of who I am, reaching out to the fifth dimension of thy free will, within self, the will to be, the will to belong, the comic connection, beaming signals of enlightenment, take my hand, dance in my self-confidence, yearn for the fated butter rum drops of me; stimulating, addictive, endless, the principal of my self-worth whispered, hunger for my self-reliance, bath in my sexual rejuvenations, a thousand caresses of  virginal passion bequeathed.  
Oh God, I feel your benevolent presence, the chanting unto of your mightiness, cleansing me in the cradle of my Heart Charka (Anahata-element Air ) calming me, blessing the pumping of blood, sustaining me, emotionally tapping into my ventricles, my atriums, with each contract, the four chambers of my life line, fine attuned to the vast universe, the creed of my healing, my whispered loving, unwavering forgiveness, bows to the love of the land I give, nothing in return I expect to receive within the sun, the stars, the moon, the Heavens above lay at my feet ordained.  
You speak with wisdom, I responded with candidness, silken words, linguistic, beautiful fingers moving for the hearing impaired delighted unto them to convey, without words to speak, tales to seduce you, to lure you, my Throat Charka ( Vishuddha- element Akasha) the sentimental of my self-expression of the emotions for which I speak upon the truth, balancing the Feng Shui of my perseverance.  
My Third Eye Charka (Ajna) inhale and exhale, a guiding voyage far beyond from what the mind could ever grasp in one lifetime, greater forces deeming me the wisdom to unlock the variations of life’s trilogy; Father, Son, Holy Spirit, my Chi is a beacon to siphon the positive energy from the cosmos, holding the truer meaning of one’s self for one single moment in time, a crystal ball glimpsed, watching as my life is in motion, yet confined by the harbors of time, yet centered,  tapping into that clairvoyance,  deep breath, still it.  
Exhaling my breath into destiny, my nakedness sitting at the throne of the Pearly Gates, love, peace, the revelation, of the second coming of my identity. Stripped away my bearings, my earthly possessions I deemed imperial, my person asunder from earthly passion, lust, desires, rapture. Sacred oil spillage to my temple, a spiritual deity I have channeled of my Crown Chakra (Sahasrara), the poignant ability at this plateau of self-knowledge and understanding your existence, my soul has blended unto my body, my Kundalini, my Nirvikalpa, duel purposes in life unto others, wanting, needed to stay in this realm. Echoes of distance heartbeats, retreating to descend back into self, unto you realize you are the spiritual manifestation of your own equation, your own creation.  
Karma, Fate, Destiny, and the Rebirth, navigating through the creed I have come to accept womankind/mankind as they are, and not as I deem them to be as a human soul.  


I will post on Friday or when time allows. Please take into consideration I am a student as well

Thank you SKC
for the time invested to help bring about awareness during this unique time in our lives

Your beauty shines SKC

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1869

Valeriyabeyond said:

Thank you SKC
for the time invested to help bring about awareness during this unique time in our lives

Your beauty shines SKC

Thank you my poetess for extending your heart to read, any questions feel free to inquire and have a  great day as well

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1869

Its All In The Little Blue Pill Or Is It  (Part I)

