Poetry competition CLOSED 2nd October 2020 3:58pm
Ahavati (Tams)
View Profile Poems by Ahavati
RUNNER-UP: Valeriyabeyond


EXPLORATORY  'UNI' VERSE :: Poetry Translation Challenge!!

Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1408

Poetry Contest

Glorying Singularity.. of Language of Existences of Collective Consciousness of the Core Cosmos & Beyond..

celebrating the spirit of Unity amidst Diversity esp. these demanding emergent times.. Lets all collate our souling energy ..unto Onenessness.. in all ways. in here, this comp., through Poetry...

so the challenge is quite different & perhaps bit difficult,  this comp. ambitiously aims or at the least tries,..  to get you out of the comfort zone of your usual fluent language you are in the creating~ poeting or pretty know it/them already....  

....& search/ explore/ select a classic/ historical/ contemporary poetry to translate ... from a much distant language you have the know-how (hopefully you honestly select a foreign language as much alien as possible)

all, say, from this current list-  of Top 25 Spoken languages (had obviously excluded English)  given below : (No biased list, just to serve as standard for comp. . If you are opting for ones out of the List, like Latin or Welsh or so... you are welcome too.. but make proper mentions in your entry)

(list source: Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_languages_by_number_of_native_speakers

Mandarin Chinese/ Spanish/ Hindi/ Bengali/ Portuguese/ Russian/ Japanese/ Western Punjabi/ Marathi/ Telugu/ Wu Chinese/ Turkish/ Korean/ French/ German/ Vietnamese/ Tamil/ Yue Chinese/ Urdu/ Javanese/ Italian/ Egyptian Arabian/ Gujarati/ Iranian Persian/ Bhojpuri

The Original Poetry you select/opt as the base for Your English Translation  may or may not have translated English Versions already.. like the below which has one:

Here's an Example of a Classic Original & Translation Work from Wiki itself:
(Tamil To English)  



யாதும் ஊரே யாவரும் கேளிர்
தீதும் நன்றும் பிறர்தர வாரா
நோதலும் தணிதலும் அவற்றோ ரன்ன
சாதலும் புதுவது அன்றே, வாழ்தல்
இனிதென மகிழ்ந்தன்றும் இலமே முனிவின்
இன்னா தென்றலும் இலமே, மின்னொடு
வானம் தண்துளி தலைஇ யானாது
கல் பொருது மிரங்கு மல்லல் பேரியாற்று
நீர்வழிப் படூஉம் புணைபோல் ஆருயிர்
முறை வழிப் படூஉம் என்பது திறவோர்
காட்சியில் தெளிந்தனம் ஆகலின், மாட்சியின்
பெரியோரை வியத்தலும் இலமே,
சிறியோரை இகழ்தல் அதனினும் இலமே. (புறம்: 192)

To us all towns are our own, everyone our kin,
Life's good comes not from others' gifts, nor ill,
Pains and pain's relief are from within,
Death's no new thing, nor do our bosoms thrill
When joyous life seems like a luscious draught.
When grieved, we patient suffer; for, we deem
This much-praised life of ours a fragile raft
Borne down the waters of some mountain stream
That o'er huge boulders roaring seeks the plain
Tho' storms with lightning's flash from darkened skies.
Descend, the raft goes on as fates ordain.
Thus have we seen in visions of the wise!
We marvel not at the greatness of the great;
Still less despise we men of low estate.

- Original Author: Kaniyan Poongundran, புறநானூறு (Tamil), Puṟanāṉūṟu - 192
- (Adapted from translation by G.U.Pope, 1906)

What You Need To Do For The Comp. Entry:

* Post your Comp. Entry  in your DU Profile & share it to the Comp. Thread here.  

*Your Entry must have the Original Work & Author Citation in Original Foreign Language- (Don't just give the web link,  but 'put' up  the full original foreign language poem)  (& as in example above,  If any English Translation by Classic Author(s) already available,  add that too)-  preceding  to your Actual Creative  Submission in English. that is influenced by the Original.

