Freedom of Speech and Censorship
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17634
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17634
OOps. I forgot to post the documentary link.

The right to cross the bridge
Did it bring any sense of peace
to see a line of khaki Humvee's
the battle lines, the fog that breeds unrest
and each front up in that contest
Fire that billows underneath the devils cape
is each minority so cruelly raped ?
the hair trigger, the authorities
no questions and no hesitate
For each, a different agenda
that drummer, the chatter on each street corner
that crescendo, the means to amplify each vex
the winter of their discontent
Prisoners in unseen chains
and behind the masks defiant eye's
stones and cardboard arms proclaim
the barricades from a life so shit
In that swell
the vortex in each street and mall
sane voice of reason's tweet ?
Constitutions Whitehouse come bullshit leadership
Swim turbulence in the river of respect
the flood and eddy's erode each individuals sect
to find the bridge, the challenge set
the keystone of that arch be honesty and not deceit
Strings and puppets the theatre of Mr. Punch
and war, one death can a spark a cleft
which side of anarchy do you posses ?
is its depth, all tears and beaten chest
The middle ground the tremors quake
underclass society and race is the ratio
Its not Mosul or Aleppo
just self respect trapped in that ghetto
to see a line of khaki Humvee's
the battle lines, the fog that breeds unrest
and each front up in that contest
Fire that billows underneath the devils cape
is each minority so cruelly raped ?
the hair trigger, the authorities
no questions and no hesitate
For each, a different agenda
that drummer, the chatter on each street corner
that crescendo, the means to amplify each vex
the winter of their discontent
Prisoners in unseen chains
and behind the masks defiant eye's
stones and cardboard arms proclaim
the barricades from a life so shit
In that swell
the vortex in each street and mall
sane voice of reason's tweet ?
Constitutions Whitehouse come bullshit leadership
Swim turbulence in the river of respect
the flood and eddy's erode each individuals sect
to find the bridge, the challenge set
the keystone of that arch be honesty and not deceit
Strings and puppets the theatre of Mr. Punch
and war, one death can a spark a cleft
which side of anarchy do you posses ?
is its depth, all tears and beaten chest
The middle ground the tremors quake
underclass society and race is the ratio
Its not Mosul or Aleppo
just self respect trapped in that ghetto
Written by slipalong
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But anyone who hates a brother or sister is in the darkness
and walks around in the darkness. They do not know where they
are going, because the darkness has blinded them.—1 John 2:11 (NIV)
for i have never welcomed night like this—
a solid gloom, so eloquent, so sweet!
come, swallow me into your dark abyss
make now the stillness of my soul complete
a vulnerable beacon in the light
my nakedness attracts the rape of fate
no virtue, standing tall and erudite,
when babylon my neck would suffocate
read me my wrongs but read also my rights
if i may occupy my spot of earth
esteem me well my sovereign appetite
for privileges binding on my birth
o let me melt into the arms of eve
whence scrutiny may slay me not in spite
let midnight angels hush me as i grieve
and save me from the strife of black-and-white
give me the sleep that soothes the savage breast
that all my angst might swiftly dissipate
when my divergent hopes have coalesced
then might i learn to heal the hearts that hate
© Copyright 2020 June 15
by Clyve A. Bowen♫
and walks around in the darkness. They do not know where they
are going, because the darkness has blinded them.—1 John 2:11 (NIV)
for i have never welcomed night like this—
a solid gloom, so eloquent, so sweet!
come, swallow me into your dark abyss
make now the stillness of my soul complete
a vulnerable beacon in the light
my nakedness attracts the rape of fate
no virtue, standing tall and erudite,
when babylon my neck would suffocate
read me my wrongs but read also my rights
if i may occupy my spot of earth
esteem me well my sovereign appetite
for privileges binding on my birth
o let me melt into the arms of eve
whence scrutiny may slay me not in spite
let midnight angels hush me as i grieve
and save me from the strife of black-and-white
give me the sleep that soothes the savage breast
that all my angst might swiftly dissipate
when my divergent hopes have coalesced
then might i learn to heal the hearts that hate
© Copyright 2020 June 15
by Clyve A. Bowen♫
Written by cabcool
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Forum Posts: 3004
Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
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Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020 
Forum Posts: 2668
Ahavati said:Val neither link you posted was valid accordingly to my screens. First said page couldn't be found and the second ( after I copied and pasted ) showed nothing.