Most men have long ago been linked with the endowment of the heart as giving from the root of his loins.    
The virility of man originates in the physical aspect of their loins as being equivalent of his prowess when upholding the regency of his manly existence.        
I will open my discussion to moralize the man who has thrived his longevity on his physical capabilities and to ascertain the concept in lament terms what if that enliven aspect is taken away, leaving him to progress, however not engaging to undergo preforming at his arousing peak of perfection as a man should when connected by mental stimulation, which in terms does aid in the progression for a man to reach his full potential to gratify his willing partner.        
There are various ideals to peruse with the chemical mechanisms, which makes a biological man in nature have a normal erection, no longer fully function.        
Is a man’s sexual life shelved after he reaches a certain age, when his body lacks that normal process?        
The correct medical term is Erectile Dysfunction. In addition, this well know medical condition not only robs a man of performing at his peak later in life. It can become a nuisance for many men who have somehow faced a trauma to the body; burn vitamins, paraplegics, and in some forms in my research, transgenders from a female to male.        
Allow me to broaden this aspect to give credence to some of the products on the market, prescribe by a physician or simple holistic regiments you may use at your dispose.        
Always take in consideration, if any product is not FDA regulated or suggestive to make  unsatiated claims without labile evidence in nature. It is best you speak with a Health profession first before embarking.        
In my opinion most men who are having difficulty getting and motioning an erection, tend to seek the aid of a Physician or a Urologist (Urologists specialize in treating conditions of the male and female urinary tract).        
I elaborated on a urologist, due in part, there are times when ED is not always the culprit of a low limbo; there could be other deterrence such as age, and underline medical condition, the interference of taking medication and the effect once metabolized, having an enlarged prostates, or unfortanley for some, Testicular Cancer.        
For any male, I must always advise them to get a Prostate Exam at the age of 50 especially for men who are at risk of prostate cancer and who are expected to live at least 10 more addition years. In as much, at the age 45 for some men who are at high risk of developing future prostate cancer. And please have you physician/urologist check your BPH Level, it is done by a simple blood test to screen.        
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia        
BPH is the condition where the prostate in men enlarges in size, partly or completely blocking the urethra that passes through it. This leads to urinary problems, including frequent urination and urine retention in the bladder it is a medical condition.        
I must also recommend a Colorectal Exam. It should always be a first defense to living longer and in part of maintaining any Man’s Health.        
What exactly does male enhancements do, what are they and do they support with implementation.        
There are several methods, and most are employed for various personal reasons to increase the total length, then you have others, to enhance the shaft's girth, and yet others for the glans size.  There seems to be several techniques, including surgery, supplements, ointments, patches, and physical methods like pumping, jelqing, and traction.        
To most, I assume it is known as a "penis pump", in more political correct  terms it is a vacuum erection, this device's role is to create negative pressure that expands and thereby draws blood into the penis.        
I have never come across this word until my research, to masturbate, then to strike, hit.        
Then you have some who may prefer traction, it is a nonsurgical method to lengthen the penis by employing devices that pull at the glans of the penis for extended periods of time.        
Prescribing Medication For Erectile Dysfunction        
For the elder gentlemen who are unaware of such methods and would like to rely upon due to self-preservation or discretion something a little more invasive. At this time I must suggest then you seek the care of an Internal Medicine physician do discuss the pros and the cons of taking medication that have been on the market for period of time; Viagra, Cialis, Levitra.        
Sildenafil, sold under the brand name Viagra among others, is a medication used to treat erectile dysfunction and pulmonary arterial hypertension.        
Tadafil, or generic Cialis, is most used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) in men. However, it’s also used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and pulmonary arterial hypertension.        
Levitra (vardenafil hydrochloride) is an oral medication taken to treat erectile dysfunction (ED). It’s in the same class of drugs as other popular ED medications, including Viagra and Cialis        
If you have been clinically diagnosed with ED (Erectile Dysfunctional and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) Keep in mind Cialis would be most beneficial to possible talk to your physical in exploring the possibilities of its usage.        
There are several supplements you can purchase over the counter, there are several derived from herbs, one that comes to mind, is Horny Goat Weed.        
What is horny goat weed  
Horny goat weed is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb. It is also known by its many botanical names, including Epimedium, and its Chinese name, yin yang huo. It is another alternative to western medicine, this potent herb has been used to treat several medical elements, which range from hay fever, to atherosclerosis, nerve pain fatigue, osteoporosis, and erectile dysfunction.        
Taking testosterone injections are they a thought to consider, and does it boost a man's vitality, actually yes and no.        
Testosterone Replacement Therapy      
This particular medication method is absorbed through the skin, it enters your bloodstream, and helps your body reach normal testosterone levels that have disintegrate as a man ages.        
This replacement therapy is usually a last resort some physician will adopt in planning your care. The side effects if used over a prolonged time can cause an increase in your Red Cell Blood Count, for some, Heart Disease. Certain Cancers (Breast And Prostate in particular) and be advised, Sleep Apnea. Therefore, if you decide to follow through wiht this regiment, please talk to your Healthcare profession at the sings of pain upon urination, and breast pain/enlargement.        
Can taking vitamin supplements give a man more pep than in his steps.        
Vitamin E. Vitamin C are very great vitamin contributors when promoting a healthy sexual lifestyle for a man, for men who suffer from some form of cancer, please ask your Oncologist before using, some vitamins tend to  lessen the effects of Chemo/Radiation Therapy.