* Don't go for Highly Lengthy Poetry. (typically within 200-250 words of your translated work)

*Your Own Style & Expressive form (plz. remember, its not Web App. based Translation exercise.. though such apps may be used to understand the poetry.. paving to express it your way!) , free verse or any format, is encouraged.. even differing from original work's format,,, BUT KEEP THE ESSENCE/ MEANING same or close to the original (getting 'lost in translation' is not uncommon though;)

Winning Criteria:
* Your Original Expression Style/ Format
* Your Creative Degree of Explorative Translation (The Language/ Poetry You Select as Original Work & how far you go in easing them your way, keeping the original essence same)
* The Magical Poetic X-factor..

May or may not rope in internal/ external poets to decide winners or help in comp.'s  various departments.  Rob (Poet Strangeways_ Rob) is ever with me though as co-host.

Since its a first of kinda comp. for me to host & perhaps in du too,  might relax rules or deadline if need be, as & when the comp. proceeds .. Its an interactive syncing poetic kinetics between amongst amidst us.. LETZZ DO THIS!!!!

Hoping to see poetry of various languages being moulded in your own creative DNA workshop as unique translated work!

Light & Love, All my Poeting Souls.. Stay Safe & Explore, Enjoyy the Challenge!!

(PM me or Rob, in case of any clarifications.. try to avoid chats or arguements in the comp. thread kindly my honorable poets)

*pic: web

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17589

* Post the Original Work & Author Citation in Original Language..(give the link & also copy paste the poetry , with its English Translation by Classic Author(s), if already available like above example. (Name of Language,  English Transliterated Original Title & Author Name-to be Clearly in mention)

I understand the format to be the original above the re-written by me; however, when you say copy/paste, does that mean we don't post to our DU profiles and share here, but must copy paste here only?

Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1408

Ahavati said:

I understand the format to be the original above the re-written by me; however, when you say copy/paste, does that mean we don't post to our DU profiles and share here, but must copy paste here only?

Sorry for any misleadings dear A & all  poets... & thanks for asking as above. Would clarify:  

1) Kindly post comp.entry  in your DU profiles & share it to the comp. thread here  (will specify this in comp.tules above)

2) by 'copy/ paste', i was referring only to the original poetry in foreign language ..that needs to be 'put' up  as part of the entry (dont just give its web link alone)- preceding your  Actual Submitted Creative Work in English influenced by it.

Hope am sounding clear A.. feel free to ask anything anytime .w.r.t. the comp of course;)

Also, will sooner post non- entries from self,.. &  Rob had promised to do so too.  this might help clarify things & to smoothly rush in your  awaited entries 💡🙌✍️👍

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17589

summultima said:

Sorry for any misleadings dear A & all  poets... & thanks for asking as above. Would clarify:  

1) Kindly post comp.entry  in your DU profiles & share it to the comp. thread here  (will specify this in comp.tules above)

2) by 'copy/ paste', i was referring only to the original poetry in foreign language ..that needs to be 'put' up  as part of the entry (dont just give its web link alone)- preceding your  Actual Submitted Creative Work in English influenced by it.

Hope am sounding clear A.. feel free to ask anything anytime .w.r.t. the comp of course;)

Also, will sooner post non- entries from self,.. &  Rob had promised to do so too.  this might help clarify things & to smoothly rush in your  awaited entries 💡🙌✍️👍

Okay, gotcha! I thought that's what you might've meant; however, I wanted to be sure!

Much Love dear Friend! 🙌 <3

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17589

All the Names ( After Nizar Qabbani )

