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how are my poems

Tyrant of Words
United States 5awards
Joined 15th Jan 2019
Forum Posts: 630

Ok. Sorry.

poet Anonymous

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

Oh okay. Not bad.
Sick of people with so many accounts and nothing actually decent to say, is all.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Your response says you have more than one account lol

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

I don’t know I could be seeing something that isn’t there.

People who have something decent to say, would stick to one account. You said you didn’t have anything decent to say, which is what I meant about people having several accounts. Get it?

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

I don’t see the fascination with putting nearly everyone’s poem into a reading list, when it isn’t all that. But that’s them.
Full support until you really find out who the person is. But of course, that will never happen, will it?

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

You’re not a sad little man always writing porn just because the numbers go higher.
You’re doing alright.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Too much porn turns your brain to mush. Very uncreative people.

Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

I happen to like erotic writing and some porn once in a while...
It's not quite fair to say 'very uncreative people'

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Bluevelvete said:I happen to like erotic writing and some porn once in a while...
It's not quite fair to say 'very uncreative people'

If that’s what you like, that’s absolutely fine.
I’ve dabbled in a bit of some people’s porn writing, felt quite sick rather than turned on, so I tend to stay away from it now.

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