I do hope I have covered the main issues for Men’s Health in this segment, next week, the natural home ingredients you can use to give yourself a fabulous Spa Facial Treatment, without leaving your home.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1869

Its All In The Little Blue Pill Or Is It (Kitty Korner)

Most men have long ago been linked with the endowment of the heart as giving from the root of his loins.              
The virility of man originates in the physical aspect of their loins as being equivalent of his prowess when upholding the regency of his manly existence.              
I will open my discussion to moralize the man who has thrived his longevity on his physical capabilities and to ascertain the concept in lament terms what if that enliven aspect is taken away, leaving him to progress, however not engaging to undergo preforming at his arousing peak of perfection as a man should when connected by mental stimulation, which in terms does aid in the progression for a man to reach his full potential to gratify his willing partner.              
There are various ideals to peruse with the chemical mechanisms, which makes a biological man in nature have a normal erection, no longer fully function.              
Is a man’s sexual life shelved after he reaches a certain age, when his body lacks that normal process?                
The correct medical term is Erectile Dysfunction. In addition, this well know medical condition not only robs a man of performing at his peak later in life. It can become a nuisance for many men who have somehow faced a trauma to the body; burn vitamins, paraplegics, and in some forms in my research, transgenders from a female to male.                           
Allow me to broaden this aspect to give credence to some of the products on the market, prescribe by a physician or simple holistic regiments you may use at your dispose.                
Always take in consideration, if any product is not FDA regulated or suggestive to make  unsatiated claims without labile evidence in nature. It is best you speak with a Health Professional first before embarking.              
In my opinion most men who are having difficulty getting and motioning an erection, tend to seek the aid of a Physician or a Urologist (Urologists specialize in treating conditions of the male and female urinary tract).              
I elaborated on a urologist, due in part, there are times when ED is not always the culprit of a low libido; there could be other deterrence such as age, and underline medical condition, the interference of taking medication and the effect once metabolized, having an enlarged prostates, or unfortanley for some, Testicular Cancer.                
For any male, I must always advise them to get a Prostate Exam at the age of 50 especially for men who are at risk of prostate cancer and who are expected to live at least 10 more addition years. In as much, at the age 45 for some men who are at high risk of developing future prostate cancer. And please have your physician/urologist check your PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) it is done by a simple blood test to screen.              
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia              
BPH is the condition where the prostate in men enlarges in size, partly or completely blocking the urethra that passes through it. This leads to urinary problems, including frequent urination and urine retention in the bladder it is a medical condition.              
I must also recommend a Colorectal Screening. It should always be a first defense to living longer and in part of maintaining any Man’s Health.              
What exactly does male enhancements do, what are they and do they support with implementation.              
There are several methods, and most are employed for various personal reasons to increase the total length, then you have others, to enhance the shaft's girth, and yet others for the glans size.  There seems to be several techniques, including surgery, supplements, ointments, patches, and physical methods like pumping, jelqing, and traction.              
To most, I assume it is known as a "penis pump", in more political correct  terms it is a vacuum erection, this device's role is to create negative pressure that expands and thereby draws blood into the penis.              
I have never come across this word until my research, to masturbate, then to strike, hit.                
Then you have some who may prefer traction, it is a nonsurgical method to lengthen the penis by employing devices that pull at the glans of the penis for extended periods of time.              
Prescribing Medication For Erectile Dysfunction              