الضوء أهم من الفانوس                
الضوء أهم من الفانوس ،                  
القصيدة أهم من دفتر الملاحظات ،                  
والقبلة أهم من الشفتين.                  
رسائلي لكم                  
أعظم وأهم منا.                  
هي الوثائق الوحيدة                  
أين سيكتشف الناس                  
Original Author: Nizār Qabbānī, اَلْعَرَبِيَّةُ ( Arabic )        
Light Is More Important Than The Lantern      
Light is more important than the lantern,              
The poem more important than the notebook,              
And the kiss more important than the lips.              
My letters to you              
Are greater and more important than both of us.              
They are the only documents              
Where people will discover              
Your beauty              
And my madness.                
(Adapted from translation by B. Frangieh And C. Brown )                  
All the Names                  
Innumerable poets have passed                    
through this  60 year-old thought process—                  
endless file cases and archived verse;                  
millions of syllables and words                    
without Ariadne's Thread                  
as an escape route                    
Therefore, when I fail to recall                  
a particular poet's name or poem. . .                  
I take solace from 60 years                  
of constant eye-contact
in patience and perseverance                  
to recover their misplaced attribute                  
It's how the elderly manage—                  
and dead are able to survive                  
( My interpretation of the essence )
Written by Ahavati (Tams)
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Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

Tenha - Desolate

Ben ölecegim, kimse seyretmesin,
Günes ve düsünceler içinde.
elbiselerden ve hatiralardan,
 Bir semalar  
 Asude ve mahzun ellerimle,
 Nasibimi bir kenara birakip
Eski sarkilar söylerken,
 Daglarda atesler yakip.
  Kimse seyretmesin, ask ve sonsuzluk,
 Garip mezarliklar -arasindan gidecegim.-
 Kokulu sularla  
 Karanliklarda zevk edecegim
©Fazil Daglarca  
 Let no one stare.  
Under the sun and musing, I shall die,  
Doffing my garments
 and memories In a silence of the sky.
 My calm and downcast hands will lay aside
 what fate requires. Chanting ancient songs, on the mountains I
shall build fires.  
Let no one look
for love or eternity.  
I shall go through graveyards strange
and stark.
 Bathing in fragrant waters, I shall bask i
n pleasures in the dark
Written by Valeriyabeyond (Dhyana)
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poet Anonymous

Related submission no longer exists.

Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1408

Awwe!!! Whatta Grand pleasant Surprise by You all entries above  this Autumnal Sunday!! PERFECT START & FORMAT by Ahavati,,, So Glad to see other language masterpieces & your stellar efforts in Translation Ahavati, Valeriya & Missy... Seeing The Original Languages in fonts here & the Original Poets in Mention.. I brim with tears for the One Unity &  truthful purpose in the serving dear soulful DU poets! .. KEEP THEM COMING ON more... Havent mentioned on the number of entries per Persona.. Would say TWO ENTRIES max. per PERSONA .

Will Share on my Non-Entries too.. as tribute poems . Rob will share too. Light & Love Ev My Dearzz 💖🙏✍️👏

Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1408

‘ESSE’ ~The Hinges Has to Cling On Tight... For The Flung Wide-Open Doors Of Freedom: On Essential Existentialism