Ok thanks it's not available anylonger .
It was a video of an old time southern preacher who was telling his congregation how blessed we are to have Donald Trump as our President
He told a story of a woman who was down and out living in the UK
A woman from the church, who had been exceptionally kind to her had a daughter who was moving to America .
She gave the woman her family Bible to give to her daughter
The daughter went on to have 3 or 4 children and now she is dying
She gives the Bible to her son Donald because he reminded her most of this godly woman
That man was Donald Trump
It struck me as kind of sad the way the congregation was so sucked in
They all nodded their heads and praised good as the preacher continued admiring Trump .
The false image they had of Trump almost made them look childlike
Like they didn't know any better.
Very sad
How many voters are there between the ages of 65-85
They won't be changing their minds on Trump
We always say this but, now more than ever we need to VOTE
Ok thanks it's not available anylonger .
It was a video of an old time southern preacher who was telling his congregation how blessed we are to have Donald Trump as our President
He told a story of a woman who was down and out living in the UK
A woman from the church, who had been exceptionally kind to her had a daughter who was moving to America .
She gave the woman her family Bible to give to her daughter
The daughter went on to have 3 or 4 children and now she is dying
She gives the Bible to her son Donald because he reminded her most of this godly woman
That man was Donald Trump
It struck me as kind of sad the way the congregation was so sucked in
They all nodded their heads and praised good as the preacher continued admiring Trump .
The false image they had of Trump almost made them look childlike
Like they didn't know any better.
Very sad
How many voters are there between the ages of 65-85
They won't be changing their minds on Trump
We always say this but, now more than ever we need to VOTE
Forum Posts: 3572
Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018 
Forum Posts: 3572
Forum Posts: 3572
Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018 
Forum Posts: 3572
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17634
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17634
Ahavati said:OOps. I forgot to post the documentary link.
So I just watched this and am still crying. Seriously. I just have absolutely no fucking words for what this police force did and were found negligent of; but no charges were ever filed. Ever.
And while the city paid to rebuild the houses that were burned down, they were condemned in 2000 due to shoddy construction.
The ONLY spark of light in the entire documentary was ONE white officer who managed to save one child from that fire ( and even then another officer tried to stop him ), Officer James Berghaire. After his testimony, "nigger lover" was written on his police locker, and left the force due to PTSD.
There are some things that MOVE did that I do not agree with, i.e. - blasting on a loudspeaker in a residential neighborhood, touting guns despite the fact they they did not work and were all for show, etc. Every gun pulled out of that house was proven not to have worked; therefore, that initial gunfire could not have been from the MOVE house.
This is one of the most massive coverups in plain sight I've ever witnessed. And not one person paid for it except innocent children and neighbors who lost their homes, and everything they owned. Every photo. Every memento. Everything they held precious, because they were told they would only be gone for one day, then could return the next evening. So of course they packed sparingly.
"Let the fire burn."
Tragic. Senselessly tragic.
So I just watched this and am still crying. Seriously. I just have absolutely no fucking words for what this police force did and were found negligent of; but no charges were ever filed. Ever.
And while the city paid to rebuild the houses that were burned down, they were condemned in 2000 due to shoddy construction.
The ONLY spark of light in the entire documentary was ONE white officer who managed to save one child from that fire ( and even then another officer tried to stop him ), Officer James Berghaire. After his testimony, "nigger lover" was written on his police locker, and left the force due to PTSD.
There are some things that MOVE did that I do not agree with, i.e. - blasting on a loudspeaker in a residential neighborhood, touting guns despite the fact they they did not work and were all for show, etc. Every gun pulled out of that house was proven not to have worked; therefore, that initial gunfire could not have been from the MOVE house.
This is one of the most massive coverups in plain sight I've ever witnessed. And not one person paid for it except innocent children and neighbors who lost their homes, and everything they owned. Every photo. Every memento. Everything they held precious, because they were told they would only be gone for one day, then could return the next evening. So of course they packed sparingly.
"Let the fire burn."
Tragic. Senselessly tragic.