For the elder gentlemen who are unaware of such methods and would like to rely upon due to self-preservation or discretion something a little more invasive. At this time I must suggest then you seek the care of an Internal Medicine physician do discuss the pros and the cons of taking medication that have been on the market for period of time; Viagra, Cialis, Levitra.              
Sildenafil, sold under the brand name Viagra among others, is a medication used to treat erectile dysfunction and pulmonary arterial hypertension.              
Tadafil, or generic Cialis, is most used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) in men. However, it’s also used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and pulmonary arterial hypertension.              
Levitra (vardenafil hydrochloride) is an oral medication taken to treat erectile dysfunction (ED). It’s in the same class of drugs as other popular ED medications, including Viagra and Cialis              
If you have been clinically diagnosed with ED (Erectile Dysfunctional and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) Keep in mind Cialis would be most beneficial to possible talk to your physical in exploring the possibilities of its usage.              
There are several supplements you can purchase over the counter, there are several derived from herbs, one that comes to mind, is Horny Goat Weed.              
What is horny goat weed              
Horny goat weed is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb. It is also known by its many botanical names, including Epimedium, and its Chinese name, yin yang huo. It is another alternative to western medicine, this potent herb has been used to treat several medical elements, which range from hay fever, to atherosclerosis, nerve pain fatigue, osteoporosis, and erectile dysfunction.                
Taking testosterone injections are they a thought to consider, and does it boost a man's vitality, actually yes and no.              
Testosterone Replacement Therapy
This particular medication method is absorbed through the skin, it enters your bloodstream, and helps your body reach normal testosterone levels that have disintegrate as a man ages.              
This replacement therapy is usually a last resort some physician will adopt in planning your care. The side effects if used over a prolonged time can cause an increase in your Red Cell Blood Count, for some, Heart Disease. Certain Cancers (Breast And Prostate in particular) and be advised, Sleep Apnea. Therefore, if you decide to follow through with this regiment, please talk to your Healthcare profession at the signs of pain upon urination, and breast pain/enlargement.              
Can taking vitamin supplements give a man more pep than in his steps              
Vitamin E. Vitamin C are very great vitamin contributors when promoting a healthy sexual lifestyle for a man, for men who suffer from some form of cancer, please ask your Oncologist before using, some vitamins tend to  lessen the effects of Chemo/Radiation Therapy.  
Eat to live there are foods one can always incorporate in your daily diet; Acerola cherries,  flaxseeds,  organic bananas, red chili peppers,  beans, and whole grains. And do not omit on the blueberries they are the King of Antioxidant Foods.              
Antioxidants protects your body from free radicals that promotes the growth of cancer cells.              
On a marginal note, by me being a female vegetarian for years, and an avid marathon runner, trust me I have to consume several foods enriched with protein and several fruits and nuts since I maintain my existence off soy, tofu, and a high dosage of iron supplements since I do not consume beef, pork, or any cow dairy products. In essence, it is better for my heart, mind, body and soul, as well a means of living a healthier lifestyle.              
I do hope I have covered the main issues for Men’s Health in this segment, next week, the natural home ingredients you can use to give yourself a fabulous Spa Facial Treatment, without leaving your home.              
Lasting tip.. for the poetesses of course, do invest in a Goat Milk soak.. it does wonders for the elasticity of the skin and it rejuvenates your Heart, Root, and Sacred Charkas, I generally use Sunrise Showers Soap Co ..and my favorite is the Lavender Basil, it is very economical.. try it and if so, let me know if it was beneficial for its soothing and moisturizing properties, as it is always for me              
Lavender Basil Goat Milk Bath Soak - Sunrise Showers Soap Co., LLC              
Written by SweetKittyCat5
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Do the complexity of limited character space this had to somehow be shorten. You may view it in its entirety posted to my page below


Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1869

Straight Talk Live (Empowering The Female’s Third Eye Chakra)
Empowering The Female’s Third Eye Chakra
The Power Comes from Within

There are several things a woman must and should always carry in her purse; a passport, her carrying concealed weapon permit (CCW), her photo identification stamped with a chip to travel abroad, a fingernail file, a tampon, and three single usages of lambskin condoms- better natural feeling alternate to latex, and it produces more heat when necessary, a tad expensive, but it is more than worth it.

Since the beginning of time, we as women had to rely on the man, in some instance it is a necessary. We have earned our right to stand on our own on Aug. 26, 1920, whereas were allowed to cast a vote, our voices no longer denied those times have certainly came full circle.

There are three things a woman should always know how do, invest her money wisely for future gains, how to play the stock market or know the loose terms, and how to garden the land. I would have stated cook and clean, however that is the backbone of a woman’s maternal instincts, I suppose.

You have women of dominance, power, and prestige from the boardroom to the Senate House Floor, making political moves and enlisting their ideology to allow them their vocal stance.

Have you ever wondered how some of those woman became gloomed to ascertain their own power, their prominence to self to erect their presence in society and feel just as important to contribute to mankind?

In this Straight Talk Live segment, I will outline some of my ideals and the importance of empowering all my Chakras, giving my third eye charka the enlightenment to carry me through well and beyond to maintain self–reliance and being self-efficient.

With regards, I am not speaking in reference about my professional position as a Director of Nursing, let's place that completely aside for the time being , therefore, l will like you to empower your mind, to think and believe outside the conformed box of not succeeding. Taking your mind above the calling as we progress day to day.

Those simple merriments I have accumulated comes with time, do diligently of course, patience and persistence.

Now that I have your undivided attention let's explore further, to invest in the mind, body, and the human spirit.

I’ve heard money is the root of all evil, yes, however, tell that to someone who has none, or money cannot buy happiness. Tell that to the sad person who has none.

I mentioned those proverbs to introduce the methods of how to attain money through positive reinforcements, the internet of course. I realize we have such amazing and gifted poetesses on this site. Let me ask some  a question, what happens to your brain mechanism once you are not on DUP, do you have other means to give your creativity its purpose for which you write., giving it all its true potential.

The internet is a resourceful tool to utilize when making money. Since my passion is to provide pleasure, I will outline several methods at my disposable when generating income.

My first suggestion, I could not stress enough, ladies, please invest in a good website, I am not speaking  of social site; Facebook, Instagram.

I am relating to an actual website that accepts Paypal or can accept valid credit cards as payment for any product you deem to profit off. Some good websites to take into consideration, when venturing out is Godaddy, Squarespace, most do require a fee or free depending on the services or if needing an upgrade to the benefits of premium membership. Various websites, either you can design your own website or have someone professional to assist according to your wishes and demands. In addition, make sure you get a registered domain.

We are in are in a pandemic, for the unfortunate ones who this pandemic has taken its toll financially and who are sitting at home, there is money still to be made, whatever your passion is, if you build it they will come.

My business enterprise, is as stated above, sensual pleasure, from selling fantasy to appearing in my own creation. The webcam is a beneficial asset accessory if your laptop/PC does not come equipped.
Applying for s registered trademark, meaning it’s your creativity and no one can infringement without being held accountable in a court of law.
Registered- trademarks apply to commercial names, phrases, and logos. ... (Trademarks fall under the auspices of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office)

Copyrighted- Copyrights and trademarks protect distinct creations. Generally, copyrights protect creative or intellectual works (copyrights are granted by the U.S. Copyright Office).

Please know the difference, it keeps larking lawsuits away or a cease and desist order when selling something that is not registered or copyright by your hands.

Patents- I have several patents in the initial stages of progress, be advised the product must be mindful of showing future promising, an idea cannot be patent; you would need a module of concise evidence of its worth to even get a patent.

You set up your website, you have the passion you would to sell on your website, you have copyright/register  your beautiful gem, now what.

My website, offers search engines, and you may have to pay additional for marketing, it is good practice and it promotes a footpath to your website.

Another source of product to create is from, Zazzle, you can make your products, with your own logos from tee-shirts to mugs, whatever you sell you do get a fraction of its royals. In addition you can place your selling items on your website, and viola, money coming in.

Above all, please extend your creativity to many soliciting foreign investors/ clientele for your craft; my private webcam, erotic merchandise it sell like music toward the Japanese investors, If I told you I sold three pairs of underwear, would you believe me, and yes it is true,  many clients in the Netherlands love the color of pink. That part of the globe,  will privately pay for any decent product/service if it is presented correctly. You are your own power, your own empire utilize yourself.

In Part II

My next segment I will speak in reference on how to play the stock market and acquiring Bitcoin, my stock baby… it is the future, and if you have a 401-K, know when to buy and when to sell.

I will always say if you have  the intellect and you are a go-getter, trend-setter, you can rule the world, okay I’m pushing it, your world of course, and how to buy cheap land in New Mexico, it is dirt cheap by the acres.

And taking flying lesson, I must thank my Sax for this suggestion… and paying for them, I take my first lesson in March 2021 after so many classroom and on ground training lesson… an early birthday present since it was on my bucket list.