"Esse" ~(Translated Version- 239 word count)  
I looked at that face, dumbfounded. The lights of métro stations flew by; I didn’t notice them. What can be done, if our sight lacks absolute power to devour objects ecstatically, in an instant, leaving nothing more than the void of an ideal form, a sign like a hieroglyph simplified from the drawing of an animal or bird? A slightly snub nose, a high brow with sleekly brushed-back hair, the line of the chin – but why isn’t the power of sight absolute? – and in a whiteness tinged with pink two sculpted holes, containing a dark, lustrous lava. To absorb that face but to have it simultaneously against the background of all spring boughs, walls, waves, in its weeping, its laughter, moving it back fifteen years, or ahead thirty. To have. It is not even a desire. Like a butterfly, a fish, the stem of a plant, only more mysterious. And so it befell me that after so many attempts at naming the world, I am able only to repeat, harping on one string, the highest, the unique avowal beyond which no power can attain: I am, she is. Shout, blow the trumpets, make thousands-strong marches, leap, rend your clothing, repeating only: is!  
She got out at Raspail. I was left behind with the immensity of existing things. A sponge, suffering because it cannot saturate itself; a river, suffering because reflections of clouds and trees are not clouds and trees.  
Brie-Comte-Robert, 1954  
By Czeslaw Milosz from “The Collected Poems 1931-1987”, 1988  
Translated by Czeslaw Milosz and Robert Pinsky
"Esse"  ~TRANSLATION: (my Version) 248 Word Count  
idee'- fixed, like  
a possessed aficionado...  
I drained unto her  
...spaced out  
all others... consume...  
in a blackout... to their  
calling black holes..  
lightning horses gallop- to  
serially chasing light blocks: the  
stations flown by- as dizzy  
carousels just before,  
now vanish traceless  
…channelling in visions,  
balloon the bloody tangled veins  
to an exploding streamline.. as to  
the gripping electric ganglionic  
st(r)ings… of a primal drumming  
bosom in banging echoes...  
...sandwiched vulnerabilities  
of a vascular… screams silent...  
between Buddha soulcore…  
& gazing gazelle frame...      
the grand scheme of things! oh, not a thing...  
hungering visions... how  
deficiently dangles in the inedible  
lies... of miraging librations  
of skeletal Truth, in an  
afloat surreal succulence  
and, I go on...  
a hyperbolic graphic of her  
...but, why these facultative visions  
just be not an obstinate Truth?
and, a gauzy reticulating  
arteries are her georgette  
cheeks, with twin~ tinkling  
starry anime constellatory  
to fully digest  
such beatific panorama over  
varifold Nature in its emoting  
Times… either forward or  
backward, is quite rapturously  
a mind-boggling impossibility...  
to possess...  
 is unimaginable, like a blade  
of grass, a ladybird  
...an enigma  
petty mind  
contemplates countlessly in  
desperate deconstructions… to  
an epiphany- an unconquerable  
universality: bindingly unbound  
i, she... each one each now...  
now is all  
..as droplets over lotus leaves...  
as she left at Raspail, I was  
haplessly drowning in the apparitional  
sea of lavishing apparencies... ...thrown  
out in simultaneity... a fish in throes...  
breathing the Skies of One Truth  
Written by summultima (uma)
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Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1408

Aww Come On Dear Poets! We need so much great poetic works  of Non-English Languages.. to be moulded into your unique translated style.. &  thus a fusional work..  Very Very Hopeful of getting more Entriess!!!

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17589

summultima said:Aww Come On Dear Poets! We need so much great poetic works  of Non-English Languages.. to be moulded into your unique translated style.. &  thus a fusional work..  Very Very Hopeful of getting more Entriess!!!

Dear Lady, had you posted THAT ^ before I posted my entry, I would be hesitant too! Who can follow that?!

Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1408

Ahavati said:

Dear Lady, had you posted THAT ^ before I posted my entry, I would be hesitant too! Who can follow that?!

Lol A, forget whatever I said.. was meant to be just a bumpity bump for more entries;) Keep them coming on whatever way you do it.

know this comp. format sounds hard, but A you posted it, & dear Valeriya did it too.. Both fab posts. so actually not a hard task. Was seeing Missy's fine post too, that's not now here, hope she enters back.

will keep mouth shut as much as possible;) so you all flow the flow. Love Ev xx

Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1408

Awwe & Aww,  Finally:()  with Juz countable entries, not to say as 2, cos Missy's entry was much there & went missing as seen.

But the BIG thing is Both are Grand entries!!! So Congratzzz BOTH OF YOU for stretching yourself in as much flexing elegance as possible by you TWO greatly adored poets ev! SO HEARTY THANKSSSS AGAIN:)) As per me you know, the soul & spirit of Poetry flowing from the One Absolute Truth of Love .. with~ within Us .. is the Winner Ever.. But then, even with two entries, would love to give trophy as  comp. demands..

Valeriya! Yours was a hauntingly dark piece & true to the title, the तनहाई~ Tanahayi  (as in Hindi, which is a much close derivative too of Persian  & has the more of Turkish words too.. )  or The TEHNA as you say.. is felt to the desperately screaming core, in its own terms of peace taht is even more all the more mountingly painful! .. ... nomadically mystic & melancholic in its digging verse.. keeps one want more & more..  from  your deeply engaging soulful pen.. will read more of You in days to come. Love the way you have done this overall..