Ahavati said:
So I just watched this and am still crying. Seriously. I just have absolutely no fucking words for what this police force did and were found negligent of; but no charges were ever filed. Ever.
And while the city paid to rebuild the houses that were burned down, they were condemned in 2000 due to shoddy construction.
The ONLY spark of light in the entire documentary was ONE white officer who managed to save one child from that fire ( and even then another officer tried to stop him ), Officer James Berghaire. After his testimony, "nigger lover" was written on his police locker, and left the force due to PTSD.
There are some things that MOVE did that I do not agree with, i.e. - blasting on a loudspeaker in a residential neighborhood, touting guns despite the fact they they did not work and were all for show, etc. Every gun pulled out of that house was proven not to have worked; therefore, that initial gunfire could not have been from the MOVE house.
This is one of the most massive coverups in plain sight I've ever witnessed. And not one person paid for it except innocent children and neighbors who lost their homes, and everything they owned. Every photo. Every memento. Everything they held precious, because they were told they would only be gone for one day, then could return the next evening. So of course they packed sparingly.
"Let the fire burn."
Tragic. Senselessly tragic.
The untold number of prejudiced people turning a blind eye instead of holding them accountable and those too afraid to challenge the status quo is staggering.
So I just watched this and am still crying. Seriously. I just have absolutely no fucking words for what this police force did and were found negligent of; but no charges were ever filed. Ever.
And while the city paid to rebuild the houses that were burned down, they were condemned in 2000 due to shoddy construction.
The ONLY spark of light in the entire documentary was ONE white officer who managed to save one child from that fire ( and even then another officer tried to stop him ), Officer James Berghaire. After his testimony, "nigger lover" was written on his police locker, and left the force due to PTSD.
There are some things that MOVE did that I do not agree with, i.e. - blasting on a loudspeaker in a residential neighborhood, touting guns despite the fact they they did not work and were all for show, etc. Every gun pulled out of that house was proven not to have worked; therefore, that initial gunfire could not have been from the MOVE house.
This is one of the most massive coverups in plain sight I've ever witnessed. And not one person paid for it except innocent children and neighbors who lost their homes, and everything they owned. Every photo. Every memento. Everything they held precious, because they were told they would only be gone for one day, then could return the next evening. So of course they packed sparingly.
"Let the fire burn."
Tragic. Senselessly tragic.
The untold number of prejudiced people turning a blind eye instead of holding them accountable and those too afraid to challenge the status quo is staggering.
Forum Posts: 3572
Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018 
Forum Posts: 3572
JohnnyBlaze said:
Happy Birthed Day to you, BW. 🎂🎈
Thank You , Sir...
Made it *this* far...
Who knows from here ?
Best to you...
And Ahavati...
If you can only imagine , those of us who knew
of this , as it happened...what we felt , and how
our hearts were torn open , and still the lies , even
in the video...
They were not shotguns , their guns were not unloaded...
They had military grade weapons , up in the turret...
They had to , because of what threat there was against them...
They fuckin' knew they were going to die , defending their
rights to live as they chose...why did they have to be on
loudspeakers ?
Because otherwise , no one would hear them , know their truths...
Coverup , Coverup , Coverup...
This is the way I grew up...seeing this bullshit...
Knowing how fucked up the system was , and still is ,
lying about almost everything , and I , for one , will
not put up with it...I am all for the resistance , and if
need be , riots in the streets...

Happy Birthed Day to you, BW. 🎂🎈
Thank You , Sir...
Made it *this* far...
Who knows from here ?
Best to you...
And Ahavati...
If you can only imagine , those of us who knew
of this , as it happened...what we felt , and how
our hearts were torn open , and still the lies , even
in the video...
They were not shotguns , their guns were not unloaded...
They had military grade weapons , up in the turret...
They had to , because of what threat there was against them...
They fuckin' knew they were going to die , defending their
rights to live as they chose...why did they have to be on
loudspeakers ?
Because otherwise , no one would hear them , know their truths...
Coverup , Coverup , Coverup...
This is the way I grew up...seeing this bullshit...
Knowing how fucked up the system was , and still is ,
lying about almost everything , and I , for one , will
not put up with it...I am all for the resistance , and if
need be , riots in the streets...