I own three acres of undeveloped land. If you decide not to ever relocate, it is a good for investment and always can be used as collateral if you so choose to ever apply for a bank loan.


Now that's another Straight Talk Live for you,
Until our beautiful essences fuse in seeking the power of spiritual enlightenment, always stay positive in the eyes of humanity's grace,

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1869

Straight Talk Live (The Best Laid Plans Are The Ones In Life Unexpected)

We are on the throne of entering the Great Conjunction, a portal window, whereas the celestial bodies once aligned will play a historical role in major events that will forecast and shape our very existence.    

This beautiful occurrence upon close observation will bring forth Saturn and Jupiter, with a naked eye appear these two planets will appear closely related when viewing their alignment through a high-powered telescope or binoculars. Within the DNA of this rare occasion, it will happen on Winter Solstice, 12-21-20, the birth of a new beginning, converting of its positive energy in the astrological air zodiac, Aquarius.    
Remember they set soon after sunset, so be ready to view right at the dusk of dawn. The last time Saturn and Jupiter were this close was in the year 1693. The next Great Conjunction is do to take place on November 04, 2040 and will be in the astrological sign on Libra.    
If you are a born Aquarian (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18) A great humanitarian of this magnificent astrological force; it will be a pivotal moment as referenced to the Dawning Of The Age of Aquarius, this is the time to accept life’s major blessings, favorable life changes will occur, and spiritual awakening lessons will benefit the nature from where you stand in this vast universe.    
The planet Saturn will grant several challenges as opportunities increase. Be prepared to feel more confident and powerful than ever before.    
The COVID-19 Theories  
Is this all related to a pre-ordained Armageddon this world is moving into.    
Armageddon. ( ˌɑːməˈɡɛdən) n. 1. (Bible) New Testament the final battle at the end of the world between the forces of good and evil, God against the kings of the earth (Revelation 16:16) 2. a catastrophic and extremely destructive conflict, esp World War I viewed as this.    
Armageddon - Wikipedia    
Allow me to take the time to give you my hindsight, in addition,  all opinions are expressed by me, and I take full responsibility for the information supplied in retrograde.    
Let’s go back in history here. To control the masses, one must always give ire to unsound mind, body, and soul.    
Since the world does not consist of a present-day Nostradamus, we must stay focused and be aware of the potential of our Third Eye Enlightment (Our Third Eye Chakra).    
There are several readers who have questioned the validity of what Chakras are and how do they relate to one’s everyday existence. A quick lesson, they are the essence that resides within on a higher lever of planetary conscious; each one of us have that dynamic core in the center of our being, we must take extra precaution when tapping into its altruistic energy.    
The True Meaning Of 666 (The DNA Of Melanin)    
The properties of its truth were neglected by great figures such as Constantine (He was the first Roman emperor to convert to Christianity) Serapis (Serapis was an invented god just as Christianity was copied from African Spirituality, and then you have the Piso Family (The Piso family wrote the New Testament, and particularly the Gospels).    
Such a travesty to conceal such a truth and gave credence to the number 666 in reverence to the mark of the beast a deceptive practice for the Roman aristocrats who wrote the New Testament in regards to their hatred of the Jews, which, if you study the history of theology is the Moorish ancestry, the original Jews.    
In the history of biological theological anatomies, once the male sperm fertilizes the female egg during conception, it becomes an explosion, the molecular apparatuses of melanin covets the fetes until birth.  
Melanin is a pigment that attracts variations of energy; a melanocyte is a type of cell that is located in the basal layer of the epidermis. Melanin can absorb a great amount of energy, yet not produce a tremendous amount of heat when it absorbs this energy.    
African American’s melanin nuclei allows them to age ten years slower than any other European race known to mankind.    
The Afro American genetic chemical elements makes up six-neutrons, six protons, and the equation of six electrons.    
Pineal calcification rates with Africans are 5-15%; Asians – 15-25%; Europeans -60-80%! This is the chemical basis for the cultural differences between blacks and whites.    
The numerical number is not the mark of the beast, as many have been deceived with the truth; the propaganda of inappropriate information correlating to the benefits from human, water, to plants. Melanin which makes up my DNA has been falsified of the validity of its beautiful structure.    
However, yes there are several references in the Good Book of the number 666, it specifically mentions  the "number of the Beast" in chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation, found in the New Testament,    
There are three types of melanin, which are brown eumelanin and black eumelanin, pheomelanin, and neuromelanin.  