Ahavati... WORDLESS! you had completely made me  breathlessly standstill.. by your smash-hit Poetry you have created from the Original Language & Poet of Arabic!  Its such an impossibly done lucid deconstruction  readily simply to be absorbed..  of the mind-bogggling perspective of What You create in~of~by The Poetry you ever do!!! The way you have stretched yourself to bring in the essenvce is such an Original Take & Wholly in feltness.. for any of Us to take... & further give from oneself . You are truly  an Inspiration & Lighthouse eternal...  to the Poetic heartmindbodysouls here.

Myself trying the challenge, opened up the real test & trials of feeling the nuances of the foreign language .. & getting to the poetics one's way, without getting lost in translation, was quite a different & heightening experience .. to say in few words.. Arriving at The One  Universality in the Poetic Kinetics, defying the barriers or divisions worldly wordly in existence ..  is the realizational feel & lasting takeaway & the sole soul purpose of this comp. Hopefully that is served!

Thanks to Rob, for being with me as ever... in this Robuma comp. & helping me in the judging & more..  Thanks All for Politely reading/ attempting/ entering this comp. & those who havent entered too.. Probably, du will have more of such out of box & original concept comps. ..with more entries too of course! LIGHT & LOVE YOU ALL 🙏💖🔥✍👍

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

summultima said:Awwe & Aww,  Finally:()  with Juz countable entries, not to say as 2, cos Missy's entry was much there & went missing as seen.

But the BIG thing is Both are Grand entries!!! So Congratzzz BOTH OF YOU for stretching yourself in as much flexing elegance as possible by you TWO greatly adored poets ev! SO HEARTY THANKSSSS AGAIN:)) As per me you know, the soul & spirit of Poetry flowing from the One Absolute Truth of Love .. with~ within Us .. is the Winner Ever.. But then, even with two entries, would love to give trophy as  comp. demands..

Valeriya! Yours was a hauntingly dark piece & true to the title, the तनहाई~ Tanahayi  (as in Hindi, which is a much close derivative too of Persian  & has the more of Turkish words too.. )  or The TEHNA as you say.. is felt to the desperately screaming core, in its own terms of peace taht is even more all the more mountingly painful! .. ... nomadically mystic & melancholic in its digging verse.. keeps one want more & more..  from  your deeply engaging soulful pen.. will read more of You in days to come. Love the way you have done this overall..

Ahavati... WORDLESS! you had completely made me  breathlessly standstill.. by your smash-hit Poetry you have created from the Original Language & Poet of Arabic!  Its such an impossibly done lucid deconstruction  readily simply to be absorbed..  of the mind-bogggling perspective of What You create in~of~by The Poetry you ever do!!! The way you have stretched yourself to bring in the essenvce is such an Original Take & Wholly in feltness.. for any of Us to take... & further give from oneself . You are truly  an Inspiration & Lighthouse eternal...  to the Poetic heartmindbodysouls here.

Myself trying the challenge, opened up the real test & trials of feeling the nuances of the foreign language .. & getting to the poetics one's way, without getting lost in translation, was quite a different & heightening experience .. to say in few words.. Arriving at The One  Universality in the Poetic Kinetics, defying the barriers or divisions worldly wordly in existence ..  is the realizational feel & lasting takeaway & the sole soul purpose of this comp. Hopefully that is served!

Thanks to Rob, for being with me as ever... in this Robuma comp. & helping me in the judging & more..  Thanks All for Politely reading/ attempting/ entering this comp. & those who havent entered too.. Probably, du will have more of such out of box & original concept comps. ..with more entries too of course! LIGHT & LOVE YOU ALL 🙏💖🔥✍👍

Thank you so very much for this competition and the recognition
It is always fascinating to read poetry from other lands to translate is even more rewarding
Thank you again

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17589

oOF! Thank you so much, Uma and Rob. I must say that this was by far the toughest competition I have ever entered. My head was literally spinning by the time I finished! But that's what made it such a great challenge—it forced you to step out of your box and the boudaries of your comfort zone. This is why I love your comps so much. They're filled with opportunity to grow, and I always look forward to them, albeit I may not have the time to enter, I still read and enjoy them.

Congratulations, Val. It's an honor to stand with you in this challenge!

Thank you again, RobUma! Much love until the next time! xo

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