I will advise woman of color after giving birth to ask for the placental, it carries the greatest amount of stem cells, if you can pay to get it frozen then do so, if not, keep in freezer until the child turns one and then bury it. In some cultures, the placenta is consumed.    
How does all this play in a significant of the Great Conjunction.    
The New World Order    
It is the time to open shut eyes, we are bowing down to a new World Order. I must step away from this concept and add some insightfulness from theorizing world state affairs, political and astronomical flavones.    
I would take this universal pandemic and this mass effort to vaccinate, I do not understand some of the concepts. You have a society where  cancer is on the uprise, hypertension, and diabetes, which citizens have complained of its cost effective in getting prescribed medication if you do not have health insurance, yet, the government under a black-op covert agenda mandates vaccine very quickly to vaccine millions of people buy the year later part of 2021.    
A vaccination standardized given placebo/non-placebo in clinical trials for Asians and European descent but once approved by the FDA, pushed toward the African American population to get. And no, I will not accept  African American are at a higher risk than any other race, everyone is at risk.    
If the president was not immunized, however, given the antibodies, then why should I take the vaccine. As a nurse that is my opinion and I say this with mutual respect for any one love ones who have succumb to Covid-19.    
I am a tad apprehensive regarding state officials who are balking at requests from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the personal data of residents receiving the coronavirus vaccine, and yes you would have to carry on you that small immunization record.    
It will get crucial, as time progresses, no record of receiving the vaccine you will become a prisoner of your own state/country, mark this date and time of the narrative these will come to past.    
And That’s Straight Talk Live For You.    
Until We Merge the Gift of Our Intellects, Keep Looking Toward The Moon You Just Might Catch A Star

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1869

Incorporating beautiful and non-costly effective measures to aid in looking your best and feeling you best.

Therefore, relax and follow me on this journey of mental inspiration and simple beauty tips for all skin tones and all complexions.

Will not be endorsing any commercial products, other than using my own natural elements.

Yours truly,

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1869

October Is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Therefore, Please Do Those Monthly Self-Breast Exams

Just a reminder ladies that October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and I am advocate for Breast Cancer, and Children Cancer on behalf of the Susan Komen Brest Cancer Foundation and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, my two passions, my lifelong charities and raising funds for sponsorship funding, and my goal to participate with my feet on behalf of Susan Komen Race For The Cure.

Susan Komen breast Cancer Foundation mission is to save lives by meeting the most critical needs in our communities and investing in breakthrough research to prevent and cure breast cancer

Doing A Self-Breast Exam

Please be aware, I would say the best time to do a monthly self-breast exam is about 3 to 5 days after your menstrual starts.

It is imperial to perform a self-breast exam around the same time each month. Subsequently, take into consideration your breasts are not as tender or lumpy at this time in your monthly cycle.
If you have gone through menopause, do your exam on the same day every month
Get an annual mammogram beginning at the age of 40

If you carry the genes where you are predisposed to breast cancer or a history family Breast Cancer, I employ you to always do self-breast exams and a mammogram.

As you get older, breast tissues do tend to get dense, therefore, if you were advised you have dense breast tissues, please get what is known as a 3-D mammogram, the imagine is more reliable and can detect any cancers tissues in its early stages.

A 3D Mammogram Screening

This test is used as a breast cancer screening test to look for breast cancer in people with no signs or symptoms of the disease. It can also be used to investigate breast problems, such as a suspicious lump or thickening

For me, I prefer to do a breast exam, when I am in the shower and wet, it makes it so easier to do them with one hand behind the head, akimbo, for me, I usually palpate around the outer breast region closing in a circular manner unto you palpate around the nipple, gently squeeze the nipple to make sure no mucus or bloody discharge.

Here’s what you should look for: Breasts that are their usual size, shape, and color Breasts that are evenly shaped without visible distortion or swelling If you see any of the following changes, bring them to your doctor’s attention: Dimpling, puckering, or bulging of the skin A nipple that has changed position or an inverted nipple (pushed inward instead of sticking out) Redness, soreness, rash, or swelling.

The best time to perform a self-exam for breast awareness is usually the week after your period ends. Sit or stand shirtless and braless in front of a mirror with your arms at your sides. To inspect your breasts visually, do the following: lean your ace forward and look for puckering, dimpling, or changes in size, shape, or symmetry.

There is a new blood test on the market can detect the existence of eight common cancers.

The test is what’s called CancerSEEK, this specific blood test detects tiny amounts of DNA and its proteins which is released into the blood stream from prominent cancer cells. This test can then indicate the presence of ovarian, liver, stomach, pancreatic, esophageal, bowel, lung or breast cancers.

Known as a liquid biopsy, the test is distinctly different to a standard biopsy, where a needle is put into a solid tumor to confirm a cancer diagnosis. CancerSEEK.

Along with cancer detection, the blood test accurately predicted what type of cancer it was in 83% of cases.

Steps To Performing A Self-Brest Exam

Examine Your Breasts in a Mirror With Hands on Hips

Begin by looking at your breasts in the mirror with your shoulders straight and your arms on your hips.

Here’s what you should look for when comparing the two

Breasts that are their usual size, shape, and color
Breasts that are evenly shaped without visible distortion or swelling
If you see any of the following changes, bring them to your doctor’s attention, immediately

Step 2: Raise Arms and Examine Your Breasts Now, raise your arms and look for the same changes.

Step3: Look for Signs of Breast Fluid While you’re at the mirror, look for any signs of fluid coming out of one or both nipples (this could be a watery, milky, or yellow fluid or blood).

Step 4: Feel for Breast Lumps While Lying Down

Next, check for breast lumps or abnormalities by feeling your breasts while lying down, using your right hand to feel your left breast, and then your left hand to feel your right breast. Use a firm, smooth touch with the first few finger pads of your hand, keeping the fingers flat and together. Press down with your fingers and move them in a circular motion that’s about the size of a quarter (or an inch around).

Cover the entire breast from top to bottom, side to side, from your collarbone to the top of your abdomen, and from your armpit to your cleavage.

Make sure you follow a pattern to be sure that you cover the whole breast. You can begin at the nipple, moving in larger and larger circles until you reach the outer edge of the breast. You can also move your fingers up and down vertically, in rows, as if you were mowing a lawn. This up-and-down approach seems to work best for most women. Be sure to feel all the tissue from the front to the back of your breasts: for the skin and tissue just beneath, use light pressure; use medium pressure for tissue in the middle of your breasts; use firm pressure for the deep tissue in the back. When you've reached the deep tissue, you should be able to feel down to your ribcage.

Step 5: Feel Your Breasts for Lumps While Standing or Sitting

Finally, feel your breasts while you are standing or sitting. Many women find that the easiest way to feel their breasts is when their skin is wet and slippery, so they like to do this step in the shower. Cover your entire breast, using the same hand movements described in step 4.

More reading on how breast exams

What to do if you find a breast lump

If perhaps you do find a lump, do not be alarmed, there are several factors that can contribute, such as lumpy areas in their breasts all the time, and you keep in mind most breast lumps turn out to be benign (meaning not cancerous).

In addition, there are a number of possible factors of palpating non-cancerous breast lumps, including normal hormonal changes, or in lieu of a benign breast condition, or an injury that may have resulted in scar tissue, resting under the surface of those questionable harden lumps.

Also, for mothers who are breast-feeding, the breast nipple will become tender, and some women do succumb to mastitis.
Mastitis can affect women who are breast-feeding (lactation mastitis). However, mastitis can occur in women who aren't breast-feeding and in men as well.

Sometimes mastitis does lead a breastfeeding mother to wean her baby before she intends to. My suggestion is to continue to breast-feed, even while taking an antibiotic to treat the mastitis, it is better for you and the breast milk and its nutrients are always good for the infant.

Make sure you do a breast exam for this month and going forward... to celebrate Breast Awareness Month

SKC, Interim DON, APRN

I’m Proud To Be A Coal Miner’s Daughter
Rip Loretta Lynn… You Have Been Given Your Beautiful Angel Wings

Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 11th Nov 2021
Forum Posts: 15

Wonderful advice. Something so beautiful and a part of our womanhood needs to be cared for.

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